My Story

By Kasper14

435 0 0

Life isn't easy. Never has been, never will be. If someone tells you their life is easy then they are lying b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 9

15 0 0
By Kasper14


After dinner Lucas, Jacob and I head up to my room to hand out.

"What do you guys want to do?" I ask, once we are in my room.

"We could get Dave and play spin the bottle, better with more people." Jacob suggests.

"I could get Liam to come back too, if you guys want." I suggest and Jacob nods. Lucas nods as well before going to get Dave.

"How are you going to get Liam back here?" Jacob asks.

"He's always here." I reply and Liam jumps in through my window before sitting down beside me.

"That's so cool." Jacob says and I laugh.

Lucas and Dave walk into the room and sit down. Dave puts an empty beer bottle in the middle.

"Ok so it's just whoever it lands on you have to kiss but if you don't want to then you have to take off a piece of clothing. This does not count on cheating on anyone and what happens in this room doesn't leave this room." I state and everyone nods.

I spin the bottle and it lands on Dave. I lean over and give him a quick kiss on the lips before sitting back down. We all laugh before continuing on with the game. Dave spins the bottle and it lands on Lucas so he take off his jersey making us all laugh again. Lucas spins and it lands on Liam.

"Kiss! Kiss!" Jacob chants and Lucas shakes his head.

"Please, there's no fun if you just take off your clothes the whole time." Jacob pleads with his puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." Lucas sighs and I giggle as Liam puckers his lips jokingly.

Lucas leans over and pecks Liam on the lips before pulling back and sitting down.

"If I didn't have Becky I would so turn gay." Liam jokes with a wink and we all laugh as Lucas pretends to gag.

Liam spins the bottle and it lands on me. I instantly pale because knowing Liam he wouldn't just peck me on the lips. Liam picks me up and puts me on his lap before smirking and placing his lips on mine. I kiss him back but pull back before it can get too heated, making him pout.

"I was having fun." Liam says with a pouty lip and I giggle before lightly biting his pouty lip.

I pull back with a smirk before moving back to my spot.

I spin the bottle and it lands on Jacob making Lucas frown. I crawl over to Jacob and he unexpectedly picks me up and puts me on his lap.

"I have always wondered what it was like to kiss a girl." Jacob comments and I giggle before placing me lips on his. He kisses me back before pulling back with a smile.

"What's it like?" I ask with a smirk.

"I thought it was great but maybe that's cause it's you." He replies with a wink and I giggle.

I move back to my spot and Jacob spins the bottle, it lands on Lucas and I giggle. Jacob climbs over to Lucas before pecking his lips.

"Na, na, na." Lucas says before pressing his lips to Jacob's again.

I watch as Dave's eyes widen and I laugh. Liam wraps an arm around my shoulders and I lean into him with a smile. Lucas eventually pulls back with a smirk while Jacob turns red.

Jacob moves back to his spot with a blush and Dave looks between Jacob and Lucas in shock.

"Since when were you gay?" He asks Lucas.

"When I meet Jacob." Lucas answers and Dave faints.

"Liam, help me get him down to dad please." I say before standing up and opening my door.

Liam grabs Dave under his arms while I grab his legs and we carefully carry him down the stairs to the lounge. Jace jumps up off the couch and we place Dave down on the couch before turning to Jace.

"What happened?" He asks.

"He fainted so we brought him down here." I answer and he nods.

"What made him faint?"

"He found out Lucas was gay." I answer and Jace's eyes widen.

"He's gay?"

"Yea but only with Jacob." I answer and he nods.

"Well if they're happy then I'm happy." He says and I smile before hugging him.

Liam and I go back up to my room while Jace looks after Dave. I walk into my room but quickly turn around and walk out again.

"Why aren't you going in?" Liam asks trying to walk past me but I stop him.

"Lucas and Jacob are..." I say trailing off and Liam's eye widen before he smirks.

He picks me up before teleporting us to his room at the castle. He places me on his bed before hovering over top of me. I smile up at him and he leans down, placing his lips on mine. The kiss starts to get heated but we stop when we hear a knock on the door. Liam groans before getting off me and going over to his door.

He opens it and some girl with basically nothing on is standing there with what's supposed to be a seductive smile, I think. Liam groans so I stand up and walk over to him before wrapping my arms around him.

"Who is this little slut?" The girl asks and I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm the slut?" I ask and she nods.

"Yea, your in my man's room." She says and I look up at Liam who shakes his head.

"Well, we were busy so it would be much appreciated if you left." I reply and she huffs.

"Liam, are you going to choose her over me?" She asks and he nods.

"Yea, it's a very easy decision." He says before closing the door on her and locking it.

I let go of him before walking over to the bed. He comes over and crouches down in front of me.

"You know she was lying, right?" He asks softly and I nod.

"I'm not worried about that but it's just, I've never been called a slut before and it hurt a little bit." I tell him, feeling slightly pathetic.

"Baby, your not a slut. Don't listen to her, she doesn't know anything about you. I know you though and I can tell you for certain that you are not a slut." He says, placing a hand on my cheek.

