A Modern Belle

By secretwriter97

6K 105 49

Everyone's heard retellings of the princess story of Cinderella. But not everyone's heard a retelling of Beau... More

A Modern Belle
A Modern Belle Chapter 1
A Modern Belle Chapter 2
A Modern Belle Chapter 3
A Modern Belle Chapter 4
Chapter 5
A Modern Bell Chapter 6
A Modern Belle Chapter 7
Author's Note

A Modern Belle Chapter 8-- The End!

491 9 11
By secretwriter97

A/N: Hey guys, This is gonna be the last chapter in the story, so... sorry! **runs and hides** No one try to murder me! Sowwy guys! So if you want to read more of my stuff, you can read Survivor's Guilt or Just a Kiss... please read it? Anywhoo, don't forget to vote/comment/fan! And this chapter's dedication goes to soccerrox96, for making the awesome cover to this book! Luv ya all! Mika <3

------------------------------------------------One Week Before Prom------------------------------------------------

         All my friends and I were in a prom dress shop, and they had all found their perfect dresses quickly. But, I was still looking. Grr. “Hey, Callista, it's okay, maybe your dress just isn't here,” my best friend, Blake, reassured me.

“Maybe you're right, maybe it's not,” I agreed. “But can we just look through the store one more time?” I asked with my most pleading look in my eyes. Blake grinned. “Sure, Callista.” Blake and the rest of my friends went one way, and I went the other, all on my own. I carefully through the racks, but there wasn't anything I hadn't tried on. “Yah!” I exclaimed in frustration.

“Callista,” I heard Blake call my name, and she sounded as if she were in awe.

“Yeah?” I called and hurried towards where Blake's voice was coming from. She was standing in front of a gorgeous hot pink dress. “Oh, my God!” I exclaimed.

“Yeah, I know right?” Rachael asked.

“So what are you waiting for? Try it on!” Blake shrieked.

“Okay, okay!” I grinned. I took the pink dress off of the rack, and my friends and I all hustled into the dressing rooms. Blake shoved me into the first open dressing room. “Okay, go!” she screamed. I quickly stripped out of my clothes, and I slipped the dress up my body, and I gasped. “Callista, get outta there! Let us see!” Rachael whined. I unlocked the door and slowly pushed it open and walked out. There was a sharp intake of breath from everyone. “Oh, my God!” Blake was the first one to speak... as always. I slowly turned in a full circle. “Dude, that's awesome!” Emma exclaimed.

“I know!” I squealed. I looked down at the dress. Right under my chest, an upside-down triangle made of diamonds dripped off, and the dress starts getting less fitted and more... swoopy. (A/N: don't lecture me about how that's not a word, I really can't think of anything better right now! XP) At the bottom of the dress, the right side came up about a foot and layered over the left side, so there was a half foot or so slit at the bottom. It was strapless, and it definitely showed off my tan skin. My dark brown hair fell in long sheets down my back and shoulders. It had a sweetheart neckline, and I loved it. “I am so getting this,” I stated.

“You better,” Rachael and Blake said at the same time. I laughed and went back into the dressing room. I slipped the dress carefully down my body, and I hung it on its hanger like a priceless roll of silk. I put on my shorts and tank top, relieved to be into 'normal' clothes after trying so many dresses on. I walked out of the walking room with my dress in hand, and we all paid for our dresses.

After we walked out of the boutique, we all piled into Rachael's Lincoln Navigator... classy right? And Rachael drove us to our next destination... the shoe store. “I already know what I need for my dress,” I said.

“I do, too,” Blake agreed.

“I want your opinion first.”

“Fine... silver stilettos!” she exclaimed.

“My thoughts exactly!” You see, this is why Blake and I are BFF's.

“You need those stilettos, too,” said Rachael from the driver's seat.

“No kidding,” I agreed.

“Markus is such a hottie now. You're soo lucky that he likes you!” Emma threw in.

“I know,” I said, dazed. Markus was now high above me at 5' 9”. He had also grown his hair out a little more, and although his dyslexia was prominent whenever he read, you definitely couldn't tell that he had autism. He practically had the female population on their knees, and he had still picked me! I sighed out loud in happiness. Rachael glanced over at me. “What up, Callista?”

“Just thinking about how lucky I am,” I replied.

“Ah,” Rachael said and then turned the radio up, effectively ending our conversation. When we got to the shoe store, we all scrambled out and raced inside. I immediately went to the 10's and found the perfect shoes. They were shimmery and silver peeptoe stilettos. They weren't Lady Gaga glitzy, but they had some shine to them. They were also about 3” tall, making me 5'6”, only 3” shorter then Markus. “I found 'em!” I sang out.

“Me, too,” Blake said appearing from around the corner, holding a pair of simple black flats, which would compliment her already flashy purple, strapless minidress. Shoe shopping was much shorter then dress shopping, and then, Rachael dropped us all off. I ran inside and hung my dress up in the very, very back of my closet.

