Our Love [AU Zianourry]

By BiebersStalker

29.7K 728 96

Harry, Niall, Liam, and Zayn are all best friends. They are as close as can be, including the fact that they... More

Our Love [AU Zianourry]
Moving In
Meeting Louis
Wake Up Call

First Day: part one

3.6K 224 47
By BiebersStalker

Hello all you Zianourry fans~! I'm still shocked that this book is on the verge of 1k reads! I'm like so shocked and so happy about that. I honestly never think that people are going to read the stuff I write... I just love to write and I love the feeling that I get when I finish a chapter and post it on here. I love the fact even more when I see all the votes/comments/adds to people's reading lists. So enough of my babble... this chapter is a bit... bleh.. I kinda was just having a hard time focusing and writing today, but I really wanted to post something for you guys. 

Read/Vote/Comment/Fan/whatever just enjoy it guys~ Oh and next chapter will be lilo/nouis... Just saying... Other than that, shoot me some feedback and if you want to see something happen or whatever I'm up for the suggestions. 

< 3 

Chapter 4


Harry’s POV

Ever since we met our new neighbor, Louis, Saturday, everyone has been extra… happy even though the new semester of classes was beginning on Monday. It was weird, but I felt it too, especially after we found out he was going to be going to be going there too. I was on the same boat as they were, though. There was something about seeing and hanging out with Louis that brought a smile to my lips. I had no clue what, but it was him. after Saturday night when he tried my baking, I found myself wanting to bake more so I could have him try it and smile like he did before. That boy’s smile can seriously light up a room.

I wasn’t the only one feeling it, either. Zayn actually woke up before noon yesterday. It was shocking to see him awake early… the only time he woke up early was when he had morning classes. Any other time he would sleep in as much as possible, especially seeing as yesterday was our last day of class freedom. It was weird… and he actually seemed happy about it too.

Niall has been a bit more spacey than usual. We’d be in the middle of talking and joking around, he’d be all smiles and giddy as usual then the next thing I know, he’d get quiet with a dazed look in his eyes. I wasn’t sure if I should have worried, but he was smiling… it was like he was remembering something that made him happy. When he’d snap out of it, he’d go back to his usual self and we’d mess around.

Then there was Liam… Our daddy boyfriend. He’s been… pretty much the same. He’d make sure things didn’t get out of hand, worry about all of us and so on. The only thing that changed was he was also worrying about Louis. He kept asking me if he thought that Lou had everything he needed for classes Monday and if he was doing alright living by himself. Liam was being Liam… I just found it interesting that his usual worry and father-like behavior, which I’ll admit I find hot at times, was branching off from the usual parties. He was usually just worried about us and now it seemed that Louis had peaked his fatherly duties.

I had a feeling where things were going… I felt it and I was positive that my boyfriends were noticing it too. the changes in all of us all since a certain someone moved in across the hall. I knew we were going to have to talk about this… But for now, I was just going to go with the flow. I was going to show Louis around later today, or should I say we were all going to. They couldn’t help but invite themselves along. More prove that things were going to change for us... it was just about when now.

“C’mon, Harry! We gotta leave like now, love.” Liam called from the living room.

Running my hands through my hair, I smiled at my appearance and grabbed my bag. We were on our way out and I was taking a bit longer than usual to make sure I looked great. When I left the bedroom we shared, Zayn was leaving the bathroom just finishing up his look. And might I say, he looked sexy as always. “Looking good, babe.” I smirked, leaning in and kissing his lips. He returned it and even got a little cheeky with grabbing my bum. I chuckled as I pulled away to see him smirking.

“Not as good as you, though.” He replied.

Before Liam could get on us anymore about running late, I took his hand and dragged him to the front door where Liam looked hot with and oozing with authority and Niall looked giddy and oh-so cute and excited.

“C’mon, Haz. Ya holding up progress!” Niall’s impatience let alone his accent always put a smile to my face. He was about to turn and jet out the door when I stopped him.

“What, I get no morning kiss?” I pouted. No one in this apartment could resist when any of us pouted. It was the go-to trick to get pretty much anything. Liam didn’t do it as much as he was the one that it was usually being pulled on, while Niall did it the most. He really used his cuteness to his advantage. Chuckling, I ignored his eye roll and just smiled as he gave in to me. I always enjoyed the kisses… Niall, Liam, Zayn… I loved them all so much and equally. How can I not, though?

Sadly, it wasn’t a long kiss… Classes and all… Sucked so much, but I did get a kiss from Liam too without even needing to pull the pout either. Once everyone was back with smiles on our faces, we left the apartment right as the door across the hall opened as well. We all paused and smiled at Louis as he locked his door. He turned around and yelped softly in surprise.

“Oi! You lads scared me.” He chuckled nervously.

All I could do was stare at him. He just looked so good… I even subconsciously licked my lips a little. I think he caught me too because he started to blush which had me smiling even more.

“Oh, sorry, Lou. You on your way to the campus? You can come along with us, if you want.” Liam offered.

