My Story

By Kasper14

435 0 0

Life isn't easy. Never has been, never will be. If someone tells you their life is easy then they are lying b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 4

12 0 0
By Kasper14



It is 7 am and I am sitting at the breakfast bar like usual staring out the kitchen window. Today is my first day at the new high school so I'm dressed appropriately. I'm wearing three quarter black jeans, white v-neck top, black leather jacket and ballet flats.

Dave and Jace walk into the kitchen and I smile lightly at them. They were used to my routine now but it doesn't mean Jace is any happier about it.

"So, excited for school?" Dave asks with a smirk.

"No." I grumble and Dave chuckles.

"Dave, leave Anna alone if you're going to be a dick." Jace scolds and I smile at him thankfully.

"I'm sorry, Anna." Dave apologises and I smile at him.

"It's fine but I don't particularly want to talk about school first thing in the morning." I reply and Dave nods.

I was starting about a month into the term but I didn't really mind too much.

The doorbell rings and I raise an eyebrow, it was too early for Lucas to be here so I don't know who would be here at this time.

Jace shrugs before going to answer the door. A few seconds later a girl about Dave's age (19) walks into the room. She spots me and glares. She stomps over to me and pushes me off the stool making me hit my head on the ground.

My vision starts to go blurry but I shake my head and it kind of focuses again.

"What the fuck, Chloe?!" Dave yells before coming helping me sit up.

"You've been ignoring me and I can guarantee this bitch is the reason why!" Chloe screeches.

I stand up and walk over to her, "You shouldn't jump to conclusions, bitch. I'm basically his sister and you just fucking pushed me off a bar stool because you know he's to good for you but keep denying it. Now stop your fucking screeching before you give me a worse headache than I already have thanks to you." I say before pushing past her and going towards the stairs.

"Who the fuck do you think you are talking to me like that?! Do you know who I am?!" Chloe screams.

"Do you think I care? NO!" I yell back before going upstairs to my room.

I get to my bathroom before I start to feel dizzy, "JACE!" I yell out before falling to the ground.

Jace runs into the room and quickly comes over to me, "Keep your eyes open, ok?" He says and I hum in response, trying to keep my eyes open.


"NO! YOU GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS HOUSE, WE ARE OVER!" Dave yells at her before I hear footsteps running up the steps.

I was expecting Dave to appear in the doorway but no, Chloe stood there ready to scream at me.

Jace lays me down gently before turning to face Chloe, "Get the FUCK out of my house before I have you arrested for assault." Jace says dangerously.

Chloe quickly leaves and Jace turns back to me. He comes over and picks me up before taking me out of the bathroom and downstairs.

Dave is pacing in the entrance hall with a slap mark on his face.

"Son, if she ever comes to this house again I will personally arrest her." Jace hisses.

"I broke up with her so if she comes back I will personally boot her ass out." Dave replies before looking at me.

"Jace, I'm sleepy." I comment, my eyelids becoming heavier making it hard to keep them open.

"Keep your eyes open, Anna." Jace demands sternly before taking me out to his SUV.

He puts me in the back and buckles me in before getting in the driver's seat. Dave hops in beside me and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Anna." Dave apologises as Jace starts the car and starts driving.

"It's not your fault, Dave." I reply sleepily. I try hard to keep my eyes open but it is becoming increasingly difficult.

"Keep your eyes open, Anna." Jace growls from the driver's seat and I gently nod.

Eventually we stop and Jace gets out before getting me out of the car. He carries me into the hospital and a nurse gasps before running over to us.

"This way sir." The nurse says before leading us somewhere.

Jace lays me on a hospital bed and I start to close my eyes.

"Keep your eyes open, Anna." Jace growls and I slowly open them again.

"I'm so tired, Jace." I whisper.

"I know but you have to keep your eyes open, ok?" Jace says and I nod.

A doctor comes into the room and I'm turned so that I'm lying on my back. The doctor injects me with something.

"What happened?" The doctor asks.

"My son's now ex girlfriend came into the house and pushed Anna off the bar stool, she hit her head on the ground I think." Jace explains and I nod gently.

"Can I sleep now?" I ask tiredly.

