The Soldier Imprint (Paul Lah...

By beckalynn1124

151K 2.8K 63

When one of the La Push wolves imprints on a U.S. Army soldier, How do they keep up with each others schedule... More

Shopping, and meeting new friends
The cookout
Accidents, and Cullens
Protective Instincts.
The Weekend on Base
Paul's POV
Lucid dreams
Waking up.
Learning the Confusing Love Triangle
Shopping With Alice
Eating Contest!
Gifts and Deployments.
After depression (Paul's POV)

The Transfer to Fort Lewis

19.3K 289 8
By beckalynn1124

Today, I was moving to from Fort Drum, in New York to Fort Lewis, in Washington. I didn't mind moving, I was used to going from base to base every year. I am in the 1st special forces group, which means I must be ready and I'm on call at any moment.
My names is Niña Westhill.
"Westhill! Let's go! The truck's moving!"
I threw my last back in the back seat of my Chevy Silverado,and followed the guys up to Fort Lewis. It was a very long drive.
By the time we got there and set up it was about 3 AM and I still had to set out to find my apartment I had found online, and would stay at. so i figured, I would stay at a motel, or my truck.
After searching for an hour I blew it off and covered with my teenage mutant ninja turtle blanket. I don't care what you say, they are amazing! So I slept, until about 8. I was used to late nights and early mornings. I used to get sick because of it, now its usual, my body adapted since. But the unusual thing was that I didn't wake up naturally i woke up from someone tapping the window.
I sat up rubbed my eyes and rolled down the window. It was a police officer. I immediately straightened up.
"Hello, ma'am."
"Good morning sir", i replied respectfully.
"May I ask what you are doing on the side of the road?" He raised his eye brow.
I smiled politely, "Well, sir...", I looked at his name tag, " Swan, I was looking for a hotel last night, but it was so late at night that I gave up and just slept here."
"Oh... Well if you need assistance, I can help you. Where will you be staying?" since I was in a tank top that said "American Soldier", You could see my tattoos, , which there were many, I turned to grab the paper with the address and handed it to him.
"Here, sir"
"Ah, I live on the next road after these apartments, I'll take you over there."
"Oh! You don't have-" he immediately cut me off.
"I will take you. Follow me." He got into his car and I sighed, following him to me apartments.

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