Undead Apocalypse Complete

By AbelElizabethWalker

399 19 1

Ever since the Apocalypse happened almost two and a half years ago, Emma has be fighting off the undead horde... More

First Letter to Emma
Chapter one
Second Letter to Emma
Chapter two
Third Letter
Chapter Three
Letter Four
Chapter Four
Fifth letter
Chapter Five
Arthur's Note
Sixth letter
Chapter 6
letter 7
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
the end posible sequel

Chapter eleven

7 0 0
By AbelElizabethWalker

"Emma? Emma?" a soft hand shakes my shoulder and my eyes open to slits. I see everything as of through think fog unable to break through the exostion. Jason is picked up and taken from the building. Ruff hands gather me up and I am taken into the bright daylight. I close my eyes drifting off again. I open my eyes again seeing a big dark skinned man driving and a small blurry woman looking at me from the front seat. She reaches her hand out to me. "Hold on Emma. Just hold on." she say sounding far away as I fade out again.
Bright lights blind me as I watch them bass over head and I am being carried into a place I do not recognize. Where am I? How did this people know my name? I don't remember saying it over the walky? Could Hannah have sent them or is these two people known to me yet in my current state I am unable to remember them. We enter into a room brighter then the hallway we where just in. A breathing mask in placed over my mouth and nose and I am force feed what ever is in it. I hold my breath as long as I can trying to fight them in my weakened state but find my legs and arms are strapes down. My vision becomes blurted as I struggle and I finally take in a breath breathing in the chemicals they are force into my lunges. I pass out unable to fight back any longer.

"Drake? How is our patients?" a voice asks sounding far away.
"Good. Surgery went well and now I have enough of their natural immunity to make an antidote or to give what's left an immunity to the viruse. Now leave me Veronica. I have much to Do. Go check on the patients." Drake says and I fizzle out again.

"Emma" A weak Jason pulls me from my nightmare and I look over at him with a weak smile.
"Jase." I say as our eyes connect. I reach for his hand and he takes mine. I struggle to sit up and find I am no longer tied down. I finally manage to sit up still holding his hand and go to swing my legs over the side of bed next to his. I get snagged on the IVs and let go of his hand. I rip them out and turn back to him. I push off the bed and stumble to his bed. He grabs me, pulling me down into his arms. He holds me to him and I bary my face into his bandaged bare chest careful not to hurt him.
"Where are we?" He asks me weakly.
"I don't know. I heard something about them using our immunity to make a cure or give other our immunity." I say.
"Well we can only hope." He says as he goes limp against me falling back into a medical induced sleep.
I hear a sharp intake from someone and I grip tighter onto Jase not wanting them to take him away. Ruff hands grab hard into my arm and shoulder as the force my arm back painfully. I bit my tongue cutting of my yelp of pain and I am pulled from the bed. I drop to the ground hard feeling my arm pop out of the socket and kick the persons legs out from under them. It let's go of my arm and I jump on top of them . I hold them down my adrenaline rushing through me.
I get a good look at my attacker and it is the black ma drake who had "saved" us. "What the hell do you want with us?" I ask.
Drake looks up at me dumbfounded. "How are you able to move? You shouldn't be able to let alone fight. We pumped you with so many drugs you should have been out for weeks." he says and I grab his gun from it's holster pointing it at his forehead. I cock it and glare down at him.
"How did you know we where immune?" I ask and he chuckles at me. He quickly removes the gun from my hand and flips me off of him. He slams me face first into the cement floor and holds me down with the gun to my head.
"Hello Beth or should I say Emma." I hear Daniel's laugh as he comes walking up to us dragging Renee with him. She has several bullet wounds and cuts all over her bloodied bare form. She slide across the floor lemply and he drops her next to me. Her eyes stare blankly off into the distance but I can hear her shallow breathes letting me know she is alive. But is being alive better then death anymore. The longer we out live the zombies the less we see others like ourselves and we see more men like Daniel.
Daniel stands over her body and grabs her hair pulling her up as he looks down at me. "She has been so kind as to share with us all about your group. It may have taken us sometime for her to be so kind and submissive but it is all the same in the end." he says smiling from ear to ear.
"Drake if you would be so kind as to stitch her up for me She has been quite a good ride I wouldn't want to lose her now. Isn't She suck a beautiful slute." he says dropping her back onto the floor. Drake nodes as he pulls both my arms up painfully behind my back and drags me to the other side of the room. He hand cuffs me to a streaming pipe that is a three feet off the ground. I kick at His leg with my bare foot and he kicks me hard on my right side. He sits down on my legs and force my arm back in the socket. I ignore the pain and glare at him.
"Are you really working for him?" I ask.
"Shut up bitch. What the hell make you thing ima tell you?" he spats at me and stands gathering Renne. He gently places her on the bed I was on and begins working on Her wounds.
I fall asleep a few hours in and wake sometime later to just Jason and Renne sleeping in their bed. No one else is in the room and I look around for anything I can use to get us out of here. I find a clip bord with a paper clip holding some of the papers together. A few surgical knives sit in a container that are not to far from me. I look down at myself seeing I am only wearing a over sized t shirt and nothing else. "Shit.they took everything. How are we going to get out of here?" then a plain forms one that I pray will work. I will get us out of here one way or another.

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