Man Of My Dreams

By elisereeves

133K 4.8K 339

~He was gorgeous, his voice was angelic, he was the man of my dreams. She was beautiful, my little nerd, the... More

Chapter 1: He Was Gorgeous
Chapter 2: She Was Beautiful
Chapter 3: Sweetheart
Chapter 4: Move That Dope
Chapter5: Daddy!
Chapter 6: Sweaty & Sweet
Chanted 7: Disgusting but Sweet
Chapter 8: Phenomenal
Chapter 9: Making Me Feel All Special
Chapter 10: Sweetest Sight
Chapter 11: Seeing More Of Eachother
Chapter 13: Daddy A
Chapter 14: Breakfast Date?

Chapter 12: Princess

6.5K 290 41
By elisereeves

Aaron's P.O.V.

Following baby girl to her room was something else. Watching her thick behind sway as she walked was a sight to see. The twins surprisingly were energetic , usually when I just get out of the bath I'm ready to wind down and sleep but I guess that's kids for you. Once inside sweethearts room I noticed it reflected her perfectly, a true princess . While I was taking in my surroundings it seemed like the twins and baby girl had already made themselves situated . RJ was in between Drew's thick thighs on her bed while SJ was off to the side messing with his hair, I could tell he was fighting off his sleep. " So sweetness what's on the agenda?" I asked standing in front of her. She looked me up and down slowly while nibbling on her plump pink bottom lip. "What can you do? " she responded with a slight teasing tone. Hmm. I like her teasing side maybe I can get some more of this side out of her and break her shell around me. " Ha ha ha I hope you know I do have younger cousins I had to get ready for church back in the day. " I retorted. " Mhmm since you know what you doing get on over there and see what you can do with SJ hair. " She didn't have to tell me twice I kicked of my shoes and slide on the bed while picking up SJ up and sitting him down in front of me. Grabbing a rat tail comb, wide tooth comb, grease, rubber bands, and some edge control. Now to see what we working with. Finally deciding to just braid his hair I got to work. It only took about 20 minutes manly because little man kept moving. Looking over at baby girl she was still working hard on RJ'S hair. "Lil' mama you want me to put SJ to bed for you" she answered quietly "Um no he won't sleep unless RJ's in the room with him, but I really need him to sleep it's already pushing 8:30. " she finished off in almost a whisper to herself. There she go with that shyness again. "Aye look lil' mama I got you " I said sliding more up onto the bed taking SJ with me I lied down on my back and put him on my chest . He fought a bit but I rubbed and patted his back until he calmed down. Man I can't wait to have kids , I live for this moment right here. Alot of people are like you're 24, you're young, good looking , and talented what's the rush. Ain't no rush I just know what I want and it's not to be chasing after every shorty that run my way until I'm 35. Looking down I could see that SJ was still fighting off his sleep . Thinking of what I could do to help him sleep I remembered I use to hum to my baby cousin when she was fussy and she went strait to sleep. I hummed hush little baby don't you cry. And just like that he was out like a light. Closing my eyes I relaxed a bit more and for good measure I kept rubbing his back . Feeling baby girl move around I opened my eyes and saw that she had laid down with RJ on her chest and was patting and rubbing her back like I did SJ. I stared at her for awhile , I knew she could feel me staring because she turned her head slightly so her hair would fall like a curtain around her face. I couldn't help it she was just so beautiful, and her having and holding RJ like that is just so sexy too me. Motherly instincts on her just looks so appling. I hope the mother of my children have that motherly instinct like her. Come to think about it I actually wouldn't mind her being the mother of my children.

Drew's P.O.V.

He's staring again. Not that I mind it all that much. I quietly asked if he could stop staring at me. " Now princess why would I deny myself the pleasure of looking at a beautiful sight such as yourself?" My cheeks are getting hot, I'm pretty sure I look like a tomato, and theres nothing attractive about looking like a tomato. I turned my head. Aaron grabbed my chin in between his thumb and pointer finger. " Don't ever turn away from me . You're beautiful , and your blush is adorable as well as sexy." He said chuckling towards the end. I'm pretty sure I resemble a fire truck. Careful not wake RJ up , I covered my face with both hands. " Ah ah ah nope baby girl first thing on my agenda is to get you not so shy around me. You're dang near perfect in my eyes baby." He said all while pulling my hands from my face. He leaned in and pressed a slightly long kiss to my forehead. He carefully slide closer to me being mindful of the babies. Putting his arm around me he relaxed even more while closing his eyes. As if he didn't just give me a mini heart attack. I slowly slipped into unconsciousness.


(Alana, Aaron's mom)

" Look Alana I told you that your son was going to be my son-in-law" I heard someone giggle lowely. And I'm pretty sure it's my mommy. I groaned and turned my head to where my mother and I assume Mrs. Alana (Aaron's mother) was being careful of RJ. " Maaaa" I groaned out lowely. " Girl hush up, you and son-in-law in here booed up, with the kids like y'all one big happy family. Wake up Aaron it's almost 11 and they have to head back so they won't get home to late. Oh and guess what Aaron will be starting at your college soon" she said with a knowing look as I tried to hide my smile. I noticed Mrs. Alana was slightly behind my mama laughing. They turned to walk out and Mrs. Alana turned when she got to the door looking as if she wanted to say something. " See you later daughter-in-law." She winked and laughed loudly as she walked out. I groaned inwardly not her too. I jumped when I turned my head to look at Aaron. Aaron muscle head behind was staring right at me. I punched him in his chest and whisper yelled " Your muscle headed behind scared the life out of me, don't do that again!" He rubbed his chest while laughing and coughing. " Noted lil' mama , dang you got one heck of a punch once again." "You stop giving me reasons to hit you and you won't get hurt" I said in a teasing tone, with a slight smirk on my face.

Hey you guys! Alexis here, I haven't been on here in awhile which I'm pretty sure you guys have noticed. Mainly b/c me and my boyfriend broke up about 6 maybe 7 months ago. I had been battling slight depression for awhile and I had to find my light again. I hope you all can understand.
Happy Holidays xoxo!

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