I'm Back, and Bad

By IL0veNerDs

18.1K 401 121

Scarlett Johnson used to be the fat unpopular girl, but when she went to a music academy in England 3 years a... More

Characters. I'm Back and Bad
1. I'm Back, and Bad
2. I'm Back, and Bad
3. I'm Back, and Bad
5. I'm Back and Bad
6. I'm Back, and Bad

4. I'm Back, and Bad

2.2K 51 7
By IL0veNerDs

FML ITS BEEN NEARLY A MONTH. okay well now i promise to upload at least once a fortnight okay? just remind me :L <3 xxx

i'm dedicating it to this person because she'd awesome, commenting on my stories and it makes me smile when i read her comments telling me to upload :P :)

p.s. IT WONT LET ME ADD A VIDEO. But my video was going to be One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful :) i LOVVVEE one direction and its their first single :) so look it up on youtube :D because i think you should, especially people who don't live in Britain because you probably won't know who they are :L yeah so check it out and ill try link it again :)


Before I could get too far down the corridor I was called back to the office by Mrs O.

"Sorry dear," she apoligized "I forgot that the principal wanted to see you before you went to class"

"mmmkay" I replied rolling my eyes, I really shouldn't have been suprised, it was probably about my behaviour. As I walked towards the big wooden door I couldn't help getting lost in my thoughts. How should I act? Should I pretend that my behaviour was going to improve or should I just act as normal? Who was I kidding...I don't change for anyone. The principal can deal with the real me because I knew I'd be back soon..

I opened the door to the office without knocking and strolled into the room.

"Hey there, you wanted to see me?.......sir" I asked, smirking whilst chewing my gum

"Welcome back, Ms Johnson" he greeted me, "now i'd appreciate it if you would take that gum out, leave my office and when I'm done with Chase here you can knock on the door and we'll start again"

It was then I noticed the boy sitting in the chair in front of the principals desk. He looked about my age with brown hair, peircing green eyes and looked like a complete badass from the expression he had on his face, it was uncaring as to what the principal was saying but i could see the interest sparkling in his eyes as to who I was. One thing was for sure, he wasn't here when I was and I was sure we were going to be good friends.

"err..whatever" i rolled my eyes and collapsed in the chair next to the boy "hey" i said, giving a head nod

"Ms Johnson, did you not hear me? i said put that gum away and wait outside"

"Yes I heard you, I just don't want to andI can't be bothered to go all the way outside the door when I can just as easily sit here and wait"

"Right, well then.." he said trailing off "anyway mr Mathews just keep in mind what I said and you may go back to class now"

"whatever" he scoffed pushing his chair backwards andleft the room "cya around" he nodded to me as he exited through the door

A silence fell upon the room once he had left with the principal, whose name was Gregory Simmons, and I staring at eachother, I was not backing down first.

"well Roxy" he sighed, lowering his gaze to the papers on his desk. my school record. "I would say nice to see you back but I see you have changed a bit since our last meeting"

"just a bit" I scoffed back, smiling and showing my perfect teeth.

"right," he said "okay, now you're behaviour has changed drastically since I last saw you, pranks on the teachers, sleeping in class, skipping class, leaving class, fights..need I say more? You know all of this already"

"yep" I replied, "so what do you want?"

"Your behaviour needs to change" he stated, confidence in his voice

"you see...greg, can i call you greg? well im going to anyway,thats not going to happen, my teachers have been trying to change my attitude, behaviour blah blah blah for 3 years now and to be honest its done fuck all"

"Language" he snapped at me

"yeah okay" i laughed "anyway, basically what I am saying is that it's never going to happen" I finished

"Well..Miss Johnson, I guess your time here will teach you a lesson and I hope to not see you soon"

"you can dream all you like greg, its not going to happen" I said, pushing my chair across the carpet and departing from the room

"and my name is sir or Principal Simmons to you young lady!" he shouted after me

I gave out a chuckle as I pushed my way through the doors to reception...i know right...who needs two doors?