"I still need to run some tests." The doctor says.

"Keep your eyes open, Anna." Jace says sternly and I sigh but nod gently anyway.

The doctor gets me to watch his finger while he shines a light in my eyes then he checks my pulse. Eventually I start to feel more awake but my head starts to hurt. I screw my eyes closed trying to dull the pain but Jace tells me off.

"I said keep your eyes open, Anna." Jace says sternly.

"No my head hurts." I complain.

"Can you sit up please?" The doctor asks and I nod before opening my eyes and sitting up.

Jace holds my hand and I squeeze it sightly trying to focus on something other than the pain in my head.

"You have small cut on your head as well as some bruising so I will have to clean that. You will need to take some time off to rest." The doctor says and Jace nods.

"Looks like you aren't starting school till next week, Anna." Jace says and I nod.

The doctor cleans the cut with some alcohol wipes before saying I was fine to go as long as I rested.

Jace takes me home before saying that he had to get to work. I nod and he leaves. Lucas turns up about fifteen minutes later and we sit in the lounge watching movies until I eventually fall asleep on his shoulder.



I am fully healed now and I'm currently sitting in the passenger seat of Lucas's SUV on the way to school.

"Excited?" Lucas asks.

"Na I'm pretty neutral about all this." I reply and he chuckles.

He pulls into the school car park and I groan when I see lots of people staring at the car. Lucas chuckles before getting out. I grab my bag before getting out of the car.

I walk over to Lucas and he takes my bag from me before slinging it onto his shoulder.

"I am capable of carrying that you know." I comment as we walk towards the entrance of the school.

"Fully aware of that fact but I thought I would carry it anyway." He replies and I roll my eyes.

Lucas apparently used to go here so he knows where everything thing is. He leads me to the office and I get my timetable and locker combination.

I pass Lucas my timetable and reads over it before nodding, "I know where all of this is and who the teachers are."

"Cool, what do I have first?" I ask.

"Maths." He answers and I sigh. I am really not looking forward to this.

"Wait, where are you going to be while I'm in class?" I ask as the thought pops into my head.

"Depends on where you sit but I'll probably stand near you or at the front of the classroom near the door." He answers and I groan. Marvellous - sarcasm.

I walk into someone and am about to fall on my bum when Lucas catches me and stands me up.

"Thanks." I say to Lucas before looking to the boy in front of me who looked like he was going to shit himself.

"Sorry about that. Hi, I'm Anna." I greet before stretching my hand out to him.

He gulps before answering, "I'm Jacob and I'm sorry for bumping you."

"Nice to meet you, Jacob. Friends?" I ask and he smiles.

"Really? That would be great." He asks, getting excited.

"Yea you seem like a good guy. What have you got first?" I ask and he smiles.

"Maths." He answers and I smile before linking arms with him.

"Maths buddies." I say and he smiles before walking me to Maths with a frowning Lucas following behind.


It's now lunch time and Jacob, Lucas and I are sitting out on the grass. Jacob is in all my classes which is great because then I know someone.

"Why do you have Mr Muscles following you around?" Jacob asks.

I giggle at the nickname while Lucas frowns.

"Lucas is my body guard." I answer and Jacob's eyes widen.

"More like baby sitter." Lucas grumbles.

"I'll tell Jace you said that and he'll have your ass." I state and his eyes widen.

"I'm sorry, Anna, please don't tell." Lucas pleads and I smile.

"Body guard not baby sitter." I state and he nods.

Jace had become very protective over me so if someone is even marginally mean to me he would have their ass.

"Who's Jace?" Jacob asks.

"My adoptive dad." I answer with a small smile.

"Oh cool. I have two dad's cause they are gay, they are technically my adoptive dad's too." Jacob says and I smile.

"That's so cool." I say and he smiles.

"I'm gay too, that's why I get bullied heaps." Jacob mutters and I frown.

"Well, now you have me and I won't let you get bullied any more. " I say and he smiles lightly.

"Thanks Anna."

"That's what friends are for. Wait, will you be my gay best friend? I've always wanted one." I ask and he nods making me giggle and hug him tightly.

This life isn't too bad but I wish Chelsea and my family were here to share it with me.

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