My Story

Kasper14 tarafından

429 0 0

Life isn't easy. Never has been, never will be. If someone tells you their life is easy then they are lying b... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 2

16 0 0
Kasper14 tarafından



I have been staying with Chelsea and her family for the last two weeks but I am now heading to the police station to talk with the head officer. Chelsea is sitting in the back with me as her parents drive me to the station.

We pull up outside the station and we slowly get out of the car. Chelsea comes around and holds my hand for support. Her parents smile sadly at me before we all walk inside.

I am greeted with the same officer who told me the news two weeks ago. He leads Chelsea, her parents and I to an interviewing room. I sit down on a chair and Chelsea sits beside me while her parents stand behind us.

A new officer walks into the room and sit down across from us with a folder in his hands. He places the folder on the table between us before opening it.

"Miss Brooks, I am officer Derek Masterton. I am sorry to confirm that your family has indeed been kidnapped and they are looking for you as well. We don't know who these people are or where they have your family but our top priority at the moment is keeping you safe so we have to make some changes. You will be moving into L.A under the protection of head officer Jace Woods. You will have your name and look changed in order to keep you safe. You will not be allowed to contact anyone from here unless it's myself as protection precautions. I'll leave you to talk to your friends." He explains before leaving again, closing the door behind him.

I look to Chelsea and she looks broken. I hug her tightly and we both let out our tears. I don't want to leave her but I have to to keep myself and her safe.

"I don't want you to go, Lily." Chelsea sobs.

"I don't want to go either, Chelsea but it will keep you and your family safe as well as me. Hopefully the police will find my family and the kidnappers soon so that I can come back to you again." I reply, trying to be strong.

Her parents leave the room as well to give us some space, closing the door behind them as well.

I pull back slightly and hold Chelsea's face in my hands, "I love you, Chelsea and I always will." I say before pressing my lips to hers softly.

She pulls back and smiles, "I love you too, Lily, forever and always."

I hug her again trying to memorise the warm feeling I get from her hugs. If I'm being honest I have loved Chelsea since the moment I laid eyes on her. She is the most beautiful person in the world and I'm over joyed that she loves me too.

"Lily, I have to tell you something." She says and I pull back so I can look at her properly.

"What is it, Chelsea?" I ask gently and tears well up in her eyes again.

"You know how I went to the doctor's the other day?" She asks and I nod.

"They said I have cancer. It's spread throughout my whole body and there's a very high chance that I'll die within the next two months." She explains and I break down again. First my family is taken away from me and now the girl I love is being taken too.

"Oh baby." I sob before bringing her into my arms again. I don't want to leave her if she's going to die, I want to be here with her. I want to be there as she breathes her last breathe.

"I'm kinda glad you are going so you don't have to see me like that but I was hoping we had more time together." She sobs.

"I want to be here for you, baby. I don't want to go and leave you here. I want more time with you." I sob back.

"I know, Lils, but we can't change anything so we just have to make these last few minutes together count." She replies.

We pull back and I smile lightly at her, "Ok, baby, for you."

"You promise to live for me. Don't forget me once I'm gone." She requests with tears in her eyes.

"I promise, baby, I promise. I'll never forget you, you're too important to me. You are the most beautiful, amazing, sexy, funny person I could ever ask for and it makes me so happy that I got the chance to love you and have you love me in return, even if it only was for a little while." I tell her and she smiles sadly.

"I love you, Lily, so much it hurts." She replies and I lean forward, pressing a kiss to her soft, plump lips.

We kiss fiercely, putting all our emotions into that kiss.

When we pull back someone knocks on the door and we call for them to come in. Chelsea's parents come in and each give me a huge hug. Derek then comes in and tells me it's time.

I hug Chelsea and her parents once more before following Derek out of the room. He leads me outside to a police car. I get into the back and buckle myself in before turning around and watching Chelsea and her parents slowly disappear as Derek drives away.

I turn back around once they are out of sight and sigh.

"Am I allowed to get something from my house?" I ask Derek and he nods before driving to my house.

He parks outside and leads me into the house. I walk to my room before grabbing the blue handbag Chelsea had given me for my 17th birthday, my locket with a picture of me and Chelsea in it and my bracelet from my parents. I then walk to Madi's room and grab her favourite teddy bear and Disney charm bracelet. Then I grab Richie's favourite dinosaur toy from his room. I walk into my parents room and grab my mum's special ring container that had her anniversary ring in it as well as my dad's green stone necklace. I put most of it in my handbag while carrying the rest before going back out to the car with Derek.

He hops in the driver's seat before starting the car and driving towards the city.


Derek finally makes it to the L.A head police station (A/N: made that up I don't live in America, don't know how it works) and he pulls into a car park. I hop out of the car with my stuff and follow Derek up into the station.

A man with dirty blonde hair, grey eyes, tan skin, who was well built and about 6'5 in height walks out of a back office before walking towards us.