"cya Mrs O" i called behind my shoulder as I left the reception area, not waiting for a reply

My shoes made squeeking noises across the newly polished floor as I walked down the corridor to my first class, Biology with Mrs Etching. I dragged my feet along the floor trying to lengthen the time it would take to get there and therefore shorten the torture time. I was, however almost there within a few minutesas I turned the corner and pushed through the double doors leading to the science corridor. I reached my Biology classroom and pushed open the door, maybe a bit too hard as the door smacked into the wall, letting out a massive bang noise.

"oops" i chuckled as I stepped into the room

"Hey Mrs E" I said making my way over to her desk aware of all of the stares following me. Before I reached the desk I got fed up of their gazes so turnedaround and declared "take a bloody picture, it will last longer"

"you must be the new student" she said, sending mea glare "what's your name?" she questioned

"Scarlett" I sighed

"Scarlett what?"

"Scarlett Johnson"

At this statement the class broke out into whispers.

"Oh, Scarlett...you've changed a bit"

"yeah you could say that Mrs E.Where should I sit?"

"go sit next to Chase. he's the one at the back, I think you left before he arrived so he should be the only one you don't recognise in this class"

"yeah whatever, can i go now?"

"yes yes go take your seat"

I strolled to the back of the classroom, aware of the stares folowing my back. I collapsed onto the stool, resting my head on my hands.

"hey" he nodded at me

I turned my head and noodded back. After a few moments of silence i spoke,

"in the principals office before school starts? looks like someone has a bad record here"

"yeah, you could say that the principal and i don't share the same views on whats right and wrong" he replied smirking a little

"i hear ya dude" i said sighing and turning to face the front once more where Mrs Etching was droning on about osmosis or something. I tuned out, I didn't need to be in this lesson right now, I'd already learnt about this thoroughly with Dr Smith at my old school.

"so your last names Johnson eh?"

"yeah, i know i hate the slut and the player" i said grinning at him

"who roxy and zayne? they're not so bad..." he said trying to be serious, failing when he cracked up laughing.

"yeeeeah...anyway when did you join the school? you weren't here when i left"

"think it must have been about 2 years ago? ijoined with my sister, our dad transferred here with work"

"yeah? cool, please tell me there's more people like us around here now" i pleaded

"like us?" he questioned

"yeah, you know, bad, peircing, bad influences blahblahblah" i replied grinning cheekily at him

"of course, though i can hardly say you're that bad, i've only just met you." he said jokingly "and when you said people like us I thought you meant damn hot!" he laughed.

"well i dont know about you...but i deffinatly fit THAT description" I laughed

"so how many are in your group?" I asked

"well there's me, my sister and our two friends so you'd make 5"

"i'm honoured that you've already accepted me" I said cheekily, sticking my tongue out

"cool peircing" he said just as the bell went, I hadn't realised we'd been talking that long

"Okay class you are dismissed" Mrs E called out from the front, oblivious to the fact that people had already left.

"Right then, I'm off to find my locker and then off to English with Mr Taylor,thats good, he was an awesome teacher before i left"

"bye"he replied waving

I wandered down the corridor off to my locker, I knew exactly where it was because the layout hadn't changed since I left. As I was walking I wondered how long the stares would go on for because seriously..they were starting to piss me off big time. I reached my locker quite quickly, unlocked it and slung my bag in, leaving my phone in my pocket just in case the guys decided to text me, stick the rules. I slammed the locker shut and made my way to English where everyone was already seated...again.

"Hey Mr T" I seemed to make a habit of calling teachers just by their initial.

"Hey..." he looked up and kind of did a double take "erm...new student?" he questioned

"Not quite teach" I replied grinning "you probably don't remember me, I'm Scarlett...Johnson"

"Scarlett Johnson..." he said repeating my name "never thought I'd see you looking like that, but anywhoo take a seat in an empty spot"

I chose to sit next to a girl who I didn't recognise but looked a hell of a lot like Chase. She was a pretty girl, with and eyebrow and nose peircing and bright red hair.

