You're the risk I'm willing t...

By BlakeM93

254K 5.9K 568

Bella is in her senior year, and she meets her new chemistry teacher, Ms. Brandon. Why does Bella feel so d... More

You're the risk I'm willing to take
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 6

10.4K 249 39
By BlakeM93

"What did I say about school girl outfits?"

Angela laughed, putting it back. It was the Saturday before the party, and we finally had free time. Alice wasn't happy when I told her that Angela knew, but once I told her that Angela wasn't going to tell anyone she seemed to accept it. The fact she was willing to cover for us, really surprised her.

"Fine. What about that?"

I shook my head, as she grumbled to herself. She point to a costume in the corner.

"A demon? Really?"

She picked it up, handing it to me.

"Come on, try it on."

I grumbled, and went to try it on. I know I said I wouldn't let her pick the outfit, but I couldn't argue with her. I tried it on anyway.

"Angela, why did you give me something with a skirt?"

"Because you're going to see your girlfriend after the party."

She decided I looked good in the outfit and we got it and left.

"How's Eric?"

She smiled, looking at me.

"He's good. Now, I just have to get him to stop drooling whenever"


That made her laugh.

"Relax, and no I haven't told him."

OK, I never suspected that.

"I know that, that guy can't keep anything to himself. Telling him would be a nightmare."

I closed my chemistry book, after finishing my homework. I'm actually starting to like it. Although, the teacher may have something to do with that. My phone beeped with a message, from Angela.

'So, are you excited about the party on Friday?'

It was Tuesday, I really wasn't in the mood to go, but Angela talked me into it. She'd promised to stick close to me, which made me feel better. Eric was happy I was going, and promised to watch out for Mitch.

'Well, seeing as someone is making me go, I guess so.'

'You weren't complaining when we got your outfit.........'

She had to mention that, didn't she?

'You're lucky I'm your best friend, you know that?'

I knew she was only kidding, and that she was only trying to make me feel better.

'Yeah, yeah. I'm the only one who knows your dating your chemistry teacher, remember?'

Now, I wasn't worried that she going to tell anyone. So, her saying that didn't really have the effect she wanted it to.

'Yeah, I also know that you would never tell anyone.'

She knew I had a point, and didn't argue.

'Of course I wouldn't, I only suggested that outfit because of where you're going after the party.'

I blushed, thinking about it. It would be fun.

The next morning, my dad mentioned the party.

"So, where is the party?"

I'd already told him everything about this.

"It's at Kevin's dad. Angela and Eric promised to stick close to me, so I'll be around them all the time."

He nodded, not happy that I was going.

"Well, I have to work that night, so if you need anything you know where I am. Oh, and I'm working this evening as well."

I nodded, grabbing my jacket.

"OK, dad."

I left, going to school. I knew he wasn't pleased about the party, but I'd promised Angela that I'd go. Angela picked me, seeing as there was a problem with my truck.

"So, is your dad OK with the party?"

I shrugged as Angela and I walked to chemistry. We stopped outside, and I leaned against the wall.

"Well, he's not completely happy with it. But, I think the fact that you're going is the only reason he's letting me go."

Alice walked by, smiling at us. Angela smiled at her.

"Hey, Ms. Brandon."

"Hey, Angela."

I walked into class, and took out my stuff. I was getting better at this stuff. I started writing the notes, and noticed she was watching me. I smiled at her, and one of the guys went up with a question. There's that nervous twitch again. She answered his question and he walked away. She looked at me, like she was looking for reassurance. The class ended and everyone left. I grabbed my hoodie, pulling it on. I grabbed my book, putting them back in my bag.

"Bella, can I talk to you about something please?"

I looked up from my book, and nodded.

"OK, Ms. Brandon."

Everyone left, and I walked up to her desk.

"Is everything OK?"

She stood up, looking at me.

"Everything's fine. You seem distracted today, are you OK?"

I had been watching her closely, after I noticed her nervous behaviour.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You seem pretty distracted to me. Come on."

