Living with him

By lifeainteasytolive

133K 2.2K 172

Storie Paige Whiteman is not a rebel by any means but she hates being told what to do she doesn't see eye to... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Read please!
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one

Chapter nineteen

4K 87 10
By lifeainteasytolive

Storie's POV
"Oh my god! Toby I get it!"I say throwing my hands up. For the last ten minutes he has sat there and lectured me about not listening an if I wouldn't have done it then I wouldn't be in trouble with dad. I huff an slouch down on the couch.
"no you don't you do things without thinking"he says just like dad would!
I get up an walk towards the kitchen.
"Storie get back here were not done talking"he says an I turn to look at him.
"I am and your not my father"I say turning back around an walking to the kitchen an I hear him follow.
I get a cup of water an take a drink as he looks at me from the other side of the island with his arms crossed.
"Why can't you listen"he asks looking at me as I set my cup down.
"I do listen"I sigh crossing my arms an mocking his stance.
"Really so turning on the sirens and waking away from me was listening"he says raising his eyebrow at me giving me a look.
"Yes it was"I smile.
"Storie"he growls looking at me.
"Damn lighten up, shit!"I huff.
"Storie Paige"he booms an walks towards me.
I know I shouldn't have done what I did an I probably could've got out of it but I panicked and I...... Ran.
I took off an through the living-room an was at the side entrance as he was at the other one.
"Come here"he says I shake my head an he moves toward me and I take off again.
I run down the hall an up the stairs an into the first room which is dads. I hide beside the closed door so he can't see my shadow. I hear him walk/jog up the steps an he begins to walk down the hallway I hold my breathe an see from under the door that he kept walking. I hear my door open which is at the end of the hall. I open the door an bolt I go down the stairs as fast a I can an almost roll my ankle.
"STORIE!"I hear him yell from the stairs, I feel like I'm in a scary movie! Please don't trip Please don't trip Please don't trip! I chant in my head as I run an I run down the hallway an into dads study. An start freaking out cause I can't lock the door who has a door that doesn't lock! I see the window an run over to it an slide it open with my good hand an slip out of an go to close it but see Toby come into the room I hear him yell my name again an I could see his face was red I may have messed up. I take off running again and run out front an get in my car and lock the doors I search for my keys but then remember their in my room. I groan an whine an I see him walking towards the car. I knew I should've learned to hot wire a car! He gets to the door an tries to open the door.
"Open it now!"he says giving me a look.
"No your mad"I say crossing my arms an looks at me then turns an goes into the house. Maybe I won an he gave up an he's just gonna let it go. I'll stay out here for a couple more minutes just to be sure. I look up an see him walking towards my car an I look in his hand an he has my keys. I panic again an keep my hand on the lock as he stops at my door. He clicks the button an it unlocks but I quickly hit it again to lock it. We do that about three times then he clicked it an opened my door fast after I didn't have time to lock it again.
"Hey"I nervously laugh he grabs my arm an pulls me out of the car I try to pull away.
"Ow! Stop!"I squeal doing a little two step an covering my butt with my hand as he lands six hard smacks to my butt.
He takes my hand after he closes my car door an we walk inside. He leads me to the living room an I sit on the couch an he stands in front of me. I look at my feet arms crossed with a pout on my face. Yes I know childish but those snacks hurt!
"Storie look at me" he says I shake my head an continue to look at the ground.
"Storie"he warns an after a couple seconds I look up.
"Why do you insist on not listening"he says almost sadly.
"I don't know"I say leaning back on the couch.
"You know you wouldn't be in this situation-"he started but I interrupted him.
"If I listened yes I know! I'll get the same damn lecture when dad gets home trust me!"I huff an cross my arms. I feel his hand grab my arm an next thing I know I'm standing up then I feel three hard snacks on my butt.
"Stop! Ow that shit hurts"I yell trying to get away from him.
"Then SMACK Stop SMACK Cussing SMACK"he growls emphasizing each word with a smack. I throw my hand back an cover my butt. He still had ahold of my arm an Is keeping me standing in front of him sideways.
"Okay I get it, let go"I whine trying to pull my arm away.
"No I think we will finish our discussion like this"he says an lands a smack to my butt for emphasis.
"No, I'll listen"I say turning an twisting my body so he can't reach my butt.
"Stop it right now an stand still I'm not done talking to you an I know you can't keep your smart comments to yourself "he says grabbing my hips an standing me right again.
"It's like I did anything horribly bad"I huff.
"That doesn't matter you need to listen and you've done everything but that today"he says looking at me.
"That's not true!"I yell.
"I'm not yelling at you so you don't yell at me"he says firmly after he lands a quick smack to my butt making me arch my back.
"Ow! Babe that hurt"I whine an hide my face in his chest as he still holds my arm.
"You didn't listen when you turned the siren on, you didn't listen when I said we weren't done talking, you didn't listen when I said to come back, you didn't listen when I told you to unlock your door"he says an just keep my face hidden in his chest.
"So it's not that bad"I mumble.
"Storie that doesn't matter what matters is that you still didn't listen"he says.
"I don't care!"I yell.
"Stop! Ow"I cry into his chest as he lands eight hard smacks to my butt an thighs.
"I told you to stop yelling, I'm not yelling at you, it's disrespectful"he says.
"I'm sorry"I whine shuffling my feet an rubbing my butt with my one hand. Toby takes that hand in his an tilts my face up to look at him.
"I have never felt like this with a girl, I can't explain it but when I see you, your smile everything I feel so happy your laugh just brightens my day you may be stubborn as hell but I can't see you any different an I know it may sound crazy but I love you Storie"he says softly then kisses my lips. I look at him shocked an a tear slips down my cheek , that was probably the best thing I've ever heard.

"I love you Toby"I smile.

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