The Dragon's Moon

By SpiritShifter

46.6K 2K 375

Olivia never wanted to be part of a pack, and she thought she never would be. However, that all changes when... More

Chapter 1: Trouble
Chapter 2: A New Discovery
Chapter 3: Learning Love
Chapter 4: A New Home
Chapter 5: A Day to Remember
Chapter 6: Becoming Mates
Chapter 7: Rogues
Chapter 8: The Prince Cometh
Chapter 9: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 11: The Battle Begins
Chapter 12: A Shattered Heart
Chapter 13: Loving a Wolf
Chapter 14: Anticipation
Sequel or Not?
New Book Fan Project Contest (Yes I know it's a mouthful)

Chapter 10: Betrayed

2.3K 120 6
By SpiritShifter

Author's Note: I am soooooo sorry for leaving you guys hanging for so long. Collage has been kicking my butt lately so I haven't had a chance to write anything for a while. I hope this makes up for it, and I promise that the next chapter will be up within the next couple of days.

Anyway, now that I have hopefully appeased the fans wielding torches and pitchforks, let's get on with this book!!


For nearly a month I trained with Coralline in secret.  Every morning before sunrise, and every chance I had during the day, I would sneak away, using a scent hiding spell to avoid the others.  We would practice in a clearing that Coralline had found that was two miles from the pack house, just in case one of my spells got a little out of hand.  For the first couple days I felt guilty for hiding this from my pack, and especially Aaron, though with Coralline's warning quick to surface, I suppressed my urge to tell them and continued on as normal.

It wasn't until I came back to the pack house one morning, exactly three weeks since my training had begun, that I noticed something was wrong.  The bright morning sunlight was just poking over the trees, and yet the entire pack house was in a frenzy.  Wolves ran back and forth like wild beasts, while humans searched about like they had lost their most prized possession.  Men and women alike ran around with their hands waving in the air, and the noise was so loud I could barely hear myself think.  I tried to stop several people but they would run past before I could get in a word edgewise.  Finally, I sucked in a deep breath, and yelled out as loud as I could with Melanie's roar backing me.

"Everyone shut up and SIT DOWN!!!!"  The effect was as instant as it was shocking.  Everyone froze in their tracks and promptly sat on the ground.  Everyone's eyes met my own as I took a couple more breaths to calm my nerves.  Once that was done I nodded once to myself before calling out in a normal voice, "Blaze!  Front and center!"

He stood up from the middle of the group and ran up to me, "Yes Luna?"

"First of all," I said, "why is everyone running around like chickens with their heads removed, and second, why is it that Aaron isn't kicking your furry behinds into shape for me?  I mean really, the entire pack is falling apart and Aaron isn't stopping it?  Tell me where he is so I can go kick his butt back into shape."

Blaze gave me the most miserable look I had ever seen, and for the first time I noticed the fear scent that practically choked the air with its spine-tingling aroma.

I stepped forward and placed my hands on his shoulders, "Blaze, where's Aaron?"

He swallowed thickly and opened his mouth, except whatever he had been about to say was choked off by thick sobs that shook his entire body.  I watched in horror as the Beta of my pack, a man who stood at least a head taller than me and must have weighed two hundred pounds of pure muscle, crumble to the ground like a deck of cards.  He couldn't even look at me when I knelt down to try and comfort him, and as Maddy appeared I noticed that her normally cheerful expression was contorted by pain and misery.

I slowly stood up and looked out over the rest of my pack, who had collectively followed their Beta's example and were crying their eyes out on the front lawn.  I spun in circles o try and find someone who could talk to me, but everywhere I looked I was met with the same thing.  Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, so I spun to face Maddy and pulled her to her feet by sheer force of will.

"Where.  Is.  My.  Mate?"  I said in a commanding voice.  I hated to do this, but it was the only way to get an answer out of her at this point.

Her eyes flashed brown as her wolf reacted to my orders, and for a minute it wasn't Maddy talking to me, but her wolf.  "H-He, he took them.  He took your mom and sister and the Alpha.  He just showed up out of thin air and spoke some strange words.  Then these glowing balls formed around them and he laughed in our faces."  Tears stared to run down her face as she continued, "We tried to stop him, but he tossed us around like we were nothing to him.  H-He said that if we ever wanted to see them again, you and Coralline had to go to the place of endless summer.  He said you would know what that meant.  Then he vanished into thin air again, along with the others."  She swallowed thickly as she met my gaze fully, "P-Please forgive us Luna.  W-We did the best we could, but he was just too powerful."  She closed her eyes and turned her head away from me as more tears ran down her face, "We tried to stop him but we just weren't good enough.  We couldn't protect your mate or your mother and sister.  We, we don't deserve to be your pack anymore."

