Superstitious (NaNoWriMo 2014...

By BoOk_DrEaMeR

149 8 0

Bailey Smith never believed in supernatural events or all of that other silly, make-believe shit. All of the... More

The Tall, Dark Stranger
Monsters Are Not For Real
Now You See Me, Now You Don't
You Only Live Twice

Graduation Preperation

23 1 0
By BoOk_DrEaMeR

It was the night before my graduation and I found myself wandering around the empty streets of my neighborhood. It was well past midnight, so all of the houses were cast into darkness. The only thing that gave me the ability to walk without slamming into anything was the glow of the street lights and the occasional outside light from one of the houses.

A normal person would be fretting about the dark. Fear of darkness, Achluophobia, is common in children and most adults. They don't necessarily fear the dark, but what can be hiding and lurking within it. I let myself laugh out loud at this. How can a person be afraid of imaginary things that they let their mind make up?

To me, all of those things seem absolutely absurd. I looked beyond a house to the end of its driveway. I saw a darkness deeper than the one initially surrounding it. A person might picture this to be a ghost or another paranormal creature. But, as I looked closer, it was just a trash can.

In this moment, as I walked the streets by myself, the only thing that I might possibly fear is falling and banging my head on the rock hard asphalt. Or maybe a stranger coming to kidnap me and torture me. But, my steps were careful as I made sure I didn't trip. My neighborhood was one of those expensive gated communities and neighborhood watch was constantly on the lookout. The odds of me being kidnapped and injured are slim to none.

My rationalized thinking was cut off as I reached my driveway. I didn't rush, but instead took my time walking along it and then swerving onto the path that led me to the front door. I used amazing ninja skills to be as silent as possible as I sneak inside and back up to my room.

I changed out of my jeans and shirt, and into a pair of baggy sweatpants and a tank top. Then I nestled into my plush comforter and closed my eyes. Better rest up, I told myself, You have a big day tomorrow.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

I woke with a start as my alarm started blaring out the latest Ke$ha song. I slammed my hand on the snooze button with a groan. With my eyes still squinted against the dark, I made my way to the bathroom. After a brief hesitation, I flipped the switch to the bright light. I blinked a few times, trying to adjust my eyes.

Then, I proceeded to take a shower and get myself ready. I put on a pair of jeans and a gray Hollister top. Next I made sure that my cap and gown, my graduation dress, and my hair and make-up necessities were carefully placed inside of my glossy red Volkswagen Beetle Convertible.

I was just about to head out the front door when I heard a sound behind me. I spun around with cat-like reflexes and was poised to attack when I realized it was just my dad.

"Good morning,"I said, relaxing.

"Good morning my little ninja,"he chuckled and shuffled in his slippers and robe to the brewed pot of coffee. He poured himself a cup and I immediately wished I had time for a second cup.

"Well, I have to go to my own personal hell now, so I'll see you at graduation,"I waved and headed back to the door.

He sighed,"Don't be so dramatic. This is the last time you will have to see them."

"Except for the dropouts that take my order at McDonalds,"I mumbled under my breath, then said louder,"Well, bye. Love you."

I faintly heard him say,"Bye sweetie. I love you,"before heading out the door and to my car.

As I drove to my high school, thoughts ran through my mind. Not only do I hate school in general, but I specifically hate my school. Its okay for them to tell us we have to be at graduation, but then they host a mandatory get-together, where we have to endure five hours of those sluts and assholes that we are trying so desperately to get away from.

I groaned as I saw the already crowded school. There was a huge field to my left, which they were using as the 'party' area. It was about half of a football field and filled with chattering students, 'Class of 2013' decorations, and plenty of tables and seats.

Finding my group of friends, I quickly made my way to them. A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth when I realized that high school wasn't actually all bad. At least I had an amazing group of friends to help me.

First, there was Brandy. She was the perfect cheerleader, with her perfectly tanned and toned body and glowing blonde curls cascading down her back. Who would have known that a group of normals would be friends with a popular, but she was actually really cool.

