Undead Apocalypse Complete

By AbelElizabethWalker

399 19 1

Ever since the Apocalypse happened almost two and a half years ago, Emma has be fighting off the undead horde... More

First Letter to Emma
Chapter one
Second Letter to Emma
Chapter two
Third Letter
Chapter Three
Letter Four
Chapter Four
Fifth letter
Chapter Five
Arthur's Note
Sixth letter
Chapter 6
letter 7
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter nine
Chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
the end posible sequel

chapter ten

3 0 0
By AbelElizabethWalker

The troll glares down at us as it growls it eye blood shot and blood drips from it mouth ad it looks through the car Windows. We uncapped our seat belts as Jason grabs the keys and duck down as it's large hand removes the roof of the car. As it tosses the roof aside we try scrambling from the car. I manage to fall out of the door but Jason's door refused to open. I watch in horror as the troll turns back setting it's sights on Jason. Jason tries ducking and I pull up my rifle shooting it's hand but to no avil. It grabs Jason around his abdomen and I can hear the sickening cracks as some of his ribs crack.
"Shit." I say under my breath and take off at it. I unsheath my swords and slam them into it's large bare feet. It yell tossing Jason and grabs it's foot.
I scramble to where jason was tossed and pull him to his feet. I pull the car keys from Jason's pocket and set off the panic. The troll turns interested in the car. Once it has it in it's grips I turn off the panic. Jason leans against me as I drag him with me and I try to find a safe place for him while I fight off or lose the troll. I look to the troll finding it still chomping away at the car unaware of us and contemplate running for it but I know Jason is in no condition to make it if I did. I find a small building and push the doors open and drag Jason in. I check it for the undead and after finding only one hanging from a rope in the back room I take care of it returning to Jason.
Jason's eyes are closed and he is holding his side where he had been thrown into a building. His breathes are labored and I fear on of his ribs punctured his lounges. His leg is badly torn from where the troll had grabbed it and thrown him. He has been through far worse but not with a troll between us and home. I kiss his for head grabbing his guns and leave locking him inside. I take off keeping from the eye of the troll and make it to the other side of the rood. I climb onto the roof of a building and look down Jason's scope at the troll. It is about thirdly yards away and has given up on the car. It is slowly walking this way and I grab out my riffle with armer piercing rounds. I aim for it for head and fire over and over moving with the troll hitting the same spot. It stands before the building and I fire one last time finally piercing a hole through the skull. It slames its hand down on the building roof and I am thrown back off the building. I badly ketch myself on the for escape of the building next to it and slam my ribs hard into the metal losing my breath and possibly cracking a rib. I have no time to check and pull myself up into the fire escape. I race up it to the roof and run at the other building jumping off the one I am on. I land ruffly as I tuck and roll on to the roof and come up pull my riffle out aiming at the troll. I pull the trigger and the built hits the brain. It only seems to anger it and it charges after me. I turn running to the edge of the building and find this one to be the last. I turn back facing the troll and secure down my weapons. As it slams its fist into the roof I jump onto its arm running up it as it screams at me and pull the pins out of the five grenades. I toss them on to its mouth and take out my riffle shooting its forehead. The builey goes further then the last and as it brings up its other hand to grab me I flip off it landing on the roof.
I risk taking another shot at it's head and it grabs for my legs. It's hand misses me and I fire into it's head again. It goes further into it and I turn running to the building to my left. As I jump the troll grabs my left leg pulling it from the socket and I scream. I dangle by my broken leg as it lifts me to it's mouth. I unsheath my swords and lean up slamming them into its eyes. It drops me and I hang by my swords. It stumbles back and I place me right foot on it's noes. I pull my right blade out and slam it into the hole I made in it's forehead. I widen, deepaning the hole further and pull out my blade. I pull out two grenades and shove them into the opening the pins coming off on my fingers. I pull my sword out of it's eye as it falls on to it's back. I am thrown off of it and land ruffle on my right good leg. I hoble ad quickly as I can away but the grenades go off before I am to far away and I am splattered with brain juice. I fall on my hands and knee breathing as I look at the what I hope is now dead troll. I don't wait to long and drag myself across the pavement to where Jason is. I pull myself up on the side of the building and open the door. I fall into the room and find Jason past out on the floor where I lefr him. I pull myself up and secure the door so nothing will be able to get in. I hop over to Jason and collapse beside him. I place his head in my lap and run my finger through his sweat matted hair.
I sigh tieredly leaning my head back aginst the wall and pull the walky from my pocket. I turn it on the static filling the silences of the room and hold the button down. I hold it to my mouth.
"Hannah Baby you there?over." I asK my word slightly slurring.
"Hannah? Anyone? Over." I say fighting myself to stay awake.
"If you can hear me we are at the old bar n grill we used to go to in college." I say groggy and the walky falls from my hand as I fall asleep.

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