Moonlit Snake // R.L. Maraude...

By dokyeomdotcom

41.3K 1.4K 383

It was Kelsey's fifth year at Hogwarts, she and her friends were all studying and getting ready for their O.W... More



1.3K 54 14
By dokyeomdotcom





Today was the first Saturday in October, which meant it was also the first trip to Hogsmeade! I was super excited, but sadly Regulas wasn't coming with me. After our fight at the beginning of the term, he and I talked it out and he promised to be nicer to my friends. At least to my face... I knew he bashed them behind my back, but that made him look bad, not me. He wasn't able to come with me today because he said he had some stuff to do, and I decided not to pry. He had been slightly distant lately, but I know he had been getting a lot of Owls from home, so maybe something was going on there. Since he's not coming with me I decided to go down to Hogsmead with James and Sirius and Andromeda. Lily said she would catch up in a bit because she needed to finish an essay for Professor Merrythought, our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

I hurried up and got dressed in my room because I was meeting the boys with Andromeda around nine. I had to drag Andromeda out of bed because she got back late from the Hufflepuff dorms. Even though technically, we aren't allowed in other House dorms, everyone in Hufflepuff loves Andromeda, so they don't care if she's there.

After finally getting her up, I went to try and find where I misplaced my wand, as it was not in my back pocket. I found it poking out from under my pillow, smiling, I grabbed it and put it in my pocket. Making sure I grabbed my purse from my nightstand so that I could buy some food later at The Three Broomsticks.

My wand was 10 inches, walnut with dragon heartstring. I loved it so much. I walked into the bathroom attached to our dorm and put on some light makeup so that the bags under my eyes were less noticeable. Even though I never wear any, the amount of homework and studying I've been doing has been draining me.

Then I reached for the necklace Regulas had given me a couple of weeks ago. I remember how he did it and it makes me smile every time.

"Reg?" I asked, as he had put his hands over my eyes and was leading me somewhere.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Patience Kelsey! We're almost there, just a few more feet." He said.

I heard him move something out of the way, and it sounded like a huge log or something.

"Okay, now you can look."

And when I opened my eyes I was met with the most beautiful sight.

We were on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest far enough away from Hogwarts so no one could see us, but we could see the castle still. Regulas had hung of fairy lights everywhere, with actual fairies inside. They weren't making a fuss like I thought they usually would.

"How did you get real fairies inside?" I asked him, walking up to one of the jars hanging.

"I'm going to let them out right after, don't worry," he laughed a little bit. "What do you think though?"

"It's beautiful." I turned around in a circle taking it all in.

"Not as beautiful as you." He said back and I snorted at his lame pickup line.

"I wanted to bring you here as a small date for us being together for one whole month," he told me and rubbed the back of his neck, a sign for when he was nervous.

I walked towards him and took both his hands.

"This is wonderful," I said kissing his cheek. "Thank you."

"Oh! I have something to give you too." He took a rectangular box out of his pocket, the kind that held earrings or a necklace.

"Turn around." He said and I did.

I felt something cold go around my neck then I heard him clasp it. I felt it and realized it was a heart locket. I turned around to face him and he had gone a bit red.

"I know you got me nothing in return, and I don't care your presence is enough, but I wanted to get you something so if you're ever feeling down," he touched his hand to my face, "you just say the words 'My love' into the locket and something... well marvelous will happen."

I wanted to pry and ask what happened but I just smiled and then jumped on him kissing him until we had to leave. I don't think he was complaining.

I smiled at the memory and put the necklace on. I decided to go to the Great Hall and see if breakfast was still happening, which I was hoping it was.

I waved to some fellow Slytherin's on the way out when I was stopped by a First Year student.

"Excuse me, can you help me?" A girl with long dark curly hair asked me.

I crouched down to her level,

"Of course, sweetie! what's your name?"

"My name is Medusa." She smiled and my eyes widened slightly.

Wow, her parents did that. I thought. That makes sense though with the dark curly hair and the fact she's a Slytherin.

"Well, Medusa, what can I help you with?"

"I can't find my sweetie's common room." She looked down and now I was just confused.

"I'm sorry, your 'sweetie'?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yes! He's a Gryffindor, he and I have been friends since we were little and he's practically my boyfriend. His name is Marcus, but I don't know how to find the Gryffindor common room.

Okay, that makes slightly more sense.

"Well, I'm on the way to the Great Hall, maybe he's there. We aren't allowed in other Houses common rooms or dorms anyway." I explained and she nodded, saddened.

"That's okay, I'll go explore and maybe find him that way!" She said excitedly and zoomed out of the Slytherin common room.

Jesus, who the fuck gave you caffeine?





"Remind me again, why we are doing this? I'm not even of age." I said to Lucius as we continued to climb the steps to the seventh floor.

I was especially annoyed because I should be going to Hogsmeade right about now, or even practicing Quidditch since we have a game next week against Ravenclaw.

"Listen to me Regulas, we have to do this. You want to be noticed by him, don't you? If we can pull this off, which should only take a few weeks, we'll be on his good side! We won't even have to come back to Hogwarts next year!" Lucius said, way more excited than he usually is.

I just sighed, knowing he was right.

"Yeah, alright, lead the way," I said.

We were walking to an abandoned part of the castle on the seventh floor. I don't even know what we are looking for.

"I hope you realize this if Kelsey finds out about our intentions, she's never going to forgive me and I'll have to live with that guilt for the rest of my life," I told Lucius as he paced back and forth in front of a wall.

He simply ignored me and I was about to ask what the actual hell he was doing when I gasped because a door materialized on the wall. He opened it turning to look back at me.

"If we please the Dark Lord, she won't even matter anymore." He said walking through the door and I stood there.

Do what my parents had always hoped for, become a Death Eater, join the dark side, and kill innocent people. Even though I despise my parents for what they did to my brother, and how they treat their peers. Or I become a disgrace like my brother but live happily with Kelsey. I stood there thinking and then made my decision.

I walked in.

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