------------------------------------------------The Day of Prom-------------------------------------------------------

       It seemed unreal, how fast the time passed. Before I knew it, Rachael was honking her horn at me, telling me to move my butt, and then, we we were off. First, we all went to a nail salon. I got my fingernails done in a glittery pink and got a French Pedicure. Except the tips of my french pedicure were white, and dusted with silver glitter. After all our nails had dried, we all went and got our eyebrows and legs waxed (legs were mainly for Blake, who was wearing a minidress), so they looked perfect. While we were there, we got all our hair styled. My hair now fell in loose curls down my back and shoulders, and my bangs were swept to one side. Then, we headed off once again, and we all got our make-up done. I showed the lady the picture of my dress. She had me close my eyes, and soon, brushes tickled my eyelids and face. When I opened my eyes, my face was picture perfect. The lady swooped some mascara on my eyelashes, and I waited for all my friends. They all looked amazing. We all loaded back into the Navigator and drove to my house. Rachael pulled into my driveway, and she parked her SUV. As if on cue, all seven of us shrieked, and we ran into my house. I told everyone to put their dresses in my room, and we all went downstairs to find something to snack on. I found us some ice cream and dished it out to everyone. We all curled up on couches in my living room. Blake was staring down at her ice cream. “Oh, my God. I'm soo nervous!” she exclaimed.

“Eat your ice cream,” I said nodding towards it.

“Fine,” Blake said, and took a tiny bite of the vanilla ice cream. After about half-an-hour, we had all finished our ice cream, and we put all our dishes in the sink and ran up the stairs. We all made a mad dash for the bathroom, and we all bent over the sink to brush our teeth. Then, we ran into my bedroom and slammed the door shut. I twisted the lock, and we all started stripping. I went into the closet and grabbed my dress (still in the bag, mind you) and my shoes (still in box) and I squeezed my eyes shut and stepped into the dress. I sat on the edge of my bed, and slipped my feet into the heels. I positioned my curls again, and by this time, it was 7:45, almost time for our dates to come. “Oh, my God... I'm so nervous,” Rachael said. She looked stunning in a greenish-turquoise halter top dress that swept the ground and black flats. Her hair was swept up off her neck, and I consoled her. “Don't worry, you'll be fine.”

“Are you sure?” she hesitated.

“Yes! Positive!” I shrieked. “You look great! Michael is gonna LOVE you!”

“I guess so,” she said with a tiny smile as she smoothed her dress down. After all of us had spent a fair amount of time worrying and staring at our flaws in a mirror, we all headed downstairs. I passed a pack of spearmint gum around. (A/N: Note to all guy readers, this is all the work that girls go to to look great for you at prom, so I suggest that you DONT SCREW IT UP! Thanks!:) ) At around 8:15, my doorbell rung. We all shrieked and headed to the door. I led my 'pack' and unlocked the door. We all lined up against the wall as we waited for our date to come in the door. Luckily, the way we ordered it, between Markus and I, we had it perfectly arranged. Sadly, that meant Markus was last. But when I saw him, the wait was totally worth it. His red hair was tidily messy, and his green eyes were bright. “Markus!” I gasped.

“I should say the same about you,” he murmured in my ear in that low, husky voice of his. “You look gorgeous, Callista.”

“And you look handsome!” I followed. Markus leaned in, and our lips met very briefly. Markus kissed my forehead. “Okay, who's ready for prom?!?” Markus asked. We all cheered. I heard the garage door slam shut, and someone running. “Wait!” my mom screamed.

“Mom!” I exclaimed and ran to hug her.

“I want pictures of every couple!” she exclaimed, hugging me back. I laughed at her cliche-ness, but I walked over to where Markus was standing and wrapped my arm around his waist, and he had his arm around my shoulders. After mom was done being paparazzi, I ran to give her a kiss on the cheek, and she pushed us all out the front door. I gasped at what I saw. A long black limo was parked on the curb. “Markus?” I questioned him.

“The guys and I all pulled our money together and rented it for tonight because we all wanted it to be special for you girls,” he said.

“Oh my God, thank you!” I leaned up and pecked his lips.

When we pulled up to the school, lights of a disco ball were flashing, and Markus and I walked in. I had my arm around his waist, and his arm was around my shoulders. The prom theme was “A Night Under the Stars” and the gym was definitely decorated accordingly. There were black sheets painted with tiny, glimmering stars. Whoever did it, it must've taken them hours. Hit You with the Real Thing by Westlife was booming through the speakers. Markus and I danced together for hours, and shared quite a few kisses... some of which I'm afraid were caught on film. Oh, well. Soon enough, 11:30 rolled around, and they took votes for the Prom couple. Unlike other votes, it was “couple” and only existing couples were allowed to enter. “And the winner is,” my friend Stacey spoke loud and clear, “Markus Brown and Callista Parker!” The entire auditorium burst out in applause and I blushed. Markus gently took my arm and pulled me up with him towards the stage. They placed a crown on each of our heads; much to Stacey's dismay and humiliation, she had to call her much taller boyfriend to the stage to help with putting Markus' crown on. Then, the dance floor cleared, and Markus and I walked down to the deserted floor. Beauty and the Beast by Jordin Sparks started to play, and Markus hugged me tight against his chest. As we slowly danced, I realized that Markus and I were the Beauty and the Beast. I leaned my head against his shoulder and sighed in contentment. At the end of our song, everyone started to chant: “Kiss, kiss, kiss!” And so we did.

A/N: So... it's ovah! Can't believe it, but thanks to all my fans! Love you all! Vote/comment/fan! Don't murder me! :) Mika <3

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