Atlas Abandoned

By Bryan_Belanger

472 45 4

We all knew this would happen. We polluted ourselves right off of Earth and into space. Our brightest minds b... More

Atlas' Dream - The Alarm (day of the crash)
Bearings (day of the crash)
Orphaned (2 years since the alarm / day of the crash)
Atlas' Dream - The Journey (6 months since the crash)
PJ (6 months since the crash)
Fissure (3 years since the alarm/ 1 year since the crash)
Exodus - 1 year since crash
Pallas' Dream - The Mammoth (13 months since the crash)
Aegeus' Gift (13 months since the crash)
Atlas Abandoned (14 months since the crash)
Progress (17 months since the crash)
Camp Tesla (18 months since the crash)
Promotion (2 years since the crash)
The Crash Site (2 years since the crash)
Ghost Stories (2 years since the crash)
Invasion (3 years since crash)
Rule #3 (3 years since the crash)
Atlas' Dream - The Future (3 years, 2 months since the crash)
Focus (3.5 years since the crash)

Camp Wellspring (9 months since the crash)

19 2 0
By Bryan_Belanger

Atlas yawned, stretched, and swung his legs over the edge of his bed. There was no sign of AGS-9 in the cave. It must have been out surveying again, which didn't bother Atlas like it used to. Atlas started his morning exercise routine with some push-ups in the section of the cave he had lined with leaves and sand to provide a bit more comfort than the bare rock offered.

Atlas had been living in paradise compared to the conditions they first faced on this planet. Even with the luxurious hollow tree-stump dwellings they had found a few of on their journey, Camp Wellspring was a class above. Atlas was happy enough when they first got there 3 months ago, sleeping on the hard rock floor, breathing cool butane-free air, and feeling safe from the forest-dwelling rats that had ambushed them while he slept in the past. Since then, they had done a lot to make the camp more homely. Atlas made himself a bed out of logs, rocks, and sand he gathered and hauled back up from the forest floor. It felt as good to sleep on that as he could remember his bad back home on the space station. AGS-9 had fashioned a permanent fire pit out by the edge of the cave, protected from the rain, but out enough for the smoke to drift away. With a lack of the naturally occurring butane at their camp, the fire pit relied more heavily on sticks and logs, of which they had a huge stockpile collected against one of the walls of the cave.

Their campfires produced an unexpected byproduct. Since the wood from the metallic hybrid trees was only partially combustible, the wood would eventually burn away, but the metal would just heat up, leaving hot, malleable alloy behind. Using AGS-9's resistance to heat and fire, they were able to create many tools this way. They had made buckets, knives, forks, shovels, hatchets, cups and plates, reinforcements for the structures they'd built in the campsite, and whatever else they could think of. Atlas even made a sign for Camp Wellspring that he proudly displayed at the mouth of the cave. 'Beware of AGS-9,' was jokingly written on it. Mounted on a custom-made rack by Atlas' bed was AGS-9's left arm. He didn't need it anymore, having fashioned multiple clubs out of tree-metal, but it wasn't something he planned on leaving behind anytime soon. It represented survival against overwhelming odds and was one of the only reasons Atlas had made it to Camp Wellspring at all. He was sure that it could come in handy again someday- especially since AGS-9 had explained that the metal he was comprised of was much stronger than any of the naturally occurring metal they had seen on Planet Demeter.

What Atlas was most thankful for was the rain filtration system they created, which caught rainwater as it fell just outside of the cave, filtered it through a bunch of sand, and sent clean drinking water dripping into one of several makeshift buckets just inside the cave.

"You need to flatten your back more," AGS-9 entered the cave out of nowhere with advice as Atlas did push-ups. Atlas was amazed at how well the android could function, including climbing sheer rock walls, with only one arm. They were still discovering things about each other and Atlas enjoyed being able to surpass the android's expectations during his training. AGS-9 had started Atlas on an exercise regimen once they stockpiled enough meat to provide Atlas with calories he needed to train.