I released her and she crumpled to the ground again, and I stared at my pack as Maddy's words sank in.  My father had come and taken my mother, sister, and my mate in order to set a trap for me.  I knew of the place he had spoken of, but I had no idea how to get there.  The place of endless summer was a magical garden that he had created for my mother back before I was born, and it had become a sort of haven for me and her when my father would go into a rage.  The only way in or out was by magic teleportation, or by using a doorway set to its location.  The only problem was, the only doorway I knew about was back at my father's castle, almost three months' journey from my pack's land.

Coralline, who had been standing beside me during all of this, chose that moment to speak up, "There is a way we can teleport to the garden from here.  I know the words needed for the spell."

I looked at her like she had just handed me a golden key to paradise, "You're serious?  You know how to get to the secret garden from here?"

She nodded, "I lack the power to do so myself, but with your new abilities, it should be a simple task to transport us there.  Once you know the words of course."

I grabbed her shoulders with my hands and started shaking her, "Why didn't you say so in the first place?!  My family is being held captive as we speak!  We need to get there now!"

She grabbed my hands and removed them from her shoulders, "I'd gladly tell you if you would stop shaking me."  I sheepishly pulled my hands back and she cleared her throat, "Very well.  I can tell you the words you need to say in order for the spell to work, but you must understand that even with your power, it will only be able to take the two of us."

At this Blaze looked up with a shocked expression, "We can't go with you?  Oh hell no!  If you're going to kick some were-dragon ass, then I'm coming with you."

Maddy stood up next to him and added, "So am I."

"And me!  And me!  Me too!  I'll go!"  All at once the entire pack started calling out to me.  I watched as the pack seemed to come back to life, and I felt tears coming to my eyes as they all crowded around us to volunteer.

I glanced at Coralline as my pack formed a circle around us, "Are you certain we can't take more?"

She nodded once, "I'm sorry, but even with your strength, we won't be able to transport more than two people.  And as much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news, the rest of you would only get in the way."

I felt the air crackle as the entire pack's hackles rose, though it was Blaze who spoke first.  "And just who do you think you are?  Who's to say we wouldn't be able to help?"  His voice was barely understandable because he was growling so much, "We barely even know you and yet you get to go with our Luna into what could possibly be the most dangerous fight she's ever been in?!  What makes you so special?"

Several others growled their assent, but I was interrupted before I could speak in her defense.  "You want to know why I get to go and none of you mutts do?"  I turned to face Coralline and saw that her eyes had changed into a deep violet color, "It's because compared to you pathetic mutts, I'm as powerful as ten Alphas put together." 

She sucked in a deep breath and roared so loudly that the birds around us all burst into flight.  Everyone took three healthy steps back, and I saw several eyes change color as their wolves submitted to her power.  Coralline seemed to shrink as her eyes changed back to their normal hue, and she glanced around at the dumbfounded wolves.

"Any more dumb questions?"

There was a collective shaking of heads as she stepped up to me again, and I found myself almost stepping away from her as she turned her gaze on me.

"So, are you ready to save your loved ones?"  She asked.

I shook my head to clear it and nodded, "Whenever you're ready."

She smiled and nodded in return, "Then we must begin at once."  She glanced at the others, "You might want to step back a bit."

The pack took three more large steps back, leaving us in the center of a fifteen-foot circle.  Coralline turned to me and grabbed my hands with her own, "Now, repeat after me.  Remos la verdi sore mino loquestras."

"Remos la verdi sore mino loquestras."  I felt my magic filling my body as we both began to glow with a soft gold light.

"Good.  Now for the location verse.  Ginri los baken frendo su venros."

"Ginri los baken frendo su venros."  Now a golden spell circle formed under our feet as the golden glow around us began to grow brighter.

"And lastly, the activation verse.  Wentro su mina wen ritas."

"Wentro su mina wen ritas."  I repeated.

