Vesta's Child (Discontinued)

By Wolph-Flow

495K 10.4K 6.4K

Percy Jackson was made from the hearth, Vesta and Neptune had to keep him a secret so they sent him away to k... More

Son of Vesta
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Sorry but I'm fed up with it.
Q/A Answers

Chapter 17

17.5K 352 129
By Wolph-Flow

So Lupa took the potion, just like that?" A hooded woman asked,

The eight year old shrugged,"Yes, but I betrayed her." The eight year old looked at the ground sadly while the woman rolled her eyes.

The eight year old glared at her,"I have done what you've asked! I've fulfilled my debt to you."

The woman clucked her tongue,"Why so angry? Percy is now a praetor as he should be."

The girl looked furious,"I wanted him to earn the title of praetor not have some stupid potion trick Lupa." The woman's eyes narrowed at the girl and she towered over her.

The girl glared up at her defiantly and the woman scoffed,"I needed to speed up the process, have you not seen his fighting skills? He did earn that title and you have not payed off your debt to me. You owe me far more then a short mission, I have created a roman prodigy and you have sold your soul to me. Even you should know that you have sold your soul to someone far worse then Pluto himself." The girl slumped and looked at the ground in remorse and anger.

"And what if I choose to stop helping you?" The girl growled and the woman laughed at her. The girl looked at the woman questionably, she was nervous at the woman's laugh and her neck hairs stood on end.

"You honestly think you can stop paying off such a large debt? You are funny, if you even think of breaking our deal I will destroy him, I helped create him and I can tear him down just as easily." She sneered cruelly and the girl looked at her in horror as tears blurred her eyes. She couldn't imagine life without Percy, he was the best thing that ever happened to her. Diana, Apollo, Pluto, and the hunters would be crushed if he died. Percy was her little boy and she would not let him die, he meant the world to her, he was her pride and joy, he made her so happy as he grew up into the perfect young man.

"Hecate, please do not harm him. I will pay off my debt, just leave Percy out of this." The girl pleaded and Hecate smirked at her before patting her head as if she was a dog.

"I thought you would say that, he is after all your only child. Vesta, there is a council meeting you must attend. I will call upon you once I require your charming services." She spoke down to the hearth goddess in a demeaning way and Vesta nodded numbly before giving her a look of confusion.

"Won't Lupa realize he is a praetor tomorrow? Won't she be angry and confused?" Vesta asked and Hecate sighed impatiently while tapping her foot.

"Yes but she won't think a thing of it once you give her and the senate this tomorrow, Percy must win those votes." Hecate conjured a yellow potion and handed it to Vesta,"And we do not know if she'll even be able to think a thing of it...might want to get to that meeting soon Vesta. I'd hate to see you depressed once your son is splattered all over the walls of the throne room." Hecate chided and smirked at the hearth goddess's face of rage. Vesta vanished in flames and Hecate laughed maniacally before vanishing as well.

Percy stood in the throne room beside Diana, Apollo, and Zoe. He glared at the king of the gods as Jupiter glared at them as well.

"Diana, Apollo! You two have been hiding this forbidden child!" Jupiter bellowed angrily, the godly twins glowered at their father.

"Father he was five when we found him! He was alone and he's part of my hunt now!" Artemis snarled as her silver eyes began to glow. Percy grabbed Zoe's hand and squeezed it reassuringly before dropping it and stepping towards the king of the gods.

"Jupiter, if anyone is to be punished it is me. My very existence is wrong, do what you wish with me but leave my siblings Diana and Apollo, who are also your children, out of this. And leave Zoe alone, she hasn't done anything wrong." Percy spoke with a firm voice and stepped in front of his siblings and Zoe. Jupiter's eyes widened comically before he pulled out his master bolt. Zoe stared at her boyfriend in horror as he sacrificed himself for them, she snatched his hand and glared at him for being so selfless. She didn't want him to die for her, she wasn't worth it. He was her boyfriend and she loved him, he had done nothing wrong and neither has Diana or Apollo.

"Siblings!" He boomed, "You two have made this death spawn your brother? He is a disgrace!" Jupiter roared and the twins stood by Percy again, his eyes burst into flames at being called death spawn. Neptune eyed his brother warily and clutched his trident tightly.

"Brother, I don't see how punishing them will be productive." Neptune said calmly but was concerned for Percy's safety.

Juno nodded in agreement,"Neptune is right, what is done is done. No one is in the wrong, you are overreacting as usual." Jupiter fixed his glare on his wife and brother, Percy smiled at Juno for defending him and gave Neptune a curt nod of appreciation.

