1. I'm Back, and Bad

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Its been three years. I can't actually believe it, three whole years. My name is Scarlett Johnson and I'm 16, four years ago I got accepted into Blazeview Music Academy in England. I was, what you could call a typical nerd, glasses, chubby, spots and well damn right ugly, I got pushed around alot by the other kids, actually thats putting it lightly, basically I was their fucking doormat, or they treated me like one anyway. The worst of it was that it didn't even stop at home, well some of it did, my older brother Ash never treated me mean, although his friends did, it was my twins, well triplets, whatever you want to call it. I have two triplets, Roxy and Zayne and I can tell you now that I hate their fucking guts. Roxy, is what you'd define as a slut, a slag, hore, bitch, I could go one but that would bore you and Zayne is a player, manhore etc...you may think I'm being harsh but seriously, I'm not, they made my life a living hell. Every day I would have to put up with their constant bullying, physical and verbal and not tell anyone. That's the main reason I didn't want to come home, that and I'd have to see everyone from school again. I have seen my family though, my mum, dad and Ash because they have come and visited me, I disowned the other two when I left. I've changed though. Instead of that chubby, nerdy, pushover girl, i'm a complete badass, and proud of it! Arrested 7 times, Juvie twice, 2 tatoos, 5 peircings, apparently a banging body street fighter and racer and in a band. Yeah i'd say i've changed quite alot...

    The first thing I did when I stepped out of the plane which had touched down at Dallas airport was to take a deep breathe. The plane was stuffy, cramped and I had two annoying kids sat in front of me who were screaming for basically the whole flight. The air in England is different from America's, I know that sounds weird, but it is. England's air is crisp and fresh whereas America's was humid and dense, I think I preferred England’s to be honest. Actually I generally prefer England, that may be a bit biased though since I'd spent the worst years of my life here and the best ever in England. I was forced to come home because of my ‘behaviour’ ugh.

   I arrived in England on the 10th June 2007 and I knew that it was a fresh start from that moment on. I pulled up to the boarding school in one of those typical London cabs, the school was for, as they put it 'The musically gifted', I knew how to play guitar and sing. The first friend I made was a boy I bumped into on the way to the reception, he had black hair, streaked with green, and I have to say it was quite wacky, I guess he noticed I was new, I made a sarky comment, and just like that we were friends. He introduced me to the rest of our friends, our group was joined at the hip, they gave me a makeover, diet and general change of attitude, and I loved it. I love them. They are seriously the best friends I could ever ask for, they are awesome and now I’ve had to leave them back in England, along with my happiness *sigh* dramatic, huh? I that group there was Me, Scarlett (nickname: Scar, Scarry and Sparx), 16, brown hair with pink and blue streaks, brown eyes, eyebrow, nose, tongue, bellybutton and cartilage piercings, two tattoos, a star on my inner wrist and a lower back pattern JoJo (nickname: JJ or Jo), 16, blonde with pink streaks, same piercings and tattoos as me (we’re so cool we got matching ones), Jay, 16, brown hair with green streaks, tongue, eyebrow and lip piercings a tattoo on his left shoulder of an eagle, Storm (nickname: Stormy), 17, brown hair, green eyes, ex-boyfriend, eyebrow and tongue piercings, Skylar (nickname: Sky, SkySky), 17, blonde, blue eyes, snake bites. We’re also known as the badass’ of the school, or by our band name Oxidize, random name, the guys came up with it, don’t blame JJ or me!  Man, am I gonna miss those guys! They promised they’d visit and I’ll definatly visit them!

   ANYWAY, so I stepped off of the plane and briskly walked down to passport security, which went fine, for some reason I always get nervous when I go through them, and metal detectors? (true fact.) After that I went to pick up my luggage from the luggage pick up and made my way to arrivals. I sat dowm and started texting when I heard a familiar whiny voice.

“Why did we have to come here and pick up the loser? Brit is throwing a huge party and I could have been there”

“WE could have been there” emphasised my oh so delightful brother “where is the fat nerd anyway?”

 I guess my brother and parents hadn’t told them about my change yet. I glanced up and scanned the crowds of people, listening out for their voices again, once I heard them my eyes found the waiting group and man was it big. In that crowd was my mum, dad, siblings, sibling’s friends (not looking too happy about being dragged to pick me up), my aunt and uncle and my cousins. I say my brother smirk and little and let out a silent chuckle as he heard them all complaining about the old me. His eyes suddenly shot up, as if he knew I was here and searched through the crowd to catch me out. As soon as our eyes made contact we both dashed towards eachother and he enveloped me in a huge bear hug, lifting me off of the ground, I may be a badass but I missed my brother like hell!

“I MISSED YOU” we both screamed, drawing unwanted, annoyed stares to us but we didn’t care

It was then I heard the clearing of throats and Ash put me down, a grin plastered on his face.

“Hey Ash, are you going to introduce us?” one of his friends called

“Yeah who is this fine specimen of a lady?” another said

“Yeah Ash who is this” Zayne and Roxy questioned

I gave them all a glare and turned to hug my parents.

“I missed you guys” I whispered to them

“we missed you too sweety” they whispered back.

“WHO IS THIS?” my brother suddenly exclaimed

“Yeah!” my sister followed suit.

“Oh common, bro, sis, its only been what? Three years..don’t tell me you forgot about your own sister” I grinned evilly

Their mouths dropped open and stared at me as if I was some kind of alien

“Bullshit.” Someone said, I spun around glaring at the crowd in front of me “you don’t actually expect us to believe this right? Scarlett is fat, ugly and a dork and she’s well…dayuumm” exclaimed Carter, Ash’s best friend, for some unknown reason.

I gave him a glare and began to step towards him when I felt two hands on my shoulder.

“common hunny, lets go home”

“Yeah Scar! Lets not make that 5 hospitalizations shall we?” I heard some of the group make a collective gasp as I shook my head.

“Actually Ash, it was four not five, that guy only had a broken leg, arm and a couple ribs! Seriously gosh” I grinned at him, “Dude, I missed you so much!” I said grabbing him into another hug.

“Right lets get out of here!” I said, grabbing my suitcase and making my way towards the exit….just seeing the reactions on their faces, oh man this is gonna be fun.

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