The school was empty by now, so there was no danger of anyone seeing us. She led me out to her car. A canary yellow porsche. She noticed me looking and smiled.

"Come on, say it."

I shook my head. I liked it, but yellow? Really?

"No, I like it. But, yellow?"

That made her laugh.

"Yes, yellow. Come on."

We went back to her apartment, and I texted Angela with the address (after asking Alice first) and to cover for me. I'd never been over before and was interested in seeing it. We walked to her apartment, and she opened the door. I followed her in, and i took off my hoodie. She took of her jacket, and got us a drink, leading us over to her sofa. She had a corner unit, and she looked at me, waiting for me to sit next to her. I walked over sitting next to her.

"Now, why are you so distracted? I noticed you watching me while you were working."

I blushed, thinking about that.

"I was just thinking."


I looked at her, not answering her. She shook her head, smiling.

"Yeah, is it the party that's bothering you? You don't want to go?"

"It's not that I don't want to go. I just don't want to run into Mitch, that's all. Angela promised to stay close to me and Eric, her boyfriend, is going to keep an eye out for him."

There's that nervous twitch again. That's the second time today.


I looked at her, confused. I didn't understand why she was apologising. I was the one ranting.

"For what, pixie? I'm the one ranting."

She shook her head, closing her eyes. I wasn't sure if I should move closer, and stayed where I was. She looked at me, and I could tell something had upset her. I wanted to figure out what.

"It's not that Bella, you needed to talk about it. There are things about me, that you don't know. It's difficult for me to talk about. But"

"Hey, don't worry. You tell me what you're comfortable talking about, OK, pixie?"

I knew there was something she wasn't telling me about herself, but I was prepared to wait.

"Bella, I"

"No. Pixie, you tell me what you're comfortable talking about. I don't care how long it takes, as long as you're comfortable. The fact that you're telling me this, tells me that you trust me. And I'm thankful for that,"

She took my hand, gently squeezing it. I kissed the back of her hand, putting our joined hands on the couch in between us.

"You're the first person, that I've felt that I could trust in a long time."

That meant a lot to me. It really did. I really cared about her.

"That means a lot to me, Alice. It really does."

Alice brought me home a little while later. She kissed me, before leaving. I went up to my room, noticing a few messages from Angela.

'Hey, I just got home. Sorry, I didn't notice your messages.'

I sat on my bed, smiling.

'Yeah, yeah. So, you ignore me to do who knows what with Ms. Brandon? That's great.'

I swear, if she had been next to me, I would have smacked her.

'Yeah, yeah. We just talked, that's all. You ready for the party tomorrow?'

'You're not going to distract me that easily, you know. So, how are things between you and your girlfriend?'

'Fine. Are you ready for the party?'

She was trying to annoy me, but I wasn't going to let her know it was bothering me.

'Yeah, I am. Don't worry, I'm not going to let you out of my sight.'

My dad left on Friday evening, after lecturing me about the party. I ran upstairs to get ready, thinking that I would rather go straight to Alice's. But, Angela would never let me forget it. I was just about ready, when Angela arrived. We went to the party, and met Eric there. He was pleased to see us, and hugged Angela. We started talking, and a few hours later, I went to the bathroom. There was music playing and I hadn't seen Mitch anywhere. We were standing in the hallway. I told Angela, and told her to stay where she was. She could see the bathroom, from where she was standing. People had started to leave a little while before, and I was getting ready to leave.

I closed the door, and turned around. It was odd that I hadn't seen Mitch. I was leaning against the door, and stood up. The door started to open behind me. Kevin didn't have any locks on the bathrooms door. Something I had forgotten about. Mitch walked in, looking at me. The look in his eyes scared me. I was scared of what he was going to do.

"What are you doing here?"

He laughed, still blocking the door. I tried to stay calm, but it wasn't exactly working. I was afraid of what he would do.

"You've been avoiding me."

I didn't say anything, but that didn't stop him.

