Everything Changed When I met...

By Firochaaaan

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Meet Lei Avilez, a girl who dislikes boys, a girl who's not interested with celebrities and hot guys. She's j... More

Everything Changed When I met you - Niall Horan fanfic
Chapter 1 - The girl who dislikes boys
Chapter 2 - Unexpected Event
Chapter 3 - The Saviour
Chapter 4 - Dream from the past
Author's Note
Chapter 5 - What happened earlier
Chapter 6 - Digital Art
Chapter 7 - Text Messages
Chapter 8 - At the McDonalds
Chapter 8.5 - At the McDonalds *Niall's POV
Chapter 9 - Preparation for tomorrow
Chapter 10 - The day comes
Chapter 11 - Introduction; Ms. Life Saver's real name
Author's Note *IMPORTANT
Chapter 12 - Having fun
Chapter 13 - Summer Love
Chapter 14 - The Truth
Chapter 15 - The Chase
Chapter 15.5 - The Chase; Behind the scenes~~
Chapter 16 - Time Alone
Chapter 17 - Hang out ending
Chapter 18 - Accident
Chapter 19 - Worried About Something
Author's Note - I'm so sorry >_<
Chapter 20 - All Alone
Chapter 21 - Sudden Visit
Chapter 24 - A broken doll
Chapter 25 - Comfort
Chapter 26 - Confusion and Confession
Chapter 27 - Dark Past
Chapter 28 - On the way to the Photoshoot
Chapter 29 - Start of Everything
Chapter 30 - Day 1
Chapter 31 - Day 2
Chapter 32 - Day 3
Chapter 33 - After the Photo Shoot
Chapter 34 - Future is scary
Chapter 35 - Parfaits and Crepe
Chapter 36 - Last few moments with him
Chapter 37 - Why now?
Chapter 38 - The Letter
Chapter 39 - Bitter Good Byes and Betrayal
Chapter 40 - Songs from the Heart
Chapter 41 - Moving on ... or not?
Chapter 42 - Going back to Mullingar, Ireland
Chapter 43 - Unknown Past
Chapter 44 - The Day I Saw Him Again
Epilogue - Same Place, Same Promises
A Little Speech from the Author

Chapter 45 - Promise me

671 16 4
By Firochaaaan

This is the end people!!

Lei's P.O.V

I barely sleep last night. Oh how could I sleep after that? After I saw HIM getting inside of that house! I saw that blonde hair of his... I barely saw his face but I'm sure he's disappointed because I never faced him. Speaking of that...

He's that Niall... my childhood friend here.

Fate is playing with me! How is that even possible? The moment I saw him... my whole body become weaker and weaker by the second. I feel my hands shake because of nervousness. He's going to attend the wedding! He'll see me there and I can't! I can't face him. Not today, tomorrow or forever! I really can't!

But Nathan is like an older brother to me. Tomorrow is his special day. It’s a day that will happen only once in his whole life. I have to be there, to give him support. But I really can't face him!

I-I have an idea!

Niall's P.O.V

I already talked to Nathan about it and he agreed. 

He told me that Lei's last name is Avilez. The same last name as the Lei I knew. Which means one thing; she's the Lei that I've been looking for for the past year! I'll finally see her again

I'm sure she'll never face me. I'm sure she'll resist with all her might and run away from me so I'll catch her before she can even run away like she did on that airport. I'll never let her run away from me again.

I'm still waiting for that tomorrow.

Lei's P.O.V

"Here you go Lei! Sorry only green lenses are available right now." Louise said as she hand me the lenses I asked her to order. I asked her to buy these for me even though today is her wedding. I don't know any store that sells lenses so I asked her.

This will be perfect! My hair is red now and my eyes will be green because of these lenses. I'll just add some fake freckles when I apply my make up later so I will look more like a real ginger girl. I'll try to change my voice and my accent. I'll try to change everything about me today!

I can do this!

I look at myself in the mirror. All I can see is a beautiful ginger girl with some freckles across her face. This is definitely not me. Oh the power of make up! I can't see any trace of 'Lei' on the reflection I see. Even the dress is short and Lei hates that.


