Chim - Whole Lotta History

By cryingonthemetro

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
The Epilogue

Chapter 36

609 7 0
By cryingonthemetro

Chapter 36: Kim’s POV

I sat staring at Cheryl, we were sat at the table in our kitchen, my hand was in a bandage which was fantastic. I had broken it, it wasn’t too great when the doctor asked how I had done it, I didn’t really want him thinking I was some crazy drunk. Although I guess that could be seen as the truth. Cheryl was sat just flicking through a magazine although I had no idea why, she hated the press. She was probably only doing it to avoid me. She glanced up and raised her eyes at me. I smirked, ‘babeeeeee’ I flirted, ‘what’ she replied simply. ‘wanna go upstairs’ I winked, ‘you must think im some kind of sex machine Kimberley, im still pretty annoyed at you’ Cheryl replied, trying not to laugh at the desperate look on my face. ‘How can you expect me NOT to want you when you are looking like that’ I smirked, she just rolled her eyes and laughed at my obvious hornyness. I batted my eyelashes at her before persisting to run my foot up her leg, grab her hand across the table, flirt with her some more, I was insistant on getting her upstairs. I was rather turned on right now and it was her fault because of that stunning little dress she was wearing.

I must say, she was doing a great job of ignoring me so far. I bit my lip and gave her my best puppy dog eyes causing her to laugh loudly. ‘Babe!’ she laughed, ‘We need to talk first about the alcohol and jealousy’ she smirked. I rolled my eyes increduously, ‘Do we have too’ I moaned. ‘Yes’ she snorted. ‘I am not having sex with you right now’ she snapped. I grinned as I got up and made my way round to where Cheryl was sat, I placed myself on her lap waiting for her to slip her arms around my waist. I started slowly kissing a trail of kisses up her neck. ‘So basically, I can’t have you keep getting jealous everytime I talk to a pretty girl’ she complained. ‘Mmmmm’ I murmered as I continued with my trail. ‘Yeah and mmmm baby that feels nice, Kimba, we really need to talk’ Cheryl murmered incoherently as my hand slipped between us and up her dress. ‘Oh yeah baby that feels nice’ she moaned and I giggled as I kissed along her jaw before placing my lips on hers, my hand continuing to rub her most intimate area. Soon all words were lost, the mention of going upstairs long forgotten.

Cheryl’s POV

I collapsed back onto the table and took a deep breath as I quickly threw my clothes back on remembering that the girls were only upstairs. Ok so maybe the plan to talk had gone completely out the window but Kimba could be very persuasive when she wanted to be especially when she was horny, so I didn’t stand a chance, I reasoned with myself. Who am I kidding; I just find it impossible to say no to Kimba. After getting dressed, I slipped my arms back round Kimberleys waist and kissed the back of her neck, ‘Is your hand ok baby’ I asked, she nodded, ‘yeah, its fine, I promise’ she whispered, planting a light kiss on my lips.

Suddenly the door burst open and in walked Kara and Summer, Kimba smirked and I rolled my eyes at the image of what they would have walked in on if they had burst through that door a few minutes earlier. We were having way too many close calls with the kids. ‘Mum, what happened to your hand’ Kara screached causing Summer to also notice the bandage. ‘Had a fight with the mirror’ she mumbled incoherently and I giggled trying not to give anything away. They seemed to accept the excuse and not say any more about it. ‘Can Alyssa come over tonight, she doesn’t want to be there with Luke’ Kara said as she began to angry for her sister. I just nodded before taking Kara’s arm and leading her to sit down with Summer. ‘We need to talk to you’ I smiled slightly; they nodded and looked at me expectantly.

Summer’s POV

I sat there waiting for mam to speak. Suddenly it came but she said it so quietly that I almost didn’t hear, in fact I wasn’t sure that id heard correctly and had to ask her to repeat herself. ‘Do you want to press charges against Luke? She asked again.I sighed and looked to the ground. I mean I didn’t want him to get away with it, of course I didn’t but I was terrified of standing up and having to relive my ordeal over and over again. I took a deep breath, ‘What would I have to do’ I asked quietly. ‘Well you would probably both be asked to give a statement aswell as Alyssa and then you may be required to stand up in court’ I spoke softly. ‘How can I ask Alyssa to testify against her own brother? Id never testify against Kara’ I screeched. ‘I know babe but I think shes already made her decision, if you watched me do it, it may be different’ Kara said softly, squeezing my hand lightly. ‘Ok I’ll do it’ I whispered quietly, ‘I want him behind bars so he can’t do it to anyone else’ I said bravely. ‘Im proud of you babe’ mam said, ‘I just wish I was as brave back then’.

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