[EXO and you] My EXOtic Cybor...

By janeelleeyy

567K 12K 2.1K

[ YOU and EXO-K fanfiction ] Go Min Jae (you) -Nerd, very friendly but everyone hates her at school because o... More

Chapter 1: life
Chapter 2:Worst day EVER
Chapter 3: The meeting
Chapter 4: EXOtic day
Chapter 5:EXOtic Cleaners
Chapter 6:Darkness
Chapter 7: i felt something..
Chapter 8: EXORPRISE!
Chapter 9:here comes trouble~!
Chapter 10 : to the more beautiful you
Chapter 11: Getting even more Closer..
Chapter 12: Popular NOW..
Chapter 13: New co-workers
Chapter 14:SAVED!
Chapter 15: Dates and EXAMS
Chapter 16:What?!
Chapter 17:Now.
Chapter 18 :Lucky
Chapter 19: thank you
Chapter 20:Moonlight
Chapter 21: OMO..
Chapter 22: all yours
Chapter 24: Promise
Chapter 25: the letter
Chapter 26: 5 signs
Chapter 27: GOTCHAAA
Chapter 28:Plushieeeeee
Chapter 29: one HOT sunny day ~(^3^)~
Chapter 30: 1st sign
Chapter 31: What's your name?
Chapter 32:WOW
Chapter 33: Fun Fun and What?
Chapter 34: I was wrong kekeke
Chapter 35
Chapter 36:Well well well
chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: Awesome way to start the day :)
Chapter 40: E-X-O
Chapter 41: Memories..
Chapter 42: First 6 dates [PART 1]
Chapter 43: First 6 dates [PART 2]
Chapter 44:First 6 dates [PART 3]
Chapter 45: This is it
Chapter 46: Tears

Chapter 23: You..

10.8K 232 31
By janeelleeyy


You just ran you didn't even know where to go ,You mind was full of questions you couldn't think properly..
Then you slowed down for a bit and saw L walking towards you..

"Hey Min Jae! You alight?"

"*huff* I *huff* I'm ok..*huff*"

"You sure? I was just about to go to your café let's go together!"

"NO. Lets stay here for a while..I kind of don't wanna go there right now.."

"Oookaaayyy let's go to the park"

"Sure! Lets go!"

The two of you sat in a bench near the lake..The weather was good and anytime now you can see the sun set..

"This is nice.."L broke the silence

Then you leaned your head to L's shoulder.. You just couldn't explain what at you felt right now..L smiled and Leaned his head to your head too..You could hear his heartbeat..

"Min Jae..I wanna ask you something.."

"Yep?"you head still on this shoulder

"Ahh.. Never mind.."he rubbed his neck

"Awwwww c'mon what is it?"you head now up and looking at him

"Do you have any relationship with EXO?"

"Oh? Them? They're like very close to my heart..they helped me.."

"Help what?"

"Well I wasn't like this before..I used to wear glasses,messy hair and my life was hell..and like when they came...they mad everything better..or even more..I owe them everything.."you said from the heart

"Waaa just like me.."


"Well when I saw this girl I..changed.."

"Oh? Really? I mean you weren't like this before?"

"Yup.. I usually don't go to our practices..be a playboy and didn't want to do anything right.."

"Waaa! so who's the life changing girl??"

"Shhhh..can't tell you yet*wink*"

(Then the author fainted..)

"How about we grab some ice cream?"

"Hmmm..okay but..your an idol is it ok?"

"I have a disguise"

The both of went to a near to a ice cream parlor..

"Pick Anything you want Min Jae"

"Hmmm..I want..the chocolate mint and strawberry please!"

"Nice! I'll have the chili chocolate and caramel ice cream miss"

"Chili chocolate?? You sure?"

"Of course I am!"

Then the two of you sat

And tasted each others ice cream

"Soo how is it?"he asked

"It's spicy! But at the same time sweet.."you said taking another scoop

"Nice right?"

"Yep super!"

"Oh! just wanna ask..why were you running?"

"I-I just..*sigh* I don't even know.."

"Is something bugging you?"


"May I know what?"

"Hmm..what would you feel if you see your girl with another guy?"

"Oh! That problem? Heh been through that already.."

"Really? Who?"



Hey guys ;)

Just wanna say thank you for reading my story TT.TT

And for those who commented.. ALABYOOO

HAHA enough of the drama..

Classes are already starting tommorow TT.TT

Wanna meet an EXO fan ^^

If anyone wants to talk to me feel free to leave a message ^^

I'll update soon ;))

Love ya!


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