"Whoa! What's with the ginger look?" Nathan asked when I went out of the room after I finished my make-up. No one will really recognize me on the first glance! Perfect~! I just grin at him and he sighed. I hope he will never notice why I'm doing this!

"Lei, you're like my little sister and my mom treats you like her daughter so you're going to sit in front with my mom!" Nathan said with a smirk and he sounds so suspicious... like he's planning something... but I just let it drop. They really treated me like I'm a part of their family.


We are all in the church already. Nathan is just waiting for his bride to appear. He's been fidgeting like a little kid because of nervousness and happiness. He really looks so happy! And we're all happy for him.

I looked at the crowd but there's no sign of Niall anywhere! I'm glad that I don't have to face him today but there's a part of me that feels disappointed. I do miss him... I just can't face him!

I was so lost in my thoughts when I noticed Nathan, staring at me with a silly smirk in his lips. I'm right! He's planning something and I don't know what it is! I want to (playfully) slap his face to wipe off that annoying smirk but the doors of the church opened. The bride is here!

I turned around to see Louise but it's not her... its Niall, walking down the aisle and to Nathan. He's whispering something to Nathan that made him more nervousness than before. I guess the bride really is here already and she’s outside.

After he whispered to Nathan, Niall went straight to the microphone, RIGHT BESIDE me. I'm sitting in the corner, far from the front view of the altar. How lucky am I?

Focus Lei... your appearance is different today! He can't recognize you! Just don't look at him! I mentally said to myself but I failed when he started singing. He's singing Marry Me by The Train while the important people walk down the aisle like the ring bearer and the flower girls. By the time the bride walks down the aisle, he reached the last chorus; the bride is already walking down the aisle.

The other me is trying to surface and make me turn around and look at Niall. I can't do that while he's singing with his beautiful voice. It's hard to resist his voice! Soon, when he is about to finish the song, I turned around and looked at him.

He's staring at me.

Nah, silly! He's not staring at me! He's just wondering around me being the only person with this color of hair inside this church! There's no way that he's staring at me because he know that I'm Lei! There's no way he can recognize me with this kind of appearance!

That's when I noticed Nathan again and he still has that smirk. He just winked at me for a second then focused on his bride that is walking towards him. DON'T TELL ME... he told him?! T-that's possible! I'll kill him!!

The mass is about to end but Niall is still standing in front of the microphone, singing softly to give off a romantic feeling for the mass. He really sounds so great and angelic but it makes my heart, my mind and my whole body aches. I want to run away right now!

I sometimes glance to his direction and he really is staring at me! I'll really kill Nathan later! Sometimes, I smile at him so he won't be suspicious of me; so that he'll think that I'm not Lei because I smile at him.

I really want to run away right now.

"You may now kiss the bride." the priest said and that means that the mass is nearing its end! Nathan kissed Louise and they hugged. Such a wonderful couple! After that, he carried Louise, bridal style and he walked down the aisle towards the church door.

Everyone is leaving! It's finished! I want to run away right now but there's a lot of people and of course, the ones in front will be the last ones to go out.

I was getting impatient to go out when someone grabbed my hands, when I turned around to see who it is, I saw him. Niall is holding me. I tried to call Auntie but she just smiled at me and resumed walking. Everyone is leaving us behind!

It seems like he planned this. We're just the only ones here. Even the priest is out of sight and the lights are still on! What is he planning to do?

"Uhmm?" I mumbled as I try to act cool and not nervous but he roughly dragged me!

"Hey! What's your problem?" I said as I try to stop him from dragging me. We are now in front of the altar. Oh great!

"You." he simply whispered and he looked me in the eyes while his left hand is still holding my left hand.

"I-I don't understand. Who are you?" I replied trying to look like I don't know him.

His right hand cupped my cheek then he carefully caresses my skin. He's removing the fake freckles! Smart move Horan! 

When he realized that the freckles are not real, he smirked but his eyes are empty like he has no soul. He's not like the Niall I knew before. There's no sparkle in his eyes. It's because of me...

"You dyed your hair? You also wore contact lens I see..." he said, breaking through my thoughts. I was so lost in his eyes with those thoughts in my mind. I didn't even notice when he started stroking my hair.

I didn't answer him. I just slapped his hands and I tried to get away from him.

