DYE SAMSON (boyxboy)

Von Mouki21

46.1K 2.2K 307

Samson McCoy is young and rebellious. Sick of his boring normal coloured hair, he decides to make a change wi... Mehr

Samson McCoy and AJ Thomas
Eight: RED
Eleven: WHITE


2.1K 190 47
Von Mouki21


Hello DoubleMs, and welcome to another chapter of... FAIRLY ODD PARENTS!

Not really, but still.


AJ's Mind

I don't like this, I don't like it one bit. I can't believe we're doing this. There has to be another way, but no one was listening to me.

"That's settled then," Jason nodded to the group. We'd all headed to Tom's house after school to talk everything out, and we'd come up with a plan on how to stop Sasha and get proof she was the one behind everything. I didn't like it.

"Anyone want something to drink?" Samson asked, getting up and walking towards the kitchen.

"Yeah," Tom said, still writing things down in a notepad.

"Me too," chorused the others. I got up and followed my boyfriend into the kitchen, closing the door behind me. He bent down into the fridge to grab cans of soft drink.

"Hey, thirsty?" Samson asked, noticing me as he put three different types of soda on the counter. I grabbed one from his hand and put it down, taking his arm and straightening him. He frowned, but didn't speak as I pulled him to me and kissed him. He kissed me back, clinging onto the edge of my shirt. I was so ill at ease, torn between trusting my friends to know what they're doing, and wanting to lock Samson up in my room and never letting him leave. I bit his lip gently and he groaned against my chest. Consider it your punishment for not telling me about overhearing Sasha, Samson.

"I didn't want you to worry," Samson moaned, sobbing a little. Oh man, don't do that, that's my weakness. He knows it makes me hollow out and give in to him.

"Of course I'd worry," I reasoned with him. "I love you, idiot." Samson smiled sadly, still holding onto me.

"How are those drinks coming?" called Tom from the next room. I grinned and kissed Samson on the cheek before grabbing some of the cans and going back into the lounge room. I shook Tom's up and then threw it at him, he caught it unawares and I grinned evilly as I handed out the rest of the drinks except one for myself. Samson came back in to with the rest of the cans.

"Samson, you're going to have to stay over someone's house for a while, until this is sorted out. Sasha knows where you live, and with just you and your mum home alone... we don't know what they're capable of," Jason told Samson, who sat down on my lap. I wrapped my arms around his waist protectively.

"I'll have to tell mum what's going on then, or she'd never let me. I'll make sure she stays at a friend's house too, I don't want her there home alone," Samson nodded.

"Okay good. We'll make sure this ends quickly, so that things can go back to normal," Jason promised, and Samson nodded at him.


"UGH!" Tom cried, leaping to his feet as pink soda sprayed all over him. I grinned into Samson's back.


Well, two guesses as to who's house Samson decided to stay at. I mean it, guess.

If you said my house, you're wrong. He's staying at Jason's house. Jason's house is the only house Sasha doesn't know the location of. Vicky said Sasha went to hers once, she came to Tom's for that party, Roger said she went to his once with a few of his friends after football practise, and she's sort of stalking me so I assume she knows about mine.

That leaves Jason, as far as we know, so Jason's place was the safest. I tried to argue that mine would be perfectly safe, even if Sasha knew where it was, because I have so many family members to catch them, but Samson refused to put my baby sister and little brother in harms way. Because he has to go and be perfect like that.

Jason's house is also ideal for several other reasons. One, he shares his house with his three older brothers and his dad. A house full of strong older men aught to scare a few people off. And two, Jason's dad is gay, so he supports Samson's orientation. Plus, he's also a weaponry enthusiastic and martial arts expert.

"I was gay and out when I was a teenager, I needed a way to protect myself on the streets," Jason's dad laughed as he welcomed us into his house. I'd gone along, making sure to keep Samson in my sights for as long as possible. Jason's dad was a big man, huge, like a mountain, and rippled with muscles. His older sons weren't much different. I felt much better about Samson staying here, but it was Samson who seemed to be hesitating. He pulled me aside on our own as Jason's dad led everyone down the hallway from the front door into the house.

