That unpredictable thug love

By Alasia_t

627K 12.8K 1.6K

-Karmela Mckeney Jones aka MJ (16)- Living in the projects with her abusive, Alcoholic Uncle and Cr... More

That unpredictable thug love
Chapter (2)
Chapter (3)
Chapter (4)
Chapter (5)
Chapter (6) Pain
Chapt. (7) surgery/Lil reunion
Chapter (8) A blast into the past
Chapter(9) Look at them now
Chapter(10) Run!
Chapter(11) ♥Break
Not a chapter
Not a chapter
Chapter(13) Game Night☜
Chapter(14) Unbelievable -_-
Not a chap.
Chapter(15)♥The truth revealed♥
Chapter(16) Tragedy♥
Not A Chapter.
title of your story
title of your story
Chapter(17) Tragedy{Part2}♥
Chapter(18) ∽Secrets∽
Chapter(19) *Some* Truth revealed #2
Chapter(20) Taken.
Chapter(21) Hostage.
Chapter(22) So close But Not Close Enough
Chapter (23) I Found You.
Chapter(24) Cross Fire.
Chapter(26) Game Night#2

Chapter(25) Birthday Girl♡

6.5K 166 28
By Alasia_t

{Okay So I wasn't really feeling the characters' pictures that I chose for certain people so I'm just gonna re-do some of them.. KARMELLA on the side, more to come in the next chapters}

(Also, I'm changing my username to Lay_Lay_T)

Two weeks Later
Friday, February 10th

•Karmella's P.O.V•

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mel Mel happy birthday to you!" I opened my eyes to find Uncle Henry holding a beautiful hot pink and baby blue cake with the number "17" in gold numbers in the center and seventeen other gold and white candles surrounding it. Essy standing next to him.

I smiled, sitting up in my bed and rubbing my eyes.

"Aaawww, thanks you guys," I said kissing Essy's cheek.

"No problem, now make a wish," Uncle Henry said holding the cake over my bed. I thought for a second then blew out the candles. Essynce clapped her hands together followed by Uncle Henry's howling and yay-ing. I laughed.

"C'mon Mel, we have to get ready for school now," Ess pulled me out of bed by my arm.

Uncle Henry laughed,"I'll Leave you guys to it," He said before walking out of my room.

"Go and get dressed first then I'll do your hair okay?" I said, Ess nodded and ran to her room. I walked to the bathroom.

My two weeks of suspension from school was up and today was the day that I could finally go back to school. And to top it off, it's my birthday bitches!

We'd been living with Uncle Henry since the day Ess and I left Preston's. We settled in pretty quickly. He'd gotten our rooms painted and decorated with the stuff we liked and stocked the kitchen with any food we wanted. Aside from the circumstances, it's been hella fun.

I hadn't talked to Preston since the break up.  None of the crew really.  Smokey would occasionally try to come over to talk to me, Preston too, but I would always either tell Uncle Henry to tell them I wasn't here or not answer the door at all. I wasn't ready to talk to them again. Which was one of the reasons I was a little nervous to go to school today.

Katness and I were doing well. She still hadn't told Desmond about the baby yet but planned to soon. She said they were just getting to where they could be in the same room- for a short period of time that is. One or the other would always get up and leave before the awkwardness kicked in. But considering all that's happened between them, that's hell of progress.

Just a few days ago, Marcus had checked himself out of the hospital. I'd went to see him a few times while he was in there and since I'd gotten my new phone we've been keeping in touch. We've grown pretty close. But because of everything that happened, I'll never trust him the way I used too.

He had told me everything about he and Dez and how Dez was his brother. I was surprised at first but it did explain why Dezzy acted the way he did when Marcus was shot. 

Marcus had gotten him a new place, a condo in a nice neighborhood.  It was just a few blocks from Uncle Henry's place. I've seen it but I've never been inside it before.

I was taken out of my thoughts by the vibration of my phone on the bathroom counter. I spit the toothpaste out of my mouth and rinsed my mouth and toothbrush off before picking up my phone and checking the text message. 

Bestfriend: Happy Birthday Babe! You Seventeen now, TURN THE FUCK UPPPPP!!

I laughed at Katnesses dumb ass. I texted her back and finished my hygiene thing before going to my closet.

I grabbed my black Huaraches, some dark washed ripped skinny jeans, and a black long-sleeved high low crop top with white words. I set the clothes on my bed and grabbed a black bra from my dresser, slipping it on.

