
By Diabolic_Angel

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When the leaves of The Great Tree of Aultonomerinaia fell, a storm of swords and mana shall arise. More

Chapter 1: Apollo Amadeus Edric Altronov
Chapter 2: A Really Long Way
Chapter 3: Pantavir's Bank
Chapter 5: Trolls and Chickens
Chapter 6: The Sunder Ceremony
Chapter 7: The Envoy of the Evil
Q&A xD
Chapter 8 - The Queen and the Iron Brother

Chapter 4: Lothaurl Alley Madness

228 44 6
By Diabolic_Angel

Drake scanned first the place where he'll buy his school requirements. The whole place seems so normal and "unmagical" for Drake, except for the people dressed in strange clothing and the names of the stores which are really can be found in fictional stories.

Drake eyed the place store after store with amazement. The thin pale boy just stood in his spot for a moment... not until an orange cat came leaping to him.

"Henrik! Come back here!", yelled a fat bloke pertaining to the cat.

"Oh, there you are. I'm so sorry for my cat. He's a bit frightened by a rat we saw earlier.", said the fat boy to Drake while picking up the cat.

"It's alright. I'm fine.", answered Drake.

"I'm really sorry. I should go now, my brother is waiting for me. My name is Rick. See you later! And by the way that's a nice hairstyle.", said the fat boy in a fast manner while running away from Drake.

Drake just smiled to the boy and began to unroll the piece of parchment given by Emily. The list contains a lot of items which are a "little questionable" to a normal human's mind, but after what Drake witnessed the past hours, the uneasiness brought by these things started already to wear off.

He started to read aloud the list of requirements like a Kindergarten student.

"Students going to Trantrumeria Academy of Magic should be able to obtain the items before the departure of the Trantrumeria Academy of Magic School Bus on the first of September at the 69th Station. The items needed are as follows: (book) Sorcery and Its Limits by Anton Satore, (book) The Art of Countercursing and Defensive Spells by Luis Van Rhygard, (book) Potion Making and Its Importance by Mereana Heartfig, (book) Magical and Mythological Creatures Encyclopedia by Mereana Heartfig, (book) Wizarding History Explained by Pountery Blick, (book) Basic Spells for First Years in the World of Magic by Luis Van Rhygard, 3 school cloaks, 1 dress cloak, 1 wand seed, 1 medium sized cauldron, 1 ladle, 1 pot (for planting), 3 vials, parchment papers, quill, ink...", said Drake while he tousle his hair because of frustration of what he should buy first.

The list is filled of items which Drake do not know if he will need it, but as far as he knew, this new world of him is no extraordinary place so he just started to look for stores who have those items.

"What store sells cloaks?", he asked himself.

He started to read the stores' names that is laid in front of him hoping to find his necessity, "Morgana's Herbs and Magical Plants...Wendelin's Witchcraft Antiques... Aha! Caroline's Cloaks and Coats!"

Drake ran to the said store and gently opened the door. Bells rang after he pushed the wooden door. Not after a minute he stepped inside the store, an old lady came springing in front of him.

"Looking for anything, my dear?", said the old lady which Drake assumed as the owner of the store.

"I will buy school cloaks and a dress cloak please.", said Drake in a polite manner.

"Oh! What school, young lad?", questioned the lady.

"Trantrumeria", said Drake in a monotone while he sighted the walls of the store with amazement.

"Trantrumeria? Oh! I still remember the day I stepped in its grounds; the first day I learned magic...", said the old woman.

The old lady still spoke about her days reminiscing sweet memories, but Drake didn't hear what the old lady is talking about for Drake is fascinated at the structure of the store. The image of a beastly creature holding a stem of thorns is painted on the high ceiling of the store. Colorful birds in cages chirped cheerfully with each other.

"This is incredible.", Drake muttered to himself.

However, what's more fascinating is how furnitures moved by itself. Even Drake was exposed already to many "magical encounters" or what Drake thought to be "craziness", moving furnitures are just too much to bear.

"This is no good. I'm drooling over things again, which is not that good to see, I think.", Drake thought to himself. His "self-to-self" conversation was interrupted by a deep, rough voice.

"Hey you kid! What are you looking at?", scowled the table who is now cleaning itself.

After hearing such words, he finally came back to his senses and gasped because of shock.

"Lignum! Please be nice to our customers!", exclaimed the old woman to the table in a "how-many-times-I-told-you" tone.

"Sorry for that young lad. As I was saying, the most unforgetta..."

The old woman's speech was cut by Drake's words.

"Uhmm... Excuse me, can I already buy cloaks for my school because it'll be a long day I think.", said Drake softly.

"Oh! I was just thinking of that, how about this...", said the old woman.

