Under the Stars

By smgurlz

119 10 5

"Chloe Winters. Two words that form the name of the most unique, crazy, amazing person, I've ever met. Well... More

1. Blue Shoes
2. Outfits & Parents
4. Walking Home in the Dark: An Adventure
5. Waking Up

3. Skating, Male Models, & Evan

18 2 1
By smgurlz

Chapter 3: Skating, Male Models, & Evan

Chloe's POV

I walked slowly over to where Adrian and his friends were hanging out. I was so nervous, I felt like I was walking on thin ice, and one misstep could cause me to fall into a hole of freezing cold water. Yeah, that's exactly how I felt. It was terrible and terrifying at the same time. I hated having a crush. It really messed me up. I mean emotions in general were pretty icky. I wasn't what you would call a feely type of person. But helplessly falling for someone who you didn't stand a chance with, was the absolute worst. I caught his eye and he smiled and motioned for me to come over.

"Hey Adrian!" I brush my hair behind my ear. He just made me so nervous, and happy. It was weird. He was so great, but he barely knew my name, and that was really the saddest thing ever. It was really quite pathetic when you think about, I mean the fact that I thought about this guy so much and yet, he didn't even know me. But I guess that was life. And I would have to just learn to deal with it. But it still sucked.

I looked up and saw three of his friends. I think I had seen them around school a couple times. But I didn't know them, like really know them. Although one boy caught my eye; I recognize him immediately. His name was Evan Fox and we had a terrible history. I could tell he recognized me too. His eyes went dark, and his entire posture changed. I changed my posture as well. I wanted to put off a "leave me alone" vibe. I didn't want him to even come near me. I didn't want to have to deal with all that drama again. It was just too much.

I just ignored him and I looked at Adrian and his friends and confidently introduced myself. I wave and say, "Hi! My name is Sarah." One boy introduces himself as James, another as Mason, and finally Evan. They all look at me with smiles. I would pay to see what was going on in their minds. I wonder what they thought of me. Did they think I looked pretty? I doubt it... Well, I hope they didn't think I looked bad either.

While I was making pointless conversation, I was able to get a good look at each one of the boys. They all looked like they had just stepped out of a magazine shoot for male models. It was ridiculous, how gorgeous they were gorgeous. It really was. Here's a descriptive description of each of them so you can understand how beautiful they really were.

Okay James, well he was taller than Adrian but not by much. James has dark blue eyes, which match his face really well. His smile is very charming and he is well built. His skin is the color of milk chocolate. He is obviously very fit, you can see his muscles through his t-shirt. I needed to get his workout routine because he looked great. Not going to lie, he was very aesthetically pleasing. He definitely was a male model. His skin tone, and eyes, and even his body was very well put together. But I was too busy focusing on Adrian to notice anyone or anything else around me. Seriously, the world could have come crashing down around me and I wouldn't have even noticed. It was bad.

Mason had light brown eyes that you really could lose yourself in. He had messy brown hair but it looked as it had been sculpted to perfection. He was also really good looking. But not exactly my type, in fact he would probably be really good for my best friend Savannah. They would look so cute together. Mason was tall about 5'10" (178 cm) and Savannah was 5'6" (167 cm). The height difference was perfect for a couple. After this whole thing was over, I would have to mention Mason to Savannah, I'm sure she would love him.

Evan's eyes were a stone cold blue. And if you stared at them for too long, it felt like you were being sucked into black hole, with no hope of return. He wasn't exactly unattractive, but in my eyes, he was ugly. In my eyes, he was a terrible individual. Every time I looked at him, all I could see was what he did that night. I shuddered at the thought. Flashbacks were the worst. They would just happen at the most random of times and ruin the entire moment. But all of that stuff with Evan was in the past and there was no point in reliving it. I had moved on, and whether or not he had chosen to move on, was not my concern. I decided that I would just ignore him; I wasn't here for him anyways. I was here because Adrian had invited me.