I put my clothes on and walked back to the bathroom, starting on my hair. I wet it, making it puff and curl up on it's own. I did my makeup- eye shadow, mascara and lipgloss- and put on some gold studs. I looked myself over in the mirror and smiled.

"Mel, I'm ready," Ess came in. She was in a grey sweater dress  and black tights with black boots. I put her hair into a high bun and left her fly aways out and after grabbing our backpacks and stuff for school, we walked downstairs.

Uncle Henry was in the kitchen sitting at the bar with his glasses on, doing something on his laptop. He saw us and took his glasses off, beginning to dig in his pocket. 

"I didn't have time to cook breakfast for y'all this morning, y'all can stop somewhere and get something," he said before handing me 200 dollars.

"Uncle H-"

"Y'all better go before you're late," He says, pushing us towards the door before I could say anything about the money. I grabbed the keys to his Dodge charger and after saying our goodbyes, Ess and and I got in the car and drove to Starbucks.


I pulled into the lot of my school, grabbing my things and hopping out. 
It took a minute before I was walking through the Main entrance, where Kat was waiting for me. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Happy Birthday Biiiitttcchhh!" She said hugging me, I laughed and thanked her.

"You already know we turnin' up tonight- well slight turn up cause yah know," she pointed to her tummy, we giggled.  "You wanna go to the mall after school and pick up a few things? We can catch a movie too- I've been dying to see Creed, the man is blessed honey!" She rambled on, fanning herself.


"I know it sounded like a question but it really wasn't,  you don't have much of a choice," She said, making me laugh. "Now come on before we're late to first period, we already done missed too many days as is." She started to walk but I grabbed her arm.

"Wait." She turned and looked at me.

"What is i-" her face softened. "It'll be fine Mel. If he tries to talk to you, just ignore him-either of them...But Karmella, you're my best friend so I'ma tell you straight up. Its been two weeks, you need to talk to him. You've had time to cool off now it's time that you listen to what he has to say.  Now I don't care what the hell you say, I know you miss him. Its written all over yah face. You putting on this front like you good, when I know you not. Talk to him." She said. I sighed and nodding and we began to walk to class.

I sat down in the very front of the classroom, far away from my usual seat, and Kat sat next me. I put my ear buds in and turned on my music. Kehlani's song 'jealous' began to play through the small but loud buds.

Pretty soon I'ma take your phone

Or you should hide it in yo pockets until you get home

Don't wanna see no tweets about the night we shared

Don't wanna hear reasons for it, baby I don't care

You and I both know I'm not just anybody

And I regret bringing yo ass to all those after parties

You enjoyed yourself too much and you ain't barely started

I just can't invest in shit to end up broken-hearted

You stay taking pictures, pictures

Just too show them to your bitches, bitches

Just so you can make 'em jealous

Now I know where your head is

Man you stay taking those pictures, pictures

Just to show them to your bitches, bitches

So you can make 'em jealous

So now I gotta dead this

The tardy bell had already rang when Wayne, Dezzy, and Preston walked in.  I put my head down and gave my attention to my phone. I watched from the corner of my eye where they sat down at; Preston sat in the same row as me but in the very last desk. Wayne and Dez sat on either sides of him. I glanced at Kat, she raised her eyebrows at me and began to look at her phone.

Lord help me.


It was only 15 minutes left until the bell rang for second period when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I was almost sure it was Preston before I turned around and my eyes met with a freckle-faced, red headed, scrawny looking kid.

"May I borrow your eraser please?" He whispered with a lisp in his words. I nodded, handing him my pencil.  I caught a glimpse at Preston and almost, almost, wished I hadn't.  His eyes met mine and I quickly turned around, acting as if I was focused on writing something from my chemistry book. 

This is gonna be a long ass day.

****(Lunch Time****

"So y'all comin' to get something to eat with me or what? Ian staying here mane, they shit nasty." Marcus scrunched his nose, causing Kat and I to laugh a little.

"You haven't even eaten here before, how would you know? Besides, it's really not that bad." I stated. 

"Yeah whateva, that shit look nasty mane.  Yo Kat, you ridin? Seem like Karmella ass just wanna talk about how wrong I am about the food being nasty," He said. I thumped him in his forehead, causing Katness to laugh.

"Yeah, Where you going? I'm kinda craving some sonic fries right about now," she said.

