Chim - Whole Lotta History

By cryingonthemetro

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
The Epilogue

Chapter 28

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By cryingonthemetro

Chapter 28: Kim’s POV

I opened the door to see Cheryl standing there with a huge bunch of roses in one hand and fiddling with her phone in the other. I raised my eyes at her, ‘You completely lied to me, went to see Emily behind my back and broke my trust on the alcohol and drugs front and you expect everything to be ok just because you brought me roses?’ I yelled. ‘Well you have another thing coming, I had to find out everything from my daughter and I still get the impression that theres something she left out. What exactly happened that night Cheryl? And for once in your life I want the *Ducking* truth! I know that’s hard for you but I atleast deserve that?’ I screamed before turning on my heel and heading into the kitchen.

I grabbed a bottle of wine off the side and downed half its contents before turning back to face Cheryl, ‘Am I not good enough for you? Is that it? What am I doing wrong Cheryl? Because I must be doing something that’s causing you to lie to me and meet up with your ex-*Duck* buddy!’ I screamed. I downed the remainder of the wine bottle and threw it across the room, watching as it hit the wall and smashed on the floor. I stared at the shards of glass that had smashed around Cheryls feet, they kind of represented my heart at the moment, broken into a million little pieces and just like the glass, I wasn’t sure my heart was fixable either. Cheryl was in tears, ‘Kimba, you’re scaring me’ she cried. I turned to her open mouthed, ‘Im scaring you? Well what do you think you are doing everytime you lie to me and rely on drugs, alcohol and suicide attempts to make you *Ducking* happy’ I shouted. ‘You are constantly scaring me Cheryl. With your *Ducking* behaviour’ I screamed. ‘You don’t just scare me though Cheryl. You hurt me and you know what? As much as im scared, the hurt hurts more’ I continued as the tears ran down my cheeks. I grabbed another bottle of wine off the side and poured it into a glass.’Want some’ I offered before taking it back and laughing, ‘Oh sorry, forgot you’re a *Ducking* alcoholic’ I laughed. ‘Kimberley, stop it, you are upsetting me’ Cheryl cried. ‘Yeah well now you know how it feels’ I snapped before downing my glass of wine and pouring another.

I stumbled into the living room and threw myself down on the sofa, I took a swig of my wine before looking up at her, and ‘you know what Cheryl? From now on, I am not letting you back in until you can prove to me that you have changed! I don’t want you tainting our family any longer’ I screamed. ‘But Kimberley’ She cried but I wasn’t listening anymore. ‘Just go and stay with Nicola, from now on our relationship is on my terms. Im fed up of trusting you and having that aswell as my heart broken. You need to sort your life out Cheryl and do it before everyone that you care about leaves. I can’t believe some of the stuff you’ve allowed Kara to see, growing up! She was just a kid, she probably also needs councelling because of her own *Ducking* mother, no wonder shes turned out the way she has’ I screamed.

‘Kimberley im sorry’ Cheryl screamed before going in to hug me. I shrugged her off, moving away whilst finishing the second bottle of wine and slamming it onto the table. ‘Just get out and take your *Ducking* roses with you!’ I screamed. ‘I’ll contact you when im ready’ I finished before stumbling up the stairs towards my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I heard the front door close downstairs and looked out the window to see Cheryl walk down the path towards Nicola’s. I then just threw myself onto my bed and cried.

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