Never Leave My Side (A Teen P...

By Sairahiniel97

146K 3.5K 469

"About that, Storm..... I - uh... I need to tell you something...." I started fishing the test out of my pock... More

Telling Him
Making Promises
Sick of Morning Sickness
Nothing Goes As Planned
9 Weeks
Planning Ahead
Worst Day Ever
Author's Note
The Worrier
Little Miracles
Wake Up
Leaving the Hospital
Be Safe and Good Luck
My Birthday...
23 Weeks
The Call
Flashback - Part 2
Cold Feet
Just Another Hospital Visit...
Never Leave My Side
First Meeting
At Last
An Author's Thank You


6.6K 166 21
By Sairahiniel97

When we got home from the appointment, I couldn't tell if I should cry because I was scared, or if I should cry because I was happy our babies were okay. Jason was hysterical. He had no idea what to do, so he just freaked out. Dallas was at school, and Darry was at the recruiting office. My parents were gone, I knew they didn't want to be around their daughter who couldn't control herself. They were probably trying to hide the fact that I was pregnant, but when the press found out, they would make it out so I was this attention-craving, selfish girl. I can just see how it would happen. I should have waited to tell them.

Jason had to go to the bathroom and check his blood sugar and take his medicine. He -was diabetic, he found out when he was a little kid. I was the one to help him accept it. When he left the bathroom, he was rubbing his thigh. He looked concerned, but when he looked up and saw me, he changed his expression and smiled. He was trying to hide himself limping.

"What's wrong, Jason?" I asked, walking over to him.

"Nothing, my leg is just sore." He said. "I'll be fine, I promise. We should be worrying about you, not me."

"Well, I am absolutely great. Just pregnant is all." I put my hand on his back. "Ready to go to school?"

"Yeah, let's go." I followed him outside and got in his car. "You want me to drive?" He was still rubbing his leg.

He looked up at me. "I can drive, Gabry. I don't want to stress you out."

Oh for Pete's sake, I thought. Just because I am pregnant did not mean I was handicapped. I could drive. It wouldn't kill me, besides Jason looked like he hurt himself.

"Why is your leg sore?" I asked.

He started the car and didn't respond right away. "Well, it's not really sore, persay, it's a sharp pain, and in a specific spot is where it hurts the most."

"How long has it been hurting?" He was worrying me now.

"Four weeks." He said, and pulled out of the driveway.

"And you haven't told anyone?" I asked, my turn to be hysterical.

"No, I didn't want my parents to be worried, and now that you're pregnant, I don't know if it would be a great idea to tell them about my leg and you being pregnant. So I have to tell them whichever is more important, and that's you."

"However flattered I may be, I think that you should tell someone. Four weeks you said?"

He nodded slowly.

"Jason!" I scolded. "Was it hurting when we had sex? Because if it was, that's almost five weeks ago!"

"Oh no. This started hurting a few days after we conceived the babies. I think it's four weeks exactly today."

We were almost at the school, but I wasn't going to let him get out of the car until he agreed to go to the doctor. Today. This was going to be resolved very soon. If they forced me to go to the doctor (which I was planning on going anyway), then I was going to force him to go to the doctor for his health, too. He had many reasons to be healthy for one, the baby and me, track, and Taekwondo. If his leg was going to be injured, he had to fix it now. Plus it's never good to make me upset; especially with these hormones now.

"I think you should go to the doctor. Today, after school." I said, once he parked the car.

"I can't, Gabe. I've got a meet. And the rest of the week, I'm tied up with Taekwondo."

I rolled my eyes. "So you are going to forget about being healthy in sports, and let your leg get worse?"

"No. Yes. I don't know! I can't go this week because I've got to train for this tournament in a few weeks. I'm not even supposed to be going to the meet tomorrow because of black belt training. Somehow I managed to convince my dad that if I went to the meet instead, I would train nonstop on Saturday."

"When is the tournament?" I asked. I was going to go, I loved watching him, but if I could get him to go after... maybe that would work.

"Two weeks from Saturday." He said, staring at the wheel.

"Okay, so what about the Monday after the tournament?" I asked.

"Fine with me. Let's go in before we're even more late than necessary." He unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car.

I unbuckled my seat and got out, following him. As we approached the school, I began to feel sick. There was no better thing for my body to do other than feel like puking in front of all of my peers? We had already missed our second class, so it was passing period. Everybody was out on the grounds and I was here, probably the only girl here on campus that was pregnant. What were my friends going to say? I mean Kit already knew, but my other friends, the ones I hardly tell anything important to because they go and tell everyone else.

"Jason..." I said, about ready to puke. "I have to go." I ran to the bathroom just in time to puke in the trash can. There were a few girls in that bathroom that made gagging noises themselves. Paige was in there.

I got a paper towel and wiped my mouth. Paige looked at me, "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm just sick, I'll be okay though." I said.

"Or maybe you're pregnant.." She laughed wickedly. "Who would have sex with you, though? Oh wait I forgot. You're desperate to get laid." Did I mention she that she didn't like me very much? Maybe it was because I had been friends with Jason Storm for a very long time. Or that their relationship didn't last very long because Jason didn't have feelings for her. She had liked him for a long time. I suppose she was always going to feel that way. Until she knew that I wasn't going to leave Jason and he wasn't going to leave me, she was going to persist.

