Dream Queen

By Ren-Kuro

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Do you ever have a strange dream? Not those normal ones of falling or anything. But the darkness or something... More

Chapter 1: My favourite Manga
Chapter 2: Faust, Pheles or someone else?
Chapter 3: Never!
Chapter 4: The Witch of True Cross
Chapter 5: Demonic Summoning
Chapter 6: Fallen Grace
Chapter 7: Mirror worlds
Chapter 8: Choices
Chapter 9: Date at the Fairground
Chapter 10: My King
Chapter 11: Birth right
Chapter 11 part 2: Wedding Night (Lemon)
Chapter 13 - Friday the 13th
Chapter 14 - Rin's Sleep Over
Chapter 15 - Not you too!
Chapter 16 - Angel
Chapter 17 - On trial
Chapter 18: Sweet Poison
Chapter 19 - Hidden weapons and Match making.
Chapter 20 - How weapons are born
Chapter 21 - Friend's familiers.
Chapter - 22: First Offical Mission.
Chapter 23: I'm already an Exorcist?
Chapter 24: Mephisto's throne
Chapter 25: Silver-Night
Chapter 26: Kidnapped.
Chapter 27: Queen Revealed
Chapter 28: Recovery
Chapter 29: Side Effects
Chapter 30: The second blue night
Chapter 31: Rebuilding.
Halloween Special 1 - Witches Curse.
Dream Queen - Chapter 32
Chapter 33: true cross meets Demon Kings
Chapter 34: The Final hours
Christmas Special!
Chapter 35: Over throwing the mad king.

Chapter 12 - A trip to the beach

896 14 1
By Ren-Kuro

(Lilith's p.o.v)

I walked behind Shima and Rin, since they dragged me to go shopping with them. The only reason is the beach trip that Shura is taking us on. Of course I had planned to get my swim stuff with my king but Rin dragged me out the house before I could ask him.

"Come on Lilith you gotta get a bikini" I glared as Shima held up a rather small bikini to me.

"I'm married" my eye twitched as he seemed to not hear me. I knew for him this was all good fun and an act, I mean come on how could I not notice him and Rin holding hands. "Look why don't you go help Rin pick out a swim suit and I'll think about getting a bikini to drive my man wild" Shima rolled his eyes but quickly left the girls section. I sighed and looked at the rack of bikini's none of them that where nice where in my small size. Damn anime girls having huge breasts! I smelt the tell tail smell of Parma violets and looked round to see a pink bag at my feet. The tag read Mrs Pheles and had a heart next to it. "He couldn't, could he?" I knelt down and blushed seeing inside the bag is a cute pink and lavender bikini. I smiled picking the bag up and going to find Rin and Shima.

"Huh you picked out something already?" I nodded giggling at Shima's stunned face.

"Yeah, found the perfect thing. So how are the cute couple getting along" they both went red and started to stammer coming up with excuses. "Oh come on boys I know you're together. It's cute but I'll keep you secret for a price" they looked at each other. I grinned. "Rin I need you to promise no matter what Mephisto says to make me an awesome birthday cake"

I walked back into the manor and found my king sitting on the sofa reading manga in his honey sisters Kimono. I walked over taking off my heels as I do.

"Welcome home, did you get anything?" He grinned as I slipped into his lap, I kissed him deeply and felt him bite my lower lip.

"I did, but you put it at my feet" he gave me his playful gaze.

"I have been here the whole day I wouldn't even think of"

"I smelt Parma violets you was there Samael" he sighed annoyed with himself clearly.

"I used rose shower wash how did that not mask it!" I giggled and kissed his cheek.

"It's alright you came at my hour of need, my hero" he blinked so I flopped in his lap, turning over so I'm lying on my back, his arm now around my stomach. "All the nice swim suits are for larger sizes" I felt my demon kiss the mark he left on my neck gently.

"What do the humans know, I hope the one I had made was alright" I smiled and closed my eyes.

"Mephisto pink and lavender bikini, thin straps on the top half the bottom a pair of shorts. A perfect mix, you get the look you want and I get shorts. Well my king seems you've learned how to compromise" I hear him chuckle and feel his chest shake.

"Well yes, but I also know by keeping my queen happy I'll get to see her in something much better without others trying to stare at what's clearly mine" I smirked. Possessive, check, understand, yeah pretty much, my goof of a god, totally worth it.