"Overreacting? My own children have betrayed me and now you join the demigod as well! I will make him suffer!" Apollo's body started to glow a golden color as he fought to contain his divine form.

"If you touch my brother I will side with the Titans!" Apollo screamed and the room erupted in gasps. Diana put a hand on both of her brothers shoulders and glared at Jupiter with silver eyes that began to glow as well. Percy was surprised that Apollo and Diana would go to that extent just to ensure his safety.

"I will join Apollo as well if you touch my little brother!" Apollo and Percy smiled at their big sister and she smiled back at them. Zoe held Percy's hand and he kissed her forehead reassuringly, she smiled up at him. Jupiter lowered his bolt in confusion at his children's behavior. He had never seen them so close to each other or another demigod, yes they still argued constantly but they seemed to care for each other more. He had noticed how they seemed to stand up for each other more during council meetings or conversed calmly without it turning into a screaming match. Two flashes appeared in the room, Vesta and Pluto stood there angrily. Vesta was covered in flames while Pluto was wearing black armor and had his helm of darkness tucked under his arm.

"Touch my son and I'll kill you Jupiter!" Vesta screamed as the flames grew larger on her body. All the gods looked at Vesta wide eyed, they had never seen the peaceful goddess so angry. Zoe felt better that Pluto and Vesta were there to defend Percy as well.

"I'll throw you in Tartarus of you even think of getting rid of him! You could say hi to father for me but he is rising as we speak! Percy is the one that shall destroy him, and he is my son!" Pluto spat and Jupiter paled as his two eldest, most powerful siblings threatened him. Jupiter didn't like the idea of their father coming back alive, Percy ran to his mother and father and embraced them. He felt as though he hadn't seen his mother in forever, the flames didn't harm him as he hugged her with one arm. The other arm was around his father who wore armor that was really cold and felt awkward to hug. They hugged him back happily and Jupiter stared at the scene in shock, he had always wanted to hug Thalia like that or Jason. He wasn't mad at his siblings for threatening him, they were parents and...parents risked anything for their children. Apollo, Diana, and Zoe glared at Jupiter as if daring him to try anything.

"You all really care for him don't you?" He whispered softly, they nodded except for Pluto and Vesta who were hugging Percy while shielding him from the paranoid god. Neptune watched the scene sadly, that could of been me. He thought sadly and slumped in his throne with sadness. Vesta's fire died and Pluto smiled down at his son, they pulled away from the hug and Percy looked at the king of the gods.

"Look Jupiter, don't punish anyone but me." Jupiter just shook his head which surprised Percy.

"No, you are the child of the prophesy. Not to mention you have done nothing wrong, return to your camp. You may let everyone know of Diana and Apollo being your siblings, good luck nephew." Jupiter understood that Percy wasn't in the wrong, not to mention he didn't need four gods against him. Percy had opened his eyes, he needed to start being there for his children a little bit more.

Percy smiled widely at Jupiter,"Thank you uncle." Diana smiled at her father as did Apollo, Jupiter got out of his throne and shrunk to their size.

He stopped in front of his children and cleared his throat,"I'm sorry for being mad at you guys and Percy, I'm extremely proud of both of you." The twins smiled at their father and were happy he had left Percy alone, they were both surprised that their father had complemented them. No one else seemed to hear him except Percy, Zoe, and his parents.

"I'm so proud of you Percy, I would love to stay but I've got to go take care of some business." Vesta said the last part darkly and Percy raised an eyebrow in confusion but his mom just kissed his forehead and vanished.

Pluto stepped up to his son and smiled widely,"Saw your little fight earlier, beat all the cohorts? Good job! And uh...was that Venus girl your lady friend? She's beautiful and seems good for you." Zoe heard this and growled, Percy's eyes shot open in fear of his angry girlfriend.

"Dad-" he started but Pluto cut him off,"I can help you get her easily! Just stop by the underworld and I'll give you some pointers. At the moment I've got to go fire Minos." He snarled the last part and shadow travelled to the underworld. Percy eyed his girlfriend warily as she glared at him. He pretended he didn't notice but then looked accusingly at the wisdom goddess.

He stepped towards Minerva's throne with narrowed eyes,"Why?" He snarled and his eyes turned ablaze.

Minerva looked at the ground in shame,"I thought I would get the title goddess of battle back like I have in my Greek form." Percy just shook his head in disgust, she had put his entire family in jeopardy for a title. He then thought of how she was practically demoted to a minor goddess in Roman form.

