Dragon Ball Bf scenarios

By imahappybanana

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for all my DBZ fangirls. I will do my best on writing these but Im a beginner so please don't be to strict ab... More

how you met
when you meet again
realizing they loved you
When you realize you love him
When you tell each other
When you get caught singing
what you do for Halloween
First kiss
when you wear something of his
When he tells you stories
When you have a lazy day part 1
Lazy day part 2
Haha authors note
When he reads your diary
When they use a pick up line
When they get scared
When you realize something...
Who they are jealous of
When you realize something part 2
Who secretly has a crush on you
The rings
The proposal 1-2-3
The REST of the proposals
Your phone background
Dating them includes
How you sleep
couple song
Your wedding dress
Your favorite wedding photo
When they cheat
His favorite thing about you (physically)
What they love about you (NOT PHYSICAL)
(Alternate timeline) #1
The babys room
Your favorite text convorsation
Please read
Alternate 2 part 1
Imagine set 1

When you get hurt PART 1

13.6K 157 14
By imahappybanana


You smiled and hummed as you were cooking dinner for Goku. You decided to try to make sushi from scratch because Goku was bringing home Gohan. You giggled and did a little dance while waiting for the rice to cook. You ran over and grabbed the fish. You sat it down and heard the laugh belonging to the man you loved. Your smile widened as you ran to go meet them. You saw them walking over and you ran towards them. You slid on your knees and hugged Gohan. "Oh my goodness Gohan! Look at how much you grew!" He chuckled and nodded. "I missed you (Yn)" you picked him up and spun him around. "I missed you too!" Goku laughed seeing your reaction and kissed your head. "Let's go inside. I'm making sushi!" You dropped Gohan and he nodded. "Race ya!" Goku yelled before he raced off. You and Gohan tried catching up and Goku thought he won until he tripped. He tumbled letting Gohan get the lead. You laughed and helped Goku up when you heard cheering. "I won! I won!" You looked and saw Gohan doing his happy dance. You laughed and held Gokus hand. "Yes you did Gohan" you kissed his head. "You two go relax and I'll finish cooking." They nodded and sped off to have fun. You giggled at them and walked into the kitchen. You checked the rice and noticed that it was done. You smiled and heard Goku walk in. "Hey (yn) whatcha wanna watch later?" You looked at him and went to grab a knife. "Um...I dunno maybe that one show Gohan likes to watch." You felt the knife and grabbed it. You yelped and let go to figure out that you grabbed the blade making it sliced your hand. Goku quickly rushed to your side and gasped. He then grabbed a clean rag to stop the bleeding. Tears ran down your face and Gohan ran in. He gasped and covered his eyes. "Gohan go and get a senzu!" The rag which was once white was now red. You grabbed onto Goku and cried. Within a couple of seconds Gohan came running back with one of the green beans. "Dad I have one!" You sighed and held out your good hand. "Give it here Gohan." He nodded and dropped it in your palm. You quickly ate it and Goku took the rag off your hand. You gasped and saw that it was fully healed. Goku smiled at you and kissed your tears away. "How about we just get a pizza." You nodded and looked around to find all of your now burnt food. "I'll clean it up. You go with Gohan and order some pizzas." You smiled and kissed his cheek making him blush slightly. "Okay. Thank you for saving me again."  You giggled and punched his arm playfully before walking out with Gohan. Goku chuckled before sighing at the mess. "Where to begin..."


You smirked and dodged all of Vegetas punches and kicks. You giggled at Vegeta as he grew more irritated by the second. You went to dodge one of his punches only for him to kick the side of your head hard. You helped and fell to the ground with a thud. Vegeta gasped and picked you up. He kissed your head and ran inside your house. He laid you down on the bed and climbed in next to you. He gently held you close as you snored away. His gloved hand held yours. In your sleep you give a small smile. Vegeta smiles as well and yawned. He rested his head on yours and soon fell asleep. 


You woke up with a horrible headache. Your head throbbed causing you to groan in pain. You looked to your side and saw the prince asleep on your shoulder. You smile and kiss the tip of his widows peak. The smaller saiyan grunted and nuzzled his face in your neck. You blushed and held him close as he slept. "I love you my prince." You yawned and cuddled him more.