I turned and left the bathroom. Jason was waiting for me out in the hall. I was about to cry, and he pulled me into a hug.

"What's wrong, Gabry?" His hands were by my waist.

"Paige. She pretty much called me a whore." I said into his shoulder.

"Want me to go talk to her?"

I shook my head. "I just want to go to class. I hope no one finds out soon."

"It's going to happen eventually. We just need to tell my parents soon." He said as he pulled out of the hug.

I nodded as we walked to our next class.


Everything would have gone unnoticed if Kit hadn't spoken so loudly.

I had passed her a note saying I was having twins. She freaked out and spoke loud enough for a few people around us to hear. This was kid, Elijah something or other, kept staring at me. I couldn't tell why he looked so familiar.

"You're having twins?! Oh Gabry! I'm so happy for you!"

"Shh!!! No one can know right now besides you and Jason." I whispered.

"Sorry!" She whispered back.

Kids around us were whispering. Elijah kept staring at me, he was almost smirking. Another bad thing, Paige was in this class too. So now she was most likely positive that I was pregnant. Great, right? So, she was going to spread rumors that I was a slut and sleeping with every guy I could find and that was the only reason I was with Jason. Because he got me pregnant.

I groaned and put my hand to my head. I can't believe this is happening to me....

After that class everything pretty much went down hill from there. I could hear Paige whispering to other people. I never had any rumors spread about me because everyone liked me. I never was mean to anybody, I always wanted to help, but now that I was with Jason, suddenly someone hated me. Three people currently, my parents and Paige. I'm sure they didn't hate me like I thought they did, but they were so focused on themselves that we had to behave. Maybe that's why I finally broke away from being the perfect child. I had had enough. I wanted to show them that they did not own their children. We had our own minds and we had to think for ourselves and make our own mistakes.

Dallas came running up to me after school.

"Hey, Gabry. I need to talk to you." He said, and took me by the arm. Jason was going to wonder where I was, but I was glad to be with my brother. even if it was worth the annoyance of Jason.

"What's up, Dallas?" I asked.

"Someone is spreading rumors about you." He said, concerned.

"Who? Paige? Yeah, I know she is. She saw me puking in the bathroom. I had a feeling she would do something like that."

"Not Paige." He said, looking even more upset.

"Then.... who?" Please don't be Kit. Please don't be Kit.

"Do you know who Elijah Smith is?"

"Yeah... he's in my English class.. and you hung out with him once... He overheard Kit, didn't he?" I asked, my heart dropping.

"He's also had a crush on Paige for a long time now. So I think he told her something. And now he's spreading rumors about you, so that she will go out with him." Dallas said angrily. "I can't believe him. I thought that... man, if I hear one more stupid remark about you... I swear I'm gonna beat up whoever said that."

I shook my head. "Boy... you're crazy."

One voice stuck out to me as they walked. "No dude! You don't want to get laid by her! She might have an STD from sleeping around."

I looked back at Dallas who had the expression as though he was going to slaughter everyone who laid on me. "Dally-" Too late. He had already pushed past me and hit the guy who had said that.

"Dallas Evermore! Get off him!" I tried to pull him away. I shouldn't be the the scandal of the year, but I shouldn't be the reason for Dallas, calm-headed Dallas, to want to kill somebody. I couldn't live with myself if Dally was thrown in jail for killing someone. Because it would have been my fault.

I pulled him away before he hit the guy for a third time. But Dallas got out of my grip and turned to look at the crowd that had just formed. "This rumor started today, and it ends today! I don't want to hear anymore said about my sister! Not a single thing, or you will be sorry!"

Dallas put an arm around me and was about to lead me out of the hall when the authoritative voice of the principal was heard by all. "Dallas Evermore, come see me in my office. I'd like to have a word with you. Everyone else, empty the halls. Now."

I hurried out of the hall and followed my brother to the office. I couldn't go into the Principal's office with him, so I paced outside the door. Jason found me and I fell into his arms for the second time that day, tired and upset.

"Hey." He said, and guided me down to the floor where he pulled me into his lap. I threw my arms around him and just sobbed into his shoulder.

I heard muffled footsteps on the carpeted floor. A gentle hand that did not belong to Jason was placed on my back.

"Hi Darry." Jason said. I kept my head down, ashamed that this had happened and that Darry had to be called in from work.

"Gabe, what happened?" He asked. I just shook my head, not wanting to answer. Jason explained the whole thing in a few minutes.

The door opened to the principal's office. Darry walked inside, but first told Jason to take me home to get rest.

When we got home, I slept. Darry and Dallas were home when I got there,but they didn't say anything except for me to get some rest, and we would talk later.

God, I loved my brothers.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Well, what do you think? Was it worth the wait? Who wants to find out what's wrong with Jason's leg? The next chapter will be a jump because it's going to be when Jason's at the tournament. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Comment and vote as always!

Until the next chapter


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