You Are My Everything { A Fre...

By Creamiepuffs

15.2K 258 88

Ariana "Ana" Cruz has just recently found out that her parents are really her adopted parents and that she is... More

You Are My Everything { A Fred Weasley Story }
[2] Do I know You?
[3] He's MINE! M-I-N-E!
[5] Are You Mad?!
[6] Starlit Nights
[7] Part One: They're Coming
[8] Part Two: They're Coming
You Are My Everything Contest Results
[9] Part Three: They're Coming
[10] Part Three and a Half: They're Coming

[4] Last Monday Night

1.2K 25 10
By Creamiepuffs

    Author's Note: I'm SO sorry for such a long wait! Life's been busy. But I'm sure ALL of you know what that's like. I've also had a minor case of writer's block, therefore, added on top of the hardness of life so far, equals to you, my dear readers to wait longer for the upcoming chapters. I have dedicated this chapter to MultiplePersonality because she was the one who pushed me to upload! Well, enough of my ramblings, here is chapter four! :D

Chapter Four: Last Monday Night

   It was the first day of school. The light emanating from the large window that was overlooking the lake. The early morning sun shining brightly into the large girl's dormitory. In it, the silent buzz of the girl's gentle slumbers still echoing through the huge dorm. If you were to enter the silent dormitory, then you would realize that every girl in their was asleep in an awkward position on a certain new girl's bed. All but one. That one girl just happened to be the very girl who the girls were comforting the night before. The girl's eyes were still wet from the tears she had shed all night. Her eyes were red from staying up all night, and from crying. Her cheeks were puffy and wet, similar to her eyes. Her glasses tilted awkwardly on her nose. Wet, from the tears. Her striking brown eyes changed incessantly, from brown, to grey, to red, then back to her natural brown. She carefully and silently wiped her eyes, attempting to look as strong as she possibly could at that moment. She carefully sat up, gazing down at her bed and the floor to all the girls who were kind and caring enough to drop by and comfort her. She looked down, racking her mind to remember the names of all those girls. Beside her, whose head was once on her shoulder, was of course the one and only, Hermione Granger. How could she not remember the girl who looked so much like herself? She turned her head to her right, to see the beautiful and sassy, black girl she knew and loved (Too much? Should I have said African-American? Wait. They aren't American. O.O). Angelina Johnson.

Man, that girl was beau-ti-ful! the girl, Ariana thought in her mind. She secretly wished she was more like her actually. Confident, sporty, beautiful, kind, caring and of course sassy. She had gotten to know Angelina over the one night. Ariana then looked at the red-headed girl right behind her. Ginny Weasley. She was so sweet. Sighing at the thought, Ariana quietly hopped off her four-poster bed and tip-toed to her trunk, to grab her robes. She then skipped off towards the bathroom and thought of the night she had. 

                                                                *Ariana's Point of View*

   I hung my head lowly on my shoulders. What a stupid thing I did. Making myself so hateful that this Violet character would hate me. I sighed once more and turned on the shower, allowing the hot water to fall freely onto my petite body. I closed my eyes and thought of the night I just had.


   "Come on Ana! You can't let Violet get to you in just one day!" Hermione cried as she put her hands on her hips somewhat like a motherly way. My tears were seemingly getting more worse by the second. It was about 12:30 in the morning by that time.

"Yeah! I mean come on Ana, if you were to send a letter to your brother and ask him to transfer you to another school after, or if Vi keeps this up, like everyday for a month or so, then yeah, that would be totally understandable! But now? When we haven't even gotten to know you yet?"  Ginny said pleadingly. All the girls turned and stared at Ginny with their mouths slightly agape. Who knew that Ginny was so deep?

"What?! Just because I'm a third year doesn't mean I'm not mature enough to say big speeches like that! Humph!" Ginny said as she plopped down onto her bed, which just so happened to be beside my bed. The girls shook their heads and turned their attention back on me. Yet, my tears were not going to stop. They continued to fall down the side of my face tear after tear.Things were quiet for about twenty minutes before Katie said someting.

"What does it matter if one person, or now-"  Katie stopped in mid-sentence to count on her fingers and think. She wasn't the brightest girl out there, but she was really caring and sweet.

" Eight?" she mumbled. " Eight! Yes! Oh, yeah. What does it matter if only EIGHT people know about you." Katie said as she waved her hand at the word 'eight'.

"Here at Hogwarts anyways. Well, I'm sure that Dumbledore and McGonagall know and some other teachers, but students, there's only eight." Katie boasted proud at her arithmacy skills. My mouth was extremely dry, however I was able to say this.

"Eight?! Eight people know about me?" I buried my head in my hands and mentally took count of  all the people who now knew that my mother and father were now dead. Well, my adopted parents anyway. Violet, Hermione, Ginny, Angelina and Katie. Well, I suppose Fred and George probably guessed that my adopted parents were now dead and I have no idea as to how I'm supposed to find my real parents. Wait. At most that's seven. Who's the eighth person?! My head shot out of my hands and looked straight at Katie.

"Katie....Did you tell anyone about my parents when you went to the bathroom three hours ago?" I asked her kindly for I knew that if I asked her harshly, she would get angry and cry. Thank you Angelina. Katie stopped playing with her hair and stared at me like I was some mad masked murderer.

"Are you mad woman?!" Katie looked at me crazed.

"Of course not! Just because I am not the smartest light bulb in the haystack, doesn't mean I can't keep a secret! Oh! Did you hear that Lavender Brown fancies Ron Weasley? Oh! I wasn't supposed to tell you guys that with Hermione here!" She clapped her hands to her mouth as she stared sadly at Hermione. All of the girls, including me trying to stifle back laughter. Oh Katie, that second sentence was wrong in so many places! I laughed. Everyone gasped. Wow, now who are the theatrical ones?