And then there was Adrian. He was standing directly in front of me, so I had a really good view of him. Which I definitely wasn't complaining about. He was wearing a black tank top and blue jeans. On top of the tank top was a letterman jacket. His outfit made sense because it was that time of the year, where it was sort of warm during the day but during the evening it would be really cold. He looked absolutely in stunning just standing there. He looked so perfect without even trying, it made me upset. It wasn't fair because if I wanted to just look average, I would have to spend enormous amounts of time doing my makeup and hair. I didn't think it was fair, but I guess that's how life worked. Adrian was roughly about 5'8" (172 cm), not too tall, but perfect for me. I wasn't short, but I was very petite. I was about 5'4" (162 cm) I had always hated my height. I was so tiny, but over time, I had grown to appreciate it. Being tiny had become a part of who I was. Adrian and I also had a really good height difference (4 inches) for a couple too, so that was good too.

Adrian's hair was also brown like Mason's, but darker almost like the color of leather. The dark color of his hair just accentuated the brightness of his eyes. If I'm being completely honest, his eyes were one of the coolest things in the world. Seriously, his eyes were just so unique. I had never met someone with eyes as striking as his. One eye was a really light blue color, almost the color of ice. There was also a little hint of gray in that eye. The color was just so bright and unique and definitely not something you see everyday. Also it was such a mesmerizing shade of blue. That was his left eye. Now his right eye, that's what I thought was the coolest thing ever. His right eye was primarily brown but in the bottom left corner was that ice blue color again. It was different, so unusual. I loved it.

I remember the first time I met Adrian, about a year ago. Okay so, I didn't develop a crush on him until about four months after I met him. Back then, Adrian he was kind of an asshole. But he has changed quite a lot in the past couple months, and maybe that's why I have the crush? I don't know. But when I first looked Adrian in the eyes, the first thing that I noticed was the different colors of his eyes. I don't even remember what we talked about in that conversation. I wasn't paying attention. I was too focused on his eyes. He probably thought I was really weird. I was completely fascinated with his eyes, and I couldn't stop staring at them. When I went home that day after school, I searched it up on my computer. What came up was "sectoral heterochromia." It kind of sounds like the name of a deadly illness, well it wasn't. Basically it was two long words that mean that part of one eye was a different color from the color of the rest of the eye.

Evan just continues to stare at me, not saying a single word. He is obviously pissed, which I didn't understand, because he was the one who hurt me. I hated him with a flaming passion; there was no excuse for his actions. It was completely unacceptable, and I had vowed to forever hate him. So far, I had successfully kept my vow, and I had no intention of every forgiving him. He didn't deserve to be forgiven, not after what he had done.

For some reason, everyone was just kind of standing there not saying a word. It was beginning to get awkward. So I broke the silence by grabbing my skateboard and saying, "So are we gonna skate or just keep staring at each other and making pointless conversation? Because I don't know about you but I came here to skate."

I flash them a small smile and I'm off. They seem a little shocked by my words. Good, I like being unpredictable. I twist my hat so they can clearly see the print on the front. I walk off to the edge of the ramp and lift up the front of my skateboard. I placed both feet on the board and skate down the ramp. It was only a small ramp so I skated down very easily. I came up the other side and did a pivot fakie. Which was a simple looking but difficult trick to pull off. It had taken me a couple weeks to finally perfect my pivot fakie. And even sometimes I would mess up and end up losing the board and rolling down the ramp, which was never pleasant. I heard a couple of shouts and couldn't help to smile. I went around to the other side and once I reached the top of the other side and I pulled a Miller flip, which is definitely the most advanced thing that I was taught.

I took skateboarding lessons about five years back and they taught us all of these cool tricks. But back then I could barely ride a skateboard much less do the complicated tricks. It wasn't until about three years ago that I even began to think about doing tricks. When I was young, I would just ride around the neighborhood. I still have my old board that I used to ride on. The only reason I still had it was because that thing was indestructible, and I really meant it. I had done so much with that board, but it had never broken. Out of all of the people in the world who could have it, the indestructible board was in my possession. I should consider myself lucky. It's a shame that I don't really use it anymore. I guess I could give it to my little brother to use. But he's only five right now. Plus he is more into the computer than he is into outdoors stuff. But I could teach him. How cool would that be? When I get older, I can say at my brother's wedding, that I taught him to skate at the age of five. I guess that would be a weird thing to say a wedding. But still... cool idea.