"Sonic it is then, you gotta feed lil ole M right?" He gave a big cheesy smile.  We were confused.

"M?" Katness asked.

"If it's a boy, you gon name him Marcus right?" He continued with his goofy smile. We laughed.

"You wish mafucka', now c'mon I'm hungry. Mel you staying?" She asked me. 

"Yeah, I'm going to Geometry class to finish my test. Bring me back a Watermelon slush with nerds will you?" They nodded and began to walk toward the cafeteria doors leading to outside.

I was walking for less than 2 minutes before I reached the classroom. Ms. Palmer was in her classroom alone, Sitting at her desk. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Here you are," She handed me my half-filled bubble sheet, and the 3 paged test.

"Thank you." I sat down in second to last seat of the 3rd row.

Lord help me on this hard ass t-
I was taken out of my thoughts when I saw Preston, Dez, & Smoke at the doorway of the classroom. Preston dapped Smoke before turning to leave with Desmond... And Smokey walked in. He took a double look at me before he went up to Ms.Palmer's desk.

"Ah, nice of you to finally join us Mr. Evens. You should get tired of coming in here almost every lunch for detention. You'd think you'd have learned to act right by now." She placed her glasses at the tip of her nose, glaring at Smoke.

"Oh the pleasure is mine," he gave her this fake smile. "And it's not the room or having to miss lunch that I'm tired of, it's you Ms. Palmer." He smiled the biggest, fakest smile, showing his teeth and turning away from her. I laughed a little, kinda regretting because of the look Ms. Palmer gave me for laughing. I covered it with a cough.

Smoke was about to sit next to me when Ms. Palmer stopped him and made him sit two rows to the back-left of me. I found a sudden sigh of relief escape from my mouth.

"I'm gonna go and pick me up some food from the Teacher's lounge. Now I'd expect you two to behave but knowing Mr.Evens...Just sit still until I get back," she shook her head. I almost felt sorry for her.

I turned my attention back to my test.

Not even a minute later, I felt something small land in my hair. I picked it out and stared at a small bawl of paper. I turned and looked at Wayne, he was playing on his phone. I threw the bawl on the ground and started on my test once more. Five seconds later, I felt it again. I pulled it out and narrowed my eyes at Smoke, he was still playing on his phone. I turned back to my test.

Before he could do it again, I snapped my head his way, getting hit in the eye by one of his paper bawls.

"Dammit Smokey," I rubbed my now watery left eye.

"Oh shit, my bad," I could hear in his voice that he was trying to keep from laughing. He walked to the desk next to me and sat down. I rubbed my eye gently, trying to keep from destroying my mascara and eye shadow.

" ready to talk to me?..." He had hope in his voice. Bold move.

"After hitting me in my eye, you-" I thought about what Katness told me earlier. Yeah it's been awhile since I've talked to my best friend. And to be honest, I did miss him. Talking to him wouldn't hurt...maybe.

I sighed, "Sure Wayne." I could hear a small sigh of relief escape is lungs.

"Look Mel, I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark, for not telling you...well you know...I just miss you beh'..." He paused. "Okay you know Smokey is not good with these kinds of things so please just give me a got damn hug already so this can be over with." He said, I tried not to smile. No he wasn't good at these kinds of things, but at least he gave it a try. "Say something Mel..." He looked nervous.

I smiled," I've missed you too Smoke." I hugged him.

"What is going on in here?" We let go and looked up to find Ms.Palmer in the doorway. She held a plastic wrapped sandwich, a bottle of water and a blue bag of original Sun chips.

"Ugh, she's back." Smoke rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me?" She said. Smokey raised his eyebrow.

"You fart or some shit?"

"Wha-Wayne go back to your seat before I send you straight to the off-"

"Yeah yeah, I'm going." He waved her off. I shook my head with a small life.

I turned my attention back to my test. This time finishing it with no more interruptions.

***After School***

After being dragged to the movies and later to the mall, by Kat. I was now on my way to meet Uncle Henry at Cheddars.

Kat had went to pick Ess up from school. I'd offered to pick her up but she said she wanted to- which was really weird to me- but oh well.

I hadn't seen Preston or Dez- or any of the old crew the rest of school hours. Which was also weird as hell because I had my last three classes with them.

Who knows, maybe they're out selling drugs. I rolled my eyes at the thought. There was a slight chance, I would never get use to that.

