Under Your Control ( A Skybri...

By tanlxee

21.1K 789 1.1K

This is a Skybrine fanfic. Herobrine turned evil and insane when Sky was 5 years old. His mother died saving... More

Character Details
Chapter 1: Skybrine is back
Chapter 2: Herobrine?!
Chapter 3: Secret discovered
Chapter 4: Sis
Chapter 5: Separated
Chapter 6: Tiana, Tiana Kitsu
Chapter 7: Promotion Already?!
Chapter 8: Intruducing Tianbrine!
Chapter 9: Depression
Nyat a chapter!
Chapter 10: Back to normal
Chapter 12: Plan to the Nether?!?!
Chapter 13: Preparing for the trip
Chapter 14: Memories True end route -End-
Chapter 14.1: Good end -Alternetive end 1-
Chapter 14.2: Bad end 1 (More ends?! Is this a game?!)
Chapter 14.2.1: Bad end 2
Thank you for reading!!

Chapter 11: Midnight joins the party

669 34 34
By tanlxee

Hi gus Tiana with here with another story! You should know by the title that a new character is joining the sky army (an oc) and the character is owned by unbreonlover. (Check her out!) I'll use the oc, but I'll change the personality a little. That ok?

~Sky's PoV~

It has been 2 weeks since the incident of Tiana and I.

Over a hundred recruits had died while the others, including us, was injured.

I walked in the hall, greeting recruits that passed by. The recruits bowed back, though most of them had a sort of fear in their eyes.

Alot of things had happened and I had to go out to take a stroll to sort out my thoughts. (Again...) Yep. I told the guard like the last time, sat on Dustier and ride into the jungle again.

This time, before I even reached the jungle, a wolf jumped on me.

"Wah?!" I shouted in shock.

"I sense a powerful aura from you. Who are you?"

Did the wolf... just... talk?!?! I mean, I can understand animal language, but this is wolf is speaking english!

"Who are you? How can you talk human language when you are a wolf? Are you a wolf hybrid?" After I finished the sentence, the wolf hopped off me and began to grow human-like until it became a perfectly normal girl.

"I am Midnight. And yes. I am a wolf hybrid, but at the same time, a brine hybrid. Now please answer my question. You seem to look familiar and I sense a strong aura coming off of you. Alot stronger than mine."

I flinched a little when she said she was a brine. "Your aura is not that weak, just so you know, my name is Sky or Skydoesminecraft or Adam. But but but, please don't call me Adam. I hate it when people call me that. Don't ask me why, I don't know. I just hate it. And I am also a brine hybrid. Not much of a human here."

(A/N I forgot to mention, but Sky's mother is actually a quarter brine. So Sky is only quarter human. Same with Tiana, or you can say me... Wait. Tiana is half  because she is also a fox hybrid Don't forget that herobrine is a fulllll brine.)

"You're also a brine?" She stared wearily at me.

"Yea. My little sister is, too." I nodded

She stared at me, scanning my body with her eyes before she relaxed. "Ah! I remember! The famous Skydoesminecraft! I watched your videos! I am suscribed to you, too!"

"Really? Then come join my army then. I'll go tell Jason." I blurted out.

"Sure! Ahhh!! I'm so excited! I found another person who is part brine, and that person is the famous Skydoesminecraft! And what more, I can meet all the tc members!" She exclaimed. She doesn't seem afraid that she has met a fellow brine?

"Please just call me Sky," I begged, "lets go."

"Okay!" Midnight shouted excitedly while I climbed on my horse.

"Lets goooooo!!!!!!" Midnight yelled as we went back to the army.

~3rd person's PoV~

Everything has been going well for the Sky army after the incident, but that won't last long, because what they didn't know, was that some one was watching them. Every single move was being watched by one person and that person you should already know.

Edited some parts of the previous chaps. Check them out :D And Sky seem to have very great luck finding rdcruits with potential.Tiana, signing off!

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