Summer Love - One Direction F...

By onedirectionxox99

1.5K 6 9

April falls in love with Niall Horan and because of him her life is about to take an amazing turn. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 30

27 0 0
By onedirectionxox99

Aprils POV;

The doctor paused and looked at me carefully. I felt so vulnerable and needed Niall there to hold me in his arms. Niall would make whatever i am about to hear okay. I needed him so much. I figgeted uncomfortably in my chair. Tears started to form in Amy's eyes. I was guessing she had the same thought as me.

"You have cancer." The doctor finished causing floods of tears to escape from my eyes.

My world stopped for a couple of minutes. i just kept hearing those three words repeat in my mind. It is amazing how three words can change your life so much... I let the tears flood as Amy grabbed me and hugged me, i knew it was as difficult for her as it was for me. We had been best friends since god knows when and now we are going to be ripped apart like we never thought we would.

We must have sat there for about three hours until we finally calmed down. I sighed and got up and we both went to the car. The drive home was silent. "Don't tell anyone." I sighed. I wanted my last couple of months to be happy and not have everyone feeling sorry for me. The doctor said i only had about three months to live, so i was going to live and make the most of it.

"They deserve to know." She said looking at me intently. "I know and i will tell them eventually, i promise Amy but right now i just want everything to be happy. I don't want my last memories to be ones where everyone i care about is sad, i want us to be happy." I said, i wanted to live my life and then die peacefully. She nodded showing she understood.

We got out of the car and i immediately flung myself into Niall's arms crying. Pretending everything was okay was harder then it sounded. I kept thinking about how i didn't have much time left and how i was the number of cuddles Niall and I could have was very limited. Three months...

"Ssssh. Babe, whats wrong?" Niall asked comforting me. I lifted my head up and kissed him gentley. Amy was also in Liam's arms doing exactly the same thing. "Just had some bad news, it's nothing to worry about." I said trying to fake a smile. He nodded and looked at me with concern, i could tell that he wasn't just going to let it go but wanted to wait until we were in private which was fine by me.

Jai, you are amazing okay! x - April

April are you alright? You never complement me! xxx - Jai

Jai tell the boys, i have cancer. I havn't told 1D yet. xxxx - April

I sighed as i sent the last message, somehow i couldnt tell my boyfriend that i was dieing but i could tell Jai.

How long?xx - Jai

Three Months, I love you xx - April

I sent back waiting for a reply but never recieved one. I hoped he wasn't too upset, the boys may look all hard and that but they have really big hearts and they do care about the people they love more then anything and as a Janoskian i consider myself to be someone they love.

When me and Ni was laying in bed that night i was silently crying. So much for living my life, i couldn't stop crying so far. "Babe?" Ni asked squeezing me tighter and tighter. "I have cancer." I said , he lifter me up and stared at me in the eyes. I knew he couldn't believe what i had just told him. Suddenly he burst out crying and hugged me so tight. "Don't tell the others." I said. I had already planned it. I got up and grabbed a note book and pen and i wrote a letter.

Dear One Direction,

Thank you so much boys for everything you have done for me. You have been with me through thick and thin and i want you to know i love you so much. I honestly don't know what i wouldv'e done if you didn't come and rescue me that night on my birthday. I am really sad to say that we wont be having any more nights like that but i want you to forget about me and go on to live your lifes. I know it will be hard but eventually you will, Niall move on and find some body new yeah? I love you all unconditionally. I only told Amy and Niall so i know it is a shock to all of you but honestly dont let it get you down, you were my life and i couldnt think of my world without you. Thank you

April xx

I put the letter in an envelope and told Ni not to open it until i died. He agreed and silently cried with me.

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