Speaking of meat, they had also recently discovered a new life form on the far side of the mountains. These were much larger than the rats and the meat they yielded could sustain Atlas for several days. They weren't overly aggressive, didn't make deafening electronic whining noises like the rats did, and didn't fight in huge packs. The biggest problem with these beasts- 'rhinos,' as Atlas decided to call them- was that they were nearly impossible to take down. Their metallic hide was virtually impenetrable by any of the weapons forged from the tree metal. They spooked easily, too, so even getting in an attempt was a challenge. Only AGS-9 was able to kill them so far by staying perfectly still for hours until one was close and spearing its neck with his hand, which had long since lost its skin layer and now revealed slightly worn metal.

Atlas straightened his back, finished his push-ups, and moved into squats and sit-ups. He went through the entire workout in awkward silence while AGS-9 spent the whole time quietly analyzing him.

"How do you feel?" AGS-9 asked when Atlas was finished, taking a drink of water.

"Fine. Good," he said.

"Good, get your pack together, I have something to show you," AGS-9 instructed before heading back out to the clearing below from where they always started their local adventures. They had been surveying the land ahead for a couple months and getting a feel for the land around them in case of emergencies. Lately, though, AGS-9 had taken it upon itself to go further and further out in search of new discoveries.

Atlas got his pack together. It was basic: a large pouch with a sling made from the hide of several rats with some meat rations inside, some basic emergency tools like knives or hammers, and an extra belt around his waist to holster a couple homemade hatchets. Atlas also had a rat-hide hat he'd made himself with long flaps to divert rain, should he get caught in any. He chugged the rest of the water from one of the buckets, placed it under the spout of the water filtration system, and headed down the side of the cliff to meet the android.

Once outside, AGS-9 led Atlas out beyond the mountains in the direction they had been going before they found Camp Wellspring. Atlas had much more energy these days so they took off at a running pace. After a few hours and a few unexpected turns Atlas was no longer familiar with the area.

"We walk from here. Try to stay quiet," said AGS-9. Atlas complied and they started walking. It wasn't long before they found themselves on a cliff's edge. Below them was a small lake hidden by the surrounding trees.

"A lake! Wow! Do you think the water is clean? You know- drinkable?"

"It may be, Atlas, but that's not why we're here. This could...actually take a while. Get comfortable," AGS-9 was starting to sound a little too cryptic, but Atlas trusted it enough to know not to ask any questions. He went prone, on his stomach, giving himself a good view of the small valley below. Whatever AGS-9 wanted him to see would happen eventually.

Atlas was woken by the familiar smell of rain. Luckily the spot they had chosen was under some thick tree cover, so they didn't have to move. As the rain picked up, Atlas flashed a toothy grin at AGS-9 and nodded towards the lake. He had never seen this before- the raindrops were peppering the large body of water and the sounds of their quiet splashes were bouncing off the rocky walls of the valley.

"I never thought I'd say this here...but this is great," Atlas laughed at AGS-9, who joined him. In a strange way, Atlas was perfectly content. The smell of rain, the peace of watching the lake below, and the camaraderie of his android ally were all he needed to forget his troubles in that moment.

"It's pretty good," said AGS-9, "but that's not why we're here. Watch that path that leads down to the water on the other side." Atlas watched, and almost on cue he saw a small horde of rats stroll down to the water's edge and just sort of...walk into it. He scrunched his face, but his eyes widened when the lake lit up with countless glowing lights from where the rats were now underwater. It was the same blue and green colors that made up the marks on their stomachs. Steam or smoke- Atlas couldn't be sure- started rising from the water. He looked at AGS-9 for answers. "Just watch." Atlas watched, but he couldn't really make sense of anything for another 20 minutes, when the first one emerged. It was a rhino. Had the rhino been hiding underwater the whole time?

"Are they fighting down there, Aegeus?" Another emerged and trotted up the hill, dripping wet and steaming, its metallic hide glistening. There were no rats leaving the water.

"No, not fighting," AGS-9 turned to Atlas, "evolving." Atlas watched on in wonderment. As more and more of the rats emerged as rhinos, the intensity of the activity under the water subsided until the last rhino left. "You just watched an entire generation of one species evolve into another one in less than a half hour. Pretty crazy, huh?"