He looked at her sadly,"You nearly destroyed my family for a title, surely we are worth more then that."

Minerva then became angry and thought he was trying to judge her,"You are lucky my father has let you live Roman, leave my presence. I am wise and you have no position to judge me." Percy glared back, her pride was taking over and it angered him.

His hands burst into flames,"Hubris, your Greek children's fatal flaw and apparently yours. You claim to be wise but you let your pride cloud your better judgement, you are truly a fool! I hold no respect for such an arrogant goddess, get over yourself." He growled and stomped away from her, she stood up in rage but Neptune leveled his trident at her neck.

"Leave him be." The sea god snarled and Minerva glared at him but didn't move. Percy walked over to his siblings and Zoe. His hands weren't on fire anymore but he was still angered by Minerva.

Zoe narrowed her eyes at him as he approached them,"Are you trying to die?" She asked which made Percy chuckle. He was still jumpy by today's events, he hugged his siblings tightly.

"Thank you." He murmured, he was touched that they had cared so much for him. Diana and Apollo just smiled at their brother. They would do anything for him.


"We are here today to see if the senate agrees with Perseus Jackson being a praetor." Reyna said as Percy stood there in excitement, he was standing tall and grinning like a fool.

"Who agrees that Percy should be co praetor?" She questioned and all hands raised, Percy frowned in confusion. He surely did not get all votes, he looked closer at some of the senate and saw their eyes glazed over, something is wrong. He thought nervously, Reyna smiled at him which he shakily returned. Octavian walked forward and tattooed S.P.Q.R onto his wrist and put Pluto over it. His wrist stung but he ignored it, he looked at Octavian who hadn't uttered a word which was unusual for him. His eyes were glassy and stared at nothing as he walked away, Percy frowned and looked at Reyna who looked normal and happy. She handed him a purple cape that had gold on the shoulders,

"Percy Jackson the praetor from cohort four!" She bellowed and the senate clapped, he looked at them again and they seemed fine as if nothing happened. Something weird was going on and he didn't know what. The cape went to the back of his knees and it felt soft, he liked it. He had picked the fourth cohort because Hazel was in it, also because he loved wolves. Wolves were apparently the fourth cohorts animal, he didn't really like the other cohorts. Piper was great but she had an insufferable son of Bacchus in her cohort that he detested, Jason was his friend but family always comes first, and he didn't want to be stuck with Octavian in the first cohort. He wanted to see Diana and the hunt, specifically Zoe though he knew the two couldn't be a couple in public.

Reyna noticed that Percy was zoning out and she snapped her fingers in front of his face,"Percy?" His green eyes looked at her and he smiled at her.

"Sorry, I just really got to go see Diana today." He said happily and hoped she would let him go see her. He could finally act like a family with the hunt again and he was going to hang out with them all the time, he missed his time in the hunt though its only been two days. He missed Phoebe messing around with him, Thalia electrocuting him, Grace playing piggy back ride with him, Zoe kissing...slapping him.

Reyna raised her eyebrows in surprise and concern,"Wait, are you in trouble with them? Does Diana want to turn you into a animal?"

He chuckled at her concern before resting his hands on her shoulders,"I'll be fine, just got to go see some family." He ran to go find the hunters leaving a confused Reyna. Percy saw Diana waiting with the hunters just outside the senate house.

Phoebe looked at him teasingly,"Congrats praetor, must I now call you lord and grovel at your feet?"

Percy chuckled,"Kiss my boot peasant!" She snorted and rolled her eyes at him. Percy remembered the senators and uneasiness crept into him, he was about to bring it up but Grace jumped on his back.

"Let's play piggy back ride!" Grace squealed and Percy laughed before he started to run around. Campers stopped and stared at the two in shock, Percy playing with a young hunter. He heard the sound of metal hitting each other and he frowned.

He put her down and gave her a stern look,"Did you steal anything at this camp?"

She feigned and innocent look,"Of course not Percy! Your my big brother and you taught me stealing is wrong!" He looked at her expectantly, she sighed and emptied out her pockets. Money, knives, wallets, a necklace, and rings. Percy glared at her but knew it was in her nature as a daughter of Hermes.

She smiled up at him,"I love you Percy, your the best big brother ever!" She hugged him and he sighed, he was such a sucker for Grace. He hugged her back then pulled away and looked at Thalia.

She glared at him,"What are you looking at?"

He stepped towards her so they were toe to toe,"Your face!" He answered and glared back. Thalia chuckled before giving her cousin a hug, she was surprised that he had gotten such a high position so fast, there was something wrong.