I pulled in the lot of the restaurant and got out, walking inside. Uncle Henry was sitting on the waiting benches inside, waiting for me. I smiled as he got up to hug me. As if we hadn't seen each other this morning.

"Table for two?" The host asked. Duh.

Uncle Henry answered and we followed her to a perfect sized booth with a marble topped table and oval shaped light hanging above it like a miniature chandler.

"Here's your menus, what would you guys like to drink?" The pale skinned waitress smiled, showing her perfect teeth.

"Let me get a lemonade."

"And a Dr.Pepper," Uncle Henry said after me.

And she went off to grab our drinks.


"So how's your birthday been going so far?" Uncle Henry asked after sipping on his drink.

"It's been fun, just tiring. I'm worn out from walking around the mall for hours with Kat. For a pregnant women, that girl sure can move." I replied, he laughed. "What have you been doing?"

"Taking care of business, working yah know, money don't make itself." He looked me in my eyes. "You wanna know what I do for a living?"

He read my mind. I nodded.

"I own a few businesses." He kept it simple.

"Like what?" I got curious...afraid of his answer.

"Just normal regular places yah know. Two dry cleaners, one McDonalds, and a large car dealership." He said calmly, I sighed a small sigh of relief, causing him to laugh a little.

"What, you were afraid I was gonna say something else?" I nodded at his question. "Like what?"

"...That you sold... You know..." I trailed off. He raised an eyebrow.

"What, drugs?" He laughed a little. I nodded laughing nervously.

"Nah- not anymore that is." He said cooly. I looked at him, not smiling anymore.

"When did you stop?" I asked.

"A few months after your father died...We used to do it together. Preston's father as well..."

"Daddy used to do it too?" I asked, surprised at first. I guess that's why it was so easy for him to get a hold of crack without anyone suspecting anything.

"Yup. Remember the night I told you and Preston about us being in a gang back in the day?" He waited for me to answer. I nodded. "Well we were in a gang but we also did that. Your father was the leader of it, and I was his right hand; Preston's father his left...We were the biggest gang in Harlem. But I don't do any of that anymore, I saved enough to open up my own businesses and stop living that lifestyle." I nodded just as the waitress set my steak and baked potato in front of me and Uncle Henry's Big Bacon Burger and fries in front of him.

"Let me know if you guys need anything," the waitress smiled and walked off.

"So, you talked to Preston yet?" He asked before biting into his burger.

"Nah, not yet." I said, cutting into my steak.

"He really misses you Mel. He talks about you all the time." He said to me. I looked up at him.

"How do you know?"

"He's my nephew remember?" He grinned. I'd forgotten all about that...And the fact that he was Smoke's father... "We've been keeping in touch."

"Oh Lord," I laughed nervously.

"...Have you and Preston ever done anything?" I stopped eating and looked up at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You are a virgin right?" My eyes widened.

"Uncle Henry!" I began to laugh nervously. He laughed a little.

"I'm for real," he said. But I was still laughing a little. Oh, how awkward .

"Yeees, I am," I dragged out the 'yes', still laughing and looking down at my plate.

"That's good, that's good. I don't need to give you the talk do I?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No, God no," I shook my head, eating my food with a nervous grin. He tried to keep from laughing.

"Just checkin'. Stay that way until you're thirty 'iight," he said making me laugh some more.

"Sure Uncle Henry," I said, still smiling.



After we finished eating, we headed home in separate cars. I trailed after Uncle Henry.

The big house was completely dark, which was weird because I knew for a fact that I'd left my lamplight in my room on. I parked Uncle Henry's Charger behind his G-Wagon and got out, walking up to the door with him.

He stuck the house key in the lock and unlocked it.

"Aw shit, I forgot something in the truck, go on in," he said before turning around. I turned the knob and walked into the pitch black house. I searched the wall for the light, and the minute I switched the light on-

"SURPRISE!" I damn near screamed when I turned to see all my friends from school- even the crew- standing in front of me with big smiles on their faces. Even Reagan, Dom's pregnant girlfriend was here. Tears began to well in my eyes. I looked behind me to find Uncle Henry Smiling. I hugged him and thanked him and went to everyone.

"Awe thank you, you guys! Who's idea was this?" I had my hand over my mouth.

"It was all Preston's idea," Kat spoke. I looked for Preston and found him standing next to mama Evens with Essy sitting on his shoulders. I almost cried looking at the two together. I know she missed, Lord knows I did.