"Uh, yeah!" laughed Atlas. They stayed there for a while to talk about what they'd seen. Atlas figured AGS-9 was just making sure he understood everything. At Atlas' request, they stayed at their vantage point until another group of rats came by and went through the evolution process as well. It was just as incredible.

Eventually, once Atlas finished the meat he had brought with him, he and AGS-9 agreed it was time to head back to camp. They got up and turned to leave, but something caught Atlas' eye as he glanced back over his shoulder. The last newly minted rhinos were making their exit up the path away from the lake, but a lone rhino, separate from the others, rounded the corner and was heading down towards the water.

"Aegeus, have you seen this before?" The android turned to watch what Atlas was watching.

"No! It looks like we may be about to see a third species of wildlife, Atlas. Good eye!" They waited with bated breath for what felt like ages. The lone rhino went into the water and was met with the same glowing, smoking, and what looked like boiling that the rats caused when they went in. What emerged, though, was something much different. Atlas jumped back when something leapt out of the water. It was about the size of the rhino, but maybe a little larger. It stood on two powerful hind legs and had sharp metal fins protruding from all over its body. It ran up the hill when the other creatures would have all walked. It vanished into the woods.

"Th...that didn't look friendly," said Atlas.

"I think it may be time to leave Camp Wellspring and press forward, Atlas. The environment seems to grow more dangerous ahead of us and the longer we wait, the longer the others may potentially be exposed to all of this." Atlas hadn't wanted to think about leaving Camp Wellspring lately, but he knew AGS-9 was right. There was nothing to do besides wait around to die without their objective keeping the going. Atlas felt much stronger, too.

"Okay. Let's get supplies together and leave tomorrow. We should kill a rhino if we see one."

They left, talking about their plans for the next day, and after an hour they came across a rhino.

"Perfect," said Atlas.

"Do you want to try this time? I think you can do it if you use the knife in your pack." Atlas was grateful for the chance, and wanted to do something brave after cowering from the raptor-like creature he'd seen at the lake. He took out his knife and slowly approached the rhino as it noisily chewed on the side of a tree.

He was 5 steps away when the rhino discovered him, and in a spooked rage turned and charged through Atlas, ramming his leg with its head. Atlas yelled as he rolled onto the ground. AGS-9 was already dashing towards him, but the rhino had a perfect line of sight and knocked the android back as well. A second rhino charged onto the scene from the other direction, stopping right on top of Atlas.

"I can't move my leg!" As Atlas unleashed screams of pain and shock, grabbing his throbbing leg, he looked up through watery eyes. Not a foot from his face was a group of 6 glowing orange dots in front of a circle of blue and green swirls that looked just like Earth. It was the same exact design that PJ the rat-creature had, with Atlas' addition of blood. This rhino was preventing the startled one from charging him again.

"PJ? Is that you PJ!?" Atlas cried. The rhino snorted. AGS-9 was skirting the first rhino to get the new one away from Atlas when they were all distracted by an electric scream. 50 feet away from the immobilized Atlas, where the spooked rhino was preparing its next charge, the scary creature that had emerged from the lake stormed in out of nowhere and tackled it. It had vicious claws that it used to start tearing into the rhino's hide. It was screaming in pain, producing gut-wrenching otherworldly cries, unable to fight back or run. PJ bolted in the opposite direction, leaving Atlas and AGS-9 exposed. The android grabbed Atlas with his one arm and slung him over his shoulder, running forcefully back towards camp. With each step came a bump that sent more pain flying through Atlas' system. He passed out.

When Atlas came to, AGS-9 set him down and supported the limping boy as they finished the trek back to Camp Wellspring. He helped Atlas climb the rock wall and brought him water once he was lying in bed.

"We need to let your leg heal and we won't be leaving tomorrow or even a day early until you've recovered," ordered AGS-9. "By the way, why do you call that creature PJ?"

"I think it was the rat from before. The one that stopped fighting."

"Right, but why 'PJ' in particular?" AGS-9 inquired.

"Oh, well, I named the whole planet after my sister, so I figured I'd name something after my brother, too. It stands for Pallas Junior," said Atlas matter-of-factly.

"You named one of the violent, smelly, loud, obnoxious rats after your brother?"

"I..." Atlas started laughing. AGS-9 laughed with him. It was their last laugh together.

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