"I feel like a stick amongst these guys," Samson said to me. It was true, he was like a boy beside these huge men. Jason and his family were tall, bulk, and tanned, while Samson was lanky, average height, and pale. Just one of Jason's brothers could eat Samson for breakfast. "Please don't leave me," Samson begged me with his puppy eyes, pouting. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him beside me.

"Never. I'm here whenever you call, day or night," I reassured him. He smiled and rested his head on my shoulder.

"But still..." he pouted and I laughed.

"Hey AJ," Jason called, coming back towards us up the hallway.

"Yeah?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Dad wants to know if you're gonna stay over tonight," he smiled knowingly. I grinned back.

"Tell him thanks," I told Jason, whom patted my shoulder and then disappeared back down the hallway into the kitchen.

"I feel better now," Samson mused.

"HE SAID THANKS!" Jason shouted so everyone in the house could hear.

"TELL HIM NO SEX IN MY HOUSE!" Jason's dad shouted back. I blushed and let go of Samson immediately, placing my hands in my pockets. Samson turned to face me, a cheeky smirk on his lips. He bit his bottom lip, giving me sexy eyes, and lifted his shirt up, hooking his thumbs into his jeans waistband. Oh god, it was so sexy. Then Samson poked his tongue out at me and ran off laughing.

Damn, why did I agree to stay over again?


"Presenting... my sister Jasmine," Denis, Jason's second oldest brother, laughed as he stepped into the room. Jason walked out behind him in drag with heavy make-up. He walked in confidently, flinging his blonde wig around his head, and strutted around the coffee table. I was laughing so hard that I was convinced I heard one of my ribs crack.

"WOO, shake that booty," another of Jason's brother's crowed, the oldest one named Danny, filming the whole thing. Jason turned around and shook his 'booty', which was fake and stuffed to look extra big.

"I have a feeling Vicky would get off on this," Samson snorted.

"Probably," Jason nodded, then took a long bow and ripped the wig off, tossing it to me. I caught it, then realised what he was insinuating and shook my head.

"Oh no way in hell, mate," I told him.

"Come on!" Denis laughed, "I'll do your make-up like Jason's."

"Do it! Do it! Do it!" the Brody family cheered at me, egging me on.

"Please?" Samson asked me, blinking at me innocently. I groaned, covering my face with the wig.

"Do it! Do it! Do it!" the cheers echoed around the house, booming off the walls. I begrudgingly rose to my feet and Jason grabbed my arm to prevent me from sitting back down.

"Contestant number two!" he shouted to his family. They all clapped their hands and stomped their feet in triumph. The house was full of so much testosterone I was almost choking. I certainly didn't doubt for a second that a single gay man could raise four straight sons on his own. Though he had help from his wife for a while, they divorced when Jason was four and she died when he was seven. Jason's dad said he couldn't come out of the closest until she was gone in fear of breaking her heart.

Jason, along with two of his brothers, pushed me down the hall to a room and started ripping off my clothes. Oh god, I can't believe I'm being forced to do this. I'm just glad Samson isn't hear seeing me being undressed by three guys, or he might flip out.

Samson's Mind

I sat patiently waiting for AJ to come back to me, all feminised. Jason's oldest brother and father decided to jump at the chance to get to know me better in the absence of my boyfriend.

"So Samson, Jason says you and AJ are an item now," Jason's dad, Richard, asked me while he scratched his chin.

"Ah, yeah, just recently," I told him, nodding. I've met Jason's dad several times now, so it wasn't particularly awkward. It was just a little weird for me because I didn't know how to talk to adult men very well.

"I knew it," Richard mused, looking a little smug. "I had a feeling about you two. It was the way he looked at you." I blinked.

AJ was right, I really was stupid for not noticing. I must be seriously thick not to have seen it, if even Jason's dad knew, and we'd only met him once or twice together.

Aw man, I feel so bad now. I should have realised sooner, AJ and I could have been together all this time. Or perhaps not, perhaps if it had been sooner, I might not have felt the same way? Nah, I'd feel the same way, eventually. Knowing me, it probably wouldn't have kicked in until the last minute though.

