
بواسطة callmevialler

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The world is hating on her. And thats because Liam Payne blacked out in her arms. المزيد

12 hours ago
I hate him even more
Call the doctor
He's okay
Now or Never


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بواسطة callmevialler

Hi guys, please vote or leave a comment if you like this chapter, cause i dont think there is a point to continue this story if nobody liked it

Enjoy xxx

I glanced at my surroundings. The screaming in the building was deafening my ears

"Okay! We're gonna something a little bit different today!" Niall said through his mic

"We will pick one lucky fan from the crowd to go up to the stage and accompany us for one song, how does that sounds?"

The screaming a few second after that annoucement should be a new record, because I was pretty sure both of my ears were ringing.

After that, a spotlight appeared and began to circle the room, it past me a few times and a row of people beside me who looked like they would faint anytime soon. It became slower,and slower. Until it stopped.....

On me.........

I looked around panickly. Everyone now are looking at me. My face appeared on the big screen the shock and panic expression are clear for everyone to see. I stared at my Emma's eyes which is full of jealousy, anger, and sad? Oh no.... no no no... i dont deserve this no...

Before I carry out my plan to run, two large guards appeared in front of me with a bored expression. They pulled my hand and I was forced to follow them. I walked through the crowds, some of them patted my back with support and congratulate me. But all i can hear is the mock of jealousy and the piercing stare that are burning the back of my head, I could even hear some death threats that are poking my chest like knives. Finally after that long torturous walk, I arrived in front of the stairs leading to the stage. I looked at the two mean-looking guards that brought me here. They gave me a mic and push me forward almost making me fall, i snorted annoyed and climb the rest of the stairs.

I reach the last step slowy and looked up. Five boys are standing and smilling at me. I stood there awkwardly, i put my shaking hands in my pocket.

There's a few minute of awkward silent on stage before Harry decided to approach me, they definitely expect me to scream or cry, but im not "Well hello there love!" Harry said hugging me "Whats your name?"

I hold my mic tightly and answer "Caitlin. Caitlin Hill" i was suprised of how strong my voice sounded

Louis, Niall, and Zayn came up next and gave me a group hug. I squealed in suprised "Nice meeting you Caitlin!" Louis said loudly, i nodded my head in return, he raise his eyebrow but didn't say anything.

That left me with Liam. He looked weird. No he looked sick. His face was very pale, his eyes were blank. He dragged his feet towards me i hug him hesitantly. I immediately felt a heavy weight as i didnt feel any sign of life from him.He started to push me back, i fell down with a loud thump and a crack on my right leg. I groaned in pain, tears started to sting in my eyes. The pressure on top of me vanished suddenly. People were shouting Liam's name. I felt four panic voices beside me. Angry crowds were shouting

"What has she done to him?"

But thats the thing....

I didn't do anything

Thats the last thought on my mind before i....


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