"Hello, Miss Brooks. My name is Jace Woods and I will be looking after you while you are here." The man introduces and I smile lightly.

"Nice to meet you, please call me Lily though until my name is changed." I request and he nods with a smile.

He then turns to looks at Derek, "Thank you for bringing her, Derek. Are you staying for something to eat?"

"Your welcome, it was my pleasure but no I'll be on my way. Thank you for the offer though." Derek replies before smiling at me and leaving.

"Come on back to my office, Lily and we will sort out everything." Jace says and I nod before following him back to his office.

I sit down in front of his desk with my stuff on the floor at my feet.

"Now, your new name is Anna Byran, is that all right?" Jace asks.

"It's fine, thank you." I reply with a small smile.

"Good then. Now Max, a good officer of mine, will take you to the mall where you will get your hair dyed, get a spray tan and clothes, shoes, jewellery, etc. I have some brown eye colour contacts for you to put in when you get back." Jace explains and I nod.

A well built man walks into the room, he has black hair, green eyes, tan skin and is about 6'6 in height. He sits down in the seat beside me and smiles at me.

"Hi, I'm Max." He greets and I smile.

"Nice to meet you." I reply.

"Max, her new name is Anna so make sure you call her that in public. Now, please go get changed into casual clothes we don't need people looking at Anna funny." Jace says and Max nods before standing up and leaving the room.

"Do you think you'll ever find my family, honestly?" I ask, cautiously. I didn't want to doubt them but it was hard when my family had disappeared without a trace.

"I think we can but I don't know who these kidnappers are or what they are planning to do so it's not a matter of will we find them it's a matter of when." Jace answers and I nod with a sad smile.

"Just pray that they are still alive and that we can get to them in time." He says and I nod.

"Thanks, Mr Woods." I reply.

"Please call me Jace, you are going to be my substitute daughter may as well call me by my first name." He says and I nod again.

Max walks into the room dressed in a black v-neck, blue denim jeans and combat boots. He suited it.

"Let's go girly, we have a lot to do." Max says and I smile before getting up.

"You can leave your stuff here, Anna, I'll look after it." Jace says kindly and I smile.

"Thanks." I say before following Max out of the office.

We walk out to a car park around the back of the building and Max leads me to a black SUV. He unlocks it before hopping into the driver's seat, telling me to get in the passenger seat. I do as I'm told and Max drives off towards the mall.



Max and I were done. I now had brown hair and a tan, as well as enough clothes to drown man.

We leave the stuff in the SUV because apparently it was Jace's, hence why we took it. We get out of the car and walk back into the station. We walk into Jace's office and he lifts his head up before smiling.

"You look great but one last thing, contacts." Jace says before handing me a clear container that had brown contacts in it.

I open the box and put the contacts in quickly before using some eye drops. I blink a few times to get used to them and eventually I can see clearly.

"Do I look different now?" I ask as I sit down on the seat from before.

"Yes, you do. Now, you will have to go to school but not until next week." Jace says and I groan.

"Yay, school." I reply sarcastically making Max and Jace laugh.

"You'll be fine, Anna. You also won't be alone, Lucas, another officer, will be your body guard." Jace says and I groan.

"Great, school and a body guard." I say, again being sarcastic.

"He's the youngest officer here, it'll be more fitting." Jace says.

"How old is he?" I ask, hoping he was young enough to get away with being a senior.

"22." Jace answers and I groan again.

Max and Jace chuckle but stop when the door opens. I turn around and see a guy with brown hair, green eyes, tan skin, is well built and stands at about 6'5 height wise.

"I'm going to guess that your Lucas but don't shoot me if I'm wrong." I guess and they all chuckle at me.

"Yes, I'm Lucas." The guy replies and I groan.

"Jace, he is never going to pass for a senior student." I complain.

"It doesn't matter, your safety is most important and Lucas is going to be your body guard, end of story." Jace replies sternly.

"I don't have a choice any way, so sure." I reply before slumping in my seat.

"See ya later, Anna, I had a good time today." Max says with a smile.

"Yea, thank for that, Max. I had a good time too, bye." I reply with a smile and he nods before leaving the room.

Lucas sits in the chair beside me and I smile lightly.

"I'm sorry for being rude but I'm really not keen on this whole thing." I apologise but Lucas smiles.

"Don't worry about it, I was prepared for the worst and that was much better than expected so all is forgiven." He replies and I breath out a sigh of relief.

"I could tone it up a notch for you but I'd rather not." I say and Jace and Lucas chuckle.

"No, I'm quite alright thanks." Lucas replies and I nod.

"Jace, when do you get off? I'm shattered." I ask, starting to feel the weight of the day crashing down on me.

"I get off now. Let's go." He replies before standing up.

I grab my things from my feet before standing up as well. We say goodbye to Lucas before going out to the SUV.

Okumaya devam et

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