New Life [EXO Fan Fiction] |...

By enjixx

9.3K 309 41

Gu Se Na is a normal scholar in junior high school She came from a decent family ,well I wouldn't consider ve... More

New Life
Anyeong Seoul
Make over and Shopping!
Reversed opinion
First Day of School
EXO alias
I Want School!!
Just a Bad Mood
A Break
Complicated feelings
Let him go
New Me
Interview part 1
interview part 2
Locked up
Author's note

An act

170 8 1
By enjixx

After meeting with EXO I went to eat get my lunch. I sat on the empty table ,not like I mind sitting alone anyways.

Then I saw Minji's gang coming to my way. Okay I thought, trouble coming but then suprising they sat beside me leaving Minji shocked

"Yah why are you sitting with her" Minji shouted

"Tss yah shut up" a girl with light brown hair said

"You are defeated now why would we be with you" a blond girl said

Then Minji left ashamed for herself.Serves her right.

"Se Na mianhe for before"

"Gwenchana" I answered with a smirk."

"Lets introduce ourself. Anyeonghaseo I am Wendy"

"I am Seulgi you can call me Seul"

"I am Irene" she said and smiled.

"Anyeong I am Joy, lets be chingus"

I just smirked at them knowing what I got. A gang but what I am mostly happy about is that Minii is now all alone

While I was walking with my new gang I saw people looking at us. But then I stopped when EXO is in front of us

"Is this what you want?" Baekhyun shouted

"Ohh it is" I answered back

"Se Na.... this is not you"D.O said

"It is me you just never see it. Leta go" I walked pass them and hit Baekhyun's shoulder. It was no coincidence of course.

Their faces all look numb and I couldn't be happier about it. Believe me when I say revenge it is really a revenge. We went to class and took our seats. I put my legs on the table.

"Se Na legs down" my homeroom teacher shouted but I just lookes at him and he shrinks.Lol a teacher who shrinks of his students. He sigh and continue to teach the lesson which I definitely don't care.

After the class finishes Tina unnie was there waiting

"Unnie waeyo?" Your mom and dad wants to see you

Finally after days they wanna see me. After I met dad

I just nodded and followed her to the car. The car ride was silent. Which was weird because unnie and I usually chit chats but it stopped when I changed into a bad girl. Revenge is worth some sacrifices I guess.

I arrived at an enornamous house as always I shouldn't be shocked anyway. When I walked in I saw SM director and my parents there.

So my parents are part of it too tsk

"Se Na sit down" I followed and sat

"You made a good choice going to SM. EXO did well"my "dad" said

Wait EXO knew? They knew all this time. How much betrayal should be in my life

"You help us in our business" 'mom'said

So they planned this too

"Am I all that? Just business?"

"You see honey everything is an act"

"Don't call me that"

"As you wish escort her to her room Amy"

"Yes master"

"Can't I live at my apartment"

"Of course not. The drama play has not ended. It is easier to watch you this way

Amy escorted me at my room and left me to rest. I punched the wall hard my fist became screaming with blood. A drama? Is that all my life is a drama? I will surely ruin your drama

I took my phone pressed some numbers

"I'm in, I'll do it"

"Okay,meet me at xxxxx cafe now"


I opened a door which leads to my wadrobe and took a tshirt jeans and black sun glasses. I went outside sneaking not wanting to catch anyone. While I was walking someone suddenly passed. I hid behind a shelf hoping not to be found. I closed my eyes tightly

"Ts Se Na right?" Oh no.. someone found me. I slowly opened my eyes only finding someone who looked as rebel as I do.

I step out of my hiding spot

"I am"

"Ts I am your brother Jimmy. I did that a lot so I'll keep silent"

"How old are you?"

"A year behind you"

"Please don't tell anyone about this"

"No prob sis" he said and went a way. What a weird guy. Slowly I took my steps and went out. Luckily mom and dad are out.

I went to the cafe and saw someone looking at me. He wore the same thing as I do. I took a seat and he gave me a folder before he left.
Short chap mianhe
I will try to update more
I promise I will update again this week


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