Bad Decisions - (Book 1) COMP...

By Emmalovesari

3.2K 274 11

Ariana Grande was living in Australia but then got found on youtube so she move to Los Angeles and met Roshon... More

The start of something new
This could be love
Ex boyfriends :(
In the studio
I still love you
I'm sorry
Everyone's together again
Date night
where am I
I wanna go home
We miss you
Why are you here (Part 1)
Why are you here (Part 2)
Mysterious stranger
Finding out
What are you up to- Part 1
What are you up to - part 2
The reception
What's up with Luke?
Noah Brooks
The surprise
Where's Noah
Back to normal
My Wedding Day
Its up
New story

The kiss

96 7 0
By Emmalovesari

It had been 2 days since the fight Roshon and I had. I tried contacting him but he hasn't answered any of my texts or calls. On the other hand, Jai and I have been back to our old selves and I'm loving it. I've really missed him and knowing that he moved halfway around the world for me is so crazy but so sweet. I just need to find a way to get Roshon and I on good terms. But how?

Jai was upstairs in our room sleeping so I thought I should try calling Roshon again before he woke up.

Roshon- hello

Me - oh my god you finally answered I'm really sorry about everything and we really need to talk and sort things out I miss you

Roshon - I don't know

Me - please I really liked our friendship

Roshon - okay where do you wanna meet

Me - let's meet at Starbucks in half an hour

Roshon - okay see you soon

Me - bye and thank you

I hung up and went upstairs to get dressed. It was 9:00am and I was meeting him in half an hour. Just as I was taking my top off I heard Jai moaning. "Hey your awake" I smiled at him. "Mmm good morning princess" I laughed at his morning voice, but it sounded really good. "What's so funny" he tilted his head. "You're just so cute" I let out a small giggle. "So why can I only see your bra and no shirt, not that I'm complaining but why" he winced at me. "I was in the middle of changing when you woke up." I smiled at him. "Come here" I walked over to him and he pulled my in bed with him. "Stay here with me I miss you." I laughed. "Jai you've seen me for the past 4 days." He smiled at me. "Not while I've been sleeping I haven't" I have him a light kiss on the lips. "I love you" I said. "I love you more. Please stay with me." He begged. "I can't, I'm meeting someone" he tilted his head. "Who would you rather see this early in the morning, than your sexy shirtless boyfriend" I laughed so hard. "I wanna stay here with you babe but I can't, I'll be back at 10:30 maybe a little earlier." Jai frowned and squeezed me before letting me go. "Hurry back I can't live without you" he was acting so cute, cuter than he was when we were going out before. Maybe he really did miss me. "Of course I can't either but it will just be for like an hour, trust me you will live." I giggled and went to find a shirt. "Why don't you wear that black crop top with those denim high waisted shorts" Jai loved when I wore clothing that showed a lot of skin so of course I said yes. I put on my black high top converse and went downstairs where Jai was watching TV. I went over to him to hug and kiss him goodbye. "Be back as soon as possible princess, Ill miss you" he gave me one last kiss and I walked out the door.

When I arrived at Starbucks, I could see Roshon sitting at a booth in the corner. I walked over to him and gave him a hug. "So will you tell me why you got so upset with me." I asked. He looked down at the table. "Well to be honest with you, I was jealous because I really like you and I was going to ask you something but it doesn't matter anymore." He replied still staring at the table. I knew what he wanted to ask me so I just skipped it. "I know you like me and I liked you too but now I'm back with Jai and I really love him, I'm sos sorry but I still want us to be close friends" he looked into my eyes and was leaning forward. I didn't move but his lips suddenly touched mine. I was so shocked and as soon as I realised he was kissing me, I pulled away. "I'm sorry Ari Your just really beautiful and I guess it was just in the moment." I was speechless. "Please say something" he said. "Ummm I... I'll call you later I gotta go." I ran out of Starbucks and went straight back home.

As I opened the door I ran over to Jai to find him coming downstairs. I hugged him really tight and tears started running down my face. "Oh my god babe what's wrong" he asked. "I have to tell you something but you have to promise me you won't do anything stupid." He nodded his head. "Well I went to meet Roshon so we could work everything out but then he.." I paused not knowing if I should tell him or not. "What did he do princess" Jai looked worried and angry at the same time like he knew I was going to say something bad. "He kissed me" I knew I shouldn't have said it. His eyes were getting glassy and he tightened his fists. "I'm gonna hurt him" I tried to calm him down. "Jai please don't hurt him" he looked the angriest I've ever seen him. "Do you like this guy or something, would you rather be with him than me." I was shocked at what he said. "Jai of course don't want to be with him I love you not him I just don't want either of you getting in trouble." He looked at me and his anger went away. It seemed like he was going to cry. "Thank You for telling me babe, I love you." I pulled him in for a hug. "I love you too."

A couple of hours later Jai and I were on the lounge watching TV when my phone vibrated. "It's not him is it" Jai asked. "No it's Alexis" he turned back to the TV "good" he mumbled.

Alexis -
Hey gurl I wanted to come and visit you today is that cool? Xx

Me -
Oh my god I would love that, Jai is here too btw. Xx

Alexis -
Oh cool I miss you guys I can't wait to see you both, when should I come.

Me -
You can come now if you like I'll text you the address. Xx

Alexis -
Okay see you soon babe xx

Me -
Bye bestie xx

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