“Yeah… Thanks.” The feathery haired lad nodded, adjusting the strap on his shoulder bag before heading down the hallway.

I know I couldn’t have been the only one staring at the lad’s luscious and round bum. Seriously, the way those pants fit so perfectly should have been a crime. I gulped as I finally was able to tear my gaze away in time to see my assumption was correct and everyone’s gaze seemed to be aimed at the perked and round…

“Um… guys?” Louis’ voice sounded through the hallway, startling everyone alert. He was at the stairs and giving us all a look to ask if we were coming or not. Liam was the first to get his legs to work and gave a nice excuse of everyone just being a bit tired and not wanting for our break to be over so soon. It was a very nice save and it seemed that Louis had bought it.

When we got down to the streets, I immediately took the keys from Liam’s hands and headed to the car to drive. He huffed at me and was going to protest, but just decided to get shotgun instead. I may have been the youngest and you’d think Liam being Mr. Responsibility would be the best driver, but that was oddly wrong.

Clicking the unlock key, the SUV beeped signaling it was unlock and we all got in. Niall and Zayn got in the back with Louis, conveniently insisting he be in the middle. i knew that it was because they both obviously wanted to sit next to him and well… it was a smart idea. Louis in the middle between Zayn and Niall… I can’t lie the thought was pretty hot. Of course, it would be hotter if I was in the equation too… But I was driving. I had to settle for stealing glances at them from the rearview mirror.

Once we got to campus, we sadly all had to part ways. Well not all of us. Lucky Liam had Math class with Louis then Niall had film class with the feather haired lad. I was a bit jealous, but at the same time I knew there wasn’t a point to be. they may had classes with the boy today, but we were all still going to lunch together then tomorrow I had French class with Louis… I was definitely looking forward to that. Actually, it was amazing that we all had classes with the new boy. Zayn had English with the boy tomorrow too the only thing we were lacking was having a class that we all shared. Of course, I think it would have been weird if we did… A good weird, though. Before Liam and Louis left to go to math, I made sure to pull him back to give him a kiss on both cheeks and told him where we were all going to meet at. I loved the shocked look on his face accompanied by his mad blush. As I let him go, I looked over at Liam and smiled, ignoring the look he was giving me. I couldn’t really put my finger on it either. It wasn’t anger, which was a good thing, but it was almost… maybe jealousy? Well it was for a moment anyway before Lou returned by his side and he smiled brightly. Yeah, he was feeling the change too. Maybe we needed to talk about the Louis situation sooner rather than later.

To: LiLi

We all need to talk about Lou tonight. I know you see it too. Have fun in class tho, see you soon. - xxx Haz < 3

Sending the text, I slid it back into my pocket and went on my way to class.

The hours passed and my first class went by so slowly… the second wasn’t so bad because Zayn was there. We as usual sat together and goofed off the majority of the time. It was great to sit in the back during then so the professor wouldn’t notice all the flirting and joking around that went on between us. I told Zayn that we were going to have a group discussion about how we’re all feeling about Louis. He voiced his agreement and admitted that he was starting to like the lad too. He didn’t want to say anything about it before, though. I understood where he was coming at; it almost felt like I was cheating on my three boyfriends, but at the same time if we all had the feelings then that changed things, right? I actually hoped that maybe after we all talked, we could come up with some idea to maybe ask Louis out on a date or something, so we can get to know him better. I have no clue if that was even going to be possible… it’s not like everyone shared our believes on group love and all. Plenty of people have called us freaks and perverts when they found out or witnessed how we are with each other. What if Louis was the same way? That’d hurt so bad… Hell, we don’t even know if Louis is even into guys… that would be the first step in figuring out if we could make the beautiful lad ours or not. We were really going to have to figure this all out…

**After Classes**

When the last class of the day finally ended, I just wanted to scream. It was so boring… first classes were always the same. We’d go over the stupid syllabus’ and class outline and schedule and just all that boring crap that I swear was pretty much the same thing just tweaked from class to class. Sometimes the prof would let us out early, but it seemed that the professors I had today weren’t so kind. They decided to go ahead and start lecture and assigning readings for the week and to make things worse I would have to see these arses again on Wednesday.

But alas, it was time to meet up so we could have lunch and show Louis around campus. That I was definitely looking forward to. Zayn and I left the room in a hurry to get halfway across campus to the café where we were all meeting at.

It seemed that we were the last to arrive as Liam and was smiling and Louis was laughing because of something someone said and Niall had already bought himself some pizza, wings and milkshake which he was slurping away on before starting on I don’t know which slice of pizza he was beginning on.

“Hey, Hazza. Zaynie~!” Louis chimed in greetings. He looked so happy… I just couldn’t wipe the smile off my face then. I have no clue how he found out about our nicknames, but chopped it up to Niall who was giggling madly, somehow not choking on his pizza. The rest of the day was definitely going to make up for the crap professors I had. The infectious smile Lou was sporting was just confirmation on it.

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