"Let me go! I don't know you!" I said as I try to remove his hand on mine. But soon enough, he's holding both of my hands. This is bad! Did he recognize me? Please tell me Nathan didn't tell him about it!

"I know I should've hated you because you betrayed me. You left without saying good bye. You left me hanging with that tomorrow of yours. Well guess what? I never hated you. I can’t hate you." he said as he stares straight into my eyes. He's speaking with the other me; the one who loved him so deeply, the one who's buried deep down my heart. I can't let that other me surface. I can't bring more troubles to him!

"What are you talking about? Who are you?" I said, holding my ground. I have to act like I'm not Lei. He didn't answer me. He just leaned in and kissed me. He held my back, keeping me close. He's making sure that I won't resist.

I was about to resist and push him away but the other me surfaced, making me weak. That Lei who always wanted to apologize and tell him good bye kissed him back. I'm back to my old self and I hated it! I can't bring him troubles anymore! 

The kiss was rough, passionate and full of longing. He said he never hated me. He's still waiting for that tomorrow to come. Tears stream down my cheeks while we kiss in front of the altar. I promised myself not to cry anymore for a guy but here I am, crying for Niall.

"Why did you do that to me? You know I'll understand if you need to study abroad. You didn't have to do that." Niall whispered to me when the kiss was finished because we needed air. Our foreheads are still touching and he's closing his eyes. He voice is low and a bit raspy.

"I-I was afraid. I can't face you and tell you goodbye because that will make everything hard. I'm a coward so I ran away from you." I said and tears are still running down my cheeks. He smiled then kissed my eyes. He wiped the tracks that the tears made. He's smiling at me.

"I was afraid too." he simply replied then hugged me.

"I have you back." he whispered, still hugging me so tightly. 'Have me back?' I pushed him and looked away.

"I can't Niall. I'll bring you trouble! I'm a walking disaster!" I said and he just hugged me from the back.

You can stay with me forever

Or you can stay with me for now

He sang those lyrics to my ears which send chills down my spine. He made me turn around and face him.

"You decide. I'm still waiting for that tomorrow, Lei. I'll ask you once more..." he said and his voice sounds so sincere and shows that he's telling the truth. I made him wait in the shadows for a year and a half. How can he still do this?

"Don't." I said and I put my hand over his lips. He looks so hurt and he is about to cry. See? I'm not the person for him!

"I'm a terrible person Niall. I don't deserve someone like you. You can't be with someone who made you wait in the shadows for a long time. Think about it Niall. Do you really want to be with someone who betrayed you and left you hanging like that?" I said and with that, my heart broke. I'm sure he'll realize that I'm not the one he needed. He'll realize that all this time, he's just blind and can't see the truth. He'll realize that he doesn't deserve someone like me. And if he did realize those, I'll be left broken on the floor, hurt.

I'm all ready for his answer and I'll accept it no matter how much that will hurt when he removed my hand from his lips then he kissed me again. He kissed me with all the love he has for me, I can feel it through the kiss. He made me feel like he still loves me.

"I love you, Lei. That will never change. I always knew that you have a reason." he said after we pulled from the kiss. He still wants me.

"Please don't do that again." he said and I nod.

"Please don't run away from me again." he said and I just nod.

"Please tell me... will you be my girlfriend?" he said and he stared at me with hopeful eyes. Can I really do this? I didn't answer him. I just pulled him closer, letting my fingers run through his hair and kiss him.

"I'll take that as a yes." he said with a huge grin in his face and his eyes sparkle with happiness again. He's back to that Niall I loved and I'm back to the Lei he knew before.

"Forever." we said in unison and we chuckled, still hugging each other.

'Us' existed inside this church, in front of the altar. I promised to him in front of this altar.


[Isn't that the same with wedding? They made a promise in front of the altar!!!


I really do hope you enjoyed this fanfic as much I enjoyed writing this for you guys! I never thought I would finish this!

Okay, enough of the speech! I'll do that when I post my epilogue. THERE WILL BE AN EPILOGUE!!! yey!!

Stay tuned for the epilogue!

Songs used:

-Marry Me by The Train

-Cold Coffee by Ed Sheeran]

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