"Hey" I said as I slid into the seat "I'm guessing you're Chase's sister" I said glancing at her

"and who might you be"was her reply,taking out an ipod headphone

"Scarlett but I prefer Scar, I moved away a couple years ago but got sent back again"

"cool, why?"

"behaviour" i sighed dramatically "no one gets me..." I trailed off, staring into the distance then turning back and grinning at her. Her melodic laugh filled the classroom but couldn't be heard over everyone's chatter.

I was about to ask her name when Mr T called her name in the register.


"Mr T, I've told you, its Izzy"

"Sorry Izzy, i forget" he said smiling sheepishly

"so its Izzy is it?" i said smiling "nice"

"yeah so how do you know my brother?" she asked

"Oh i ran into him the the principals office this morning and just had Bio with him"

"he's always in trouble" she sighed "although i'm hardly one to talk" she grinned wickidly.

Mr Taylor set us some work on Romeo and Juliet, examining the different themes in pairs, Izzy and I however just gossiped, getting to know eachother, turns out we have alot in common but we did have the work covered, I'd brought in a footnotes, cheat version of the play.

I felt like I had known Izzy my whole life when it rolled up to lunch, she, of course had asked me to sit with her group at lunch to which I had accepted. I had a feeling that we'd be friends for a very long time. We exited the English room together, made our way to our lockers, which turned out to be next to eachother, grabbed our money and carried on towards the canteen.

When we pulled back the doors the room went quiet.

"Seriously" I said loud enough for the whole room to hear "I'm getting fucking sick of the constant stares and whispers. I think people should get a fucking life" I just about shouted the last bit. The students went back to talking and whatever, soon the room was so loud i could barely hear myself think.

Once we got out food, Izzy led me to a quiet, secluded table in the corner of the room, where Chase was already seated with another girl and boy.

Just as we were about to sit down Roxy and the malibu barbie stepped in fornt of us

"get out of the way bitches" i said taking a threatning step forward

They didn't move or falter. "No, we need to teach you a lesson" said barbie

I saw her go to reach for her drink so instead pushed my ketchup onto her pink top, splattering Roxy in the process

"EEEK" she screamed "you whore!"

"how could you! this is a new top!" Roxy screeched

"it was an accident" i replied grinning, again all of the attention was on me.

"we'll get you back for this" they said together turning away and storming off

"sorry" i called after them "...that you were born" i added afterwards

"gosh such drama queens i said, turning back to the table"

"guys, this is Scarlett" she introduced me as she sat down, grinning the whole time

I sat next to a blonde haired guy "I prefer Scar though and Hi" I smiled

The two people smiled back "hey, im Shane and this is Sienna, I have to say, that was epic" he said motioning to the girl and grinning, I nodded, grinned back and started chewing on my chips.

"ugh" I moaned "these chips are even better than I remember" I announced, the whole table laughed.

"chips?" questioned Sienna

"ugh, i forgot Americans and Britains have different words, its confusing, a fry here is a chip in England and a chip here is a crisp there"

"oh okay then thats a bit weird" she replied laughing

We spent the whole lunch swapping stories about being arrested and arguing about whether England or America was better, these guys were awesome, I could deffinatly see myself hanging out with them alot in the future, they reminded me alot of the crew back home. The lich bell finally rang and I went off to homeroom which I shared with Sienna.

"So when did you join this hell hole?" I asked her as we entered the classroom

"last year and Shane joined about 3 years ago" she replied and I nodded. I took a seat next to her while the teach took the register.

"what do you have next?" I asked

"erm...P.E you?"

"same!" I cried in relief, although I loved P.E I had to admit that it was awesome knowing that I knew there was someone there i could cause havok with

"It's the only class we all have together" she grinned

"the other have it too? wicked, I am so looking forward tocausing mahem! muhahaha" i said adding my own evil laugh onto the end.

"yeah and the teacher is awesome, his name's Mr Grey but we can call him whatever, he's like 20? with loads of muscles and tattoos. I have to say that he is GORGEOUS." she laughed

"I can't wait to see Mr Gorgeous then" i replied as we went to our lockers, grabbed our P.E kit and headed to the changing rooms  


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