Beyond His beauty & his Charm...

By ScriptStories13

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Karla is just a normal 22 year old girl making a living in NYC . While trying to succeed in getting a her dip... More

Beyond His beauty & his Charm
Beyond His beauty & his Charm chap 2
Beyond His Beauty & His Charm... chap 3
Dreams or Visions
Walk in Central Park
walk in the park part 2
Angels Wings
Angels Wings - Part2
In a Italian Restaurant
If only She Knew!
New teacher is who?????
The truth comes out.
Sparks Fly
caught on the couch!
Introducing Libby
Secret Idenity ... he's a WHAT!
Home sweet Home [part 1]
Home Sweet Home [part2]
Baby Shower [part 1]
Baby Shower [part 2]
Love Bite Under the Moon Light.
Little Zoe
Tied up
The Great Love Guru
The Night Of the Sacrifice.(part1)
The Night Of The Sacrifice (Part 2)
Back to New York
She's Missing
Mangers Office
Johnny's Timber,Cars and Co. [Part 1]
Johnny's Timber,Cars& Co. [ part 2]
At the hopital (chapter 27)
Chapter 28- Still The Same Raph.
The Perfect Distraction
30- Meeting Penelope Walsh
Thank you

In the Mirror In My Dream

4.8K 44 1
By ScriptStories13

I kind of proof read it hahah kinda of haha . anywho enjoyyy and I really hate nina dobrev SHES SOO BEAUTIFUL its unfair 0_0 u no I don’t hate her hate her lol I think shes awesome I love  Vampire Diaries  *cough cough* and IAN  :p they make one good looking couple haha back to the story u may read on :)


To say I felt out of place at the dinner would be an understatement, don’t get me wrong they made me feel welcome and all including me into their conversations here and there Libby talking to me about the usual celebrity gossip not that I fully listened my head was too caught up in what was going to happen with phoenix going all psycho killer – not that he wasn’t before.

 something hit my leg under the table I jumped a little since I was in my train of thought  pushing the last of my uneaten food around I looked up to Leon who was right across from me his eyes looked at mine with concern ‘are you okay?’ he mouthed I nodded with a small smile reassuring him.  

“Thanks Libby that was great” he turned his attention from me and patted her hand she grinned proudly.

“Yes thank you, you are a great cook” I complimented setting down my fork.

“Oh your welcome and 4 years of culinary school really paid of”

“thanks lib” Lesley walked by ruffling her hair she panicked fixing it groaning in the process.

“Just for that, doofus, your washing the dishes!” she shouted to him she collected the plates and glasses heading to the kitchen leaving just me alone with Leon.

“You know I can tell when you’re lying, what’s on your mind?” he asked leaning forward onto his elbows.

“im just, just  worried you know with this whole phoenix ordeal” I looked down fiddling with my ring on my right middle finger.

“Come let’s go in the lounge in front of the fire keep you warm” I nodded standing with him and walking to the couch taking a seat sinking into its pillows. He gracefully sat beside me his knee inches from touching mine this made me shiver. “So what are you worried about?”

I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off “I swear he should be blonde” Libby entered falling onto the couch next to Leon letting out a gush of air. “So Karla where are you from, im sensing you’re not from New York.”

Leon looked annoyed falling into the back of the couch “uh no im from California actually I moved here about 2 years ago” 

“oh my gosh I love California, so what made you move to New York?”

I shifted uneasy with the topic its not something love to talk about that me and my fiancé had our differences and grew apart and with Leon right beside me knowing about the reason just made it that much more uncomfortable so I opted to lie “uh you know after I wanted to get into Directing and photography and New York had the program so I took a risk and moved.”

“Ahhh so you’re into photography and movies?” I nodded “to be honest I wasn’t expect that from a girl like you”

“ a girl like me?” I asked confused.

