So Much To Take In

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Long time no write, I know. I apologize. But my life has been hectic. So I hope you enjoy. Tell me what you think.


Chapter 4

I reach out to touch the smooth tear drop symbol. As soon as my fingertips touch the cool surface of the water symbol it felt like a wave crashed against me pushing me away from the table with the force of the ocean. I was slammed against the back wall. I felt like I was trying to become one with the wall. When I realized I was still holding the necklace, I dropped it because I didn't have the strength or energy to throw it. All the energy drained slowly as I slid down the wall feeling like a rag doll.

They ran towards me, Emrik being the first to reach me. He picked me up, bridal style and laid me down on the couch gently. 'Now he's nice to me' I mentally scoffed because saying out loud would take to much energy.

"Water shouldn't have had that big of an effect on you," then he turns to Ashton, "are you sure she's been displaying the signs?"

"Yes, I am certain she was showing the signs," Ashton said looking at me worriedly.

"Well we are in for a ride, actually she is in for a ride of emotions, feelings, and physical difficulties. Are you sure you want to go along with the rest? He asked me looking worried.

I stood up and said, "What's next?" I strode toward the table looking at the extraordinary symbols.

"Nature," Emrik stated.

I eyed him warily wondering if he was really telling the truth.

As if reading my mind he told me, "You are forgetting something, darling. I took this exact test."

"Alright, I believe you," I said sighing and picking up the tree symbol.

I felt as if vines started wrapping around my legs, individually. Slowly creeping higher and higher. Getting tighter and tighter. To the point where it was crushing my abdomen, closing in with an iron grip. My ribs cracked. I let out a scream and dropped the symbol again. I fell to the floor gasping for air, wheezing when my diaphragm and lungs almost failed to aid me in breathing. Emrik tried to touch me but everything hurt. The leader walked up to me and started creating a golden sphere and pushing it into my body. My ribs aligned with one last painful snap. I gasped as the wave of pain hit me.

"What the hell was that?" I asked finally catching my breath.

"A bonus power that comes with the Holy Sword," the leader replied nonchalantly.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem, are you ready for the next one?" He asked.

I nodded and asked, "Which is it?"

"The next one is air, good luck," he said standing back.

I reached down and picked up the necklace. A few seconds later I was being tossed through the air, repetitively. As soon as I touched the ground I was picked up again and tossed to the other side of the room. I suddenly stopped in mid-air and started spinning around and around and around. I felt like I was suffocating. Each time I took a breath the oxygen was stolen from my lungs. Each time I felt it getting harder to do anything. I passed out and drop the necklace. The wind stopped as soon as the symbol hit the ground. I hit the floor with a heavy thud. I felt someone lift me off the ground and hold me close. I felt the darkness brightening up in turn my eyes shut tightly and slowly reopened. Emrik was holding me to his chest chanting an incantation. I started to feel normal and got movement to my limbs back. My blood flow went back to normal and my breathing became steady. He finished and looked down at me worried, then wiped all emotion off of his face when looking back at his leader, whose name is still a mystery, and my brother, Ashton.

The leader speaks again, "If the reactions are all like this, then she will be in a great amount of pain for the next three will crush her. That's not counting the Disholy power. The witch blade will be a coin toss. It hasn't had a bearer in a little less then a century," he turned to me, "What do you want to do? This is your life on the line."

I sit up while still in Emrik's arms. I looked into his eyes. They're like chestnut swirls slowly dissolving into black holes. If you look closely they have little specks and streaks of amber. Wow am I just now noticing how cute he is.

"Naki?" Emirk's voice snapped me out of my trance.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"What do you want to do?" He asked.

"Finish tomorrow, same time," I said trying to stand but failing.

I just ended up in Emrik's arms and being carried to my room bridal style. Slowly he sets me down on my bed.

"Are you going to be okay?" He asked letting his emotionless mask dissolve into a look of genuine concern.

"Why do you not show emotion to other people?" I asked ignoring his question.

"I was raised that way. I just find it easier to not show emotion," he said shrugging it off.

"Well then, Mr. Indifference, why are you now being nice to me?" I asked in mockery.

"Mock all you want, but I know how you feel. Those effected me harsh, but not that harsh," he said sitting on the edge of my bed.

I struggled to get up, but refused help when Emrik offered, determined to be independent. "So what now?" I asked hesitantly.

"You sleep," he said getting up.

"But I'm not sleepy," I half whined.

The energy started to drain and I heard him chanting. I looked at him as I was getting more tired. "Don't leave. Stay with me, please," I asked quietly.

"Alright," Emrik sighed as he kicked off his boots and shrugged of his jacket. He helped me get comfy again the as he was finishing his incantation I blacked out.


What did y'all think? Any thang need changin'? If so comment about it, even if you don't think so I hope you comment anyway.

Sorry it's been so long. First year of high school, still adjusting. Then I have volleyball on top of it. Plus writer's block got to me.



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Love ya,


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