The circle beneath our feet began to glow as brightly as we were, and as it slowly spun under our feet, the world around us began to shift.  One second I was looking at my pack, and the next we were surrounded by a field of flowers.  These two images began to flicker back and forth as the circle spun faster, and I cast one last look at Blaze and Maddy.

"Take care of the pack until I return."  I smiled as they nodded.

Maddy wiped her eyes and smiled back at me, "We will Olivia.  Kick your old man's butt for us and bring our members back."

I nodded once, and with a blinding flash, they were gone.  My magic faded from my mind as the flower fields from my past came into full focus.  I let go of Coralline's hands and looked around, hoping to see Aaron or my mother nearby.  What I did see set my blood to boiling, and I snarled at the man who stood before us with a cold smile on his face.

"So nice to see you again my sweet Olivia."  My father said as he spread his hands wide, "Welcome home.  I trust you'll be staying for dinner?"

He looked the same as he had ten years ago when he tossed me out the front gates of his castle.  He was a man who looked to be in his mid-forties, with jet black hair and a thick beard to match.  His clothing bulged where his muscles fought to free themselves, and I could almost feel the power radiating off of his body.  His piercing blue eyes were the same color I remembered, pure as glacial ice and just as cold.  His gold and crimson attire would look more at home sitting on a throne, and the same gold circlet he always wore rested just below his hair line.  A thick black cloak rested over his shoulders, and two silver bracers adorned each wrist.  All and all he was an impressive figure, had I not been too furious to care.

My eyes flickered from green to amber and back to hazel in rapid sequence, and I snarled with all three of our voices, "Where are they you worthless pile of shit?!"

His eyebrows rose in mock surprise, "My, my, such a sharp tongue you've developed."  His eyes narrowed as he smirked at me, "I'll make sure to rip it from your mouth before this is done."

The golden aura from before began to shine around me as Melanie gave me her power.  I knew I was an inch from shifting into my dragon form, and it showed in my voice because Melanie was there with me, "I'll only ask one more time.  Where.  Are.  They?"

He tapped his chin with one finger, mocking me with a slightly confused expression, "Now who is it you could be talking about?  Ah yes," he snapped his fingers and three blue balls of energy appeared above his head, "I believe you came for these worthless mongrels."

Mom, Willow and Aaron pounded on the inside of each sphere, calling out to me with muffled voices.  I snarled as he flicked his fingers and the spheres lowered until they were just inches off the ground.  He turned and tapped on the sphere holding Aaron, causing both Aaron and I to snarl at him as he walked around the bubble with an expression of mild interest.

"I really don't see what you find attractive in this mutt."  He said as he completed his circumventing of Aaron's prison, "He's not even all that powerful where Alphas are concerned."  He glanced over his shoulder at me, "You could do so much better my dear daughter."  Before I could answer he looked at Coralline and smiled, "You did well my pet.  I suspected for a bit that you might betray me, but I see now I had no reason to worry."

My eyes widened in shock, and I turned around to stare at Coralline as she fell to one knee and bowed, "It was my pleasure Lord Lucifer.  I live to serve you, and you alone."

Realization hit me like a freight train out of hell, and Melanie roared before calling out, "You little bitch!  You were in league with him from the start?!"

Coralline looked up at me with a soft smile, like nothing was wrong, "Of course.  You didn't think Lord Lucifer would let his mate and second daughter escape on their own, did you?  He sent me along so that way when we finally found you, he could bring you all back to where you belong."  She tilted her head to the side with a confused expression, "What did you expect?  Lord Lucifer never lets something that belongs to him go."

I wound up to punch her smiling face in, but before I could swing I felt something grab my arm from behind.  I spun around and yelped in surprise when I saw that my father was the one holding my wrist in an iron grip.  I hadn't even heard him move, let alone sneak up behind me.

I jumped back and he released my arm without trying to restrain me.  I waited for him to attack me, but he simply stood there with a blank look on his face.

"Come now child," he said in a condescending way, "did you really expect to face me and stand a chance in actual combat?"

I fell into a fighting stance and bared my fangs, "I sure as hell plan on kicking your sorry ass."

He shook his finger at me like I was a naughty school girl, "Tut tut my dear, this simply won't do.  If you're going to be joining me back at the castle, then we're going to have to work on your manners.  Lesson one,"  In an instant he disappeared, and before I knew what was happening, I felt a fist connect with my right cheek.  As I flew sideways and landed on my side, I heard him finish his sentence, "never take your eyes off your opponent."