"Haha. You don't have to be so theatrical you know." I rolled my eyes. No tears tricled down my face that time. My hands went to wipe the tears aways from my cheeks to see that there were no tears there! I gasped. I was still really depressed, but it seemed that I had no tears left over.

"Hey! You stopped crying!" Angelina pointed at me shocked.

"Yeah, well, I'm still depressed and all, but it seems that I have no more tears left over from all that crying." All the girls moaned at the word 'depressed'.

"Yes well, at least I can now speak properly. Oh yeah, Katie, who was the eighth person? There is only seven. Wicklan, You, Me, Angelina, Hermione, Ginny, Fred and George! Who would be the eighth person? Katie giggled. My head tilted in confusion.

"You're so silly Ana. You forgot yourself! That's eight people!"  Katie said overjoyed that she had finally corrected someone. She patted me on the head like some pet dog. However, I loved when people pat me on my head. It's rather funny. The girls again continued to stifle back laughter. Oh, how Katie can be so adorable sometimes! I looked to my headstand to see on my muggle analog clock that it was already 3:32 am in the morning! I sighed. Things were quiet for a few moments until I finally broke the silence.

"Come on guys, we should go to sleep. Tomorrow, well, today actually is the first day of school. I'll be okay." I told the girls reasurringly. The girls obviously didn't see pass my fake 'You guys should go to sleep' act. They all smiled at me mischeviously.They seemed tired however. They weren't going to go to sleep without a fight. I thought like it was true.They so were not going to leave me to sleep.They weren't! Nope, there is no way they would agree to that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

"Okay Ana, whatever you say. But, we're all staying on your bed."  Angelina told me in mostly a yawn. See! I knew it. I knew that they weren't going to see past me phony act and just- wait what?

"Wait. You guys are going to sleep?" I asked cautiously.

"Yes Ana. We are going to sleep. Well, Katie, me and Hermione are anyways. It looks like Ginny already passed out a few minutes ago." Angelina then grabbed a pillow from her bed and plopped down onto the bed. A few girls from the younger years were already asleep on their four-poster beds with the curtains closed so then they wouldn't have to hear us babble on and on all night long.

"Wait. Why do you guys have to sleep on my bed? Why don't you guys just sleep in your beds?" I asked confused.

"Because Ana, if you wake up, then we'll be here to talk to you once more. It's just easier this way." Hermione said simply. I sighed.

"Whatever. As long as you guys get some sleep." I for one was tired as well. The girls then went to their beds and grabbed their clothes and changed.

"Are you sure those tight short shorts and even tighter tank top for sleeping?" I asked in shock. I didn't thnk that Angelina was one of those girls. Angelina picked up her large and fluffy feather goose pillow and threw it right at my face with quiet POOMPH! Hermione grabbed her pillow and threw it on my bed as she jumped onto the bed after it. Katie then grabbed a muggle sleeping bag and placed it neatly on the floor next to my bed. Then Angelina came and plopped right beside me on my bed. These girls were one-of-a-kind alright.

                                                                        END OF FLASHBACK

   I turned off the shower and quietly jumped out, my feet so wet that I almost slipped and fell. I quickly put on my Gryffindor robes and cleaned my glasses and placed the on my face. I fixed my hair with my brush. Stupid tangles.

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." I chanted as the tangles from my hair slowly went away. I brushed for a few more minutes then sighed. I've been doing that a lot lately haven't I? I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

"Well, I suppose this is as good as it's gonna get." I smiled awkwardly at myself in the mirror and left the bathroom. I had a surprise for my girls when I got down to the common room. I was so happy to have my girls that would be help me through anything, that I actually skipped out of the bathroom. However, when I left the bathroom, I saw the scowling face of the one, Violent Wicklan. Wait. I mean Violet Wicklan.

"Wow. I have never met anyone as selfish as you." Violet sneered as she pushed me on the very last word. She looked at me with pure hatred. I was about to retort, but I was cut off.  Violet raised her hand and glared at me.

"Look. You want to have a good time here at Hogwarts? Hmmm Cruz?" she waited for me to answer. I was too shocked for words, so I simply nodded in response.

"Well then listen. You want a good time here at Hogwarts? Then. Stay. Out. Of. My. Life." she said simply. She then pushed me out of her way and slammed the girls' bathroom door. I had fallen onto the ground, along with my now shattered glasses. I began to search for my glasses. Finally, I felt the square-rimmed feeling of the frames of my nerdy glasses. I pulled my wand out and fixed my glasses without a single word. I placed them onto my nerdy teenage face with a sigh remembering what happened last Monday night. The girls all huddled around me comforting me and such. I was about to pick myself off the ground when the girls' bathroom door opened with the face of Violet Wicklan peeking out.

"And." she said her hand out to stop me from saying anything. She sighed. The lines on her forehead dissolved and she looked at me exasperated.

"Stay away from George Weasley!" she yelled as she slammed the door once more. I was too shocked for words. Why would she want me to stay away from George? He was my friend and- wait a minute. Violet "Violent" Wicklan, as I liked to call her, was in love with George Weasley!

"Oh tin-man, you do have a heart." I said at the door not even realizing I had said that aloud.

"I heard that!" the voice of Violet Wicklan rang in a sing-song way from behind the door. I clasped my hands over my mouth. Well, at least I know why she hates me so much. I should probably tell her that I'm not interested in George. Well, not yet anyway. I have a plan. I rubbed my hands mischievously like Mr.Burns from the muggle television show "The Simpsons". Oh yes. A plan. I smiled devilishly.



-I hope you forgive me, Creamiepuffs <3 :)

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