Don't You Remember?

By XxwriterchickxX

563 25 8

What do you do when you wake up in a hospital without a clue of how you got there, get attacked by a crazy pe... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Don't You Remember?

153 4 3
By XxwriterchickxX

Chapter 1

I felt something poking into my skin, my eyes shot open. "Ow! What is wrong with you can't you tell I was sleeping?" I looked for who had poked me. I saw a nurse standing there with a needle, looking quite shocked. "Who are you? Why am I here? How'd I get here?" I asked all the questions coming out of my mouth like I had no control over anything I was saying.

As soon as I stopped asking questions the nurse said, "You're in the hospital, you've been in a coma for about seven months. You don't rememeber what happened?" I shook my head 'no' then immeditally yelled out in pain. Then the nurse when back to what she was doing.

" Look Nurse," I looked at her tag, "Nancy I thought that we went over this." I said as I pushed her away. "Quit sticking me with a needle and I won't scream rape at the top of my lungs. Which really hurt right now." Once again the nurse looked shocked, but still continued on taking my blood pressure since she noticed that I wouldn't be letting her put anything into me. "Nurse Nancy," I repeated. "Nice name by the way. So original. Totally unexpected, I mean that could be a name of a Barbie or so-"

"Annie?" I heard someone screech from the doorway. I had no clue who she was talking to so I ignored her, giving her a look that made her hesitate for a second before coming over to me and basicually crushing me with a hug.

I looked at Nurse Nancy and gave her a questioning look and she dragged the girl off of me and didn't explain. "I'm going to go get the doctor to tell him you woke up."

"What happened?" I asked, but instead Nancy left me in the room with a crazy person. I looked at her again. She was alright, about ninteen, really pretty and tall. She looked really tired though, like she hadn't slept in months. She came over to me again but I stopped her. "Unless you want me to push this red button here that says EMERGENCY HELP! on it, I would suggest you stop right there."

The girl stopped dead in her tracks. "Annie?" She whispered.

I just looked at her with a unbelieveable expression,"Who do you keep calling that? Seriously woman, you're acting crazy. Maybe I should push this button and get the girl to take you away to get help or so-"

"NO!" She cut me off, I eyed her reaching for the button, but stopped in my tracks when she said, "You're Annie. Annie Shields." I didn't say anything. Now that I think of it, I really didn't know if I should believe her or not. I tried thinking really hard to remember my name. Nothing.

"Look, I think you have me mistaken me for someone else you know. I don't know anyone by that name and I'm pretty sure it's not me." I say moving away from the button.

She looked at me oddly, "Oh really? Then what's your name?" She asked me raising a eyebrow.

"Huh, funny." I chuckled, "I could ask you the same thing."

I was obviously avoiding the subject cause she turned to me and grabbed the chart from next to me and said, "You really don't know do you?" I blushed, it was warm and felt kind of odd, almost out of place. She continued, "Look here are your charts, it says your name right here." She pointed to the top where it said AnnMarie Shields. Weird name.

"If I'm AnnMarie Shields who are you?" I asked.

She looked at me in disbelief, "You don't remember? Im-" Before she could finish telling me who she was, she was interuppeted by door opening. A doctor walked in. Huh, I thought, he's kinda cute.

"Hello, Annie. I'm Dr. Stepnik." He stuck out his hand and I just stared at it. Slowly he retracted it. "So how are you feeling?"

"You're joking right?" I laugh humorlessly, "First I wake up to Nurse Nancy over here poking me with a needle, and then this lunitic comes over here and is hugging me like I've known her for years and tells me my names Annie. Which I wasn't even sure to believe her because I honestly can't rememeber but that's not all. NO! I have to learn I've been in a coma for seven months. Seven whole months! Seven months I will never get back. What could've happened in those seven months? Anything! I could've gotten a job, or been in college, or graduated high school. But I'm not even sure where I'm supposed to be in life because I can't even remember how old I am! And then Dr. Stepnik, you ask me how I'm feeling. Really? How do I look?" I asked

Looking a little shocked the doctor writes down some notes. "What else is on your mind Annie?" Dr.Stepnik asked.

I look up, "Well, doc, you see I can remember every single thing involving education. From two plus two to y=mx+b to even -b+/- √b2-4ac all over 2a! I mean how is that possible? I'm pretty sure I really didn't get that information down when I learned it. But of course the things that actually matter to me instead are the things that were taken away! You see this girl?" I pointed to the crazy girl. "Well she came in here and hugged me like there was no tomorrow and for a minute i didn't think there would be! But it got me thinking. You see, this girl could be famous, or my sister. Imagine that, me not even being able to recognize my own sister? Well i can't even imagine what will happen with my parents. But you see doctor. If this, what ever it is, it temporary, fins. But i have a feeling deep down, and i mean like where a chili burp comes from deep, that this might not go away. I'll have to learn everything again. What if i meet my boyfriend and i hate him? What if i think a boy is fricken hot and its my brother? How will i live with this doc? And since im basically telling you my life story, i might as well!"

I took a deep breath, "I woke up to Nurse Nancy poking me with needles. Then a crazy lady comes in then you come in. Yep that's my life story. Does that make you feel any better doc? Yeah, well me either." I sat there in a huff not knowing what will go down next. Will he yell at me, kick me out, have me committed to the crazies, or will he just laugh at me?

Nurse Nancy listen to instructions that Stepnik told her, then went and got a needle. "Annie, you're suffering from a severe case of amnesia. It happens with traumatic accidents. We will be locating and calling your family asap. Its just their luck, they left for the third time in 7 months to get cloths and you wake up. Huh. But your case was special. You were found beaten within an inch of your life. We need to know if you remember anything to help us catch who did this to you. To keep you safe." 

I tried to listen to what he was saying, but it was hard. All I saw was Nancy coming at me with a needle. I must have looked pretty shocked because stranger danger over there said, "Oh. Annie doesn't like needles."

My eyes snapped to her. "How did you know that?"

Her eyes widened when she noticed I was talking to her. "I was there with you when you had to get 73. You kept screaming,-"

"Never again." I whispered. "Never again. That's what I kept saying. It was because I was having. Uh. I don't know, what was it?" I asked.

"Fainting spells." She laughed, "During that summer you fainted ninety-four times. All when you were with me."

"Amazing progress Annie. If you keep this up, you will remember things in no time!" The doctor stood and reached for my hand but this time took mine, "Don't worry Annie. I'll take care of you."

"Oh I won't mind doctor. You're too cute. I hope I'm old enough for you!" I smiled and winked. He blushed.

"Sorry don't date people in high school. Call me next year though." My face lit up at his words. I hadn't missed my senior year! I get to be normal, to try to be at least. I heard the doctor chuckle, oops must've said that out loud. "I don't know if you're acting like this because you just woke up after seven months, which you should be tired as heck, or because this is just your personality."

Me and the stranger both said, "Personality." I looked at her and silently laughed. I needed to figure out who she was.

"So, Stranger Danger, care to tell me your name?" I sighed after the doctor left and I'd gotten my shots.

"Bailey." She smiled. "I was your best friend." Her smile was almost regretful.

"Was?" I asked.

She turned towards the window, "The day before, all of this happened, you told me to stay out of your life forever. That you didn't need anyone like me to ruin your reputation. And that you were so angry with me for keep that from you. You told me wished you would never have to see my poor face ever again."

"Huh." was all I got to say before Nancy opened the door and said, "Annie, are your ready to meet your family?" I nodded holding id remember something. Anything. Seven people walked in. Nothing.

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