Shattered (Ross Lynch/R5 Fanf...

بواسطة xsophix

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"Life isn't always easy. ... For nobody. ... But especially for me it's a living hell. ... Why did it have to... المزيد

Chapter 1 II Counting Stars
Chapter 2 II Tears Of An Angel
Chapter 3 II It Was Enchanting To Meet You
Chapter 4 II Say Something
Chapter 5 II You Never Walk Alone
Chapter 6 II Let Her Go
Chapter 7 II Big Girls Cry
Chapter 8 II The Heart Wants What It Wants
Chapter 9 II Part Of That World
Chapter 10 II Face To Face
Chapter 11 II Apologize
Chapter 12 II What Now
Chapter 13 II Stay With Me
Chapter 14 II Human
Chapter 16 II Pray
Chapter 17 II Leave Me Alone
Chapter 18 II Naturally
Chapter 19 II One Time
Chapter 20 II Count On Me
Chapter 21 II I
Chapter 22 II Intuition
Chapter 23 II Mad World
Chapter 24 II High Hopes
Chapter 25 II Smile
Chapter 26 II Feel Again
Chapter 27 II What Do You Mean?
Chapter 28 II Safe And Sound
Chapter 29 II Crazy
Chapter 30 II Thinking Of You
Chapter 31 II Dancing In The Sky
Chapter 32 II It Should Have Been Me
Chapter 33 II Poor Unfortunate Souls
Epilogue II Shattered

Chapter 15 II Angel

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بواسطة xsophix

Chapter 15

Rocky's POV

I push the key into the lock and quietly open the door, hoping not to wake mom and dad. I still don't know why I went with them to the hospital. They all were fine. I knew it, but I still went with them, just to see Ross. ... Okay, I know what you're thinking now. How can you be so ruthless and mean to your own younger brother? I know, I know. I'm really giving him a hard time and I miss him, I really do, I'm not lying, but I'm a person, who doesn't forget. Certain things just stay in my mind and never leave again. You know what I'm talking about, which is why it also hurt so much to see Ross again in the hospital. The hospital was the place I last saw Ross around a year ago. When I saw him again, standing there with his sad and dull eyes, all the memories just came back flashing in my mind and I ... I just couldn't. ... I said myself that I'll forgive him, when I'll see him again because I realized that family should be there for each other. I promised myself, but I just couldn't. Now I also think that it was one of the biggest mistakes we've ever made as a "family" to kick out Ross. ... I gotta be honest with you guys. Even though I didn't forgive him yet, I still regret kicking him out. ... And now for the first time ever after the accident with Ryland I feel the guilt rising up in me. ... And it's not a great feeling.

I sneak along the hallway, trying not to wake my parents, but suddenly the lights in the living room go on and I look at my concerned and worried parents, both sitting in their pajamas on the couch. I stop in my tracks and turn towards them with an unsure smile.

Rocky: ... Hey.

Stormie: Rocky Mark Lynch, where were you? And where are the others?

I scratch the back of my neck, a habit I do when I'm nervous. It's kinda a Lynch thing. Everybody in our family does it when he or she is nervous and unsure what to say. My mother recognizes my nervous face. This is when her face softens and she engulfs me in a warm hug.

Stormie: Oh Rocky. I'm just glad you're okay. We were worried sick. You were all suddenly just gone.

Mom release from the hug and places her hands on my shoulder, while staring deep into my eyes. I know what she's trying to do. It always helped when we were little. She would stare into our eyes to make us uncomfortable, till we'd confess everything. She told me it always worked when we were still younger. I'm about to open my mouth to tell them because mom's stare is really making me uncomfortable, but then dad comes from behind and slightly pushes mom's hands off my shoulders. Thank you dad. He looks concerned, yet serious at me.

Mark: Rocky. ... Where are your siblings and Ellington?

I hesitate with my answer. Should I tell them the truth? On the one hand, they're my parents and I never lied to them before. On the other hand, I don't know how well they'd take it. After all, they also didn't forget. Sometimes I still hear mom crying in their room at night. It honestly breaks my heart. I'm about to answer, when I remember what Rydel told me, before we snuck out around 1 hour ago.


Riker: Rydel, Ell, where are you guys going?

Ellington: To the hospital.

Riker: Why are you going to the hospital?

Ellington: Because ... . Yeah, why are we going?

Rydel: *hesitating* Ehm ... I can't tell you.

Riker: Why not?

Rydel: It's complicated. ... Anyway, Ell and I have to go.

Riker: Wait, Rydel. If you're going to the hospital, I'm coming with you. I wanna support you.

Rydel: That's sweet Riker, but-.

Riker: No buts. How about you Rocky? You coming?

Rocky: ... Yeah sure. I mean, I'm awake now.

Rydel: *fake smiling* Yay. ... But you guys have to promise me something.

Ellington: What?

Rydel: You have to promise me that you won't tell mom and dad that we went to the hospital alright?

Rocky: Why can't we-.

Rydel: Don't ask. It's a long and complicated story. Anyway, we have to hurry.

End of flashback

Rydel doesn't want us to tell them we went to the hospital because of Ross. My dad looks with raised eyebrows at me.

Mark: Rocky?

I'm really struggling with myself right now. I don't wanna break my promise to Rydel, but I also don't wanna lie to my parents. I open mouth again. I can already feel how the words start to climb up my vocal chords. They're about to escape from my mouth, but ... I ... I just can't do that to Rydel. A small smile appears on my lips.

Rocky: ... We went to the gas station because we ran out of chips.

Mark: At four am in the morning?

Rocky: We were having a movie night. And for movies you need chips.