"I heard that you're gay, is it true?"

He took my silence as a yes.

"So, you dump me and you're gay?"

Oh now he was pissed off. He grabbed me, slamming me against the wall. He tried to kiss me. I regretted wearing that skirt. He threw me onto the floor, looking down at me. I knelt down next to me, grabbing me. I could feel his hand on my thigh, going higher. I wished I had asked Angela to wait outside the bathroom for me. I tried to fight him off, but he slapped me.

"Fight, and this will be "

The door opened, and Angela walked in. When she seen what had happened, she started screaming for Eric, who ran in. He dragged Mitch off of me, and started beating the crap out of him. The hall was pretty much empty, but I could still hear music.

Mitch was dragged out, and Angela came over to me.

"I'm so sorry, I should have followed you."

Eric was still beating the crap out of Mitch, who was putting up a considerable fight.

"I'm gonna call your dad, Bella."

I didn't even hear Angela, I was in shock. She grabbed my phone out of my bag, which was on the counter. I don't remember her talking to him, but I do remember when he arrived. Mitch was arrested and he came over to me.

"I knew I should have made you stay home."

My dad brought Angela and I back home. She had made it clear that she wasn't going anywhere. My dad walked in with us. He had to ask me what happened, and he eventually got me to tell him. He stayed that night, and so did Angela. She slept on the floor of my room, well she slept a little, I kept waking up. She was there, ever time I woke up. I can't believe he tried to do that. I'd been having a good time and I was looking forward to.......... Oh no. Alice. I was supposed to go over, she must be so worried.

I got up the next morning, and had my second shower in less than twelve hours. I went back into my room, and saw Angela on the bed. I looked at my phone, which was on my desk.

"I was thinking about calling her. But, she'll want to come over."

That was what I needed, at that moment.

"That's what I needed right now, Angela."

She nodded, standing up, She was very careful, with her movements. And she never turned her back to me.

"OK, do you want to stay here or go downstairs?"

My dad had left to go sort out the case with Mitch. He didn't want to leave, but Angela could see him hovering was making things worse, so he left.

"I'm going downstairs."

Angela nodded, and picked up my phone.

She walked downstairs, holding my phone.

"She was leaving, as we spoke. Something about how she should have talked you out of going to the party."

Angela and Alice, (other than my dad and Eric), were the only people I felt comfortable to be around. All I wanted was to see my pixie.

10 minutes later there was a knock on the door. Angela got up, and walked over to the door. She had been sitting in the armchair, close but not to close. She opened the door, and I could hear them talking. Angela walked into the kitchen, leaving me alone with Alice. Alice walked in, sitting on the armchair that Angela had been sitting in.

She didn't say anything, she just looked at me. She looked extremely upset. I looked at her.

"Alice, you're 1 of 4 people that I can be around. And you can come closer."

She didn't seem to think I meant it, and stayed where she was.

"Alice, I mean it. Come here."

She sighed, and sat on the couch. There was still some distance, but she was close.

"Bella, I"

"You were right. I shouldn't have gone to that party. I should done what I wanted to and gone over to you."

She didn't say anything, she just looked at me.

"Bella, I know. But, this is NOT your fault. OK?"

I looked away, but as she said that, it made me look at her. The look on her face, told there was something she was hiding. I wanted her to come closer, I didn't want her to start being afraid to touch me.

"Can you just come closer, pixie?"

Alice sighed, looking away. She ran her hand through her short hair.

"There's something I need to tell you, Bella. It's why I getting nervous around guys."

I didn't say anything, and she continued.

"What do you know about Mitch's cousin Chase?"

No, that can't be right. That can't have happened to her.

"No, that can't"

"That was me, Bella. That's why I get so nervous. But, when I'm around you, I don't. I know that day in class, I did. But that was, because I was nervous about what you were going to say. It's also why I don't like a lot of close contact. Normally, I couldn't handle the way we're sitting on the couch, but with you, it feels OK."

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