"Are you ready for this?" Jason asked, coming back into the room. My stomach whirled with butterflies. Oh gods, what have they done to my lovely boyfriend.

"You could never be ready for this," the other of Jason's brothers, Jobe, grinned and followed his youngest sibling into the room.

"Does he look FABulous?" Danny asked, grinning at his siblings' evilness. He seemed quite evil himself.

"You're going to be so turned on," Dennis chuckled to me, coming to stand beside me. I frowned at him. Um...

"No sex in my house," Richard ordered jokingly.

"Presenting... one Miss AJ Thomas," Jason presented, and stepped aside. A woman walked around the corner, cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and all jaws dropped.

AJ didn't look like Jason had, like a man in bad drag, he looked like... like... a GIRL! My jaw dropped in shock.

"No way," I breathed, getting up off the couch in disbelief.

"He's so pretty, right?" Dennis grinned eagerly. "I might have to steal him from you." I couldn't speak, I was staring at my boyfriend looking for the man I knew he was. To be honest, he looked like his older sister Kylie.

AJ tugged uncomfortably at the frill of the lacy light pink dress he was wearing. The pink lace really wasn't his style, but surprisingly he pulled it off, even with all the muscles. Though his muscular arms did look out of place, and the hairy legs.

"Not a word," AJ said to me, cringing.

"You look..." I fought the urge to burst out laughing. "Nice?" And then I did, snorting and rolling back in a fit of giggles. AJ scowled down at me, folding his arms over his chest.

"I'd like to see you go drag," he mumbled.

"Yeah, why don't we do Samson too?" Dennis offered behind me. I looked up, grinning.

"Nah, I'd been too sexy for you all to handle," I told them. Jason burst out laughing, punching his fist into the couch.

"Okay, okay. It's late and some of us have school and work in the morning, get to bed before I kick you out," Richard chuckled, getting up from his perch on the couch and going towards AJ to the hallway. AJ stepped aside for the man to pass, and he patted AJ's shoulder. I bit my lip and looked away.

"Some of us? We all have work or school," Jason's eldest brother scoffed, following behind his dad.

"Even more reason to get to bed," the middle brother chimed in.

For AJ to get into that dress, he would have needed to strip, and there were three other guys in the room with him. Sure, they were all straight, but still. It left a bad taste in my mouth. I got up off the floor and brushed my knees off.

"I put a mattress on the floor in my room, you two don't mind sharing a bed, right?" Jason asked me sarcastically, going to the cupboard behind the couch and grabbing blankets and pillows. I went over to help him.

"Nope," I replied anyway, thinking about it. Cuddling in bed all night with AJ, sounds good to me.

I reached out for the pillow Jason was handing me, when two strong arms wrapped around me from behind, hugging me tightly. It was so distracting that I dropped the pillow and blinked, my eyes glazing over. Oh god, he felt so good. He always feels so good.

AJ pressed his lips to my neck lightly and I swooned.

"Oi, none of that. I don't want to be kept awake listening to you two making out, or I'll make AJ sleep on the couch," Jason growled playfully, picking up the pillow for me.

"We're just hugging," AJ defended innocently, purring in my ear. I tilted my head back, resting the back of my head against his shoulder.

"I love you," I told him, ignoring Jason completely.

"I love you too," AJ replied, moving his head in to the side. I did the same, meeting his lips with mine and kissing him gently.

"Dude, gross," Jason crowed, throwing the pillows at us and walking off laughing. I ignored Jason, turning in AJ's arms to kiss him better. I cupped his cheek with one hand, pulling him in. AJ pulled away and I sighed.

"I'm so looking forward to cuddling you all night," he breathed, pressing his forehead to mine. I nodded, unable to speak for a moment. He always seems to take my breath away. I know that sounds cliché, shut up, you can't hide from the truth.

I burst out laughing, looking away. "Sorry, but I can't take you seriously in drag like that," I snorted. AJ screwed his face up, pulling back and ripping the lacy dress from his body and draping it over the couch. Now he stood before me in only red briefs. Oh god, so sexy. His muscles, everywhere. I can't even full sentences form. Use the force.