I went up to him and hugged his tall figure, not wanting to let go. Everyone began to clap and hoot, I guess knowing the state Preston and I were in.

"Time To Turn up Bihhhh!" Katness yelled right before With That by Young Thug was turned on and the lights were turned off. Everybody started to sing and rap the lyrics. Colorful lights began to move and circle around the room as everyone began to dance. It was all so pretty.

Kat took me by the hand and began to dance with me, not moving as much as she normally did because of my nephew;)  I danced with her and the basketball team laughing and smiling the entire time.


Twenty minutes into the party, I was talking and laughing with the crew-Hunter included, when the DJ cut the music. We all looked at the DJ stand to see Uncle Henry standing with microphone in his hand.

"Alright Alright, we need for everybody to make their way outside to the end of the driveway real quick, we gotta' little surprise for the birthday girl." I began to smile, anxious to get outside. I practically ran out the damn door!

We all lined up along the sidewalk. Katness and Smoke were on either sides of me with Marcus next to her as waited anxiously for my surprise.

I practically pissed my pants when I saw the blue headlights of an all white Bentley Coupe convertible with a red bow on the hood, rolling my way; Preston was the driver. I began to scream and jump up and down, sprinting towards the car. Not letting Preston get out completely before I jumped on him and squeezed him tight.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,
Thank you!" I kissed all over his face, causing him to laugh as everyone began to yell & ah over the car- but that's when I saw another pair of headlights coming towards me. I jumped down to see what it was. A black on black 2016 Jeep Wrangle with the Chrome wheels rolled my way, Uncle Henry in the Driver's seat. I've been wanting a jeep since I was kid!

I ran to Uncle Henry and hugged him tight.

"Oh My Gosh, I don't know what to say I-" that's when I felt it, I was full on crying now, "thank you." I first buried my face into Uncle Henry's shirt, hugging him tightly. I could see all the camera flashes coming from different directions as I let go and hugged Preston next. He kissed my forehead once I let go.

"Oh my god, what am I gonna do? We don't even have enough room in the driveway for these," I said making everybody laugh. "Thank you, you guys," I hugged them both once more after wiping my eyes.

This was the best fucking birthday ever!


After cruising around and driving Kat, the crew, and the basketball team around a few blocks we went back to the party. It was about 1:23 a.m so the party was still jumping. Uncle Henry had given us the house for the night and gotten a two bed hotel for him and Essy. He said he trusted that me and Kat would take care of the house so that's what we planned to do. The best Uncle ever, I tell you.

"The whole school gon' be talkin' bout yah party yo," Judy spoke, she was damn near drunk so her words were slurring a little. I laughed a little. She took another gulp of her bear.

"Whooo, let's get this party started!" She screamed out of nowhere, causing me to jump a little. Smokey walked over to her, taking her cup from her.

"Okay, you've had enough for the night big booty. C'mon, let's get you home." He laughed a little, picking her up.

"Nooo, I'm not reaaady to-g-go," she jumped out of his arms and ran down the hall to the downstairs bathroom.

"Oh Lord, let me go check on her then I'ma try and get her ass home. Happy Birthday Mel, the party was lit babe." Nia hugged me. I smiled at her before she went the direction Smoke and Judy had went.

"I hope she can play tomorrow, we've got an away tournament an hour and some change from here," Lesley, one of my teammates spoke. Oh damn.

I was just about to speak when Preston came behind me.

"May I borrow the birthday girl from you ladies?" He asked with a smooth grin on his face.

"You may," Kat spoke, smirking at me, I laughed.

Preston pulled me by my hand all the way outside.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he opened the passenger seat to my Bentley, I got in, passing him the keys. He got in the driver's side and 'push start' the engine to life.

"I have one more surprise for you," he smiled at me. Oh lord.

We drive in an anxious silence. Within two minutes of the drive, I knew where we were headed.

We pulled into the driveway of his house and he turned the car off, opening the door for me and leading me inside the house.

The lights were off, candle light the only source of light to see with. There were rose pedals all over the floor, spelling out the words, I'm Sorry. I turned around and looked at him.

He was holding a bouquet of red roses in his hand with a nervous, goofy smile on his face.

