
By izzyneongreen

207 8 2

Imagine a world without guns, or bombs, or projectile weapons of any kind. Imagine a world where we stand fai... More

Battle Camp
I Have To Do What?!
So Much To Take In
I Have To Know

Naki & Family

75 2 0
By izzyneongreen

Well I guess, technically, this is third story on wattpad, but I am still writing the first two. I hope you like it.

Please, if you find any errors, (grammar/spelling), tell me.


Chapter 1

"I don't want to go! It's two in the flipping morning, I am not leaving my room!" that's what I thought.

"Alright have it your way, but remember, I will get you out of this bed one way or another!" he yelled back as he left my room.

Five minutes later, the ice cold touch of water hit me. I was out of bed within seconds and I was pissed. "You jerk!" I screamed at Adrian, my third oldest brother, who was doubled over clutching his stomach as he laughed hysterical.

I have five brothers. Four are older than me and one is two seconds younger than I am. He's my twin. The oldest is Larkin Dawn and he is twenty. I live with him and his wife, Tangellah. They met when he was taking his final battle class in Greece. In English her name means Angel. Larkin married her when she turned nineteen and moved back to America, where he found out what his element was.

The sword of earth, made from the strongest metals and the densest stone. But according to the rest of the world he disappeared with his Greek wife along with his family.

All my other brothers are still single and still in training. My second oldest brother, Ashton, is taking his final classes in Brazil. He has always kept to himself around the other boys, but when it came to me he pushed me, protected me, and made me the tough, silent girl I am today.

Larkin walked into the room. He look at me, the bucket, and back at Adrian, then walk out the room. Three minutes later, Adrian still wasn't sobered up. Larkin brought a glass of water with him. I gave him a look that said whats that gonna do. Then I saw it, the cup was steaming.

Larkin stood over him and poured it. The funny thing is it only hit one spot on his entire body. Then again, it's the most responsive.

He jump out of the way screaming like a little girl. "Shit! That's f***in' hot! Holy f***! What the hell!" He directed towards us. But we were to busy laughing at his girly scream. What made even better was when Tangellah walked by the room and said, "Stop messing with Naki," and with that we both died of laughter.

When we looked back at Adrian, the look on his face said one thing: Revenge.

I shooed them out of my room, so I could get ready for battle camp. I walked into my walk-in closet. I picked black skinny jeans, black leather combat boots, black tank, and my black leather jacket with a hood.

I walked into my bathroom and got in the shower. Once I got out and dressed I went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen, grabbed an apple and a muffin, then grabbed my equipment bag, and backpack. I walked outside and through everything into the truck. This will be my sixth year in battle camp and my second year in high school.

My brothers finally got out of the house. Adrian started the truck and I hopped in the middle so my twin, Kato, could sit on the window side.

We had battle camp from 3 am- 8 am, then school from 8:30 am- 3:15 pm, then it was back to battle camp from 4 pm- 7:30 pm. Guys start battle camp usually at age 10 and girls at 14, but I was having some major anger management problems in 5th grade. So I started at 10 with my twin, Kato.

I barely speak at battle camp let alone at school, but he is a social butterfly. I don't really show my face at school, but at battle camp I do or else my hair becomes my weakness. Tangellah says I should show my face 'because it's beautiful' or something like that.

Every girl fawns over my twin, they worship the ground he walks on, whereas people couldn't move out of my way fast enough. The rumors circulating me are hilarious. They say I killed someone, or I am really a guy, or even slept with the trainer so he'd let me beat him. The last one I laughed at... so much.

When we arrived at B.C. (Battle Camp) I walked to the building I train in. I set my stuff down and went to get changed. I came back once I was dressed in training clothes. I had my hair up in a ponytail. I was now dressed in capris, that were like a second skin. Only a sports bra on top. Then some nice tennis shoes. I started stretching while I waited for my trainer. The door opened but it wasn't my trainer, it was a guy.

"Are you lost?" I asked kinda irritated.

He jumped in surprise and turned to face me. He looked me up and down, making me even more irritated. He still hadn't answered me.

"Well?" I asked but all he did was give me a confused look, so I asked it again, "Are you lost?" I asked drawing each word out.

"I don't think I am, this is room 13B right?" He asked looking around for the instructor.

"Yes," I said.

"Well, I am supposed to be training with this dude, Naki, I think is his name. And he's suppose to be like this amazing warrior," he said looking down at his papers.

"Alright, I have a few questions. First of all, where are you from?" I asked.

"Some remote village in the northern Rockies," he said.

"Ok, well the second isn't really a question, it's more of a comment, my name is Naki, and I'm not a dude," I stated.

"No you're defiantly not a dude," he said staring at my chest.

"My eyes are up here, pig," I said glaring at him.

"Yeah about those, how are they that bright of a blue?" He asked looking at eyes.

"Genetics dumbass," I said rolling my eyes.

"Well, aren't you a little smart-ass," he said laughing a little.

"I'm a smart-ass, you're captain obvious, now that intros are done go get dressed," I said going back to warming up.

"Yes, ma'am!" He saluted and walked to the changing rooms.


The trainer walked in, "Good morning, Naki," he said as he started setting up. The new guy walked out of the changing rooms.

"Are you the new student?" my trainer said.

"Yes," he responded.

"What's your name, boy?" He asked.

"Connor, sir," Connor responded.

"Nice to meet you, Connor. I'm Daniel," my trainer extended his hand to shake Connor's hand.

"Well, I guess you already met Naki, so start warming up," Daniel said to Connor.

Daniel walked over to me. "Are you ok with this? Because we could have him train with your brother." He said.

"I fine Danny, thanks though. I just hope he doesn't slow me down," I said quiet enough so Connor couldn't here.

"Oh I highly doubt he will, but we'll just have to see, now won't we," he said walking over to the rack, and grabbed two swords.



I don't really know a lot about this story line or where I'm going with this one, but I think I will make this an action, adventure story. The next chapter will be up most likely in the next week or so. I take time to write sorry. I hope you liked it.




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