Chapter 1: Rolling Beds

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Ally's POV-
On Private Drive I heard squealing and screaming. I looked through my window to see Harry's aunt, Marge, floating in the air. I knew the second his aunt came that I should pack. After that kiss in the chamber we've been great friends even though it's awkward sometimes. I dragged my trunk and fluffy down the stairs to see Mimi (grandma). I told her what I was doing and she let me go after telling me to be safe. I dragged my trunk against the concrete when I bumped into Harry.
"Ouch!" he said rubbing his head.
"Ow! I'm so sorry!" I said. I think I saw his eyes brighten. I heard a crunch of a stick as I turned to a bush and yelped in surprise. Harry turned around to see the dog.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"Yup!" I said popping the 'p', "Just surprised." We looked up to see the dog gone. A three or two tower purple bus stopped right where we were.
"What are you doing on the ground?" I man said. I just noticed I was on the ground and so was Harry.
"Fell over." He said simply. He helped me up.
"Welcome to the night bus!" the man said. He grabbed our trunks and brought them in. We stepped into the bus. It had beds scattered everywhere, a shiny chandelier. It had bright yellow walls. We sat down on a bed as did the man who sat on the bed in front of us. On the back of the news paper he was reading had a man with curly black hair. He was screaming. It said up top of the photo, 'SIRIUS BLACK ESCAPED ASKAZBAN!' I was surprise when I read it. Wait! Alex's name is Alex Black. It couldn't be..
All the sudden the train move and so did the beds. I landed on top of Harry. He stared up at me. Dang! Veela powers. If you don't know I'm half Veela. We both leaned in but the bed rolled and I fell on the floor. Oh my god! Really? The the bus squished it's self so it fell like being sucked into a flat tube. I think about my huge crush on Harry for some reason. I'm never going to tell him, though. I doubt that he'd have feelings for me, a clumsy, crazy, know-it-all, girl.
I'm just happy we are friends. The flat tube that was sucking me stopped and I rolled over, again, and fell into Harry's lap.
"I know you love me but could you please stop rolling onto me." he said. Dang! It was the stupid Veela powers! He doesn't like me! ;( 😢 I need him. I zoned out for the rest of the trip on the opposite of Harry so I wouldn't roll into him again. We finally made it to the Leaky Cauldron Harry was dragged by the ear as a witch asked me if I wanted a room.
"Yes please. A single bed, bedroom. Thank you." I said as I fished out ten galleons. I handed her them as she showed me to my room. It was slightly dusty and worn but I can clean it up, muggle style! I wandered until I found a broom closet. I grabbed a broom, a dust pan, a duster, a box of wipes and new bed sheets. I loved the new bed sheets, they had bright green peacock feathers all over it. If you haven't known me for at least a year, I'm into peacock anything except clothes, (unless it's jewelry). After I cleaned up the room I laid on the bed and looked up. I wish Alex was here....
Just then there was a knock. I opened the door to see my wish.
"Alex! Funny-" I started.
"Yeah, yeah. I bet you wished I was here cause I'm awesome and have an awesome boyfriend. I came here magically, except there is no such thing as magic. Oh wait! We are witches DUH!" Alex stated.
"How did you know?" I said then fake gasped.
"I know you." she said then mocked me by doing a fake gasp. I told her about almost me and Harry kissing. At the end she had a smirk on her face. Oh no! Here it comes.
"Ya want to play truth or dare?" she asked. I nodded my head.
"Truth or dare." she asked.
I thought about it. Either way was bad with Alex.
"Dare." I said.
"I dare you to prank Harry with something to do with waking him up at one. Then sing Baby."
Yes! Now I have a reason for that one!

Twelve forty A.M.
I pull on a loose tank top that said 'Cute but Psycho', black flats, blue flower earrings, and jean shorts. I pulled the top of my hair back and put it into a braid. It was mixes of blue today. I wonder when I can fly again with Hermione and Alex? Anyway I go to the broom closet again and grab a bucket. I go into the kitchen and find where the ice is. Then I went to the sink and filled it up. I rushed as fast as I could with out knocking out water. I creep into his room and dump the bucket of water onto him. He shoots up and finds himself wet. He sees me and the bucket and chases me.
As we run around the room I sing, "I know you love me, I know you care,
Just shout whenever and I'll be there,
You are my love, you are my heart,
And we will never ever ever be apart!" He asked me, "When are you into Justin Bieber?" (I honestly don't care if I spelled that wrong. Sorry but I was never really a Justin fan..)
"I'm not!" I said as I ran around his bed. He looked happy. Strange.
So guys this chapter was 989 words! I hope you guys enjoyed. Btw the most words I've made in a chapter is like 3,000 something.

The Singing Bird And The Black Dog *A Harry Potter Love Story* B3 |Completed|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