Before she could speak up Percy said,"Man I've missed the hunt." Diana chuckled and pat his back since he was to tall for her to pat his head.

"The hunts missed you too, right girls?"

There was some grumbling until Zoe spoke up,"Nope." The hunters laughed while Percy glared at her and she glared back. He relaxed and slung an arm around her shoulder.

"Ya, I know you missed me." He said making Zoe blush lightly, Phoebe and Thalia snickered at her face while Diana stifled a laugh. Zoe gave him a sharp elbow to the ribs and his arms immediately dropped from her shoulder to his aching ribs.

He frowned at her,"A simple 'get off me' would of sufficed." He said as he hugged himself. Thalia and Phoebe erupted into more laughter along with Diana.

Zoe smirked at him,"But that wouldn't be any fun." Zoe started to laugh as well.

Percy glared at all the hunters that were laughing at him,"Laugh it all up now you old bats, but I'll be laughing once I watch you take out your dentures and you start walking with canes!" He spat and froze once he saw all the hunters glaring at him.

Grace started laughing,"Percy called you all old!" He shot her a look of desperation and fear as she antagonized the situation. The hunters surrounded him and he shadow travelled to the coliseum. He wasn't sure why he was here but it seemed to be the best place to be. He stood in the middle of the arena and looked around, he felt something strange stir through him. A woman appeared, she was pretty and had long blonde hair, her lips were a blood red and her eyes were green like Greek fire. She wore dark robes and had on black heels.

She walked up to him and grabbed his chin, she started to examine him and he realized he couldn't move. "W-what have you done to me?" He asked while she continued examining him.

The woman laughed and gave him a pat on the cheek,"I'm not here to harm you demigod, I am Hecate and I need you to do me a favor." His eyes widened, Hecate was the Greek goddess of darkness and sorcery, he knew she was crafty and evil.

He glared at her,"What favor? Why are you not in your Roman form as Trivia?" He questioned angrily.

She laughed,"I prefer Hecate to Trivia, though I don't mind be called Queen of the ghost. I need you to go to camp Halfblood, you have a quest awaiting you." She grinned at him and she let him move again, he warily scooted away form her.

He then glared at her,"I am a Roman, though I will visit camp Halfblood I will not be thrown into their quest." He spat and Hecate glared at him murderously before he felt pain erupt in his chest. The pain was excruciating and Percy fell to his knees as agony ate away at him from the inside. He refused to scream, refused to show weakness. He only sat on his knees while he felt as though he was being destroyed from the inside. He grit his teeth and clenched his fist, sweat ran down his face as he fought to keep from yelling.

Hecate smirked and stroked his cheek,"Yes you are very strong, you know the pain you are feeling right now? Imagine me using it on the hunters...imagine me using it on Zoe," His eyes snapped to her face and he glared at her, he didn't want Zoe to feel this pain."All this can be avoided if you just do the quest." He was in to much pain to pull away from her as she continued to stroke his cheek.

"F-f-fine." He said in shuttered breaths as the pain intensified. She smiled and the pain left him. He fell to the floor gasping, he was relieved to no longer endure such torture for it felt worse the holding the sky. He shakily stood up breathing heavily, his chest felt like a weight had been lifted. Magic, the senate looked like emotionless robots...Hecate.

"Now be a good boy and get to camp Halfblood." Hecate said cheerfully.

Percy stopped her from disappearing,"Why is it so important to you? The did that to them. You made me praetor by magic!" He accused and felt as though his honor had just been stripped from him, he had not earned it, he was given it as though it was a Christmas present.

She laughed gleefully,"I didn't give it to them, yes I made the potion but someone else did the dirty work for me. And why your so needed for camp Halfblood is my business." She hissed the last part.

Percy glared at her defiantly,"Who! I didn't want the position handed to me I wanted to work for it, to fight for it." He growled and his hands burst into flames along with his eyes.

Hecate chuckled,"Why don't you ask one of the goddesses, the one who abandoned you at that orphanage when you were a baby." His eyes widened in alarm and betrayal, his mother had done this? No she couldn't of.

"Your lying! My mom would never do that! And she left me in the orphanage so Jupiter wouldn't harm me!" Percy defended his mother but felt unsure when Hecate smirked at him knowingly.

"Well she did, ask her if you don't believe me. I must be going now." She laughed again crazily before vanishing in green smoke. Percy never got to ask the one question he was dying to ask, why?

So that's a wrap. What's up guys and gals? I need ideas for my story Lord of the Eclipse so if you could send me ideas and OCs that'd be great. PEACE OUT MOONBEAMS

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