The Tall, Dark Stranger

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The champagne left a warm, bubbly feeling in the pit of my stomach and lifted my mood to the highest of moods. This was finally it. We were graduating. There was no going back, thank God. The next step of my life and I was ready.

The drive was quick, probably the quickest of my life. For someone who had been looking forward to this day for the last four years, the nerves in my stomach were overwhelming. This was it.

When we pulled into the parking lot, a half hour early might I add, it is almost completely full. There are kids in caps and gown and formal wear scattered every where. Some were in groups of friends, while others were surrounded by gawking and crying family. We headed quickly inside, knowing there was a lot the drama teacher wanted to tell us before we made our big debut on her stage. 

They weren't seating people yet, so my relief was immense when we walked into the completely silent auditorium, the only noises coming from our drama teacher, Ms. Goff, and the light crew bustling around. 

As soon as she saw us she gestured wildly,"Come on kiddos, we have a lot to go over."

She ushered back behind the curtain, where about half of our senior class was gathered. My guess was that it was the other half that I had seen spread around the lot. They better hurry before Ms. Doff has an aneurysm.  

"Oh God, my heart is beating so fast. Is it just me? It can't be just me!"Brandy was saying spastically, fumbling as she put on her robe and cap.

I almost told her no, it wasn't just her because I felt like any second now my heart would beat right out of my chest. But that would have shown weakness, something that I wasn't very good at doing. Plus it would contradict everything that I had said up until this point. It was okay though, because Gracie said it for me.

"Oh, honey, it's not just you. My heart is just about ready to pop out of my ribs,"she said, assembling her chords and medallions neatly against her navy gown.

I took in a deep breath, trying to rub my hands on my dress in an attempt to dry off the sweat, but my robe kept getting in the way. I startled when I felt someone's presence right beside me and turned hurriedly to find that it was Wesley. 

"Nervous?"he asks, fiddling with his tie underneath his half-zipped gown.

"Me? Nope. This is my day. The day I've been waiting for forever,"I say, though my voice lacked conviction.

"Wow,"he whistles, giving me a disbelieving look,"You talk about graduation like most girls talk about their wedding day."

"Yeah, well, what can I say? I like my freedom,"my voice is sturdier while I say this, slightly more convincing.

"The truth,"he says, which startles me even more than him sneaking up behind me.

"That was the truth."

"It's okay to be nervous, Bailey. It's a big day and you are about to walk across a stage in front of hundreds of people,"he says it rationally, in the soothing voice of a mother consoling her child. But I wasn't his child and I didn't need to be consoled.

"I know that. But I'm not. I'm fine,"Lie. Lie. Lie

"If you say so,"he says and sighs, before walking off to go talk to Brandon.

I spot Emily from across the room where she is adjusting her cap in one of the many set up mirrors. When her eyes catch mine, she smiles and walks my way.

"Hey, do you mind helping with this? It's being stubborn and won't stay in my freaking hair,"she asks, holding out her cap to me along with a few bobby pins to help secure it.

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