Next, there was Gracie. With her straight black hair, olive skin, and big brown eyes, her Cherokee definitely shown through. She was some-what of a nerd, with her soft-spoken attitude and general geniousness. However, when you got her alone she could be a ball of crazy.

The last girl is Emily. Her flaming red hair and pale complexion are what drive the guys at our school insane, too bad she isn't interested. She's one of those people that will say what ever is on their mind, not caring what other people think about the opinion.

There are two guys that complete our group- Wesley and Brandon. Wesley is on the football team, starting full-back to be exact. Secretly, I've always had a crush on his short blonde waves and bright green eyes, but I've always kept it to myself because I know that it will never happen. Brandon, however, is like a male replica of Gracie. But, then again, that might be because they're twins.

"Hey guys,"I greeted them, a small smile gracing my features.

"Hey, girly!"Brandy skipped towards me and engulfed me in an enthusiastic hug. the cheerleader in her taking over.

"Hey Bran,"I hugged her back tightly.

"I can't believe that we are finally done. This is the last time we will ever be gathered here together. Oh God, stop me before I get emotional,"she pulled away and let out a breathy laugh, wiping underneath her eyes.

Even though the rest of us are desperate to get out of this hell hole, Brandy has probably had the time of her life. Even right now, she was wearing her little cheer leading outfit, the short skirt showing a bit too much of her perfectly tan and toned legs. I only had a moment to be jealous before Gracie and Emily had gathered me into another hug. In all honesty, I wasn't really understanding the hugging. Our mini hug fest was cut short when there was a loud screeching from the few speakers set up around the field.

"Hello class of 2013!"I heard a male voice shout into the microphone. I whirled around to find our principal, Mr. Henderson, giving a broad, molesterish smile to the bundles of seniors scattered around. Nevertheless, his proclamation was followed by whoops and hollers.

"I'm happy to see all of you together one last time and participating in a Carlson High School tradition! Now, we are going to start off the day doing a group game. Go on and find a partner and then I will explain the first competition!"

I spun around in search of a partner, but was stopped when a strong, but gentle hand grasped my elbow. My gaze wandered up until I was looking into the piercing green eyes that could belong to no one other than Wesley Powell.

"Hey Bailey. Want to be my partner?"he smiled down at me, at that point having already let go of my elbow, much to my disappointment.

I took my time to glance around, noticing that Emily and Brandy had already paired together and the twins were standing next to each other talking animatedly.

I looked back to Wesley,"Sure Powell. But I'm gonna go ahead and warn you. I am very competitive so you better not make us lose."

He smirked at me,"I wouldn't expect anything less, Smith"

We were then immersed in a game that I think high schoolers shouldn't have so much fun doing, but three-legged tag? How could you beat it?

Wesley and I tripped over each other many times, usually resulting in one of us falling right on top of the other and multiple bruises. Falling on top of my forever long crush was embarrassing at first, but eventually got used to it and didn't blush whenever our bodies were pushed flush together.

We lost, the winners being the twins. That really wasn't fair when you think about it. They were twins for gosh sake! They have like twin telepathy or something.

I punched Wesley in the shoulder,"You and your two left feet made us lose!"

He fake winced and rolled his eyes,"We both know we lost because you couldn't stop obsessing over touching me."

My face burned bright red and I punched his arm once more while he laughed his ass off.

"Okay!"Our principal spoke once more into the microphone,"Time for the next game!"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

An hour and a half later found us sitting at picnic tables along the field, munching on barbecue sandwiches and potato chips. On one side there was the twins and Brandy, while on the other there was me, Emily and Wesley.

"You know, as much as we complain, we have to admit that we are going to miss this place. We've spent the last four years here and it's come to feel like home,"Gracie said, Brandon nodding along as she talked. Doesn't surprise me that he agrees with her, they practically share the same brain waves.

"Well, admit what you will, I'm sticking with my 'get-me-out-of-this-place' attitude,"I say, shoving a barbecue Lays chip in my mouth.