Stormie: You had a movie night? I didn't hear your TV.

Rocky: ... We put it on really really silent, so we wouldn't disturb you guys.

Stormie: Oh that's sweet baby, but next time please tell us if you're still going out, alright?

Rocky: Yes mom.

She pulls me down to her, so she can kiss my forehead lightly. I unbend again and I'm about to go upstairs into my room, when I hear my dad calling for me once again. Damn, I was so close.

Mark: But Rocky, did you leave the rest at the gas station or where are they now?

Right, I totally forgot that.

Rocky: Ehm, yeah they're still there. I was just getting tired, so I told them I'd already go home. They'll come soon. Don't worry.

Mark: Alright. Have a good night son.

Rocky: Night.

I continue my way upstairs and when I enter my room, I close my door and lean with my back against it, while releasing a deep sigh. I can't believe I lied to them and I still can't believe they actually bought it. I'm the worst liar in the family. Well, Rydel owns me big time. Speaking of Rydel. I go over to my bed and grab my phone from my night stand. I go through the contacts till I find her number. I start writing a text message.

Rocky: I didn't tell them we went to the hospital. I told mom and dad that we all went to the gas station to grab some more chips for our "movie night". Just so you're prepared if they'll ask.

I wait a few minutes, till my phone vibrates and I see I have a new message from Rydel.

Dellywhopper: Alright. I told the others. Thank u so much Rocky. U r the best. *kissing emoji*

Rocky: Well, duh. I mean, is that even a question? *winking emoji*

Dellywhopper: Of course not. Hahaha.

Rocky: Btw you own me big time. U know that right?

Dellywhopper: Yup. I know. And thank u again.

Rocky: Np sis. Love u.

Dellywhopper: Love ya 2 baby bro *heart emoji*

I turn off my phone and place it again on my nightstand, before I take off my shoes, shirt and jeans, leaving me in boxers. I remove the covers and quickly crawl under them because my window is opened and it's kinda cold in here. I pull my sheets up to my chest and seconds later I feel how my eyes slowly start closing, till I finally fall asleep.

Ross' POV

After, what seemed like forever, the nurse finally stops in front of a neat room with a big window, so you have a perfect glance into it. I shyly look through the window into the room with all the newborns. The main lights are turned off. The only source of light are little dim nightlights, spread around the room. One of these little babies in there is my child. My own flesh and blood. Mine and Rebecca's creation. If only she could be with me here right now, in this exact moment. I hear someone open the door to the room, but I'm not moving from my place.

Nurse: Mr. Lynch?

My head snaps towards her and she slightly holds the door open, so no sudden breeze would cause the door to shut and wake up all the babies. He points her head towards the door, telling me to follow her inside.

Rydel: Go Ross. We'll wait here.

I send them all a short smile, before I follow the nurse inside. I close the door silently behind me and when I turn around, I see that the nurse already grabbed a file, probably looking, who of these cuties is a little Lynch. Seconds later, she slowly walks over to one of the beds and stands in front of it, while smiling down at the newborn. She turns her head to me and signalizes me with her hand to come over to her, followed by her placing her finger in front of her lips, showing me to be silent, so I won't wake the children. When I reach the bed and look down at the little human being, laying there, cuddled up in cozy blankets and with a small teddy bear next to it, I really have to contain myself from crying happy tears. I place my hand in front of my mouth, while I already feel my tears brimming through my eyes. The nurse slowly rubs her hand up and down my arm to calm me down and moments later, I wiped my tears and now smile own at my little child.

Nurse: *whisper* Congratulations, Mr. Lynch, you're a proud father of a beautiful young baby girl.

Ross: *whisper* ... She's an angel.

Nurse: *whisper* She surely is. I just wanted to tell you again, that your daughter is completely healthy and didn't take any damage from the sudden bleeding during the delivery. She'll grow up to a beautiful young woman one day.

Ross: *whisper* ... Can I ... Can I hold her?

Nurse: *whisper* Of course.

She places the file on the table next to her and afterwards, she gently picks up my little angel. I can see, how she slowly opens her small, tired eyes and is about to whimper and the nurse slowly starts jumping up and down a little, trying to not make her start crying and it's perfectly working. Wow, she really knows how to handle kids. I can only learn from her.

Nurse: *whisper* You have to support her head, while carrying her.

I nod and now she hands me over my daughter. I gently lean her onto my chest and softly place my head on top of hers, causing her small baby hairs to tickle my cheek. I move on of my hands slowly to my chest and then suddenly I feel how her little fragile hand wraps around my fingers. It's the cutest thing ever.

Nurse: *whisper* Have you and your girlfriend already decided on a name for this little cutie?

Ross: *whisper* Not really. We didn't know whether it's a boy or girl, so ... .

Nurse: *whisper* Have you now chosen a name?

I start thinking for a few minutes, trying to imagine if Rebecca ever told me about a special female name. But then the memory comes back. I guess, the nurse could literally see the twinkle in my eyes and she flashes me a smile.

Ross: *whisper* ... I ... I guess I did. 

And from that moment on, I knew that this little girl right here in my arms is gonna change my entire life. For the better of course. I still have hope in Rebecca, that she'll survive the surgery, but for now, all I have eyes for is my little girl here in my arms. ... My Little Angel.


new pov. i guess you didn't see that one coming XD. so what do you think about Rocky feeling guilty for kicking Ross out?! are you empathize him or do you think he should feel guilty .... and what do you think Ross is gonna name his little daughter? i already know the first name, but you can still help me with the middle name. just write one in the comments below ;-)


Love you <3<3<3

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