She smiled “well you’re thin and pretty I was expecting your reason for New York was to become a model or something to do with the fashion industry!” I bit back a laugh that wasn’t me at all I love fashion no doubt just like every girl if I walked past a shoe shop I went straight back gawking at them but model. Oh no not at all.

I chuckled “well I do like fashion as every girl does, but modeling just isn’t me” she nodded.

“But then again you are a very down to earth humble girl , that’s definitely not the quality the models ive worked with possessed.” She joked I laughed with her “im a fashion stylist I work on photo shoots working out outfits for the cover and shoot.”

“that must be fun” she nodded

“I get to meet celebrities so im not complaining though the long hour shifts suck but its worth it all in the end”

CRASH!!! A massive crash sounded from the kitchen and a muffled cuss after all I could see in my head was Lesley underneath piled up pots and pans, quite a funny image if you ask me.

“Oh god what has Lesley done now?” Libby sighed

“I don’t know but im going to find out” Leon stood his hand slightly brushed my knee sending shivers up my spine if it wasn’t his smile or eyes it was his touch.

When he left Libby continued on like nothing interrupted us telling me about the celebrities that personally hired her to style them for an even and how she’s worked with very famous Rachel Zoë. It was a surprise how normal she lived her life considering she’s a vampire, I don’t exactly know what I was expecting but it wasn’t this.

Lesley and Leon emerged from the kitchen after half an hour later.

“Alright well I have a date so I think im going to head out, its was a pleasure seeing you again Karla I shall see you in class!”

“in class?” Libby asked  he turned to her smirking nodding

“im her teacher  in directing and photography class”

“real?” she turned to me astonished I nodded “ well good luck with that”

“hey im not that bad” he frowned at her crossing his arms she just rolled her eyes stand up.

“well im sure Tyler is waiting for me so I think I better be off as well” she walked over pulled me from the couch then embracing me into a warm hug “it was very nice meeting you, im in town for a few days so feel free to give me a call if you need anything or if my brothers are annoying you and ill be over to straighten them out” we pulled apart

“and don’t worry about, you know who, your safe” I nodded thanking her.

“By big brothers” she hugged them both

“thanks for cooking dinner Libby” Leon smiled down at her she was only 5’6 so even I was a tad taller then her. “Tell Tyler I said hi”

“will do” with that and a little wave she was gone in a blink of an eye, I don’t know if ill ever get used to this whole super speed thing. after bidding farewell fist bumping with Leon and hugging me whispering ‘get it girl’ and me rolling my eyes in return Lesley left.

The house completely silent with a few ticks here and there from the clocks and crackling from the fire. “so tomorrow I suggest you get your stuff with a friend or something do not go alone or anything”

“ I  guess I could ask raph” he nodded and it fell silent this was so weird I haven’t sleep at anyone else’s house let alone a guys since my fiancé.

“um  so you know where the kitchen , lounge and your bedroom is” I nodded “ right through that door there is my home office” he pointed to s big  wooden door “ that silver door your probably don’t want to go through it holds my .... Food” aka blood im guessing

“right through that door is just a little closet. And through there is the down stairs bathroom. Follow me”

we walked up the stairs to the landing which looked over the lounge room. “Your room of course, next to yours is a spare room as is the one on the other side then there’s the bathroom but yours is already connected in your room.” He pointed to the double black wooden doors at the end 3 doors down from mine “that is my room so im not too far if anything goes wrong or something..” he trailed off rubbing his neck “uh so im betting your tired from the events of today plus I have some stuff to tell you and possibly show you tomorrow!” I totally forgot today was Friday I hadn’t called to cancel my night out with peter.

“So uh ill leave you to settle in if you need me ill be in my room” he pointed to his door I nodded.

“thank you” I smiled at him gratefully and went into my room shutting the door behind me  I walked over to my coat id been previously wearing pulling out my  cell from the pocket I sat on the edge of the bed. I had a message from peter and a message from raph.