"Well, you have always been the most bitter out of all of us, Bailey,"Brandy says and I stick my tongue out at her.

Emily snorts,"Just to think, we are graduating in less than five hours and we still act like children."

We all laugh, attracting a fair amount of attention from the surrounding tables. I'm telling you, if Brandy wasn't so popular and the guys weren't so attractive, we would be so unpopular it isn't even funny. Before I became friends with Brandy, it was just me, Wesley, and some girl that moved away a few years back. Then, bam, one night at a party Brandy drunkenly flirts with Wesley, passes out in his arms, and next thing I know we are driving her back home and she's sitting with us at lunch the next day. She was already friends with the twins and Emily got tacked on when she stood up to one of the bitchy senior cheerleaders our Sophomore year. In the end, I'm glad that we all ended up friends because I wouldn't trade our close-knit group for the world.

 The rest of the afternoon flew by until we were left with two hours to get ready before people started to show up. All of the girls drove back to Brandy's house while the guys went to Brandon's house. I walked swiftly to the front door that was being held open by Emily, my clothes and other necessities held delicately in hand.

We were greeted by Brandy's mom, who welcomed us to some snacks in the kitchen before telling us that she was off to take a shower and get ready. Following suit, we all hurried upstairs and happily dumped our stuff in her room. Her room was the room that was to be expected from a preppy, popular cheerleader with a hefty amount of money and extremely generous parents. Her carpet was so soft that your feet sunk into it with every step; it was practically a rule that you have bare feet in Brandy's room at all times. There was a half wall that separated a small sitting area with a window seat, love seat, side table, and flat screen TV and her bedroom where her bed, nightstand, dresser, and closet were held. Her bed was set up like something you would find in the mall, with an intricate duvet with beading, a gazillion pillows, and a big white headboard that matched the rest of her furniture set. Her closet was a walk-in that you could literally get lost in with its plethora of drawers, racks, and shelves. Let's just say that God loves me and granted me with the same shoe size as Brandy.

We separate, Gracie and Emily using the mirror and nightstand in the bedroom to fix their hair and makeup, while Brandy and I were using the bathroom with the double sink, walk-in shower, and Jacuzzi bathtub. 

I started out by plucked my 'energizing and rejuvenating' face wash from my makeup bag and proceeded to clean all of the oil that the day had left on my face. Then I brushed my teeth, using my new battery powered toothbrush. And no, it doesn't play music while it cleans (though I wish it did). I looked out of the corner of my eye to find Brandy meticulously straightening her golden blonde hair and I hesitate just long enough to feel the usual spike of jealousy before going back to prepping my face. Next I apply my usual foundation, powder, and blush, trying to make it as perfect as possible. Then I apply my eyeliner around my water lines, then use my liquid liner to form the perfect flick at the corner. A smokey eye shadow collection and three different layers of mascara go on next, then I apply lip balm, a new red lipstick that I just bought the other day, and a clear coat of lip gloss. Once I'm happy with my lipstick I turn to find Brandy with her hair perfectly straightened and waterfall braided, here eyes following my movements.

"Would you mind doing my makeup? You are so much better at it than me,"she says and I smile, getting that bit of happiness that I do when someone better than me claims I'm better than them at something.

"Of course, but only if you help me with my forever-helpless hair,"I say, watching as she nods along and turns fully towards me for me to get to work. And so I do. Her face is already so naturally blemish free and her eyes already so bold that it only takes me ten minutes to get the perfect amount of makeup on her. She turns to the mirror and cheers excitedly, already reaching in a cabinet for the curling iron for my hair. Once it's heated up, she gets to work, curling every last bit of my hair. When she's finished, she fishes out a pack of bobby pins and begins to brush it backwards and form the perfect bump on the top of my head. I look like I've been transformed by the time she's completely finished, like I am completely unfamiliar with the person looking back at me.

"I love it. Thanks Brandy."