"Come on (Yn)! I know you can catch me!" Krillin shouted as he ran faster from you. You laughed and were on his tail. "I know I can too but your really quick!" You reached out to grab him but he ducked causing you to slide. "Damn it!" He took off in the opposite direction and you chased him again. You were both smiling and laughing until you stepped on something. "Ow!" You stopped running and sat on the ground to see that you cut your foot open on some glass. You sat on the ground as tears poured down your cheeks. Krillin ran next to you and went to look at the cut. "It's kinda deep but it'll be fine." He smiled and picked you up. For a small guy he was strong. You yelped as he ran into Kame house. He sat you on the couch and ran into the bathroom. He came out several minutes later with a bottle, a rag and a really large band aid. "Ok hun this may hurt a little." He poured the liquid onto the cut. You hissed a little but the pain soon faded. Krillin smiled at you and wiped the remaining liquid away before putting the band aid over the cut. He smiled and placed all of the stuff on the coffee table. "Better?" He sat next to you on the couch and kissed your cheek. "Better." You laid on his lap and smiled.


"Wahoo!" Bulma ran and jumped off the cliff landing in the water below. She resurfaced and laughed. You smiled and held onto Yamcha. "(Yn) why haven't you gone yet?" Yamcha asked you raising an eyebrow. Your eyes widened and you gave a nervous chuckle. "Uh...well I never have done this before" Yamcha smiled and kissed your temple. "Its really fun. Wanna hop in after me?" You thought for a second and then nodded. He let go and gave you a smile. "I'll see you down there!" He yelled happily before running and jumping off the cliff. You heard him yell before a loud splash. You took several deep breaths before you heard Yamchas  voice. "Hurry up (yn)!" You sighed and ran towards the edge of the cliff. You jumped and screamed. Yamcha laughed when you got the water. Once he was done he looked for you. "(Yn)? Where are you?" He looked before he noticed a spot in the water that was slightly red. His eyes widened and he dove under the water to find you. You were under the water and your top got hooked onto a piece of metel. Yamcha swam over and saw it cut your back. He quickly worked and the metal cut off your top. You were struggling to breath and Yamcha quickly took you both back up to the surface. Your bare chest pressed against his wet shirt. He blushed dark and swam you to the shore. Your back stung and bled slightly but you refused to cry. Yamcha picked you up and sat you on the beach blushing dark. You quickly covered yourself and stared at the ground. You heard Yamcha sigh and you soon felt a cold went shirt wipe the cut gently. You hissed in pain feeling tears form in the corner of your eyes. "I'm sorry (Yn)...I shouldn't have asked you to jump in if you didn't want to." You smiled and looked at him with a smile on your face. "Actually it was fun. I actually didn't notice the cut until you started wiping it." Yamcha stopped and sighed. "I hate asking you to do this but will you lift your arms up?" Your face burned and you were hesitant. He sighed and wrapped the shirt in front of you. You got what he was doing and helped him by holding it over your chest. He was blushing dark as he tied it behind your back. Once he was done he gave you a hug and kissed your cheek. "Bandit can we just go home?" He nodded and stood. He lifted you up and placed you on his back. You blushed and placed your head against his back. He smiled and started carrying you home.


"(Yn) wanna spar?" Trunks asked you with a big smile on his face. You nodded and went into a fighting stance. He did the same and within seconds you both were exchanging blows. You would block and then try to attack. He would block and do the same. You smiled and pinned him to the ground with sweat dripping down your face. He chuckled and nodded. "You win." He pulled your face down and kissed you. You kissed back and got off of him. He stood up and dusted himself off. You giggled and grabbed his hand. A certain loud bird decided to swoop down and tried to give you a hug. You tried to cover your face but this only ended up with TokiTokis talons to cut your arms. "Toki stop it!" Trunks yelled at the bird and then pulled him off. You hissed in pain and looked at your arms. "Toki go back to the Kai of time!" He cawed loudly and flew away. Trunks sighed and went to you holding a capsule. "Dumb bird" he muttered as he pressed the button. Some band aids popped into his hand and he smiled. He pulled several out and placed them on the cuts. "Better?" You nodded and hugged him. "Better."

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