Sighing I called peter first putting the phone to my ear “KARLA!!!! What the hell I’ve been trying to get a hold off you your home phones not answering where are you? We are waiting and ready?” He exclaimed down the phone

“listen peter I have to cancel im sorry”

“why? Are you okay?”

“I uh  Im just not feeling so good right now guess a cold or something”

“damn well I don’t want you coming out if your sick even though I really wanted to hangout” he sighed “well maybe next time then”

“okay, im sorry its short notice”

“its fine just keep warm and rest and ill see you in class”

“will do have fun don’t get too drunk , bye peter”

“bye Karl” the line disconnected I ended the call  next I dialed  raph it went straight to voicemail so I tried her house phone which went to her  answering machine  figuring she’s probably with Dan I gave up trying and fell back onto my back letting out a massive puff of air.

After ten minuets of staring pointlessly at the roof I got up and looked in the closet for pajamas I slipped on a pair of grey loose cotton draw string sweat pants with pink on the side of the leg in black, I put on a white tank top and a black hoodie.

Once comfortable under the covers I drifted to sleep without hesitation. Pitch black was all I saw but then a door opened letting through a bright light which stung my eyes at first I squinted hesitantly walking towards it I didn’t feel threatened so I stepped in my eyes only took seconds to adjust. I was in a hexagon shaped room all the walls were mirror all I could see was I in the middle. The door shut leaving behind just a mirror in its place.

“Hello?” I shouted feeling all the cracks of the mirror for another door but came up with nothing.

“Karla” a soft whisper echoed my name I stopped feeling for a moment it repeated it self.

“Hello?” I waited it whispered again but more clearly it was behind me I snapped around coming face to face with my self but I was in different clothing I was dressed in olden age clothes. I moved my hand around expecting my reflection to move to but it didn’t I looked down and gasped when I saw I wasn’t in the same clothes as my reflection.

“Don’t be afraid” her voice echoed softly I jumped looking up it wasn’t me. But it looked like me.  “I wont bite” she smiled.

“Who are you?” I asked

“patients is virtue, my darling” she told me “come closer” I looked at her unsure “don’t worry I wont hurt you” she spoke so sincere holding her hand out to me this after all was just a dream so I took the risk and stepped closer she smiled nodding letting her hand fall “ my how beautiful you’ve become!” she grinned her eyes scanning my features.

“Do I know you?” I asked her smile fell into a sad mournful one her eyes dropped but then she recomposed her self smiling politely.

“In time you shall know who I am” she paused “how old are you my dear?”

“im twenty two?”

“so grown” she chuckled to herself I was completely lost who was she why wouldn’t she tell me why? “On your 23rd birthday you will have a big decision laid upon you my child, but I trust you’ll make the right one. Right now you may be confused, scared, and helpless. But do not fear darling, Leon will protect you, you’re safe as long as you’re with him”

I frowned “you know Leon, how?”

“We go back many years” she smiled “he’s a great person” I nodded in agreement her face went serious “we haven’t much time, here” she held out a locket with intricate designed in white engraved into the cover a woman’s profile. “it’ll give you some protection, for when you need it” I held out my hand watching as her hand moved through the grass making rippled effects like water and she dropped the locket into my palm closing my fingers around it.

“Be safe my child, in the end it’ll all be okay” her hand merged back into the mirror I pulled my hand back looking at the locket fingering the design. I looked up but she was gone my reflection stood looked as shocked as I, just me she’d disappeared. And slowly so did the room leaving me into darkness.

my eyes by themselves opened slowly I felt surprisingly calm I felt my fist closed  laying on my chest I turned my palm over opening it slowly  nothing was inside I don’t know why but I expected the locket to be there. Sighing deeply I got up and washed my face I walked out of the bedroom dragging my feet lazily across my carpet along the way and went down stairs following the smell of  pancakes to the kitchen where I herd humming.

