My Story

Par Kasper14

429 0 0

Life isn't easy. Never has been, never will be. If someone tells you their life is easy then they are lying b... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 12

13 0 0
Par Kasper14


Today is Sunday and I am currently driving Jace's spare SUV out to the cabin to help Andy. I decided it would be easier if I had my own car so that I could go and talk to Nick and Sarah after helping Andy today. Andy and I had a very good date yesterday after the Nick thing.

I arrive at the cabin to see Andy's truck already parked there. I park beside him before turning off the car and getting out. I walk over to the cabin and have a look around the outside before Andy comes outside. It's a nice little wooden cabin, it doesn't have any damage to it but it needs cleaning.

"Hey Becky." Andy greets as I come around to the front of the cabin.

"Hey Andy, nice cabin." I comment and he chuckles before leading me inside.

The inside is nice but extremely dusty and has lots of cobwebs everywhere. Andy goes around and opens all the windows to let some air in before turning to me.

"Basically we just have to clean everything up and I've sorted out some new furniture that a mate of mine is bringing out in a couple hours." He explains and I nod.

"What do you want me to do first?" I ask.

"Could you go around and get all the curtains and bed sheets from around the place? I want to take them home and wash them."

"I can do that, where do you want them after that?"

"In the back of my truck please."

"All right." I say before going to the first set of curtains I see. I pull them down and fold them up before moving onto the next lot.



We have done a pretty good job so far, we have taken down all the curtains, stripped the beds, moved all the old furniture out, cleaned the cobwebs, swept the floors and then vacuumed the whole place. Andy and I are now lying outside on the grass waiting for his friend to turn up.

"Becky, would you be my girlfriend?" Andy asks as we stare up at the sky.

"Are you asking or is it if I would if you asked?" I ask.

"I'm asking."

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend, you seem decent enough." I tease and he chuckles.

"Well, I feel better now, it's been bugging me for a while now."

"Only now just got the balls?"

"As much I hate to admit it, yes."

I giggle at him and we just lie there in a comfortable silence until another car pulls up. I sit up and look over to see a guy getting out of a moving truck. He has blonde hair, bluey green eyes, tan skin, is well built and is about 6'2 in height, yes I can see all that from a good 50 metres away I have good eyesight.

Andy gets up before bending down and picking me up, throwing me over his shoulder making me giggle. He starts walking towards Bob Smith, the guys name, and I just hang there.

"Damn girl, you got a nice ass." Bob comments and I giggle.

"Yea my ass now." Andy says and I can here the smirk in his voice.

"Actually it's still my ass but I happen to be your girlfriend, big difference. Now could you please place me down." I say and he shakes his head.

"I'm liking the view." He comments and I pinch his ass making him jump giving me the chance to slip off his shoulder.

Andy playfully glares at me and I just smile before turning to face Bob, "Hi, I'm Becky."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Bob." He introduces and I nod.

"Nice to meet you too." I reply and he smiles.

We all move to the back of the moving truck and Bob opens it so we can get to the furniture. I reach in and grab a chair only to be pulled away.

"You'll hurt yourself carrying that." Andy says and I raise an eyebrow. I turn so I'm facing him before putting my hands on his waist then lifting him up with ease.

"What the fuck?! That is awesome." Bob shouts and I laugh before placing a shocked Andy back on the ground.

"I won't hurt myself carrying any of this." I state before grabbing the chair and carrying it towards the cabin.

I place the chair down in the lounge part of the cabin before going back to get more. I walk out of the cabin and see Andy still standing there looking shocked while Bob laughs his ass off. I walk over to them and click my fingers in front of Andy's face.

"Andy, you all right?" I ask and he shakes his head before nodding.

"Um, yea. Just confused." He answers and I giggle before leaning up and kissing his cheek.

"It's ok to be a blonde brunette." I comment before grabbing the double bed out of the truck. Bob grabs the other end and we both carry it to the cabin while Andy carries another chair for the lounge.


We are finally done. Everything is set up now and it looks great. It only took another couple hours to get everything in and make sure it looked right. We have put in a new lounge suite, new bed, new things for the kitchen, new sheets, new duvet, new curtains, new towels and new things for the bathroom.

Bob had just left, leaving Andy and I alone. Andy comes over to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Thank you for helping today." He says and I smile.

"It was fun and I was more than happy to help." I reply and he smiles down at me.

I look up at him and wrap my arm around his neck before leaning up and placing my lips on his. At first he's shocked but then reacts and kisses me back while holding me tightly to him. We stand there kissing for a little bit before I pull back with a smile.

"Wow." He comments and I giggle.

"I hate to ruin the moment but I have to go see Nick and Sarah plus you need to go home and get some sleep for work tomorrow." I say and he pouts.

I bite his pouting lip slightly and we end up having a heated make out session. I pull back again and smile.

