Moonlit Snake // R.L. Maraude...

By dokyeomdotcom

41.3K 1.4K 383

It was Kelsey's fifth year at Hogwarts, she and her friends were all studying and getting ready for their O.W... More



1.2K 53 9
By dokyeomdotcom





I knew for a fact I was going to get detention for being out long after curfew.

"Ms. Clearwater, do you know why we are going to my office instead of just giving you detention and sending you back to your common room?" Professor Dumbledore asked me.

Oh, okay nevermind then.

"No, sir," I answered in the calmest voice I could muster, but I was very nervous.

We walked up to a gargoyle that I knew was the entrance to his office.

"Acid Pops," he told it and it hopped to the side revealing a staircase. 

We stepped on it and it took us up, I had never been in his office but once in my life and that was when James, Sirius, and I got in major trouble in our first year, however, it looked the same. It was a large and beautiful circular room, full of funny little noises. A number of curious silver instruments stood on spindle-legged tables, whirring and emitting little puffs of smoke. The walls were covered with portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses, all of whom were snoozing gently in their frames. There was also an enormous, claw-footed desk, and, sitting on a shelf behind it, a shabby, tainted wizard's hat the Sorting Hat.

"Please, take a seat, Ms. Clearwater." he gestured to the chair across from his.

"Professor?" I asked, sitting across from him. 


"Am I in trouble?"

"No, not very much. You will of course have a day's detention with Professor Slughorn for being out after curfew, but we can deal with that later. There is something more important I wish to discuss with you." He stated.

"It has come to the conclusion between, Professor's McGonagall, Slughorn, and I that is, that we need your help."

"Need me? Could you elaborate a little?"

"Yes, of course, we have a plan, and we need you to see it through along with Mr. Lupin," He told me.

Plan, what plan? And Remus is involved too?

"Kelsey, have you ever heard of a group called The Order of The Pheonix?"

"No, sir, I haven't."

"Well my dear, your parents are apart of that group. Now you're too young to join since you cannot use magic yet outside of school. As are Mr. Lupin, Potter, and Black. But, you and Mr. Lupin are the best at magic which is why we are entrusting you both with this." He explained.

He opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a weird looking necklace.

"This is a time-turner," he began. "It sends you back in time to change certain events, given they are done correctly." He handed it to me, "I'm asking you to keep this safe for the next few years."

"But, sir, when will Remus and I need to use it? Is he even aware of this plan? What even is the plan?"

"Kelsey, it is quite late and I would like you to head back to your dorm, however, please tell Remus tomorrow of what we need you both for and show him that." he pointed to the time turner. "The 'plan', in due time, will be explained to you both, but I am sure you will not need it for another three to four years. Now, off to bed." He smiled at me.

I nodded and said goodnight, walking out of his office and down the spiral staircase once again.

What was I supposed to explain to Remus, if I don't even know what the plan is!





"Dromeda, have you seen Kelsey lately? I haven't seen her as much, except for the classes we had together." I asked.

Granted it was partially my fault since I've been sneaking around with Potter recently.

Kelsey was hanging out with Regulus lately which isn't weird since they're dating and both in the same house, but apparently last night she was in the Gryffindor common room, how I don't know, and talked with Sirius and James.

"No I haven't, did you hear she was in your common room last night?' Andromeda asked. "She got in without anyone letting her and without a password, it's crazy. She didn't even tell me when she got back late last night. 

"Oh, here come the boys." I rolled my eyes and mentally prepared myself for the flirtatious James Potter and his goons.

"Dromeda, shouldn't you be at your own table?" Sirius asked her and squeezed between us throwing his arms around our shoulders.

"Maybe, but I wanted to talk to Lily this morning. 

"Hello Lily, you look ravishing on this fine morning," Potter told me as soon as he sat down in front of me. 

I just rolled my eyes again and ignored him, trying not to blush. He's been smugger with me since after five years I've finally given in to his flirtatious ways. 

"Remus!" I greeted my friend who was deep in a conversation about Charms with Peter that he didn't hear me.