“Good morning Karla, did you sleep well?” Leon asked flipping pancakes with out turning around or sparing me a glance. I sat on one of the stools at the island watching him.

“Morning, I –kind of” he turned the stove of and turned to face me with a cheery smile

he was obviously a morning person unlike me.

“Pancakes?” he gestured to the pile beside him on the plate I nodded eagerly I was starving. I thanked him when he sat a plate in front of me with orange juice the joined me sitting across the island with just a drink.  After having a few bites I looked up at him reading the papers.

“Leon?” he turned his attention to me putting the papers down


“Umm your sister, she said I looked like someone she used to know?”

His eyes widened “uh yes uh she was a friend of ours” I nodded “I had a feeling you’d be curious” he smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Her name was Isabel she was one of my best friends along with my sister”

“did she?” I asked he looked down his expression somber. He nodded slowly before looking up with glassy eyes was he going to cry? “Im sorry”

“it was along time ago!” I nodded he suddenly stood “Leon?”

“follow me” he motioned with his hand walking out I jumped off the stool rushing to catch up to him. We walked across the lounge room upstairs into his room which was MASSIVE! With a four poster dark wooden king size bed covered in black sheets his walls a dark grey.  On the wall facing the bed was a flat screen TV. He also had a fire place in here and a little lounge area. It was pretty much fit for a prince.

He walked over to two fogged glass doors sliding them open I walked behind him into his study where the were shelves roof to floor of books.  He must love to read. He walked over to one of the shelves “sit on the couch” he glanced over his shoulder I nodded sitting on the black 3 seater couch watching him pull out a big brown leather old looking book and walking over sitting on the coffee table in front of us then sitting next to me.

I looked from him to the book turns out it wasn’t a book in gold letters it read ‘Photography album’ in fancy script writing. “I- Leon you don’t have to” I looked to him he smiled placing his hand over mine which sat on my knee.

“I want to” I nodded he lent forward and opened it flipping through the pages. “That’s her” his pointer her out I lent in and gasped she was just like me. Her hair her eyes her lips everything. “See you look identical that’s why my sister was thrown of guard.”

he flipped over a page it was a picture of him and her at a ball dancing “were you two?”

he laughed “oh no! me and Isabel we were just best friends we never had that attraction infact she was with a human ahh Kevin I think it was” he turned the page the very end “this was the last picture we took together the last picture of us together” I felt my heart race when I saw her her hair put up into a messy styled bun with curls falling out she was wearing a silvery blue dress, in her hair a big blue flower and around her neck, the locket. She looked just as she looked in my dream elegant and beautiful.

I felt my breathing stop my heart race my hand flew over my mouth tears brimmed my eyes. She was real my whole dream was real, but where was the locket? Why did she come to me?

“Karla?” leons muffled voice called like he was miles away even though he was right next to me his hand on my shoulder.

“I-I I saw her?” I stared at her picture her smile just like shed smile at me “I saw her last night she was in my dream” 

“what??”  I turned to him his face had paled his eyes as wide as an owls his hand gripped my shoulder painfully but I could hardly feel it due to being numb and frozen. 



this was planned differently but I was making myself a cup of tea and bam this whole idea came to me id just been going through writers block so I took a break and bam I got this. Hope its okay n u like it.

so I tried to find a song to suit this  chapter but couldn’t find anything  so yer the song doesn’t actually go but whatever it’s a good song ahhah :)  it was the song i was listening to whilst writing the isabell parts!! kinda got me in the sader deeper mood... weird i know hahah  

Song :  Gravity - Sara Bareilles 

I dunno why but I find it scary knowing that thousands of people have read my story :s  haha  don’t get me wrong I love it but it just kinda scares me but encourages me to write more this is the most chapters ive ever done on a story ahaha :]

anywho sorry it was longer then expected the story and the waiting haha <3 <3 much <3 <3  COMMENT , VOTE, RATE, LIKE, FAN do all that fancy stuff I love hearing from you :) xo

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