My friend taught me how to do the Miller flip about a year ago. It took three months of constant falling, sliding, sore wrists, and twisted ankles to finally master it. But now, I could do it like second nature.. So I guess that goes to show that practice makes perfect. I hated that phrase though, I mean practice doesn't make perfect. Practice makes permanent. But anyways, after I finished my Miller flip I skate back down into the ramp and to the other side. I stop over there, and you can tell that Adrian, James, Mason, and even Evan are shocked at my skills. I just smile smugly, because I was just getting started. I drop back in and do a sweeper. I skate around the length around the park sliding down the railings and the smaller platforms. I body varial over the benches and land it smoothly as well. I was on fire tonight. I then did a 720 double flip, which also was another trick that was difficult until you did it yourself.

I really was on top of my game. I hadn't mis-stepped, fallen, or even landed wrong yet. I was pretty proud. Then, I tried to do a laser flip but I missed my board and ended up tumbling down the ramp. Great job, Sarah. Way to make a first impression. They probably think you're so stupid. My face turns slightly red in embarrassment. Adrian and his friends are probably laughing at me. See this is what happens, when I get too confident in myself.

I brush off the dust off my clothing and smile nervously. Were they going to laugh at me? Oh god. I hope not. I slowly walk over, and chuckle at my fall. It was pretty hilariously, I kind of wanted wished that someone had filmed it so I could watch it back in slow motion and re-play it over and over for all eternity. Okay maybe not for eternity, that would be a little too long.

Mason clears his throat and says, "Well hello there little miss clumsy," with a smirk spreading across his face.

Adrian chimes in with, "Oh shut up Mason. You're just jealous that she's a way better skater than you." James lets out a small laugh, and I widen my eyes. Did Adrian just sort of defend me?

Mason is getting sort of defensive in a jokingly matter and says, "Not true. And I wouldn't talk Adrian, you're worse than me.

"Uh-huh yeah whatever helps you sleep at night sweetheart," Adrian says in a sarcastic tone of voice.

Adrian and Mason continue to go back and forth insult each other's skating abilities. It was quite amusing actually. You could tell they were good friends just by the way they talked to each other.

"Hey Chloe, you actually did a really good job," James says, "You are a talented skater. Maybe you could teach me some of the tricks I saw you doing earlier."

"Thanks... and definitely I could help you out." I say brushing the hair out of my face and smiling simultaneously. It was nice to be complimented.

We continued to skate up and down the ramps over the platforms and all over the park. It was pretty great. We were really bonding, all of us except Evan. He just kind of sat there near the border of the park where the fence was being anti-social. He spent the entire time on his phone, Mason and James tried him to come and skate so multiple times, but he just shrugged them off. I was glad he didn't come over thought. It would have been way too awkward between us.

After a while, Evan left and it was just Mason, James, Adrian and I. He said something about having to work tonight and that he was already late for his shift. I could care less, but I was glad that he took off. He was making me feel so uncomfortable. I hadn't said a single word to him the entire time. I wasn't just going to forgive him, and start talking to him again. No, I made a promise to myself.

The four of us continued to skate for about one more hour. It was already dark when I was about to leave and the boys offered to walk me home. Okay, let me tell you something, one of my biggest fears was walking alone in the dark. But, I didn't want to admit to the boys that I was so scared. Although I had plenty of good reasons to fear walking alone in the dark, I didn't want to create an awkward situation while we were walking home so I politely declined. But they insisted saying it wasn't safe, and I gave in. Secretly, I was very glad that they offered.

Over the couple hours, the four of us had really bonded. I had so much fun. It was the most fun, I've had in a very long time. Now it was time to go home. Boy, am I glad I didn't bail.

//author's note// I'm so sorry for updating late... I have been super duper busy this week with school, and I haven't had enough time to write. So here is an extremely long chapter to possibly make up for it? Anyways, I hope you enjoy. Don't forget to vote and comment. Have a great day. Love you guys. XOXO- Sarah

Author's Note Part 2: Hi guys, for some reason it didn't upload last week? I don't know why. Maybe it was my Walmart wi-fi? Who knows. Anyways, I am extremely sorry it didn't upload last week. But here is Chapter 3. Chapter 4 will also be out later today. Thank you for your patience. Okay bye. (Don't forget to vote, share, & comment) XOXO -Sarah

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