I bent down to clear my mind and avert my eyes, grabbing the pillows and blankets. AJ closed the cupboard door for me and then took some of the load, and we carried it down the hallway to Jason's room. He was making his bed ready to hop in it.

"Night everyone," Richard called, coming past Jason's room and turning off all the lights as he did so, even Jason's bedroom. We were plunged into darkness for a moment until our eyes adjusted. Then we could see from the light coming in around the curtains on Jason's window.

Jason and I went off to brush our teeth while AJ insisted on making our bed.

"You rea'y don' mind us bein' togever like dat? I can make AJ slep on da couch if e rea'y bovers you," I said to my friend, toothpaste dripping from the corners of my mouth. He spat into the sink and shook his head.

"Nup, it's really fine. I'm just happy you two are finally together. AJ would just complain all the time about how much he liked you and didn't think you'd ever return his feelings. So it's good now," Jason said, wiping his mouth on a towel. He grabbed a cup from the side and filled it with water, rinsing his mouth out. I thought about what he'd said, then spat my toothpaste into the sink and rinsed.

There it was again; the 'AJ liking me so much and me never knowing'. He should have just told me. Why didn't he just tell me? I'm his best friend, even if I hadn't felt the same way, I would have understood and supported him, I would have always stood by him. I guess he just didn't want to chance it.

Jason patted my shoulder, going back off to his room, I finished up and followed behind him. AJ was heading down the hallway, off to the bathroom to brush his teeth, still only in red briefs. Gods, so alluring.

"I'm using your toothbrush," he told me, patting my arm as he passed.

"Ew, no, that's so gross," I told him, grabbing his arm to stop him going.

"How much saliva have we already shared? It's just for one night, I don't have my toothbrush here," AJ reasoned, pulling free and grinning. I scowled after him, watching him disappear into the bathroom.

He was right, we'd shared enough saliva; I'd even sucked him off already, so it hardly mattered. I crawled into the bed on the floor and Jason did the same with his. The bedroom door was left open for AJ, and I closed my eyes as I laid on my side with my back to it. I stripped down to my boxers while I waited to prevent myself over heating.

AJ came in a few minutes later, closing the door behind him. I didn't turn around, but felt him lift the blankets and slide in behind me. He shuffled, pressing his body against mine, and wrapped an arm around my waist, burying his face into my neck. His bare skin was warm against my body.

It was so nice, he was so warm. He felt so comforting, all my worries slipped away. I realised then that I wanted to stay like this forever. I wanted to be with him forever. There was no one else in the world I could possibly want and love more than my best friend.

"Night," Jason grumbled sleepily from his bed, shuffling around.

"Night," I replied.

"Night," AJ breathed in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine and he chuckled as I squirmed. I reached my hand up, meeting his hand against my stomach, and I laced my fingers with his to hold his hand. He kissed my neck gently, down to my shoulder and back. I held in the moan, for Jason's sake.

I don't know if I could go back to sleeping on my own after this. It just feels so right here with AJ.

I rolled, moving to my other side so I could face my boyfriend. He helped me, wrapping his arms around my body and pulling me against his chest. I lifted my face up to his and kissed him gently, moving our lips slowly so it wouldn't make a lot of noise.

I placed my hands on AJ's chest, feeling his muscles against my palms. Mmm, love dem muscles. AJ's face was still a little damp, he must of washed all the make-up off; good. As attractive as he looked, I liked him better as a man.

AJ groaned in his throat softly, pushing my lips open more and licking over my tongue with his.

"Stop it!" Jason cried like a warrior and threw himself off his bed onto us like a wrestler.

"AH!" I screamed as he landed with a 'thud' on top of us, his blanket falling over us and covering our faces.

"Oh, Jason, I didn't know you swung that way?" AJ laughed suggestively. Jason pulled back onot his knees.

"I'm serious, I'll put you in the doghouse," he ordered.

"Okay okay, we'll stop," I cried, pushing Jason off of me. He glared at us through the dark, then climbed back into his bed and hauled his blanket up off the floor. AJ grabbed me again, pulling our blanket over our heads.

"Nope," he whispered and kissed me. I grinned and kissed him back.

Great southern land!!! eh eh eh

Mouki out~


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