"Lily?" I turned back to the front and gave Potter and 'what do you want' type look.

"Yes?" I snapped back, having to keep up my acting skills. 

"I was wondering if you would be willing to help me with some Herbology work? I cannot understand anything Professor Sprout told us to do." He asked me.

"Library, six o'clock tonight, don't be late or you're on your own," I told him then turned back to Andromeda only to see her and Sirius deep into conversation.

I sighed and stood up, getting ready to head back to my common room and finish off the Potions essay Slughorn needed by tomorrow. 

"Oh hello, Lily." Remus finally talked to me after about five minutes, and as soon as he saw me stand up.

"Hello, Remus." I smiled at him then walked away.

"Bye, Lily! See you later!" I heard James shout after me and I shook my head but smiled. 

Wait, smiled? And did I just call him James?





I woke up to repeated knocking on my door and grabbed my wand about to hex the hell out of the ass who woke up me.

"What do you want!" I just about shouted, but then I noticed an amused looking Narcissa and, as usual, an arrogant looking Bellatrix.

"Good morning, I'm here to give you your clothes back from yesterday," Narcissa told me and I smiled sheepishly taking them from her.

"Thank you!" I smiled at her.

"Also, Regulus has been looking for you, are you both fighting or are you okay?"

"One could hope they're fighting, then maybe they'll break up and he can date someone of the right stature." Bellatrix's sneering statement echoed through my mind.

"What is that supposed to mean? I'm a Pureblood therefore you of all people can't hate me." I shot back.

"But I actually can see you're a blood traitor who is friends with my blood traitor sister and a filthy Mudblood."

I had my wand under her chin as soon as that word left her mouth. Narcissa had a hand over her mouth and I didn't know if it was from me threatening her sister, or from her sister crossing the line for the umpteenth time.

"Call my friend that again, I dare you, I'm not afraid to hex your ass," I growled at her. 

Before she could reply, however, Rodolphus and Regulus came around the corner deep in conversation.

"I don't know if it's worked yet, she stubborn."

"He hates waiting you know that! This is your chance to bring your family honor since your arrogant brother couldn't."

I stared at them confused and shocked, but they hadn't noticed us yet. Bellatrix made some sort of noise that got Rodolphus' attention.

"Bella!" He rushed over to her and shoved me away causing me to land on my bum. "Are you alright? did she hurt you?" while he was busy fawning over her, Cissy came over and helped me up while glaring at the two of them, but I was glaring at Regulus.

"Nothing? you're just going to stand there and not be mad at him? He did just shove me to the ground, over his bitch of a girlfriend." Bellatrix and Cissy gasped at me saying that and Rodolphus went to move forward but Bellatrix, surprisingly, held him back.

"Well, you did have your wand aim at her." Regulus nonchalantly told me. 

My jaw dropped and so did Andromeda's who had walked around the corner right when he said that.

"She called Dromeda a blood traitor and Lily and Mudblood and you expected me to what? Not defend them?"

"Yes, because that's exactly what they are."

My anger got the best of me.

"Stupefy!" I shouted at him before he could get his wand out to protect him. 

He was shot back knocked out.

Andromeda, Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Rodolphus stared at me in shock. I went back into my room, locked the door, and quickly changed. Throwing on a pair of ripped jeans, my Slytherin sweater again, and combat boots, I placed my wand in the right one, and I threw my hair into a messy bun, then I grabbed the locket Regulus gave me and went out of my room.

Rodolphus was crouching by Regulas who was sitting up but still dazed and when I came out of my room all five people in the hall looked at me. I walked straight to Regulus.

"I've known you for four years. Three of those years I've liked you a lot and we've only dated about three months but you know what's sad? At that time you couldn't change your privilege standards like the majority of people in the House, except for maybe two percent, so here." I dropped the necklace in his lap.

"Find a new person to try to control, we're done," I said.

I walked away, leaving them all dumbstruck except Andromeda who followed me out of the Slytherin dorms as towards the Great Hall where I knew we could actually be ourselves.

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