Project Santa

By Guardian_Scion

365 0 0

Comet works for the Director of a secret government agency in the United States. She and her team aren't norm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

24 0 0
By Guardian_Scion

Comet walked swiftly down the hallway. She couldn't believe what the Director was making her do. What was she thinking? How was she supposed to work with a total stranger? Frustration and annoyance bubbled beneath Comet's skin. A voice called from behind her but she didn't catch what it said. A hand on her shoulder stopped her. "Comet, I said wait up." She looked up and saw Dasher. A tingling spread across Comet's body from where his hand touched her shoulder.
"Oh, sorry, Dasher. I didn't hear you," Comet apologized.
Dasher chuckled. "This coming from the girl with super hearing."
Comet sniffed. "I was distracted. I have a lot on my mind."
"Like what?" Dasher asked.
"The Director just gave me a new partner," Comet said.
Dasher raised an eyebrow. "Are they genetically modified like us?"
Comet shook her head. "No, it's Agent Rose."
"Huh? That doesn't make any sense." Dasher listed his head. "I'm sure they paired you with the youngest agent in the agency for a reason, though. The Director knows what she's doing."
Comet furrowed her brow. "Dasher, she said it was because Agent Rose has been reckless and needs a babysitter."
"She didn't really use those words, did she?" Dasher smiled.
Comet rolled her eyes. "She practically did."
A small laugh. "Don't worry, Comet. If anyone can babysit a 20 year old secret agent, it's you." He walked off down the hall. Comet huffed. What did he know? This was ridiculous. Rose wouldn't be able to keep up with her. She'd only slow Comet down.
Comet went to her room. Since there were only three female Project Santa agents they were all in the same room. Vixen and Blitzen were already in there. The room was large enough to accommodate the three of them comfortably. They sat on Blitzen's bed talking. When Comet came in their conversation halted.
"Please, don't let me interrupt," Comet said.
Blitzen smiled. "You're not interrupting, Comet. We were done talking anyway."
Comet shrugged. She sat down on her bed on the opposite side of the room. "I'm going to bed." Comet laid down without even bothering to change clothes and zonked out.

The next morning the Director called Comet back to her office. Agent Rose was already there sitting in the same chair as the day before. The Director sat behind her large mahogany desk. Papers and file folders littered it's surface. There were no photos or anything personal in the entire office. The only thing that wasn't work related was a miniature statue of a wolf sitting on the corner of her desk. It had it's head raised in a howl.
The Director gestured for Comet to take the seat beside Rose. Reluctantly, she sat. "You two have never been on a mission together. So there's bound to be an adjustment period. Your first mission is a simple one. There is a man by the name of Mason Nixon. He is a high priority target. He is the leader of a large black market in Philadelphia.
"Your job is to go there, locate Nixon, and report back to me. No action should be taken under any circumstances." The Director shot a look at Rose. "Understood?"
"Yes ma'am," Rose said.
"Yes ma'am," Comet echoed.
"Good," the Director picked up a piece of paper. "Dismissed."
The two of them walked from the office together. In the hall Comet turned to head towards the hanger but stopped when Rose grabbed her arm. Comet looked at her. "What?"
Rose gave her a hard look. "I know that you're not used to working with others. And I've never worked with any of you." Comet knew she was referring to the Project Santa agents. "But I'd really appreciate it if we could get along for the time being. The Director's been on my ass for weeks now and I'd rather not give her any more reasons to be mad at me."
Comet looked Rose up and down. "You got it." Then she turned and headed towards the hanger.
Comet could hear Rose trailing behind her. The two of them reached the hanger. It was a large warehouse like building. It held two helicopters and a jet. The ceiling opened up for take off.
Comet walked over to a group of men standing by one of the helicopters. One was dressed in a piolet's uniform. All the men straitened abruptly when Comet came over. She looked at the piolet. "You our piolet?" The man nodded. "Then get in. We're leaving." She pointed to the helicopter. The man nodded again then got into the cockpit. The other men walked away whispering to each other. Comet could hear what they were saying but it wasn't anything she hadn't heard before. None of the normal agents liked Project Santa. They thought tampering with a person's genetics was wrong. But it's what made the Project Santa agents so successful. Each of them had their own special modifications. Comet had enhanced senses and could detect when a person was lying. Dasher had extraordinary healing abilities. They all had a special talent except Donar. Comet and Donar were special cases. They gave Comet two abilities and Donar none to see if it affected our performances. Comet thought that Donar was better off without a special ability. All the Project Santa agents had enhanced strength, speed, and stamina. But Donar didn't seem to need anything more.
A clearing of someone's throat interrupted Comet's thoughts. She looked up and saw Rose sitting in the helicopter already strapped in. She motioned for her to get in as well. Comet sighed internally and got in.

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