"I'm glad you can come, maybe we can play those Japanese beach games you was yammering about" I laugh as he over reacts but it's all in good fun. My demon was just too fun not to tease.

On the day of the beach trip I didn't feel as excited as the rest of them. I watch from my seat on the bus Rin and Yukio fighting as they store their luggage. Kai seemed to be forced to come by Ezio. The three 'monks' seemed busy as they chatted.

"Something the matter?" I allow Mephisto to make me lean on his shoulder, his hand brushing my hair behind my left ear.

"I'm fine I don't think I slept all that well" I allowed my eyes to wonder back to my demon who kissed my head.

"Today is a day of relaxation, though I guess being in this class you don't get much of that." I look up at him, he was meant to be traveling to the beach in dog form to free up seats but currently he's in human form wearing a simple pink t-shirt and purple swim shorts.

"Shouldn't you be playing puppy? We'll be leaving soon after all" he sighed, annoyed with the fact he had to travel as a dog. "Oh be peppy its that or loads of people will be questioning why the director is riding on the bus"

"I said we could meet the others up there it's your fault we're on here" I grinned, having no desire to get into the pink limo. "Fine, I'll change on the promise I can cuddle up in your lap however I want" I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek before he snapped his fingers, saying his magic words, and jumps into my lap purring.

I pet his ears and under his chin. He cuddles up to me as we hear the bus starting.

"Do you mind if I sit next to you Mrs Pheles?" I look up and blinked seeing Shiemi. She smiled and I nodded.

"It's fine, I hope they serve ice cream at the beach" she giggled and we chatted about different beach plant life as we traveled. I would pet the fluffy white form of my husband as we spoke. Laughing when Ezio falls asleep and Kai starts drawing glasses on his face as the White haired half demon drooled.

When we made it to the beach Mephisto pawed at the window most likely wanting to get out and change forms. "Calm down Mephy, even you have to put sun screen on and set up the umbrella for me" he whined as I pulled him back and hugged him. Shiemi giggled as he whined, his eyes wide and pleading up at me. "No im not giving into the puppy eyes Mephy"

I got off the bus, still carrying Mephisto, as Rin pulled out everyone's bag with Ezio's help. The normal people on the bus looking shocked at how easy they could do it.

"Come on pick up the pace I wanna get there before the spots are taken" I looked at Shura doing an Amaimon face as I stood beside Shiemi and Izumo.

"She really claimed this was a mission just to get to the beach"

"Well she isn't the normal kind of teacher"

"I can't believe you approved this" I hear Mephisto whine and Shiemi and I laugh seeing his ears droop.

"I believed you'd all enjoy yourselves and I was feeling rather cramped in my office"

As I walked back from changing I saw the boys set up their side of the stuff and Mephisto set up my umbrella looking bored. I grinned and skipped passed grinning at the reaction I got from Ezio, who shouted 'That Clown is dead!'

"Mephy" I grin as he looks up and at once blushes. I was wearing the bikini he bought me and looked down cutely "do I look okay?" I giggled as he pulls me into a hug and I could swear if he showed his tail it'd be wagging.

"You look perfect, am I done with this boring stuff?" I laughed and nodded before gasping as I'm dropped onto the towel and see he's already in the water. I sat up slightly and watched him as he's joined by Rin and Ezio who shove him under the waves laughing.

I blinked as Shura sat next to me holding out a soda can.

"That is soda right?" She shook it at me grinning.

"I bet Mephsito gave ya some at some point. Don't tell me the prude won't let ya have a tiny bit" I looked at her calmly.

"I've had champagne and red whine, Mephisto is high class so understandably I've never had beer" she blinked at me as I grinned at her and took the soda from my bag and opened it. "Though I have to say these sodas rock, so much better than the ones back home" I drink some and she sighs opening the beer can sitting next to me.

"Ya know when you first summoned the bastard I believed you had fallen in to his master plan. But now he's acting more human than I've seen him. He'll there are moments where I could almost mistake him for being human. You've changed the Mephisto that I'm sure of"

"He is a very complicated person but I have learned as much from him as he has from me."

(Ezio's p.o.v)

I grinned as I snuck up behind Kai, carrying one of the water guns that Mephisto gave us if we'd leave him be. I looked round his umbrella to see him snoring as he slept soundly on his towel.

