Divergent without war

By Kiitten24

819 17 2

Tris and the squad live the lives the way they should've had before the war. Everyone is alive except for Al... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

65 1 0
By Kiitten24

Tris POV

It's 7 in the morning which gives me time to take a shower and make breakfast for me and Tobias so I hop in the shower quickly and when I got out, I still see Tobias still asleep and it's only 7:15. Good gives me time to make breakfast after I put my clothes on.

After breakfast is made, I go back into the bedroom where Tobias is still sleeping and I take a second to raw his appearance in. He looks younger when he's asleep, his crooked nose, fairly tan skin and curly light brown hair all messy and I smile. This man is in love with me and I'm deeply in love with him.

"You know it's creepy to watch a person sleep," Tobias says groggily and I squeal.
"I thought you were asleep!" I said and he smiles as he sits up "morning babe, I made breakfast, you have 20 minutes to get ready and eat,"
"How long have you've been up?" He asks
"Since 7," I said "I took a shower and made us breakfast so of you want time for breakfast,"
"Yes ma'am," he says and I smile and let him get ready.

Four POV

As soon as we washed the last plate, me and Tris walked to the training rooms where we see all the initiates took our warning serious and seems like we have all six here. Heh six, Tris' nickname Six.
Man I need to get my head out of the clouds.

"Good morning initiates," I said "today we are gonna talk more about what your going to do to stay in dauntless and then we'll show you how to use a gun,"

Tris POV
I watch the initiates look at Four as he talks and then he's quiet.
"Six would you like to explain how initiation is," Tobias says and I nod.
"Listen up, ten of you guys will make it here in Dauntless," I said
"What? That's not fair!" Joey complains
"You really want to talk to me about what's fair? You chose us so we get to choose you," I said "look there could be a chance of all you making it and four dauntless-borns stay or four of you guys and all the dauntless-borns stay. That's why you have to try, we rank you by how how much effort you put in,"
"Rank?" Cassie says "what do you mean?"
"At the end of every stage you get ranked by how well you do, like Six says we rank you by how much effort you put in," Tobias says "the lowest ranking initiate will be leaving us,"
"To do what?" Marcel speaks up
"There's no going back to your families so you live with the factionless," I said and I see the fear in their eyes. "Here in dauntless, there are 3 stages, stage one is primarily physical where we test you in hand to hand combat moves, second stage is emotional where we test how you control fears and the last stage is the final stage where you're tested on how you control all your fears in one landscape,"
"These stages are not weighted equally in determining your final so it's possible, though difficult to drastically improve your rank over time," Tobias chimes in "we believe that preparation eradicated cowardice, which we define as the failure to act in the midst of fear, therefore each stage is intended to prepare you in a different way."
"As what Four said when we walked in, today we are going to teach you how to shoot and aim with a gun," I said "so if you pay attention to Four as he demonstrates, you'll get what to do,"

Tobias takes the gun that's near him and loads it and shoots three times at the board dead center then places the gun down.
"Grab a gun and a target and start practicing now," I ordered and everyone grabs a gun and starts shooting.

** 2 hours later **

It's been a couple hours and only a couple of initiates hit the targets. Aaron Anna and Joey are the only ones hitting the board. Only Marcel Hannah and Cassie are struggling so me and Tobias went to help them.
I help Marcel first while Tobias helps Cassie.

"Your stance needs to be better," I said "here look at me,"
I take his gun, I slightly spread my legs then I lift my gun, squint then I shoot, hitting the center.
"You're a little too off to the left, try squinting with your left eye then a deep breath in then shoot on the way out," I said and he nods
"Thank you," he says and I nod. I see that Hannah was listening and she got better.
"Good job Hannah," I said and she smiles. I look up and I see Cassie still failing after what Tobias tries to teach her and I look up at the clock, ten minutes till lunch time.

"Everything okay?" I said to Tobias says and he smiles slightly
"She's still not getting the use of it," he says and I nod
"Cassie your legs need to be separated more and stop acting like your afraid of the gun," I said
"Why are you teaching how to use a gun? It's not like we'll ever gonna use it," she complains and then I take her gun and aimed it at the target and shot three times without looking
"Using a gun in Dauntless is an essential, you'll need a gun to protect yourself from whatever bad happens so you won't pee your pants for your mother," I said then I handed her gun back "feet separated, squint, deep breath in squint and aim breath out and shoot,"

She does as I told her and even though she didn't hit the center, she hits the target board at least.
Me and Tobias hang back for five minutes until he calls it lunch time
"Be back here in an hour," Tobias said and everyone drops their gun and they leave while we check that every gun is here and we unload them.

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