time's up. | yoonmin

De bananaxmania

795K 51.5K 36K

Every second counts. Mai multe

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67K 2.6K 2.8K
De bananaxmania

"Happy birthday, Jimin," Mr. Park shook Jimin's arm lightly, trying to wake his son.

"Gah~" Jimin groaned rolling on his side and faced his father.

"You'll be okay, Jimin," Mr. Park said as Mrs. Park walked into the room holding a plate full of pancakes, which she carefully placed them down on the bedside table.

Jimin sat up and smiled at his parents. "Thank you," Jimin said quietly, rubbing his eyes gently to wake himself up more.

"Well, are you going to look at your wrist?" Mrs. Park asked with a slight frown appearing on her face.

Jimin sighed, slowly rolling up his sleeve. He closed his eyes tightly and held out his left wrist for his parents to look at.

A gasp escaped Mrs. Park's mouth while Mr. Park just stared at Jimin's wrist. "Jimin..."

Jimin nervously opened his eyes and looked down at his wrist.


"You're going-" Mrs. Park smiled as she began to cry happy tears.

"Mom, I'll give you some of my years!" Jimin exclaimed as he looked at his mother's wrist seeing she only had a month to live.

"Fifty years!" Mr. Park shouted. "How come he gets more years than us!" Mr. Park was jealous of his son while Mrs. Park couldn't be happier.

Mr. Park held his hand up high, about to smack Jimin. "You little piece-"

Jimin jerked awaked from his sleep and sighed. Today was the day he would find out how long he had to live. It could be a few seconds, a few hours, or maybe even years.

Unlike his dream, his parents were not there to wake him up with a delightful meal or say happy birthday.

Jimin reached over and grabbed the picture frame off his bedside table; a picture of his family.

He gently ran his finger over his mother's figure. "I miss you," Jimin mumbled with another sigh.

"Happy birthday, Jimin," He told himself and placed the frame back onto the table. Jimin threw the blankets off him then stepped onto the cool wooden floor.

He trudged his way towards the kitchen, making sure not to look at his wrist. He didn't want to know when he was going to die, he was scared.

"Morning," Mr. Park mumbled as he read the newspaper and sipped at his coffee.

"Morning," Jimin sat across from him at the small table.

Mr. Park looked up from the paper and set his now cold coffee down on the table a little too hard since a few drops splattered out of the cup.

"Did you check your wrist, Jimin?" Mr. Park asked, remembering it was Jimin's 20th birthday, the birthday everyone found out the day they would die.

"No," Jimin mumbled, picking up a slice of toast. "I don't want to look at it."

"Well... you should," Mr. Park went back to reading the paper.

"Why so you can steal some of my time?" Jimin glared at his father.

Mr. Park slammed the paper down on the table and stood up. "I'm going out," He grumbled and walked toward the front door, quickly putting his shoes on then left.

"Happy birthday," Jimin said to himself again.

"Thanks, dad,"

"No problem, kiddo,"

Jimin sighed and set the toast back down on the plate not feeling hungry anymore. He slowly rolled up his sleeve, not daring to look down at his wrist.

"One... two... three..." Jimin began to count down, "Four... five." He quickly glanced at his wrist then back up.

His eyebrows furrowed together as he frowned. He didn't want to look back down, he was hoping he only read the numbers wrong.

Jimin slowly looked back down at the small black bolded numbers, he bit his lip hard as he saw the time he had left to live his life.


"Might as well just die now, two months isn't shit," Jimin wiped a tear that was about to escape from his eye.

so basically years/months/days/hours/minutes/seconds oml so much

ok, so this story is going to be based of the movie in time but like the plot is mine ?¿? shdnsjskdk ok

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