"Paybacks a bitch Kai!" I Fire as he wakes causing a string of swears before I bolted, running passed Lilith as she seemed to be drinking with Shura. My eyes lingering on them in their bikinis until Kai's scream if my name reached my ears and I went on running. "It was worth it!"

(Mephisto's p.o.v)

I sighed as I walked back to my queen and blinked seeing her drinking from a can with Shura laughing. Please tell me she isn't drunk. "Lilith?" She looked up and Shura started laughing randomly. "Please tell me your not drinking, as much as you might want to your still a minor young lady" she rolled her eyes and grinned.

"It's ice cream cola Mephy, Shura offered me a beer but I turned it down. Beer isn't lady like and I wouldn't be seen dead drinking it" I sat beside her and took her drink grinning.

"Yes your such a 'lady' my dear" she glared cutely and stole her drink back.

"I am a lady if your Sir Pheles that means I'm Lady Pheles" she poked my chest a deep blush on her cheeks as she does. "I'm hot Mephy" I blinked as she leaned on me and Shura laughed harder.

"Oh man I knew she would be a light weight" I blinked and took Lilith's drink and smelt it. Mixed in with my wife's soda was gin. I looked at Shura shocked.

"You put alcohol in her drink" Lilith tried to grab her drink back but I held it out her reach sighing. Shura grinned.

"She needed to loosen up, she didn't wanna get in the water" I closed my eyes as my left eye twitches.

"She can't swim, however you would know that if you bothered to read her file." Before I could tell Shura off more I gasp as im forced backwards by Lilith, who grinned as she grabbed her drink back from me. "Lilith!"

"Your so up tight today" I growled not pushing her off encase I hurt her by mistake. She leaned closer giggling. "What happened to my playful Sammy" I glared as she whispered that in my ear, her hair falling over our faces, shielding us from people around us. "I like your name, it suits you." My eye twitches. "I made you mad" she rolls off my laughing and Shura looks shocked. "I made you mad, not even pointy head can make you mad" I quickly pick Lilith up as her eyes suddenly droop. When ever she's drank wine before she hasn't reacted well. it makes her fall asleep almost instantly after the third glass.

"Do you want to lie down, your not looking so good" I watch as her glazed eyes look up at my face before she tilts her head slightly.

"Your hair is pretty" and with that she is knocked out asleep. Shura looked stunned as I lied Lilith out in our large towel and snapped my fingers as I reach into her beach bag to pull out a purple beach towel for her, that I just placed in there.

"Please don't give her alcohol, she's going to be rather hung over later now" Shura signed and got up. She downed the rest of her beer before crushing the can.

"Your so boring Mephisto, you need to loosen up. Let the girl have some fun. Even if she's your wife for the rest of her life she's still a kid"

"Both of our lives, the bond is permeant, even if one of us dies. Also you think I haven't shared my immortally with her because I have, I love her even if you humans can't understand that" I snapped that as I folded up my shirt as a pillow for her. I soon heard Shura walk away, her foot steps muffled by the sand. I moved the fallen hairs from Lilith's face before getting out the book I bought and lying next to her as she slept off her drink.

"Sir Pheles?" I looked over the book Id managed to get half way through with out being bothered until now to see Shiemi with Yukio beside her.

"Is there something I could do for the two of you?"

"Rin is about to cook lunch we was wondering if you two would want some. We wasn't sure if you bought food of your own" I looked to my side seeing Lilith, now on her stomach snoring away.

"Tell Okumura thank you for the offer but we're fine. Shura gave her some gin and she's sleeping it off" I see Yukio's eye twitch and sighed knowing what he was thinking. "I know I reacted the same, Lilith will be fine once she's rested"

"How can she be so wreck-less Lilith Is a minor and her student" I smirked and looked back to my book as I hear Shimei walk off.

"I mean Gin of all drinks. Lilith has class though she holds wine no better" I hear him splutter and looked back at his shocked face. "We went to a friend of mine's party and he served wine with dinner, he clearly didn't no and I offered to change the drink for her but she didn't want to seem rude in front of so many guest and my friends."

I smiled as I watched the sun set, my now soba wife leaning on me.

"It's so beautiful." She whispered. I chuckle and smirked.

"The world is beautiful and I'm glad I can share it with you"

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