I stumbled to my feet and threw a wild punch at his face, but it was like I was punching thin air.  "Lesson two," his voice echoed around the clearing before another monster blow hit be between the shoulder blades, sending me sprawling again, "never turn your back on the enemy."

I let Melanie take over as she lashed out with a side kick, but once again our blow passed through his after-image like he was never there.  I turned around and around, trying to pinpoint him, but his voice and scent seemed to be coming from everywhere at once.  I turned to face the spheres and yelled in fright as I saw them beginning to shrink.  I raced up to them and started raining blows on the one holding Willow, but it was like punching a brick wall.  Then, as quickly as it had started, it stopped.  The spheres were now small enough that all three of them were forced to sit down or risk hitting their heads, but at least they had stopped shrinking.

Just as I was about to turn around, my father's voice whispered in my left ear, "Lesson three," his hand grabbed the back of my head, and my eyes widened as my feet left the ground, "never lose your focus."  Before I could react I was spun around and then pile-driven into the cobblestones, my face taking the brunt of the impact.  I swore as my nose broke against the unforgiving ground, and I coughed as blood began pouring onto the ground and down the back of my throat.

I tried to move, but the shock of hitting the ground had numbed my entire body, and I was forced to lie still as he leaned over my head, "Have you learned anything yet my daughter?"

I turned my head so I could look up at him through my tear-filled eyes, "I learned those a long time ago."  I spit out the blood pooling in my mouth and smirked up at him, "I learned them every time you beat my body until I couldn't walk.  Now that I've gotten stronger, I've got some things to teach you."

He smirked and said in a bone-chilling tone, "Oh, and what's a weak little half-breed going to do against me?"

I smirked as I flexed the fingers of my left hand into a specific symbol, "Voco lumen displosio."

His eyes had just enough time to widen before a blast of gold energy erupted from my hand, right into his unprotected stomach.  The force of the impact launched him up and over the spheres holding my family, and he landed on his back with a dull thud as the air in his lungs was forcibly ejected by the impact.

I pushed myself into a standing position, and I smirked at him as he sat up with one arm around his stomach.  "Told you I learned a thing or two."

He sent a venomous glare towards Coralline, who flinched under his gaze, "I never told you to teach her magic!  What were you thinking?!"

She bowed so low her forehead nearly touched the ground, "I'm sorry Master!  Please forgive me!  I only wished to return her to you with the skills required to take her place as princess!"

Once more, my father seemed to disappear, and in the instant he reappeared in front of Coralline, I knew something bad was going to happen.

Coralline seemed to realize that my father was standing right in front of her, and she slowly looked up until her gaze met his.  His back was turned to me, so I couldn't see his expression, but if Coralline's look of total terror was anything to go by, it was something I would rather not have seen.  She opened her mouth to speak, but he cut her off before she could utter a sound by clamping one hand around her throat.  Coralline gagged as her airway was cut off, and she struggled in vain as my father lifted her completely off the ground.  She clawed at his hand in a desperate attempt to free herself, but it was like trying to open a bear trap. 

"You have failed me for the last time Coralline."  My father's voice was completely devoid of emotion as he spoke, "I will not allow your incompetence to sully my plans any longer.  Goodbye."

Coralline's hands made one last attempt at removing his grip on her throat, but her strength failed and she seemed to realize there was no escape.  Her eyes fluttered once or twice as her gaze turned to me, and I saw what seemed to be a plea for forgiveness before they slid closed and her arms fell limp at her sides.

My wide eyes stared at the two of them, my mind unable to accept what my senses were telling me.  My father tossed Coralline's body to the side like a sack of flour, and I couldn't help but follow her path with my gaze until she came to a stop on the ground.  I waited for her to move, to start begging for her master's forgiveness, anything, but she just lay limp on the ground, still and silent.

My father had just killed Coralline in cold blood, and now that same man was walking towards me without any remorse in his eyes.  I felt a cold shiver of fear run up my spine, but I forced myself into a standing position anyway.  I may be afraid, but my family was still in danger, so I had to suck it up and kick this man's ass before he kicked mine.  I just hoped that what magic Coralline had been able to teach me would be enough, because I had a feeling this was going to be the fight deciding if any of us were going to leave this place alive.

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