"Karmella, I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about what I do-what we do, and I am so very sorry for bringing you into it and putting you in danger. Baby, I wouldn't trade you for the world, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I really miss you, and I would love for us to get back to the way that we used to be...I Love You Karmella." He had said after walking up to me, the flowers in between us. I took the flowers, trying to hide my smile. Tears were welling in my eyes.

"No more secrets?" I asked.

"No more secrets baby, I promise."

"Pinky swear?" I stuck out my pinky, he laughed a little.

"Pinky swear." He locked his pinky in mine.

"I love you too babe," I said before he pulled me in for a kiss.

"Take me to your room." I said, he looked me in my eyes.


"Take me to your room, Preston." I said once more.

He picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me upstairs.

My lips were still in sync with his when he layed me down on his bed.

Candles were placed all over the room, rose pedals layed out on the bed.

"You so planned for this to happen," I laughed, causing him to laugh before he continued to kiss me.

He kissed and licked on my neck before making it to my chest. He pulled my shirt over my head and placed kisses all over my breasts before snapping my bra off from the front.

He took my left nipple into his mouth and sucked on it, gently biting it in the end. He started from there and licked down to my stomach, beginning to take off my pants. He began to rub his thumb in circles on my clit through my panties, coming back up to kiss my lips.

A moan escaped my mouth as he began to move his thumb around faster. He went back down to my panties, pulling them off and raising both of my legs over his shoulders.

He went up to my belly button and licked down to my lips, beginning to suck on my clit.
His tongue moved faster, causing me to grip the covers. I took a handful of his dreads with my free hand as I arched my back.

He stuck his tongue in my hole then went back up to my clit sucking on it once more. Thirty seconds into it and I couldn't take it anymore. I tried to scoot away but he wrapped his arms around my thighs and moved his tongue faster, looking up at me.

"Oh fuck," I gripped the covers harder, I could feel it building up inside of me.

His tongue moved faster and rougher now, almost like he was determined. He kissed it one last time before starting on his belt buckle, pulling his pants down.

My eyes widened at the sight of his member once he had pulled his boxers down. I gulped.

He smirked at the look on my face.

"Are you sure?" He asked me one last time. I nodded, not sure of myself anymore.

He climbed on top of me, kissing my lips once more. I could feel his member getting close to my entrance, bracing myself.

I gripped the covers as he slowly thrusted inside me, causing my body to shake of temporary pain. I moaned as the pain began to wear away, slowly becoming pleasure with his every stroke. By the 9th stroke, the pain was completely gone, my moaning sounds filling the room.

Preston flipped me over onto my stomach, pulling me up and towards him by my waist. He rubbed the head of his member on my clit then entered me again, smacking my ass after picking up his pace.

"No deje de Papi" I said, feeling my legs begin to grow weak. He grunted, going faster and faster.

"Asombro me cago más duro papi- fuck me harder Daddy," I panted. I could feel it coming, I was about to cum. But I wasn't ready to yet.

I flipped us over to where I was on top of him. His barely visible face in the dim candle light was a little surprised to my doing. I kissed his lips before pulling away and raising myself up, sitting down on his member. He held my ass as I began to move up and down his member, quickly getting the hang of it and picking up my pace, causing him to grunt. I moved my hips around for a moment before turning around and riding him backwards. I watched his toes begin to curl as I moaned, going faster and faster.

"Oh fuck, I'm finna Cum," I couldn't hold it in much longer.

He flipped us over, one of my legs on his shoulder as he stroked in and out of me with a fast pace. I arched my back, inhaling air like it was my last breath as I came on his member right before he pulled out and nutted on the covers.

"Ah shit," he said right before collapsing next to my panting body. After catching his breath for a second, he climbed back on top of me; gently kissing my lips.

"Not bad for a first timer," I could see his white teeth in the dim light, indicating that he was smirking. "Not bad at all. You sure you were a virgin?" He smiled at me. I smirked.

I laughed before pulling him down to me and kissing his soft, plump lips once more. I wasn't done with him yet.

Wait until I'm thirty my ass, sorry uncle Henry.

Best birthday ever;)


Sooooo, it's been a few months since I updated but I'm baacck!

Tell me what you guys think iight, I've been working on this chapter for a minute, so


Also, I wanted to let you guys know a head of time that I'm having a new book come out called "SEX, DRUGS, AND GANGSTA LOVE" by either late January or the beginning of February so be sure to be on the look out for that. I'ma give you guys more info on it pretty soon! It's gonna be dope, I know you'll love it!

Much L❤️VE


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