"I really need to go now, Andy." I say and he nods before pecking my lips and letting me go.

"Bye Becky, I'll see you again soon." Andy says before walking towards his truck.

"Bye Andy." I call out before walking towards the spot where I first meet Nick.

I sit down against a tree and wait until Nick's black wolf emerges from the woods. He shifts and pulls on some pants. I stand up with a smile.

"What was Clara talking about yesterday?" Nick asks and I laugh.

"Your little mate is a very special person, she will have a werewolf protector and then a vampire one. I'm the vampire one and she hasn't met the werewolf one, he's not in your pack." I answer and he frowns.

"The werewolf one is a guy?" He asks still frowning.

"Yea but he is happily mated with about ten kids." I answer and his frown lessens.

"What makes Sarah so special? I've noticed that she isn't like most humans but no one will tell me exactly what it is about her."

"That would be because she should be the one telling you. She's human but not full human, she has faint traces of werewolf in her but a special type of werewolf. That's why she can see people's energy."

"Finally I get a decent answer, thank you."

"You are most welcome. I suggest you let her explain everything else though, she has had a lot happen in her life and it is better if you hear it from her not me."

Nick nods before shifting into his wolf and nodding his head. He starts to run towards the pack house and I run after him but easily pass him. I get to the pack field first and stop running. The kids from yesterday run over to me and I kneel down to hug them all.

I hear a growl from behind me and I look behind me to see Nick standing there.

"What's wrong with me hugging the kids?" I ask.

"You'll make them smell like you." He answers and I scoff.

"You're a dufus, Nick. I don't smell like a normal vampire because I'm not a normal vampire." I state and he sighs.

"I gotta go kids but I'll see you later." I say before standing up and watching the kids nod with smiles before running away.

I follow Nick towards the pack house but I stop when I smell rogue about two miles from Nick's territory.

"You have a rogue two miles off territory, west." I state and he tenses.

"How do you know?" He asks. I think he's just hoping I'm wrong.

"I can smell them and pin point their location. They are camped up and are not meaning any harm but just thought I would let you know." I answer and he lets out a frustrated sigh.

"I'll send a couple warriors out to check them out." He says but I shake my head.

"I'll go look." I say and before he can protest I teleport to the spot.

A young boy, probably about 6, is sitting wrapped in a blanket, shaking.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." I say before slowly moving towards him. He's half vampire and half werewolf, a hybrid. Poor little guy.

I crouch down in front of him and he looks up at me with big scared eyes, "They're coming for me." He says and I frown.

"I won't let them get you." I say before picking him. I warm my body temperature up a little bit and he snuggles into me. His parents are dead and the people that killed them are after him now. His name is Lachlan and he has white blonde hair, grey eyes that change colour depending on his mood and has lightly tanned skin. He's rather small for a six year old.

I hold onto him tightly before teleporting to the pack house. Nick is pacing but his head snaps to me when I arrive.

"Who is that?" He asks.

"The rogue. He's completely harmless but he is being hunted." I answer and Nick runs a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Becky!" I hear Sarah exclaim excitedly before she runs over to me.

"Hey Sarah, how are you?" I ask and she smiles up at me.

"I'm doing pretty good. Who's this?" She asks.

I crouch down so she can see Lachlan better and she smiles.

"He's so cute." She comments and he hides in my neck.

"He's a bit shy." I state and she nods in understanding.

Clara comes outside with her husband, David, walking closely behind. She smiles at me and I smile back.

"Good to see you again, Clara." I greet and she smiles wider.

"You too, Becky." She replies.

"Hi, I'm Becky." I greet before standing up and reaching a hand out to David.

"David. You're the protector I assume." He replies and I nod.

"That is correct." I say and he smiles lightly.

Lachlan starts to nuzzle my neck and rub his back softly.

"I'm hungry." He mumbles. He needs food and blood because he's weak.

"Do you have any food I can give him?" I ask politely. Sarah nods before taking my hand and leading me through the house to the kitchen.

She goes to the fridge and gets out a container with sandwiches in it before handing it to me.

"Thank you, Sarah." I say and she smiles.

"You're welcome, Becky. Is he going to be ok?"

"Yea, I'll make sure of it." I answer and she nods.

I put the container on the kitchen island before opening it. Lachlan pokes his head from out of my neck and I hand him a sandwich. He mumbles a 'thank you' before starting to eat his sandwich. He has about four sandwiches before he nuzzles his head back into my neck. I close the container and put it back in the fridge before gently biting into my wrist. Lachlan pops his head out again and I hold my wrist up to his mouth.

"Why are you doing that?" Sarah asks with a curious look on her face.

"Well, he needs human food and blood to be healthy so this is the easiest way to give him that." I answer and she nods.

"You're a vampire, ay?" She asks and I nod.

"I was a human but I was injected with vampire blood which changed me." I explain and her eyes widen.