"I'm so pathetic, getting upset about something that isn't important." I say and he shakes his head.

"You aren't pathetic, baby, and your feelings are important. You're allowed to get upset if you're feelings get hurt, even a little bit." He says and I nod.

There's another knock on the door and Liam pecks my lips before standing up and going over to the door. He opens it and I look up to see Alex standing there.

"Why is she upset?" Alex asks as he comes over to me.

"One of the castles sluts called her a slut and it upset her." Liam explains, sounding slightly angry about me being upset.

"Well, I wish I could say I have some good news to cheer you both up but I have a feeling my news won't make either of you happy." Alex says with a frown.

"What is it, dad?" Liam asks and Alex sighs.

"You have to stop whatever it is going on between you two and Liam, you have to go away to Vampire training for four years." Alex explains and I can see anger spark in Liam's eyes.

"You're sending me away?" Liam asks angrily.

"I'm sorry, son, but I have to have you prepared for taking over the throne if anything happens to me or if I decide to step down. I won't have you putting Becky through the pain of waiting for you to come back so you have to stop until you get back." Alex says before smiling sadly at me and walking out of the room.

Liam starts pacing and I sigh before going over to him and taking his hand bring him to a stop.

"Liam, it's ok. You have to do what you have to do, I'll survive here." I say gently and he looks at me seriously.

"On one condition." He states and I nod.

"If someone, like Andy for example, asks you out then you say yes. I don't want you being alone and waiting around for me for the next four years." He states and I start to shake my head.

"I don't want anyone else, I'll wait." I say but he shakes his head.

"Baby, I don't want you to wait around and be single. Live your life and when I come back I'll take you how I can have you, friend or more." He says and I feel a tear run down my cheek.

He picks me up and I wrap myself around him, "Please don't cry, baby." He whispers but I can't help it. It didn't matter that we weren't officially together, I like Liam a lot and I didn't want to have someone else.

"Can't you take me with you? You could sneak me in." I ask and he chuckles lightly.

"As much as I would love to take you with me, I'm not allowed." He answers and I pout.

He kisses my pout and I kiss him back fiercely causing him to growl slightly. He carries me over to his bed before chucking me on it and crawling over top of me. He kisses me and I let him take control.

"I'm not going all the way but I want to feel you properly." He whispers huskily and I nod quickly. If I was being honest I wanted him as much as he wanted me. At that moment it was almost a need rather than a want.

Our clothes disappear except our underwear and he smirks down at me. He runs his hands over my body and I arch my back. He gets rid of my bra before attaching his mouth to one of my nipples causing me to moan. Let's just say that moan sent him over the edge and he pleased me in ways I could never imagine. We didn't have sex but his hands and mouth can do magical things.


I wake up wrapped in Liam's arms and I smile before kissing his chest. A slight groan exits his lips and I smile before rolling on top of him. I smile at him and he smiles back before pressing his lips to mine.

"You are extremely talented, baby, last night was amazing." I whisper and he smirks.

"You are rather talented yourself." He whispers back before flipping us over. He presses his lips to the spot where my neck and shoulder meet and I moan.

"One day I'm hoping I can claim you right on this spot, then I can keep you forever." He whispers huskily before kissing that spot again.

"If you weren't about to go away for four years I would tell you to do it right now." I whisper back with a slight moan and I can hear a growl rumbling in his chest making me moan louder. I don't know why but I found his growling extremely sexy and a major turn on.

"You would be hopeless if we had an argument and I growled because you'd be putty in my hands after that." He says and I smile.

"Good for you, huh?" I ask and he smirks before kissing me again.

"I'm sorry to ruin the moment, baby, but I have to pack and you have to get home." He says and I frown.

"Ok then." I reply and he pecks my lips again.

"Promise to do what I said?" He asks and I sigh but nod reluctantly. I didn't want to go out with anyone else but if I had to to keep Liam happy then I would.

"Good girl." He says before running his hands across my body one last time.

He growls before getting off and going to his bathroom. I giggle before running and jumping on his back.

"Let me shower with you." I whisper in his ear and he growls but nods.

I giggle again before jumping off his back. He turns on the shower to the temperature he wants it before taking off his boxers. I'm already naked so I don't have to take anything off.

Once the water is warm I jump in the shower, leaning up against the wall and biting my lip as Liam stalks into the shower after me. He presses himself against me and we kiss each other fiercely. I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist making him growl. I grab his hair wash before putting some in my hand. I rub my hands together before rubbing it into his hair as he sucks, nibbles and kisses my neck. I then grab the shower head and wash the hair wash out of his hair before putting it back. He grabs the hair wash and washes my hair before washing it out. He bends down and sucks on my nipples causing me to moan and arch against him. I rub my sex against his and he growls before pinning me to the shower wall.

"Don't tempt me." He growls and I whimper.

Let's just say it was the longest shower I have ever had.

Once we are done and changed I peck his lips before teleporting back to my house. The house is quiet meaning everyone is still asleep so walk over to the couch and lie down before closing my eyes.

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