When You Wish Upon a Borrower

By EnderShadeMC

6.3K 269 188

Collaborate story by @EnderShadeMCs and @Banana_Skylox : Friday the 13th, or Freaky Friday, is supposedl... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

937 35 35
By EnderShadeMC

(@Banana_Skylox as le writer)

Adam felt himself drifting back into the waking world, inquiring what had happened immediately. He strained to open his eyes, despite his vision having an aura, he could make out a room, a familiar room, but something wasn't quite right. His heart lurched as he remembered the night before, the shooting star, the wish, his height altering, everything. He dared to stand up straight, swaying a bit on his stiff rise, then he almost broke out into tears as realization flooded his mind.

He was only an inch tall.

Adam looked around, adjusting himself to his environment and doing a self-evaluation. He hadn't broken anything, nor was he paralyzed. In fact-nothing was wrong with him at all other than being confused and afraid. He saw something moving towards him out of the corner of his eye, he realized with relief that someone his size was walking towards him. Adam tried to speak but couldn't due to his voice being sore from the sudden body change. The person walked towards him at a quicker pace until he was finally standing right in front of him, the stranger took a deep breath and started chattering. "Well then! I see you just moved in!" Adam tried to interrupt and question what he meant by 'moved in' but the newcomer continued before he had a chance. "Word ah advice, eh... The dude livin' here is...one of 'em...and ah..you ain't gonna see me over here much longer!" He chuckled.

"Wait," Adam managed to rasp, "...What do you mean by 'one of them'? How did I get here? Why are we so small? Why do I think I know this place-"

 "Whoa whoa there buddy! You seem pretty confused! I'm not gonna be able to help 'ya, I'm confused as to why you're here as much as you are! Anyways...I gotta go, he's lookin' for me." With that he took off before Adam could stop him, he was fast! Very, very fast! Adam wondered if he could do that, but his mind was to clouded with wonder to try.

 "Wait! Aren't you going to tell me why I'm here?" Adam yelled, but it was too late, he was gone in a flash.

Hugging himself in fear, Adam moved to a hiding spot behind a computer monitor. He knew for sure exactly who's house it was, it was oh-so familiar in Skype calls, but Adam was still curious as to what that guy meant by 'one of them'. Before his train of thought could continue, someone burst through the door, Adam shook in half relief, half dread. Right there, standing at the entrance of the door, was Ty. One of his best friends. Adam has never seen him so ravenous in his life.He slithered into the room, spitting furiously as he searched the room carefully, then inched closer into the room. Adam was growing more and more terrified as Ty's search became more and more dignified. He was trying to find either Adam-or the guy who just ran away. Adam was so confused, he wanted to snap Ty out of it, but he knew he couldn't. He was just too crazed at the moment. Adam's terrified quizzing came to a sickening end as Ty's stomach growled, he sat down on his bed and cursed under his breath.

 "I wish I could just control myself!" He spat. Then his crazed panting stopped and his look of bloodthirst was replaced by sadness. Adam was too afraid to speak to him now, seeing that Ty might freak out again, and worked out why Ty would've been triggered to hurt someone in such a cruel way. He made up his mind that he would stay away from his friend for now, knowing that if he did get caught, Ty might recognize him and spare him before it was too late.

************One week later************

Adam felt terrible, so terrible. He hadn't eaten in a week, too cautious that Ty would catch him, and instead of Adam getting a meal, Ty would. He shuddered at the very thought with what little energy he had left. Adam knew he would either be eaten alive or starve to death. He sobbed a bit, he hadn't had water in two days either, causing him to be dehydrated as well. On top of all of that, it's gotten to below freezing in the nights of the dry desert, and he knew he wouldn't be able to survive like this much longer. His fate changed that day, when he grew desperate enough to stumble to the kitchen and into the pantry. He searched around for food, not caring what he found as long as it was edible. He finally managed to fill himself up, get a drink, and grab as many bits from a bagel as possible, even stuffing a few pieces in his mouth. He sneaked back out of the pantry, closing the cabinet door softly, and was interrupted by Ty clearing his throat, staring down at him expectantly.

"Is there a reason why you're stealing again?" He dropped everything felt his blood run cold, shaking violently. A new instinct sparked inside him; run away, as fast as you can, and don't stop. He took off, surprising himself and his friend hunting him down at how fast he was. He glanced behind him and saw Ty's eyes narrow, his heart sped up as he realized that he had triggered his old buddy's instinct as well. He ran as fast as he could into a tight space nearby, not even sure what it was. He backed up against the wall as Ty reached his hand inside and stretched desperately to grab him.

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