"So you didn't get bitten?"

"No, I didn't."

"If you bit someone would it turn them?"

"Yes. I'm a vampire now so I can turn people like normal vampires can."

"That's so cool. Nick!" She yells and Nick runs into the room with a worried face. He picks her up and she giggles before hugging him tightly.

"Nick, Becky can turn people into vampires cause she's a vampire now, isn't that cool. Plus she's being really nice and letting the little boy drink her blood to keep healthy." Sarah explains and Nick chuckles.

Lachlan stops drinking and removes his mouth from my wrist. My wrist heals over quickly and Sarah's eyes widen. I grab a paper towel from the bench and wipe Lachie's mouth before letting him snuggle back into my neck.

"You heal so fast. I can't do that." Sarah says and I smile.

"That's because I'm a vampire and you're a human." I explain and she nods.

"You could turn me then I would heal faster." She says but Nick growls.

"No, she is not turning you into a blood sucking leech." He growls and Sarah frowns.

"Becky's not a blood sucking leech, she's cool." Sarah says.

"Still a blood sucking leech." He grumbles and Sarah starts to get tears in her eyes. Nick's eyes widen and he quickly apologises but she pushes him away and tries to get down. He holds onto her tightly and I quickly teleport her to in front of me before he can hurt her.

She hides behind me with little tears running down her face, "You were going to hurt me." She whimpers.

"No, I wasn't. I would never want to hurt you. Please come back, baby." Nick pleads as he kneels on the ground.

"Becky wouldn't have moved me unless you were going to hurt me." Sarah cries.

"Sarah, he won't hurt you now, I promise." I say but she shakes her head.

Lachie squirms around and I put him down. Sarah takes his hand and they go over to hide in the corner of the kitchen. I'm confused until I look at Nick to see him shaking violently with black eyes. He grabs me by the neck and lifts me up causing Sarah and Lachie to scream but I just let him get his anger out.

"I have allowed you to come close to my mate because you have to but if you take her away from me again I will kill you." He threatens.

"Nick, you were very close to hurting her so I moved her before you did something you would regret later, I was protecting her." I wheeze out and his eyes change back to their steel grey before widening and dropping me to the ground.

Sarah runs over to me and pushes Nick away from me.

"Are you ok, Becky?" She asks with tears running down her neck.

"I'm ok, Sarah, don't worry." I wheeze out.

"Nick, you hurt her and all she was doing was helping me! It's not healing either!" Sarah shouts and Nick looks at my neck. His eyes widen and I gather from that that it looks really bad.

"I'll be ok, Sarah, I'm strong." I tell her slightly breathless but she shakes her head.

"He hurt you and you were only helping me." She states.

"As long as you aren't hurt then I've done my job." I say and she hugs me carefully.

Lachie pads over to us and I sit up, leaning back against the kitchen island. He sits down beside me and holds my hand.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He asks in a small voice and I nod with a small smile.

"I'm ok, it'll heal soon." I answer but that wasn't completely true, if it hasn't healed yet then it will take normal human time to heal. How am I supposed to explain this to dad, Dave, Lucas and Andy?

I groan and they all look at me with worried faces.

"Dad's going to make Lucas guard me again now." I explain and they all let out breaths of relief.

"I'm really sorry, Becky, my wolf took over because you took her away from us." Nick apologies but I wave it off.

"Don't worry about it I forgive you but if one of you have a scarf I can borrow to hide this that would be great." I reply.

Sarah nods before running out of the room. Lachie hugs me around my waist and I bend down, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

"What are you going to do with him?" Nick asks.

"I'll look after him until further notice." I answer and he nods.

Sarah comes running back into the room with a nice black and red scarf. She hands it to me and I thank her before wrapping it around my neck. Sarah adjusts the scarf to cover the bruising and I smile lightly.

"I'm really sorry about that, Becky." Nick apologises again.

"Like I said, don't worry about it. I understand why you did it and I forgive you." I reply and he nods.

Sarah looks at me and I smile. She turns around and slaps Nick across the face before hugging him. I giggle as he hugs her with shocked face.

"I didn't think she was going to slap you but at least she's hugging you." I comment and he nods.

"I suppose so." He replies and I giggle again.

"Well, I gotta go before my dad sends out a search party but I'll see you guys another day." I say before standing up with Lachie.

"You gonna come back tomorrow?" Sarah asks.

"I'll try but no promises." I answer and she nods.

"Ok, I hope your neck gets better soon." She says and I nod.

"Me too. Ok bye guys." I reply before teleporting Lachie and I to my truck.

"Am I going to be staying with you now?" Lachie asks as I put him in the back seat.

"Yea, I'm going to look after you for now." I answer and he smiles.

I get in the driver's seat and start the car before starting the drive home. I wonder how Jace will react to Lachie?

Continuer la Lecture

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