The Singing Bird And The Blac...

By CookieOwl

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Ally is back for her third year. Everyone is looking at her proudly. Mainly Christian and Harry. Also all the... More

Chapter 1: Rolling Beds
Chapter 2: Birthday!
Chapter 3: Hogwarts Forever
Chapter 4: Smiles
Chapter 5: You Too!
Chapter 6: What A Stronger Friendship?
Chapter 7: The Crazy Lady Has Lost It
Chapter 8: Ball P/1
Chapter 9: Ball P/2
Chapter 10: Runaway From Hermione
Chapter 11: Professor Lupin's Classes
Chapter 13: I, Ally Crouch, Beheaded Thou Harry Potter...
Chapter 14: Fourth year Malfoy
Chapter 15: Quiditch Match
Chapter 16: More Classes?
Chapter 17: Christmas Hogsmead
Chapter 18: Professor Lupin's Class...
Chapter 19: Ditching and Murder
Chapter 20: We Are Fine!
Fourth Book is Out

Chapter 12: New Style and Sirius Black

987 31 4
By CookieOwl

Alex's POV-
Ally and I were bored of our rooms. Ally wished away both of our canopy beds and the ugly wall paper. She did it for Hermione's and Ginny's too. She plopped a canopy wooden bed for me and a plush bed frame for her. Then she placed white covers that had wrinkles and gray blanket on hers.  Then she put grey covers on mine that were like folded stripes.
"Hey Alex, What if Harry name was Harold?"
"No one would go near him."
"What if Hermione name was Her?"
"What if Ron name was Ronald. Opps his name is Ronald."
"What a friend you are."
"Well you better be."
She put a grey wood bed frame for Ginny. She also put a black bed frame for Hermione, that had selves. Then she flicked on backgrounds. Mine was as if you were looking up at the sky in the woods. Ginny's was paris, Hermione's was the midnight sky. Ally's was a painted tree. She added a few pillows to hers like a bird in a cage. Then she put those light up letters above our beds. Each one was the first letter of our names. Then she placed a magical and muggle globe in Hermione's bed frame. She placed desks for all of us. Mine was made of a very light tan wood. Ally's looked similar but hers was made of almost grey wood. Ginny's was made of dark finished wood and had blue selves underneath it. Hermione's was old fashion with white painted wood. She placed pictures in picture frames above our desks. Hers was a edited picture of a humming bird. Mine was a painted colorful fox with no facial things (eyes, mouth,) and was pretty. Hermione's her cat. Ginny's was a white dog. Ally soon placed lamps on the desks. Hers was a pretty yellow lamp. Mine was green and looked like a vase with a lamp shade. Ginny's was kind of old fashion and was bronze. Hermione's was like Ginny's but it was more like a silver. Hermione's covers were grey. Ginny's were blue, orange, and white. The the chairs for our desks came next. Mine was an office chair and was white. Ally's was a plush blue chair with wheels at the bottom like mine. Ps they all had wheels. Ginny's was grey office chair. Hermione's was black and had curves twisting around with a white cushion. Last but not least, was the lighting. Ally's was three colorful bird cages. Mine was a small chandler inside a bronze ball. Ginny's was light that looked kind of like they were in jars. Hermione's was different shaped lights with glass around them. (The picture of Hermione's and Ginny's new side of the dorm is in the next chapter). Once Ally was finished the boys burst through the door. It was almost night.
"Ally, Alex," Harry screamed, "Come on, you missed dinner and the lady in the painting has been attacked by Sirius Black."
Who the heck is Sirius Black, maybe he is a man from a different black family. Maybe that was just a coincidence. Anyways Liam dragged me and Harry dragged Ally to the great hall where everyone else was waiting for us in their sleeping bags. Ally and I ate lunch but we had no dinner.
My stomach growled. So did Ally's.
"God. When was the last time you guys ate?" Hermione asked.
"" I said.
Hermione rolled her eyes.
"Why in the world did you miss dinner?"
"Because we were workin-" Ally cut me off.
"Because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, not dinner." Ally said.
When Hermione wasn't looking she gave me a wink. That meant it was going to be a surprise. I just hope our new room space will not get trashed by this Sirius Black.
A/N Remember, Alex doesn't know that Sirius Black is her father. Only Ally knows at Hogwarts other than the staff. Good night my view viewers.
(Ps my nicknames for y'all is purple minions, view viewers, and cookie owlets. Don't judge view viewers okay.)

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