Chapter 2

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Agent Rose sat in front of the Director. She had been in the agency for two years and she'd never had to speak with the Director alone. Her father had always been with her. Sadly, he'd died on a mission a few months ago. Rose knew it wasn't anyone's fault, but she couldn't stop the twinge of anger she felt towards the Director for sending him on the mission in the first place.
"Agent Rose, you know that completing your objective is the most important thing in any mission, correct?" The Director asked.
Rose thought about not saying anything but thought better of it. "Yes ma'am."
"And you also know your reckless behavior on your latest mission is inexcusable." She glared down at Rose.
"Yes ma'am," Rose deadpanned.
The Director's gaze hardened. "Emily, I know you're still grieving for the loss of Phillip. But you're putting the lives of others agents in danger when you don't follow protacol."
"With all due respect, ma'am," Rose began. "You don't understand what I had with my father. And his death has nothing to do with my behavior."
The Director leaned back in her chair. "Then do please enlighten me on your reasons."
Rose opened her mouth to respond but a knock at the door cut her off. The Director looked up at the door behind Rose. "Come in," she called. Rose twisted in her seat to see who entered.
Agent Comet, one of the special Project Santa agents, came inside. She had a folder in her hand. The Director looked pleased. "Ah, Agent Comet, lovely to see you. I suspect your mission was a success?"
Comet nodded respectfully. "Yes ma'am. I have the documents here." She handed the Director the folder. Comet stood near Rose's chair. She never looked down at her, just kept her eyes forward, hands behind her back.
The Director leafed through the folder. She nodded. "Excellent work, Agent Comet. You and your team did a great job." Her gaze shot to Rose. Something seemed to light up in her eyes. The Director split her lips in a dazzling smile. "I've just had marvelous idea." She clapped her hands together. "Agent Comet, meet your new partner, Agent Rose."
Comet did look down at Rose then. Rose stared right back. Partners? But no one ever worked with the Project Santa agents. Comet looked just as shocked as Rose felt.
She glanced back at the Director. "Ma'am, I mean no offense, but are you sure that's a good idea?"
The Director was still smiling. "It's a fantastic idea! Agent Rose has shown that she needs someone to give her order. And who is more orderly than you, Agent Comet?"
Comet clenched her hands harder behind her back. "You make a compelling argument, ma'am." Comet turned towards Rose and held out a hand. "I look forward to working with you, Agent Rose."
Rose's eyes widened. She stood and shook Comet's hand. "Likewise."
Comet clenched her teeth. She turned back to the Director. "Ma'am, there is one more thing I came to report."
"What is it?" She asked.
Comet returned to her neutral look. Back straight, hands behind her, eyes forward. "Agents Dasher, Cupid, Donar, and Vixen were delayed in their return due to slight complications."
The Director cocked her head. "What kind of complications?"
"Agent Donar was forced to engage a guard in combat. The guard was injured severely."
The Director just nodded. "Alright, as long as Dasher was there the guard will be fine."
Rose was supremely confused. A civilian was severely injured and the Director just brushed it away? That didn't make any sense. And she'd said that as long as Dasher was there it was fine. How does one agent being on the scene make a difference? Did Agent Dasher have medical training?
"Of course, ma'am," Comet was saying.
The Director waved a hand at the door. "You're both dismissed."
Comet immediately turned and walked from the room. Rose followed closely behind. She closed the Director's office door and turned to ask Comet what Dasher had to do with anything. But Comet had already walked away leaving Rose alone in the hallway.

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