"Any time, I'm just gonna miss this, you know? Hanging out constantly and always knowing what's going on in the other person's life. I just feel like after we no longer have to see each other every day there won't be this obligation anymore; we'll all go our separate ways and it will never be the same,"she says, looking into the mirror at herself, but not actually seeing her reflection.

I smile and give her a comforting look,"Brandy, there is no way I'll be able to go more than a day without talking to you. Who else is going to give me fashion advice because I am completely useless when it comes to dressing myself?"

She giggles because she knows it's true and nods,"You're right. Without me you would end up looking like a kindergartner who's mom allowed you to finally dress yourself."

I give her a serious look and move my head up and down, which just caused us to break into a fresh bought of laughter. The door swings open and Emily dances in, her hair and makeup finished. She starts singing some show tune that I had never heard before and holding a hairbrush up to her mouth like a microphone. I shake my head at her and chuckle.

"People don't know it, but you are the weirdest of all of us,"I say, poking her side and causing her to squeal.

"Come on, we need to get the music going and the dresses on!"Gracie yells from the bedroom.

We all go into the bedroom, where our dresses and accessories are all laid out on the bed. Brandy plugs her phone into her apple dock and music flows through the room, one of the latest, catchy pop hits. Its not long until we are all singing and dancing along, but being careful to not mess up our makeup and hair. After the song is finished and the next one comes on we pull on our dresses.

Mine was a short purple number, with a sweetheart neckline that was bedazzled in sparkly jewels-fake, obviously. Then it flared out in a silk like material covered with a black lace netting. On my feet I wore my favorite black, velvety booties that had cost me a fortune. I wore simple diamond earrings and a silver tier necklace that started close to my neck and went to just above my dress neckline. And that was it for me, my look was complete.

All of the other girls were finished around the same time that I was and it was right about then that Brandy's mom called for us to all come down for pictures because the guys were here. I left everything but my gown in her room, knowing that we would most likely end up back here later anyway. 

When we went downstairs, Wesley, Brandon, and Brandy's boyfriend named Kyle were waiting in the kitchen with Mrs. Calebs. In the middle of the island sat an unopened bottle of champagne and eight chutes. 

Wesley looked extremely handsome in his baby blue button up and crips khaki pants. He also had a tie draped across his shoulders, yet to be tied. Brandy squealed when she saw Kyle and rushed down the stairs to hug him. 

"You look beautiful,"I hear him say to her, and I just hope that he realizes exactly how lucky he is.

The rest of us walk calmly down the stairs to greet our friends. I say hi to Brandon and Kyle before walking nonchalantly over to Wesley, trying to keep from blushing.

"You look nice,"I say,"But your tie seems to be a little loose."

He laughs and picks up one end,"Yeah, well, I've never been the best at ties."

I reach forward automatically and begin to fix his ties, making sure it wasn't too tight. I would hate to choke my crush to death. 

"Thanks. You look amazing, by the way,"he says, his voice just a whisper among the chaos surrounding us.

"Thanks, I try,"I smirk and curtsy, earning a giant smile from Wesley.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen! Time for a toast,"Mrs. Calebs announces and I turn around to find that she has filled each of the glasses perfectly and is holding one out in her hand. 

We all pick one up and hold it out in an imitation of her, waiting for her to speak,"To the final toast you make as a high school student."

"To us,"we all chorus, as we clank our glasses together before taking a drink.

In that moment, I had the overwhelming feeling that this was a turning point. But at this moment in time, I choose to blame it on the fact that I'm graduating today. It's only later that I find out it means so much more.


It's that time of year again! Thank so much for reading! I hope that you stick around for the next chapter! Not proofread so my apologies for any and all errors. This is my nanowrimo entry for this year so I hope to have 50,000 words by the end of the month. Maybe with all of ya'lls amazing support I'll be able to :)

Have a lovely day and please go check out my other stories :)

^If you do then you are def bae^

Also, I'm probably going to do two chapters Bailey, then one chapter Mark and so on and so forth.

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