* * * * *

"Cloaks-bought; parchment- bought; quill- bought; ink-bought; 6 books- all bought; cauldron and ladle- bought; vials- bought; pot- bought; I think the wand seed is the only requirement I lack.", Drake said to himself.

"Where should I buy wands? Hmm... I'm through with Lilia's Library, Helga's Handicraft and Sorcery Materials, Peter's Poisoned Potions and Carolina's Cloaks and Coats...Hmmm... Pandora's Pastilles and Sweets--- I think I'll take a look later... Yeah, That's it!", Drake exclaimed while walking towards a store.

Drake pushed the wooden door with a small tree carved on the center and just like the other stores, a bell rang after he entered the store.

"Welcome to the Broken Glass Wands!", greeted an old man. "Looks like a boy will have his first grip on his wand.", he added.

"Yes, I will get a wand for myself because I will attend the Trantrumeria Academy of Magic.", Drake answered.

"Brilliant!", exclaimed the old man. "Follow me.", the old man added.

The old man lead Drake to a dark tunnel where torches are only the source of light. The path where the old man and Drake walked is a bit of strange and grim. Yellow bricks covered in moss are what the path is composed of. Upon reaching the end of the path there stood a silver metal door with an embossed image of a tree similar to that in the front door of the store.

The old man withdrew his wand from his pocket while Drake heard a flow of water nearby. The young boy cannot contain more the curiousity and asked the old man.

"What's behind that door?", asked Drake.

"You'll see.", said the old man.

The old man stood straight, wand pointed at the door and said, " Recludus Cetus!" And the door swung open revealing a "paradise-like" garden.

A small stream flows through the edge the edge of the garden where a very small doe is drinking. Birds chirping, wolves howling and snakes hissing are just some sounds you can hear from this garden. Small trees and plants and small mountains are scattered allover the garden. Small animals ran and jumped across the green pasture. It is like a little rainforest at a hidden place.

"Why are things in here are small?", asked Drake.

"This is the Garden of Eve and Adam. Great wizards contained all these creatures for the security of the Everlasting Tree.", answered the old man.

"Everlasting Tree?", said Drake and just to his surprise, a big tree was standing on the center of the garden which he didn't noticed earlier. The big tree is surrounded with mountainous land forms and in front of the tree rests a flat stone with another tree carved onto it.

"Anyone who dare to get near by the tree without permission will be executed by these animals.", said the old man firmly.

"Seriously? These animals?", interrogated Drake.

"Yes. They are viscious.", said the old man.

"Okay... How can I get a wand?", asked Drake still confused what the old man meant about the animals.

"Do you already got yourself a pot?", asked the old man.

"Yes.", answered Drake. "But how can I get a wand?"

"Using this.", said the old man while holding a needle.

"How can I...", Drake wasn't able to finish what he was saying because the old man already grabbed his right hand and pierced his thumb with the needle.

"Ouch, that hurts!", exclaimed Drake.

"It's the only way.", said the old man. "Quick, drop your blood on that stone in front of the tree.", he added.

Drake did what the old man has said. A short moment after he dropped his blood, his blood seemed to magically multiply and filled up the tree carving on the stone. Then the blood flowed to the roots of the tree. And after a short moment, a seed dropped from the tree.

The old man immediately picked up the seed and handed it to Drake.

"Plant this on your pot and soak this on that stream.", said the old man while pointing the stream the flowed at the edges of the garden.

Drake did so, and was surprised when he approached the water and saw his reflection.

"What happened to my hair?", exclaimed Drake.

"I thought that's the real nature of your hair so I didn't bothered to let you know. But it seems that you are a victim of the Hair Stiffening Jinx.", said the old man while laughing.

"How can I take it back to normal?", asked Drake.

"It's effect will wore off after a couple of hours so don't worry.", stated the old man. "Now, soak you pot in the water.", he added.

"That bipolar girl! He did this to me!", exclaimed Drake while drowning his pot in the stream.

"Now take it off the stream.", ordered the old man.

Drake was surprised for seeing a small woody plant standing in his pot. It was just like minutes after he planted the seed.

"Drake how did it grow that fast?", said Drake to the old man.

"It's the power of the Everlasting Tree. Now, put it on the ground.", said the old man.

Drake quickly followed the old man's order and stood away from the pot.

The old man withdrew again his wand and shouted "Plures Baccillum!" Red sparks shooted from the tip of the wand and a booming sound can be heard. A lump of smoke lurked at the spot where the potted plant for a minute. The pot and the plant is nowhere to be found after it was struck by the spell. There rested a stick which the old man picked and handed to Drake.

"This is your wand young, lad."

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